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JFK Jr’s secret mistress

Sybil Hill

More than a decade after the shock death of John F. Kennedy Jr, his secret lover reveals details of their romance for the first time.

The love story between Sybil Hill, now 44, and the son of President John F. Kennedy began in 1991, and lasted until he died in the plane crash in July 16, 1999, that also claimed the lives of his wife, Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, and her sister, Lauren Bessette.

“I met John Kennedy on January 6, 1991, at the Moondance Diner,” Sybil recalls. “I walked in with a date when a gorgeous-looking man pointed out a vacant table. I remember thinking, ‘He looks just like John Kennedy Jr!’ We were across the restaurant, but we couldn’t stop looking at each other.

“When my date went to the bathroom, I went up and we chatted … He found a piece of paper and wrote ‘John’ and a phone number.”

Sybil, a successful artist and willowy look-alike of John’s future wife Carolyn, called him a week later.

“We went out to dinner at a small restaurant,” she recalls. “John said, ‘You haven’t asked me my last name’, and told me.”

After a month of dating, the two went to bed together for the first time. “The sex was breathtakingly wonderful. I remember the first time I woke up in his bed, looking at photos of his parents, President Kennedy and his wife Jackie. It was surreal.”

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Kyle & Tamara’s shock split

Kyle Sandilands and Tamara Jaber

Kyle Sandilands and Tamara Jaber are on the rocks less than two years after their elaborate wedding, writes JONICA BRAY.

Shock jock Kyle Sandilands has left the marital home he shared with wife Tamara Jaber and has been living in Sydney hotels since the couple’s relationship began to show strain several months ago.

“I’m off with Tamara,” Kyle told friends at a private party in Sydney last week, after repeated rumours the high profile couple are separating.

“It’s an open secret,” a close friend of Kyle’s reveals to Woman’s Day. “They’ve been on the rocks for months.”

Kyle and Tamara have remained friends throughout their troubles. It is understood Kyle has held off on confirming the split because he wants to allow Tamara her time to shine on Dancing With The Stars without distractions.

Friends were informed of the couple’s woes when Kyle celebrated his 39th birthday at the Piano Room in Sydney’s Kings Cross on June 12, although it’s believed their problems began well before that. At Kyle’s big bash, the pair arrived together and walked the red carpet, but Kyle left alone at 10pm.

“He left without Tamara,” confirms one friend. “He’s been staying at Star City [a casino in Sydney] and she’s been staying at their family home.”

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Aussie mum’s hell: Jen’s got my man…

Aussie mum’s hell: Jen’s got my man

An unsuspecting wife discovers her soon-to-be ex-husband has moved on with one of the world’s most beautiful actresses. Sound familiar? It sure does to Jennifer Aniston, which is ironic, considering she is now the other woman in a love triangle that has shocked Hollywood.

This time the scorned woman is stunning Queensland native Joanne Gartin, a long-time close friend of Jen and her bestie, Courteney Cox. In the Brad Pitt role as ex-spouse is Joanne’s handsome husband, actor Christopher Gartin. Which leaves Jen as the Angelina Jolie in this marriage meltdown – the other woman who appears to have taken up with Joanne’s man so soon after the relationship breakdown.

When Woman’s Day caught up with Joanne last week, after photographs of her ex and Jen leaving a restaurant emerged, the normally immaculate 37-year-old brunette appeared dishevelled and preoccupied.

“I’m really not at all interested in it,” she said dismissively when asked about the relationship between Jen, 41, and Chris, 42.

However, Woman’s Day can exclusively reveal that behind the scenes it’s a different story after talking to Joanne’s stepmother, Robbie Ahlfeld, on the Gold Coast.

“It’s been difficult for Joanne,” admits Robbie, who learned of the story watching morning TV last week. “I saw [Today show reporter] Richard Reid talking about Jen being seen with a mystery man and I thought, ‘Is that Chris?’ And then I thought, ‘Surely not!’

