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Country music’s ‘It’ girl

Catherine Britt

Like an undiscovered lottery winner, there’s a record store employee out there who’s unaware that country music darling Catherine Britt wants to reward him.

“Bless him!” laughs the Aussie singer. “Elton John was browsing and looking for new talent and the guy said, ‘Listen to this girl. She’s only 16 and she sings and writes her own songs.’” Elton loved her debut album, Dusty Smiles And Heartbreak Cures.

“Within 24 hours I had every record label in Nashville calling and saying, ‘Elton has given us your album and can we sign you.’”

She’s now released her fourth, self-titled album ‘Catherine Britt’. But it hasn’t all been a fairytale. The 25-year-old from Newcastle, NSW, was just 17 when she went to Nashville by herself, and admits she’d party too hard, and cry herself to sleep from loneliness.

But experiences good and bad have produced the accomplished Golden Guitar winner she is today.

“It’s important to be honest when it comes to song writing … I think that’s what my fans enjoy about me.”

  • Return flights for them and a friend to Maroochydore Airport from their nearest capital city (if required) and car hire.

  • Luxury tent accommodation for two people for four nights.

  • Four-day pass to the Muster for two people – this pass is valid for Friday, August 27 to Sunday, August 29.

  • PLUS! A meet-and-greet opportunity with Catherine Britt, Lee Kernaghan, McAlister Kemp, Sara Storer and Jasmine Rae, and a signed copy of each of their albums.

For more information please visit www.muster.com.au.

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Katie Price accuses Peter Andre of ‘milking’ their divorce


Katie Price, the former British glamour model, has ripped into ex hubby Peter Andre, accusing him of “milking” their divorce and not defending her parenting.

The 32-year-old told The Sun that her divorce from Peter and the subsequent bad press she’s received has been hard to deal with.

“I’m not going to lie and say it’s been easy,” Katie said.

“If I’m pictured with the kids out it’s, ‘She’s using the kids’, if I’m not pictured with the kids it’s, ‘She’s never with the kids’,” she said.

“There is one person who should have defended me and hasn’t and has milked it all the way — Pete. All he had to say was, ‘She’s the mother of my kids, leave her alone, she doesn’t deserve this’. Instead he’s milked it and that’s really hurtful.”

The notoriously brash celebrity also confided that her new husband, cage-fighter Alex Reid, has been encouraging her to open up and reveal her “softer side” to the public.

“[Alex] encourages me to show that, but I can’t let my guard down because I’m used to having to defend myself,” she confessed.

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Realistic expectations for weight loss

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Getty Images

With a new celebrity diet on the front of every second magazine and a seemingly endless line of new weight loss supplements promising unbelievable results, it’s hard to escape stories of amazing weight loss.

There are many parts that play a role in successful, long-term weight loss and finetuning these components in our lives is the key to maintaining a healthy weight. Both diet and exercise are key to successful, healthy weight loss, but what is also vital is motivation and putting knowledge into action. The following are some tips to help with healthy weight loss:

Set realistic goals

Setting realistic goals helps keep motivation up, as you can see your progress as you go along. Goals can take a number of forms, it could be a monthly weight loss, a fitness goal, such as being able to jog a certain distance or even a diet or lifestyle goal such as such as making three different meals using legumes in a week.

Make goals specific and able to be evaluated so you can clearly see whether or not you have achieved your goal. There are many factors that play a part in weight gain, so set out diet and exercise goals, reaching and setting new goals regularly is great motivation to keep going. Also, set goals that can be maintained long term, healthy weight loss is about positive lifestyle changes, not quick fixes.

Know what to expect

Now that you’ve set goals and started addressing the factors involved in weight gain, it’s important to know what to expect from healthy weight loss. You’re not going to lose 5kg a week. Expecting this and then it not arriving can be disheartening, which is why it’s important to have realistic expectations.

Healthy weight loss is about steady weight loss which is achieved through a way that is maintainable. For healthy, sustained weight loss, aim to lose about 0.5kg to 1.0kg per week. For the average person, losing more than this in a week could mean simply an extra loss of fluid or worse, a significant loss of muscle, which can make it harder to maintain a healthy body weight.

