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What you need to know: Inflammatory bowel disease

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With currently 61,000 people living with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in Australia, there is work being done to raise public awareness around the issues people with IBD courageously cope with every day of their lives.

So what is IBD?

IBD is a collective term used to describe autoimmune conditions such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. These conditions cause the wall of the digestive tract to become inflamed and ulcerated with open sores that may bleed.

The disease is characterised by periods of flare-ups and remission. Common symptoms include abdominal pain, cramping, fatigue, frequent and urgent diarrhoea (may have blood) and severe weight loss. Medical treatment of IBD can involve a variety of medications used to induce and maintain remission.

IBD can occur at any age, but typically strikes during the prime of people’s lives, between the ages of 15 and 30. There is no known cause or cure, and little public knowledge of the significant impact IBD has on quality of life for sufferers.

Malnutrition and IBD

People with IBD can be at risk of malnutrition when the disease is active. When someone with IBD has a flare up, their appetite can decrease, while their nutrient needs can increase due to diarrhoea, bleeding and the body’s need to repair the damage the disease does to the digestive system.

In some cases, a flare up can also actively reduce the body’s ability to absorb nutrients from food. Drug treatment can also impact on nutritional status.

Principles of healthy eating

For most people the key to maintaining good health is to eat a well-balanced diet that includes items from all five core food groups. Emerging research is also indicating some foods may have benefits for those with IBD.

There is some evidence that the anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3 fats may help reduce symptoms of Crohn’s disease. However, more research is needed before this can be confirmed. Foods rich in omega-3 include walnuts, linseeds, soybeans and oily fish.

Probiotics may also be beneficial, though again, more research is needed to confirm this theory.

Your say: Do you have IBD? What types of food agitates the condition? What are suitable substitutes? Share with us below.

For more information, visit www.crohnsandcolitis.com.au and www.gut.nsw.edu.au.

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10 top tax tips

A couple working out their tax

Image: Thinkstock

OK, so it’s dreaded tax time again… but don’t panic! We’ve asked an expert for help. Heather Smith is a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants; and the Principal of ANISE Consulting in Brisbane.

Heather has compiled this ‘Top 10’ list as a guide for how we can all do our own tax properly. But remember, if it’s all getting too hard…see a tax accountant!

The Australian Taxation Office offers free tax preparation software. ETAX is an easy way to prepare individual income tax returns and lodge them online. They have developed an informative video that provides an overview of how to use their ETAX software.Watch the ETAX video here.

The ETAX software can be downloaded here.

If you prefer dealing with paper, your local newsagency has free TaxPack 2010 and TaxPack 2010 supplement booklets available to help you complete your income tax return.

Remember to ask for a tax receipt if you pay for something that may be claimable.

Your paperwork needs to be safely stored for generally 5 years. If you lose a tax deductible receipt, you may lose the ability to claim it!

Don’t use highlighters, or leave receipts in the heat or next to plastic wallets, as it will cause them to fade. If you are technically minded it is acceptable for you to scan receipts or use a service like Shoeboxed.

Typically each year you require the same sort of information. For easy reference keep each financial year paperwork in its’ own file.

Use dividers to separate and identify; general tax information, bank statements, investment accounts, declarable income, shares, superannuation information, claimable receipts, government payments.

Use an excel spreadsheet to record your income and expenses during the year, or an easy online solution like XERO Personal.

Once your ETAX software knows your tax file number, it will ‘auto fill’ your information based on data collected from other institutions, such as banks, employers, other government departments etc.

It is worth cross-checking that the pre-filled information is correct – that is, that your financial information has been properly linked to your tax file number.

Make sure you receive payment summaries (previously known as group certificates) from all employees in this financial year; they should be issued by14th July.

Understand what work related expenses you can claim, and those that are unique to your industry; airline stewards are allowed to claim stockings, hairdressers can claim protective aprons and gloves, while teachers can claim suntan cream.

If your claims exceed $300 you must have written evidence to substantiate your claims.

Tax rebates, such as the private health insurance rebate, reduces the tax you owe and may be offered as an incentive, as a credit for tax already paid, or to relieve personal circumstances.