“It just seems so bizarre to me because Jo and Jen are such good friends. I find it very strange that Jen would do that [to Jo].”

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First photos of Ethan Smith

Proud parents Dannii Minogue and Kris Smith have introduced their son Ethan Edward Smith to the world by posting the first photo of their little boy on Twitter.

“Hey everyone thanks for all your wishes, we are loving baby Ethan and Kris is the best dad in the world,” wrote a clearly delighted Dannii, 38. “He is the most adorable little man, looks like his amazing mum,” added Kris, 31.

Dannii had to abandon plans to have Ethan at home after last minute complications, and their first son was eventually born at Melbourne’s Royal Women’s Hospital on July 5.

Dannii Minogue, Kris Smith and baby (Twitter)

A close-up of baby Ethan Edward Smith (Twitter)

Dannii and English model Kris have been dating since 2008

Kris posted this message on Twitter earlier in the week.

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Do men with groomed facial hair have more sex?

Celebrities with facial hair

Women of Australia think that men’s facial hair is sexy and it gives them the edge in the attractiveness stakes.

Schick Men’s razors in conjunction with Jigsaw Strategic Research conducted a national survey asking men and women aged 16 – 34 years old the effects of various facial hair styles on men’s success rate with women and the jury has unanimously decided that men with facial hair have more sex.

The study found that 6 in 10 women agreed that men with facial hair have much more sex appeal than their cleaner cut counter parts, showing that today’s woman will put up with the occasional pash-rash in return for a sexier looking bloke.

Nearly two thirds of the men asked also agreed that having well-groomed facial hair gives them a much better success rate with women.

A whopping 75% of men also confessed that sporting facial hair makes them ‘feel’ more attractive to women, with 76% declaring they feel more interesting with well-groomed facial hair and 68% going as far to say they think their chin rug gives them more personality! Perhaps due to the fact that 6 in 10 women in Australia consider men with facial hair to be more individualistic, stylish and adventurous, proving that a little effort in the well-manicured facial hair arena goes a long way.

Australian stylist and grooming expert Jeff Lack, says:

“Changing your facial hair can give you a completely new identity and unlike a tattoo – you can play around with it. The great news is that there is a new trend emerging as today’s men are starting to realise the importance of ‘individuality’ and choosing what you stand for –Australian guys understand this as becoming your own personal brand. Think of Lucas Neill, Matt Newton and the Russell Brand ‘brand’, not only does their facial hair increase their attractiveness, without it they wouldn’t appear as unique or as interesting as they are.”

For men who want to go all the way and come across as the most exciting lovers on the planet, women also think styled facial hair means you are wilder in the bedroom. With men sporting the ‘Rap Industry’ look expected to be the wildest in the sack, over the moustache, beard or no facial hair at all fans.

Proving that groomed facial hair is not just for the metrosexuals over 7 in 10 men in Australia think well-groomed facial hair looks more masculine and nearly three quarters of women agree. Compared to the rest of Australia, women who reside in NSW love the well-manicured facial hair look and believe the owner to be more stylish, have more personality and be more adventurous.

It seems the popularity for men to be their own personal brand is not just for the sport stars, actors and rock stars amongst us. Jeff adds:

“When the corporate world became more comfortable with facial hair it gave men the freedom to create their own look. In Australia, the NSW police force opened the flood gates for men in this space when they gave the all clear to the rough and ready look.”

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The Governor General’s love story

Photography by Jason Loucas

Photography by Jason Loucas

When Michael Bryce fell in love with a determined young woman, his life changed forever. Now she is the nation’s first female Governor-General, Ms Quentin Bryce, and the love story has spanned a lifetime, writes Michael Sheather

Michael Bryce remembers the moment he realised Quentin was the woman he wanted to marry. “She would have been 18 or 19 at the time,” recalls Michael, now 71. “It was the early 1960s and I’d been at university for a couple of years by then.

