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Michelle’s anguish: Obama’s cheating scandal

Michelle's anguish: Obama's cheating scandal

Barack and Michelle Obama’s marriage is under new scrutiny, amid allegations linking him with a younger woman, reports Matthew Denby.

The presidential marriage was rocked by a cheating scandal last week, according to claims published in a US magazine.

A devastated Michelle Obama is reportedly distressed by the allegations her husband Barack spent the night with a sexy campaign worker.

The US president, 48, allegedly spent an evening at a Washington DC hotel with his former national finance director, Vera Baker, 35, during his 2004 Senate campaign, according to an investigation by US magazine Globe.

While Michelle, 46, is publicly standing by her man, according to the magazine she is deeply upset that the allegations finally made it into print last week, after years of hints and innuendo. “She’s beside herself,” a source told Globe.

The meltdown follows allegations that the president’s political opponents have bankrolled attempts to get hold of hotel security tapes and old work emails to shed more light on the pair’s relationship.

But one former employee is already talking. “My assignment was to pick up Vera from a friend’s home in the DC area,” the president’s one-time limo driver told Globe.

“She said she needed to change and asked me to take her to The Hotel George, where I learned later Obama would be spending the night.

“I waited in the lobby while she went to a room to change her outfit – but to the best of my knowledge, she did not have a room at the hotel and she was not staying there, so I thought that was a bit odd.

“Why didn’t she change clothes at her friend’s house, where I picked her up? It didn’t make any sense. “We then went to the airport and picked up Obama. I took him to various locations while he was campaigning for funds. Vera accompanied him to each meeting.

“About 10.30pm, I drove them to The Hotel George and they went in together. She did not ask me to wait or to be taken back to her home. There was no indication she was going to leave the hotel that night.”

For the full story see this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale May 10, 2010.

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Hollywood housekeepers tell all

Hollywood housekeepers tell all

Hoarding, cross-dressing, and a thing for lacy knickers … Stars’ domestic workers come clean about their famous employers’ scandalous secrets.

Behind the closed doors of Brangelina’s ritzy chateau, Hollywood’s golden couple secretly live like hobos.

“It’s actually pretty disgusting,” a source close to their hired help reveals. “There are always pizza boxes everywhere, food left out to spoil, hair dye on the walls – it’s gross!”

And with six kids running wild, it’s no wonder the house looks less than perfect.

Staffers complain that the older boys, Maddox, 8, and Pax, 6, often wage “toothpaste wars” with their younger sisters, Zahara, 5, and Shiloh, 3, leaving a spattered mess all over the bathroom walls, mirrors and floors.

But Angie couldn’t care less. “She’s really big on letting them express their creativity,” the source explains – and that includes free rein to draw on the wallpaper. “They colour in crayon on the walls all the time.”

Worse, while the children are wreaking havoc, Angelina zones out by indulging in her sacred daily ritual: having her bath.

“She demands that the maids draw it at a specific temperature,” notes the source. “She flips out if it isn’t perfect and she freaks if she’s disturbed.”

Brad can’t blame the mess on his kids either, because he’s the biggest slob of them all. Dirty underwear, paintbrushes, cameras and magazines – the staff is always picking up after him.

“Brad’s a pig,” says the source. “And he’s a total hoarder too.” He’s collected so many architectural books, magazines and even pricey artworks by artists like Banksy, Neo Rauch and Jim Hodges that he’s running out of space to store it all.

“Things get shoved in closets, garages and even on the floor,” an insider reveals. “He’s too lazy to go through and organise everything.”

For the full story including the rules in the Cruise household, Britney’s secret stash and Jennifer Aniston’s obsession see this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale May 10, 2010.

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Bob begs Terri: Please let me see Bindi

Bob begs Terri: Please let me see Bindi

Terri refuses to end the feud which has robbed Steve Irwin’s ill dad of his grandkids. Warren Gibbs reports.

Lying in his hospital bed after a near-fatal heart attack, Bob Irwin prayed for a get-well visit from his grandkids, Bindi and Robert.

Six weeks later, the 70-year-old animal crusader is still waiting to see Steve’s children.