See barriers and challenges as opportunities

This is real life, so not everything is going to go to plan all the time and you may find some things hard to achieve or difficult to incorporate into your day-to-day routine.

When this happens, it’s important to see these as part of the learning process, as each time this happens you gain more and more information on how you can be successful. Look at the things which have sent you off track.

Did the seasons change and outdoor activities become too difficult? Did your working hours change and motivation to prepare food become lower? Did you become bored with the foods you were eating?

Every obstacle tells you more about what you need to do to be successful and can be incorporated into your short-term goals. If you get bored with your meals, maybe your goal can be to invest in some good cook books, a short cooking course or to investigate some online recipe sites.

If you’re finding it difficult to exercise outside, your goal could be to investigate local gyms, exercise equipment for the home or indoor exercise that don’t require any equipment.

Losing weight is something that is different for everyone, individual needs and capabilities can differ greatly so it’s important to gather as much information as possible. An accredited practicing dietitian can provide advice on diet and an exercise physiologist or personal trainer can be give guidance on physical activity.

Before starting a new exercise plan or making big changes to your diet it is important to discuss these with your doctor to ensure that they are suitable and safe for you.

Your say: Do you find it difficult to lose weight? What barriers do you find hinder your weight loss? Share with us below.

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Salma Hayek: I eat bugs!


We have heard some weird celebrity diets in our time, but Salma Hayek’s takes the cake!

The curvy star recently revealed to David Letterman on his late-night TV show of her love of eating grasshoppers.

“Look, I’m salivating,” she said on The Late Show last month. “They’re delicious.”

“These little ants fried are amazing — with a little guacamole,” she said.

“And the worms … there are many different recipes for those. The little grasshoppers have a smoky flavour to them. It’s the way they cook them, and it’s really good.”

Salma, who is married to French businessman Francois-Henri Pinault, went on to tell Letterman “They’re not that easy to find. They’re delicatessen,” before quickly correcting herself.

“Yeah, sorry. My French is getting a little better. — my English is getting a lot worse.”

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Pinch the salt from your diet

Pinch the salt from your diet

Australian adults eat an average of 8g to 10g of salt each day, which is equivalent to more than one-and-a-half teaspoons!

The body only needs about 1g of salt to function — anything extra is simply increasing our risk of high blood pressure and other adverse health outcomes. Research shows that reducing our salt intake by just 3g per day would positively impact on our health, especially heart health.

You may be surprised to learn that more than three-quarters of salt consumed by Australians is eaten without even realising there is salt in the food. This is the “hidden salt” found mostly in processed foods. The food industry, including Sanitarium, with the help of Australian Division of World Action on Salt & Health (AWASH) has set out to reduce the salt content in common food products.

Here are some ways you can pinch the salt from your diet:

  • Check food labels for salt to compare products, brands and varieties and choose the lower salt options.

  • Choose low salt foods (less than 120mg/100g) where possible and avoid high salt (more than 500mg/100g) foods.

  • Keep takeaways and fast foods such as pizza, burgers, fried chicken and chips to an occasional treat.

  • Use lemon juice, garlic, vinegar, fresh or dried herbs and spices as an alternative to salt when cooking. This way you won’t lose any flavour!

  • Avoid pickles, mayonnaise, stock cubes, soy sauce and mustard, where possible.

  • Eating fresh whole foods instead of processed will help you avoid the hidden salt found in some processed food.

Your say: What are some of your favourite ways to reduce salt in recipes? Share with us below.

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50 ways to save a fortune


Take your own water or soft drink to work, bought in bulk at the supermarket instead of the vending machine. Better yet, refill.


Stock up. The mid-week dash to the service station for milk and bread will almost always cost you extra.


Most banks charge fees for transactions at other ATMs. Just one transaction a week can cost you $104 a year! Use your bank’s teller machines, or deal directly with the bank.


Car pool for school pick-ups. You’ll save money over the month by slashing little trips around the neighbourhood.


Buy olives, chicken and bacon from the deli counter rather than pre-packaged. Be wary of buying individually packaged portions of anything. They cost more.