“She’d been in and out of my focus for a while, then one day, she just appeared. We were on the Gold Coast; she was with a group of friends. I saw this skinny girl with white hair. It was all curly and sticking up. She was tanned and walking through a hotel foyer. Even today, it’s like a picture imprinted on my mind.

“I knew from that moment I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.”

And what an extraordinary life that has been. Quentin Bryce carved out a distinguished career, first as a lawyer, mother and feminist, then as the federal sex discrimination commissioner under the Hawke government. She then broke ground as the first female governor of Queensland, before becoming Australia’s first female governor-general in 2008.

Yet, as Quentin Bryce, 67, would be the first to acknowledge, these are accomplishments she has not achieved completely on her own. Standing beside her through all that time was Michael, a man who led no less a distinguished career of his own, as well as being a devoted husband, confidant, father and grandfather.

Quietly spoken, but with strong and considered opinions, Michael is one of the country’s leading architects and designers, a member of the Australian Design Hall of Fame, a former federal president of the Industrial Design Institute of Australia and a winner of the House of the Year Award. He was also the driving force behind such enduring logos as those for the Wallabies, the National Trust, the ring-tailed possum of the National Parks and Wildlife Service and even the Sydney Opera House-inspired 2000 Olympics logo which marketed Australia to the world.

While regarded as something of an icon in the design community, Michael remains largely unknown to the general public. And yet, his role in Quentin’s success – as her self-appointed minder in a sometimes gruelling vice-regal schedule – is as vital today as it has ever been.

Michael met Quentin at primary school in Camp Hill, Brisbane, when he was a teenager and she was aged about nine. “Quentin was a close friend of my sister and she was always at our house, in and out. She’d moved to Brisbane from the country, when her father came to manage a wool scour nearby.”

Quentin moved away and Michael didn’t see her again until they met again at the University of Queensland, in the early ’60s. “At first, I didn’t really notice her, even though she was pretty active in student affairs. We were both going out with other people,” says Michael.

“But, eventually, we moved into the same circle of friends and started going out, and I asked her to marry me. She remembers more about it than I do.

“She remembers exactly what she was wearing – pearl earrings and a blue dress, and that we ate coq au vin for dinner at the Belvedere Hotel. Her memory is so good – she can remember every occasion and appointment she has had in her life.”

Your say: What do you think of the Governor-General? Share with us at [email protected]

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Holy wholegrains

Getty Images

Getty Images

Do you typically start your day with white toast or refined cereals? If so, you might want to switch to wholegrain. There is now strong and growing evidence that regularly eating wholegrain foods can play a powerful role in preventing cardiovascular disease and promoting health.

The recent Grains and Legumes Health Report released by GoGrains in May 2010 provides an overview of the latest scientific research on the important role of grain foods in the diet. The main findings included:

  • Eating two or three serves of wholegrain food a day is consistently reported to reduce the risk of developing chronic disease — including cardiovascular disease, type two diabetes and certain cancers — by 20 to 30 percent.

  • Eating two to four serves of wholegrain foods a day can reduce the risk of heart disease by as much as 40 percent — comparable to the effect of common cholesterol-lowering statin drugs.

  • Wholegrains can help lower blood pressure. Replacing refined grain foods with wholegrain foods, such as white rice with brown rice, has been shown in clinical trials to reduce blood pressure over a short period of time in people who have high cholesterol and are overweight.

The mysterious active ingredient

Researchers still do not know exactly which part of wholegrains is so beneficial to heart health. Wholegrain foods contain many substances, such as resistant starches, soluble fibres, gluten, phytoestrogens and unsaturated fatty acids, all which can help protect the body against heart disease and stroke.

Wholegrains also contain many vitamins and minerals (such as vitamin E, vitamin B6, folate, selenium, copper, iron, zinc, and magnesium) that may act as antioxidants to mop up damaging free radicals. In fact, wholegrain foods are just as high in antioxidants as fruits and vegetables.