Donations over $2 in value are tax deductible; just remember to keep those receipts!

If you are unsure, you can ring the ATO on the personal tax line 13 28 61.

Save money and submit your own income tax return online or by snail mail by the31st October 2010.

So you know you need to budget – but where do you start?

“In a nutshell, you need to keep a good eye on what money comes in and what goes out,” explains Certified Financial Planner Greg Cook.

“You can search online and download a simple ‘household budget planner’ to work on your computer, or do it the old fashioned way by writing everything in a book.

“Document your income and all your expenses and you’ll soon see where all your hard earned money is going.

“And when it comes to making savings there are two possibilities. Firstly look at some of the bigger bills like insurance policies and telephone contracts … maybe they were the best deal at the time, but do your research to see if things have changed.

“Then there are the ‘smaller’ things like being honest about how many take-aways you have each week!”

Greg’s Top Tip: “Whenever possible, employ the discipline of saving first and spending second. Even if it’s a modest start, you can ramp things up as time goes by.”

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Celebrities behaving badly

Lindsay has failed to attend her last court appearance for DUI, claiming she had lost her passport while in Carnes. The actress is now forced to wear an alcohol-monitoring bracelet and attend regular alcohol education classes.

Mel Gibson has been caught on tape by his ex-girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva in a x-rated racist rant against her. The Braveheart Star hit headlines with the rant in which he threatens to burn down her house.

Super model Naomi Campbell is known for her bad behaviour. She is currently being sued by fragrance marketing company Moodform Mission, for walking out on their contract. The company is claiming she refused to walk up a flight of stairs at a promotion for her perfume line. Read more.

Serial flasher Courtney Love is always in the headlines for her crazy behaviour. She recently took to Twitter and Facebook to publically unleashed some harsh words on her daughter, Frances Bean.

In 2009 it was reported that Jodi regularly paid for private lap dances at a strip club. The former Home and Away star was then reportedly found by police cowering in Sydney gangster Mark Judge’s home after making a triple 0 call under the delusion that armed intruders were threatening her life. Read More.

Charlie Sheen was arrested on charges of domestic violence against his wife Brooke Mueller in December 2009. After posting the $8,500 bond he was released from the Pitkin County, Colorado Jail. Read more.

This picture of Kanye West was reportedly taken at Los Angeles airport seconds before the star let loose and allegedly attacked a paparazzo. The photos were released after the police returned the digital memory card to the victim.

In 1999 Texas police arrested Matthew Mcconaughey with the possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia after a neighbour complained about too much noise coming from his house.

Lady GaGa was snapped giving the bird to photographers and fans at a Mets Baseball game on June 10 and followed it up with more bad behaviour at a Yankes game soon after. Thanks to her “boozy antics” the singer is now permanently banned from the Yankes team clubhouse.

In 2001 Winona Ryder was arrested for stealing $5,500 worth of designer clothes and accessories at a Saks Fifth Avenue department store. During her shoplifting trial she was also accused of using drugs without valid prescriptions.

Hugh Grant was arrested in Los Angeles in 1995 by officers for lewd conduct in a public place with prostitute Divine Brown.

Tiger Woods was accused of having an extramarital affair with nightclub manager Rachel Uchitel in 2009, but no body predicted the extent of his cheating. Tiger has now been romantically linked to at least nine women.

In April 2010 Matthew Newton checked himself into a rehabilitation facility in Melbourne that specialises in drug and alcohol related abuse. In November 2009 he hit headlines after his hotel room at the Vibe Hotel in Sydney’s Rushcutters Bay was found trashed. Read more.

Melrose Place star Heather Locklear was pulled over by a California Highway Patrol officer in 2008 after she was seen driving erratically. Heather was charged with one misdemeanour count of driving under the influence.

Falling pop star Britney Spears is fighting claims that she abused her two sons Sean Preston, 4, and Jayden James, 3. The singer’s former bodyguard Fernando Flores claims that she whipped one of her sons with a belt and forced another to eat food they were allergic to.