Turn off the lights in any rooms you are not using and choose low-wattage light bulbs to save energy and money.


Have two entrees when you go out to dinner, rather than a main and entree.


Use sites such as www.bigpondmovies.com or www.quickflix.com.au to have DVDs delivered to your door. Most charge about $10 a month for four movies.


Buy a VoIP handset or use Skype for calls via the internet. VoIP is about 75 per cent cheaper than a normal phone, and Skype is free.


At OzRecycle, www.ozrecycle.com.au, you can pick up stuff for free!


Pack your own snacks when you fly. Airport food is ridiculously expensive.


Clean the air filter in your dryer. It works more efficiently and saves energy. If you have dimmers, turn your lgihts down.


Make your own pet food. Mix rice, some cheap meat and leftover vegetables and cook them into tasty meals. Freeze and save.


Buy food for work lunches at the beginning of the week and take your lunch to work with you every day, snacks included.


Buy your Christmas gifts now and at the mid-year sales. Remember, there are no bargains in the two weeks leading up to Christmas.


Check out student deals. These can range from cheap prices on movie and show tickets to lower prices on software such as Windows.


Download free out-of-copyright classic books at www.gutenberg.org


Pay in cash. Many retail stores are willing to slash the price by 10 per cent. Just ask.


Outsource less. Wash your car and your pets youself, mow your own lawn, iron your own shirts and do your own cleaning. Good workout and big savings!


Get your theatre tickets in the hour before a show begins and you’ll get a massive discount. Have alternative plans in case you miss out.


Grow your own vegies and herbs.


Buy your wine online and in bulk. This works out to be cheaper than buying single bottles at the local bottle shop.


Almost everything is cheaper on a Tuesday. Take flights, buy petrol, go to the theatre, eat out, have a hair cut… it’s even cheaper to buy a car on a Tuesday.


Don’t drive your car almost empty, as you’ll lose fuel through evaporation. And don’t forget to use those supermarket discounts.


Get printer cartridges refilled rather than shelling out for brand new ones every time.


Earn rewards points through companies such as www.rewardscentral.com.au by buying online, and for filling in surveys.


Join a gym in winter, when gyms have a slump in membership. Two-for-one deals or reduced membership costs can save you hundreds. Or buy an exercise DVD and do it youself at home. Check out eBay for cheap gym memberships, too.


Pay your mortgage fortnightly, and pay a little extra. Even if it’s only $10 extra a week, you can save tens of thousands over the life of a loan.


Turn your heater down to 18 or 19 and put on a jumper. Invest in some door snakes, and curtains for windows and doors.


Use a payment portal such as www.postbillpay.com.au to pay your bills. It cuts down on stress and late fees.


Pay off your credit card in full each month. The interest you save could buy you a new pair of jeans.


Use travel sites to research holidays, but always check with the airline to see if you can get a better deal – minus the extra booking fee.


Skip dessert and coffee when eating at restaurants.


Shop for hot weather items when on holiday somewhere cool. There will always be discounts.


Get clothes repaired and shoes resoled instead of throwing them away and buying new ones.


Decrease your car insurance as your car gets older and loses its market value.


Get an insurance broker. For a small fee, they can get you the best price on a range of insurances.


Use the internet. From free party invitations to discounts on hotels, you can get a deal on almost anything if you look hard enough.


Don’t shell out for extended warranties. You rarely need to use them, so they’re not worth the extra money.


Have a games party and exchange your old games for theirs. Or have a clothes swap night.


Do you really need all that bandwidth? If you just use it to surf the Net and check emails you can probably do with a cheaper plan.


Cinemas have “cheap Tuesdays”. Take in your own food and drink.


Use email instead of SMS on your mobile phone.


Meet your friends earlier on a night out and take advantage of Happy Hour.


Borrow from the library instead of buying new books.


Make sure you claim all your deductibles at tax time.


Don’t shampoo twice, it’s a waste of money. Use half as much laundry powder, too.


Get a better phone plan. Even if you save $10 a month, that’s $120 at the end of the year. Why not have it in your pocket instead of theirs?