Bob’s dramatic brush with death was seen by close friends as the catalyst to finally end the bitter family feud between Bob and his daughter-in-law, Terri, but instead, it has only widened the divide.

He hasn’t seen Bindi, 11, and six-year-old Robert in the past 18 months, even though their home at Australia Zoo is just a comfortable two-hour drive from Bob’s own wildlife sanctuary.

“I haven’t heard from them and it is sad, but that’s a part of life I guess,” he told Brisbane’s Sunday Mail. “Of course I’d like to see them but [the rift with Terri] hasn’t been resolved.”

The last time Bob spent time with his grandchildren was at the Steve Irwin Day celebrations on November 15, 2008.

Close friends say Steve “would be turning in his grave” if he knew his kids were growing up without the loving friendship and influence of his dad.

“This wouldn’t be happening in a million years if he were still alive. Family meant the world to Steve,” says one friend.

With Terri’s father, Clarence Raines, passing away last year, it means Bindi and Robert have been left without a proper father figure – and that pains Bob.

After Steve’s death, Bob and Terry had a difference of opinion over the direction of the zoo. Amid heated arguments and claims Terri banned him from the zoo he founded, Bob resigned and set up a new “natural” sanctuary near Kingaroy in Queensland.

More than anyone else, Bob knows full well how tragedy can strike at any time. He lost his first wife, Lynn, in a car accident in 2000, and his son and best mate, Steve, to a stingray barb in 2006.

It was only due to the quick-thinking actions of his second wife, Judy, that Bob survived this heart attack – reminding him once again of the fragility of life. He longed to see Bindi, who celebrates her 12th birthday in two months, and Robert, who not only looks like Steve, but shares the same quirky mannerisms.

Bob knew the grandkids were on the other side of the world travelling the US with their mum when he was rushed to hospital, but he hoped that, on their return, they would finally visit him and Judy on their property.

For the full story see this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale May 10, 2010.

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A marriage by name

Image source: Getty - posed by model

Image source: Getty - posed by model

I had an arranged marriage in 2004. It was a marriage where my mum chose my husband for me and I was just expected to turn up for the wedding.

My mum had been very hard on me throughout my life and I wanted her to love me – I wanted her approval so badly. So thinking that it would make her finally approve of me, I agreed to the arranged marriage.

It has been almost six years. No one except my husband and I know why I still do not have a baby yet. The truth is my marriage remains unconsummated.

Being strangers, my husband and I were never able to feel that type of passion for each other. We have grown to love each other as a brother and a sister and are very loyal to each other.

To the outside world, we successfully pass off as a normal husband and wife. But of course we are struggling to have a baby, albeit for different reasons than most couples in this awful predicament of a childless marriage.

Due to the fact that we do not have an actual marriage, we are forced to go to fertility clinics to find an artificial way to have a baby. I find it heartbreaking to go through the treatments, knowing that if my life had turned out differently all this may not be necessary and I could be enjoying trying for a baby the natural way.

I come from a family where divorces are not allowed and are frowned upon.

I have kept all this pain in my heart and I struggle to sleep at night. I yearn for a baby and the love of a child. Even more, I yearn for a ‘real’ husband. One who can touch me and make me feel loved in a passionate way.

But I have grown to accept the brother that I found in return for the arranged marriage.

My mother does not know how she has ruined my life. I would never want her to know the truth. What makes it worse is that I still live without my mother’s approval today – oh the bitter irony!

Being young, I sacrificed myself, trying to make others happy. By the time I realised my mistake, it was too late.

I love my husband like a sibling and a friend but sometimes when I watch romantic movies, my eyes fill up with tears. If only my life could have been real like other couples.

I am slowly learning to love myself, but sometimes I smile on the outside but cry so deeply within me.

Picture posed by a model.

Your say: Have your say about this true confession below…

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Get on your bike!

Getty Images

Getty Images

If you can swap your car commute for a bike ride to work, you’ll reap a host of health and fitness benefits.

According to a study published in Preventive Medicine, a combination walk-and-cycle commute is linked to an 11 percent decrease in risk of heart disease.

Research reported in the European Journal of Epidemiology has shown that women who cycle for half an hour a day reduce their risk of breast cancer. And a study in the Journal of Occupational Health suggests that cycling to work leads to improved mental health.