Party girl Paris Hilton was recently caught up in reports that she had been detained in South Africa after it was thought she was in possession of marijuana. It was later discovered a friend of Paris was the one detained. Paris then tweeted “I had nothing to do with it…there’s a lot of crazy rumors going around. Just want you all to know the truth. Everything is completely fine.”

Child star Macaulay Culkin had his mug shot taken when he was busted for possession of 17.3g of marijuana which landed him in hot water and some brief jail time.

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What is the best caramel for crème caramel

Question: What is the best way to make a caramel for crème caramel?

Either of the following methods will make a lovely toffee. The sugar-and-water method is easier if you’re a beginner.

Sugar-only method

Spread sugar fairly evenly over the base of a heavy-based frying pan and place over medium to high heat. Do not stir, but turn the pan gently as needed to swirl the sugar for even melting and browning until it is a rich golden-brown colour.

Sugar-and-water method

Put the amount of sugar and water specified in the recipe into a medium heavy-based saucepan; use a wooden spoon to stir constantly over high heat, without boiling, until the sugar is completely dissolved. If any grains cling to the side of the pan or the spoon, brush them down into the syrup with a wet pastry brush. Once the sugar is dissolved, stop stirring; bring syrup to the boil and boil rapidly until the mixture is a rich golden-brown colour.

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Is Katie Holmes the next *Glee* star?


We know she can sing and dance but is Katie Holmes the next Glee star?

According to US magazine The National Enquirer the 31-year-old will guest star with five appearances in the second season of the popular TV show.

Holmes has called on good friend and US So You Think You Can Dance choreographer, Tyce Diorio, for lessons and has reportedly hired a private singing coach in preparation for the role.

In May this year, Holmes performed ‘Whatever Lola Wants’ from the musical Damn Yankees in a dance routine with hubby Tom Cruise at the fifth annual “A Fine Romance” benefit. But it seems she wants to raise her profile in Hollywood.

Related Video:

Holmes has apparently struck up a friendship with Glee actress Dianna Agron, who plays Quinn Fabray, and has made a good impression on the show’s creator Ryan Murphy.

Your say: Would you watch Katie Holmes on Glee?

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Justice at last for Dr Death patient

Justice at last

Former cabinet maker Ian Vowles had dreams of exotic cruises and outback camping trips as he and his wife Dorothy approached their 30th wedding anniversary. But these dreams were shattered when Ian met Dr Jayant Patel – the surgeon who would later be nicknamed Dr Death.

The maverick surgeon was last week found guilty on three charges of manslaughter, and a count of grievous bodily harm against Ian, and put behind bars for his crimes.

Ian’s testimony was a key to Patel’s conviction over the deaths of Mervyn Morris, Gerardus Kemps and James Phillips, caused by botched operations.

Patel was also charged over wrongly diagnosing Ian with cancer and removing his entire healthy, functioning bowel.

The jury’s guilty verdict, after a marathon 50-hour deliberation at the Queensland Supreme Court, was the end of a five-year ordeal for Ian.

“It’s been a long time coming, but I’m happy, not just for me, but for all the other victims and their families who have suffered,” Ian tells Woman’s Day in an exclusive interview at his Bundaberg home .

However, after the lengthy battle, Ian may find his relief to be shortlived. The residing Justice John Byrne has warned that Patel’s guilty verdicts might not survive the appeal his lawyers have flagged.

To read the full story see this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale July 5, 2010.

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World’s first bionic cat

World's first bionic cat

Let’s not pussyfoot around – Oscar the cat is a walking miracle. The lucky two-year-old has a good eight lives left in him, thanks to the groundbreaking “bionic” surgery that has given him back his two hind legs.

Owners Kate Allan and Mike Nolan feared the worst when a passer-by found the much-loved moggy shocked and bleeding in a nearby field, both his back feet apparently sliced off by a corn thresher.

“It was very traumatic. I was convinced we were going to have to put him down,” recalls Mike of the horrifying incident.

While the rubber-soled implants cost nearly $3000 each, and Oscar has required nine months of residential vet rehabilitation, Kate says she has no regrets about saving her cat.

To read the full story see this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale July 5, 2010.