So how much is a good thing?

According to the GoGrain report, eating at least 48g of wholegrains each day can have significant benefits.

Wholegrain products vary in the amount of wholegrains they contain. In Australia the wholegrain content of a product is usually found on the label, and products labelled as “wholegrain” are required to state the percentage of wholegrains they contain in the ingredient list.

Single servings of wholegrain foods and their wholegrain content include:

  • two slices of wholemeal bread, 30g to 40g;

  • two slices of multigrain bread, 5g to 30g;

  • two wheat flake breakfast biscuits, 30g;

  • ½ cup of natural muesli or porridge, 30g to 45g; and

  • one cup cooked wholegrain pasta, 55g to 65g.

Overall, most people would be surprised there is this much protection against cardiovascular disease, one of Australia’s biggest killers, available just by eating more wholegrains. It is important to remember for people with chronic diseases to consult your doctor regarding management of these conditions.

Your say: What are some of your favourite ways to include wholegrain foods every day? Do you think you eat enough wholegrains? Share with us below.

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Loving leopard print

It has long been a style staple, but how do you get leopard print right every time?

First, take a look at our gallery of celebrities wearing the print. They pull off the look flawlessly. Then, follow these steps:

  1. Keep it simple. Wearing a leopard print A-line skirt, simple blouse or trench coat is the best way to wear this trend. Try to avoid anything too sexy.

  2. Don’t team leopard print with too many colours. It’s best to stick to bold colours. Black is always best, but red can sometimes work as well.

  3. When you choose leopard print accessories team them with fashion basics such as denim jeans and classic little black dresses.

Danni Mionogue at the Pride of Briton Awards, London

Demi Moore steps out in New York in her leopard print number

One part of Trinny and Suzanna, Trinny Woodhall in her leopard coat.

Delta Goodrum with her Jimmy Choo leopard clutch.

Dita Von Tesse in her unique leopard number.

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Dannii Minogue welcomes baby boy

Aussie sweetheart Dannii Minogue and partner Kris Smith said they are “thrilled” to announce the arrival of their first child, Ethan Edward Smith.

“On behalf of the three of us,” the proud father tweeted, “I would like to thank you all for your kind words and best wishes. It means a lot to us.”

In pictures: Dannii Minogue through the years

New mum Dannii’s Twitter account has remained quiet as she bonds with her new baby.

“Mother and baby are doing well and dad is very proud,” Minogue’s management said in a media release.

“They request their privacy at this special time to adjust as new parents.”

Related video July 09, 2010: Dannii Minogue has just released the first photo of her brand new baby boy Ethan Edward Smith

Earlier in the week Smith appeared to be preparing for fatherhood. “Ah, now a typical dad’s Sunday,” he tweeted, “sat at the carwash with a coffee and a paper. I’ve changed.”

Baby Ethan was born on Monday, July 5, at the Royal Women’s Hospital in Melbourne after complications arose during the planned home birth, the Daily Telegraph reported.

Sister Kylie will head to Australia later this month to meet her new nephew.

Your say: What do you think of Dannii? Are you happy for her? Do you think Kylie will have children soon? Share your thoughts below.

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In review: *Knight and Day*

In review: Knight and Day

Release date: July 15, 2010

Directed by: James Mangold

Genre: Action, comedy, thriller

Rated: M

Running time: 110 minutes

Tom Cruise is back on the big screen in the action-packed thriller, Knight and Day.

Cruise plays suave, smooth-talking secret agent Roy Miller who interrupts the quiet life of June Havens (Cameron Diaz).

As Roy discovers his latest mission could be his last, June, who is in the wrong place at the wrong time, finds herself caught up in Roy’s dangerous life.

Easy-going June soon finds herself firing guns and following Roy all over the world in an attempt to stay alive.

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The story is driven along by action-packed scenes where Cruise and Diaz perform a number of their own stunts and the movie offers a good balance of action and comedy.

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