Still not convinced? Walking and cycling are the best weight-loss tools you’ll find. Around the world, research shows that people who walk or cycle to work are less likely to be obese; each hour spent driving per day, on the other hand, equates to an increase in your odds of being overweight.

Your say: How do you commute to work? Do you cycle regularly? Share with us below.

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Watch Tomkat perform together on stage

Katie and Tom perform together on stage

If you thought Tom Cruise had all the right moves in Risky Business, his wife Katie Holmes may have just outdone him.

Last weekend the pair got together on stage where Katie performed an, almost, sexy dance while she sang ‘Whatever Lola Wants’ from the musical Damn Yankees to her 47-year-old husband.

Despite his efforts to play the part of a man overcome by a woman’s sultry advances, Tom found it hard to keep a straight face at times.

The performance was all part of the fifth annual “A Fine Romance” benefit held for The Motion Picture & Television Fund on May 1 in Los Angeles.

It has been reported that 31-year-old Katie was given a little guidance from her good friend, US So You Think You Can Dance choreographer Tyce Diorio in preparing for the routine.

Your say: Do you think Katie and Tom work well together on stage? Can Katie pull off the sexy routine? Share your thoughts below.

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Review: *Iron Man 2*

Robert Downey Jr. is back as billionaire industrialist Tony Stark, aka Iron Man.

Robert Downey Jr. is back as billionaire industrialist Tony Stark, aka Iron Man.

Iron Man stood out from other superhero movies by being one of the funniest and more realistic. This hero had no superpowers, just a super metal suit, and he often fumbled his way to victory. And he didn’t hide his identity, instead revelling in the fact he was a rich, eligible bachelor. And in Iron Man 2, director Jon Favreau lays on the star power, comedy and action to avoid the sequel syndrome. And it just about works.

The movie opens with an elderly Russian physicist on his death bed and the revenge wail of his son, Ivan Vanko (Mickey Rourke). It cuts to a wise cracking Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr), who has singlehandedly brought peace to the world, opening his year-long Stark Technology Expo to the blare of AC/DC.

It’s an indulgent act and he is soon palming his way through celebrity friends (watch for the cameos) and is subpoenaed to appear at a Senate hearing where Senator Stern (a funny Garry Shandling) demands Stark hand over his technology to the US Government. He is supported by arms dealer, Justin Hammer (Sam Rockwell) … Don’t you love the character names?

There was apparently a lot of ad libbing in this scene, with Downey Jr quipping his way out of the hearing and into a race car at the Monaco Grand Prix, where he first encounters Vanko, aka Whiplash, who leaves some serious flesh wounds on Iron Man, suddenly exposing his vulnerability. Meanwhile, Stark’s blood toxicity is rising due to the radioactive palladium in the reactor that powers him. Exhausted? This is just the opening.

Tropic Thunder writer Justin Theroux’s witty script delves into different places to other superhero movies. Stark is not just battling Whiplash, but also crooked politicians, the army, and a ruthless corporate competitor. But the real demon Stark faces is his hubris, which is ironic (pardon the pun). At his birthday party he announces how he goes to the bathroom in his iron suit. You can guess the answer.

The problem with Jon Favreau directing his buddies is his reluctance to pull them back. Downey Jr pushes the limits looking for laughs and some of his scenes with assistant Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow) are lively, but Rockwell goes so far over the top they’ll need a search party to find him.

They should have taken more notice of Don Cheadle who plays Lt Colonel James Rhodes straight and believable. Scarlett Johansson also takes a more sincere acting road and is great in her action scenes as the Black Widow (no wonder Gwyneth reportedly resented her casting) with Samuel L Jackson appearing to establish the Avenger’s franchise. Favreau himself plays assistant Happy Hogan.

It’s a pity this franchise goes from self-effacing to self-indulgent, as it tries to outdo the first movie and almost undoes itself. It still features a giddy mix of humour, characters and action to keep it interesting, amusing and entertaining. Maybe Iron Man 2 is not as memorable as the first, but there are more on the way to keep reminding you.

Iron Man 2 is in cinemas now.