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Mel Gibson’s split gets nasty

Mel Gibson's split gets nasty

Mel Gibson must be wishing he’d never walked out on his Aussie wife of 28 years, Robyn Gibson, after the gloves came off last week in his increasingly sordid split from one-time mistress Oksana Grigorieva.

The Russian beauty has alleged Mel was “extremely violent” towards her during their three-year relationship — even knocking out her teeth. The 54-year-old Lethal Weapon star has dismissed his ex’s claims as her “crying wolf”, amid allegations she is out for revenge over Mel’s reported affair with Polish porn producer Violet Kowal, while Oksana was pregnant.

Adding to the drama, Robyn is now reported to be in hiding with her 11-year-old son Thomas, fearing Oksana is stalking them out of jealousy over their good relationships with Mel. In an ironic twist, Robyn is now prepared to testify on her ex’s behalf.

As the accusations fly between Mel and Oksana, who have an eight-month-old baby, Lucia, each has filed a restraining order against the other. And Mel has reportedly legally blocked “DVD evidence” against him from being released, amid claims the aspiring singer secretly taped their terrifying rows.

Oksana, 40, claims Mel “punched her in the face … breaking her teeth and giving her a concussion,” sources close to the singer told showbusiness website TMZ.

Giving more weight to her accusations, Oksana reportedly has photographic evidence of her bruised and bloodied face after the fight.

“You can see Oksana’s two main front teeth were broken and there are bruises all over her face,” a close friend reportedly told RadarOnline.com.

“They [photos] will come out eventually and she is prepared to use them in their court case,” the unnamed friend said.

“Oksana was scared to death to go to the cops. Any battered woman is … most women never speak out and suffer for years.”

Read more in this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale now.

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John and Kelly’s baby scare

MasterChef in crisis

The strain clearly etched on her face, Kelly Preston couldn’t wait to board her husband’s plane out of Rio, following a terrifying miscarriage scare last month.

With an attentive John guiding her, the 47-year-old actress was still shaken after scary abdominal symptoms had her pleading for the life of her unborn baby.

Following their visit to the World Cup celebrations in Cape Town, South Africa, two weeks ago, the star couple and their daughter Ella Blue, 10, flew in to steamy Brazil on June 16. They later left the Hotel Fasano for a day of shopping, but things didn’t go to plan.

“Suddenly, Kelly began to experience abdominal discomfort and became woozy. She was pale, dripping with sweat and breathing heavily. She clutched her stomach and cried to John, ‘Please save my baby!’ John never left her side.”

While the drama thankfully passed quickly and the baby is said to be fine, Kelly is keen not to place herself under any further strain. The couple, still reeling from the death of their 16-year-old son Jett in January last year, are determined that nothing go wrong with their little miracle.

Read more in this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale July 5, 2010.

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Chris Evert’s first interview: My Life after Greg Norman

Chris Evert’s first interview: My Life after Greg Norman

Chris Evert feels hurt, anger and shame over the sudden and shock end to her fairytale marriage to Australian golf great Greg Norman. But with life’s simple pleasures, like watching her three teenage sons skateboard during a summer holiday in Aspen, Colorado, the 55-year-old tennis champ is determined to overcome her pain.

Equally important to Chris is to take responsibility for her part in the impulsive love affair that ruined her previous marriage to Olympic skier Andy Mill.

When Chris and Greg took their vows in a lavish ceremony in the Bahamas in June 2008, the pair promised they’d be together for the rest of their lives. But 16 months into their marriage, without warning and after repeated declarations of love in the media, the Great White Shark suddenly walked out.

Days later, the couple stunned the sporting world when they announced their separation. Through it all, Chris, who won 18 Grand Slam titles during a spectacular career, has maintained a dignified silence amid a volley of personal attacks.

Speaking to us from her home in Aspen, Chris breaks her silence in a refreshingly honest interview (for which she was not paid). She talks about what went wrong, why she and Greg won’t ever be friends, and why the divorce has put her off love. Her frank comments also draw into question Greg’s insistence their romance did not begin as an illicit tryst. This is Chris Evert returning serve.

To read the interview get your copy of this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale July 5, 2010.

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