Your say: Have you seen Iron Man 2? What did you think? Did it live up to the first film? Share with us below.

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Madonna’s super sexy shoot

She is one of the fashion icons of the 20th century and at 51 years of age Madonna has once again taken her look to new heights.

The mother of four is also the latest celebrity to pose Photoshop-free in a spread for Interview magazine.

For the shoot, photographed by Marcus Piggott, Madonna went back to her fashion roots with her signature crucifix necklace and black lace gloves.

In the interview she talked about her upcoming trip to Africa where two of her adopted children are from. She said she was going there for many reasons.

“It’s sort of a commitment that I’ve made to this country and the hundreds of thousands of children there who have been orphaned by AIDS,” Madonna said.

“I made a documentary about it [I Am Because We Are, 2008], and it’s just become part of my life.”

Madonna’s shoot with Interview magazine

Madonna poses in her Interview magazine shoot

Fashion flashback: Madonna back in 1985

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MasterChef’s first eliminated contestant: Devon Headland

Devon Headland

Devon Headland with judges Gary and George

Following his elimination from MasterChef Devon Headland spoke to Woman’s Day about who likes who in the MasterChef house, why he thinks his elimination was unfair and his plans to wed his long-time partner Cat.

You’ve said that your friends and family motivated you to come on the show, as did the chance for a change. Do you think you’ve had that chance?

Yeah for sure. I wouldn’t have gone on the show if I didn’t think I had a chance but at the same time when it comes to change it has given me a chance to realize that maybe I can cook and maybe there is another avenue there for me to make a living from and cooking is definitely a love and a passion rather than just a job. It’s made me realize that.

If you could go back (on the show), would you have done anything differently?

Obviously the decision that was made that was why I was up for elimination and the reason I got eliminated- I’d change that. It was completely out of my hands. But in saying would I change it, I still disagree with why I was put up for elimination. But hey the judges have the final say and it is the nature of the show.

What have you learnt from the competition?

Yeah being around all those cooks everyday you live, breathe, eat, and sleep food and to be around that you’re just continuously learning. Being around the judges and getting a chance to talk to them were invaluable lessons that you learn and when you get a chance you pick their brains and hopefully they give you techniques to be able to make something. I’m a very visual cook so I picture something in my head first and then I figure out how to make it. I do read cooking books and things like that but I tend to create things in my head and then work out a way to make it.

You said that winning Masterchef would give you the opportunity to open your own cafe or restaurant. Is that still your dream? Are you still going to pursue that dream? How?

It would have been great to have won it, $100,000 and all the other bits and pieces that go with it is a definite kick start on how to run your own business. It just means now like anything it might take a little bit longer to get there. It’s definitely still on the agenda.

Your grandmother inspired you to cook, what was the most important thing you’ve learnt from her in the kitchen?

That is my first cooking memory, being at my grandma’s and seeing Nanna in the kitchen. Learning smells and eating until we burst so when it comes to food she was definitely the matriarch she’d say ‘you’re not leaving until you finish everything on your plate.’ She taught us to try everything, we didn’t always try everything- we sort of kicked up a stink about brussel sprouts a few times.

Who do you think is going to win the competition and why?

I have a few people that I think are very strong players. One is Miriam she’s a very technical person, she’s very precise and has a huge knowledge of food. Jonathan is another again he’s a technician and also Del I think she’s a bit of a wild horse. They’re my three picks. I’m going to have to sit on the fence I think!

Does everyone in the house get along?

Yeah I mean everyone’s on the same boat wanting the same end result and at the beginning of top 50 there was a few hiccups and people with differences in opinions and ways of dealing with things but they’ve pulled their heads in a little bit and they came right in the end.

Is there anybody in the house who is particularly hard to live with? Who did you get along best with?

There was a crew of us that we called the down stairs pit. There was about ten of us that lived downstairs and we were all a very tight knit group, there was Peter, Phil, Aaron, Jake and Claire, Courtney and Dom and Dan as well. We all became very close because obviously you’re in one big room and you’re either snoring together or staying awake together. It’s like a big school camp so that became a close knit group downstairs. Also, Sky and Alvin and Adele, a lot of people you make close relationships with and in the months and years to come I’ll definitely be staying in contact with them and trying to catch up as much as I can with them.

Have you organized a new date for your wedding with Catherine?

We’ve started looking into it. We haven’t locked in a date or anything yet. It was going to be in New Zealand but we lost all our deposits and all of that. So that was a bit of a pain and also the place we had booked in New Zealand has a two year waiting list to get in there. We’re sort of taking it as it comes. Obviously when I came out work was very quiet. It took a while to get it back up and running again so it’s only just starting to turn around now. I’ve had a long time off work so trying to work again and organizing our finances and things you can’t make these big decisions until you know that money is coming in.

How understanding has she been about your decision to go on the show and postpone the wedding?

Very. Very understanding.

You’ve mentioned that your decision to be a part of Masterchef has received mixed responses because it meant you had to postpone your wedding. What sort of feedback did you receive and from who?

All my family really supported me, obviously they all first of all spoke with Cat and said “How do you feel about this?” and Cat was the one who said to everyone, “look Devon needs to do this. It’s a once in a lifetime chance”. I’m so privileged for her to have made that decision not only for me but also for us as an entire picture. It is me that leaves the house and goes down to Sydney and has a great time on TV and all of that and she gets left at home. At the end of the day I don’t think we’d change it. There was quite a few weeks gone.

Where to now?

I’m actually working at a local restaurant. The head chef there prior to me actually going on the show, when I found out that I was accepted into the top 50 I was trying to get work experience and he took me under his wing so I work during the days and at nights down at the restaurant and we’re just starting to plan a boutique catering company. We live up on the Gold Coast and there are lots of ladies that would love a master class session and do a bit of an in house catering service.

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Is Kerry Katona in love with Peter Andre?

Kerry Katona and Peter Andre

Could this be a match made in celebrity (car crash) heaven? Peter Andre, who only last year ended his turbulent relationship with British glamour model, Katie Price, is reportedly very cosy with Kerry Katona — Brian McFadden’s ex-wife.

While Peter, 37, has recently denied claims the pair are in a relationship, Kerry, 29, has told the UK’s OK! magazine how fond she is of the singer.

“He’s my sweetheart and it’s nice to know I’m not on my own. I can see why women love Pete. He’s the perfect guy to take home to your mum, he’s everything a girl needs,” Kerry told the UK’s OK! magazine.

“[My kids] love him — and his music, I took them to one of his shows, he was wonderful with them. Hopefully when Pete’s got a free weekend we can take the kids to the beach together.”

Coincidently (or not!), Kerry and Peter are now managed by the same agent. They spent three weeks together in Australia back in 2004 when the pair took part in the British TV show, I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here!. Kerry was crowned queen of the jungle in that series and Peter embarked on his relationship with Katie Price.

Related video: Katie Price and Kerry Katona both named in a ‘Worst Mum’ poll, with Peter Andre topping the ‘Best Dad’ list.

Kerry has experienced years of relationship and career turmoil since she split with Brian McFadden, the father of two of her four children, eight-year-old Molly and seven-year-old Lilly-Sue in 2004.

She has recently endured her second marriage breakdown, this time to taxi driver Mark Croft, who is father to Kerry’s other two children, three-year-old Heidi and two-year-old Maxwell. But now it appears her heart is set on Peter.

Following a spell in London’s The Priory hospital for treatment of bipolar disorder in 2007, Kerry’s life took a downward spiral which saw her declared bankrupt at the High Court in London after failing to pay the final £82,000 ($136,450) of a £417,000 ($693,900) tax bill in 2008.

She went on to lose her contract with the British supermarket chain Iceland, her magazine column, and her MTV shows and suffered further financial setbacks. In December 2009, she received a repossession order on her £1.5 million ($2.5 million) home, having not paid her mortgage in months.

In April, Kerry admitted to having suffered a crippling drug habit which lasted four years and saw her stay in bed for days on end taking cocaine. She confessed her drug abusing lifestyle would have killed her if she hadn’t had the strength to give it up, which she did for her children’s sake, the UK’s Mirror reported.

Here’s hoping that the bad days are well and truly behind Kerry — for her kids’ and Peter’s sakes.

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