Stop drinking boutique beer. You will halve the cost of a night out.


Buy pharmacy products at a discount chemist, and generic brands of prescription drugs.


Watch hundreds of hours of free TV on your computer – FIXPlay has a catalogue featuring full-length top TV shows for your viewing pleasure.

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How love can keep you healthy!


Kissing your partner releases calming brain chemicals called neurotransmitters that help to sooth the mind leaving you stress-free!


Women in loving marriages have a lower risk of heart disease than those in high stress relationships the University of Pittsburgh found. The National Longitudinal Mortality Study, which has been tracking more than a million subjects since 1979, shows that married people also live longer and have lower cancer rates.


Dog owners have lower blood pressure and suffer from fewer serious medical conditions research published in the British Journal of Health Psychology suggests.

Doctors at the University of North Carolina say that hugging can dramatically lower blood pressure. They also found that hugging boosts blood levels of oxytocins, a relaxing hormone.

Kissing can help to combat tooth decay by stimulating saliva flow. “After eating, your mouth is full of sugar solution and acidic saliva, which cause plaque build up. Kissing is nature’s own cleaning process”, Dr Peter Gorden, from the British Dental Association said.

Researchers from the Standford University say that the intense feelings of passion can act as a powerful painkiller. Students involved in the study who were exposed to a burning sensation were soothed dramatically when pictures of their girlfriends or boyfriends were flashed in front of them. “When people are in this passionate, all-consuming phase of love, there are significant alterations in their mood that are impacting their experience of pain,” Professor Sean Mackey said.

A study by the University of Iowa found that ovarian cancer patients with a strong sense of connection to others and satisfying relationships had more vigorous “natural killer” cell activity at the site of the tumour than those without these social ties.

A 2002 study found that men who had sex two or more times a week cut their risk of having a fatal heart attack by half.


Locking lips can stop the ageing process according to Fitness consultant Claire Potter. “Kissing helps to tone your cheek and jaw muscles, so they’re less likely to sag,” she said.

The American cancer society says that each time a woman gives birth her risk of developing ovarian cancer lessens. Her risk of developing breast cancer also decreases by 7 percent.

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How to handle a break-up


Keep your spirits up and you mind clear by doing daily activities that relax you. It can be as simple as making yourself a cup of tea and reading a book, to taking a yoga class or having a massage.

A break-up or divorce can make you feel insecure and stressed out in more than one area of your life. Try to stick to a routine as much as possible. Having an organised work and social life will help you deal with the changes taking place in your love life.


Give yourself permission to take time out and get away from it all. You may not feel as productive as normal, and you should remind yourself that it’s ok to feel that way. Take your time and focus on healing, re-evaluating your life and re-energizing your soul. The Hilton Sydney have great getaway packages specifically suited to breakups! Read more here.


If you feel as though you have not only lost your partner, but your social network as well, focus on making new friendships. Make a start by taking a class in something you enjoy, volunteer in a program or join a club.

Remember a divorce or breakup not only marks an end, but also a new beginning! This is the perfect time to try something new and do something for you! Start to enjoy life in the moment and try not to dwell on the past.

It’s time to call on those who love, support you and make you feel good about yourself. Surround yourself with those who will really listen to you and have a positive attitude. Avoid those who you feel will judge your situation or tell you want to do.


Don’t be ashamed to get outside help during a break-up. Consider seeing a counsellor or joining a support group if you feel that it would help you to feel and cope well with the situation. It’s important to have a person who you feel comfortable opening to.

A break-up or divorce can be a very stressful time, but you shouldn’t rely on bad food or excessive alcohol to help. This is an unhealthy choice and won’t help you in the long run. It’s important to focus on healthy ways to deal with how you’re feeling, by experiencing new things and spending time focusing on yourself.

The long term focus of going through a divorce or break-up should be moving on. It’s ok to talk about your feelings but try not to dwell on the negatives or continue to analyse the situation. Becoming too caught up with negative feelings will make it harder to move on.

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QLD and NSW 2011 Firefighters Calendar launch


You would think that those responsible for one of the biggest-selling calendars in Australia would have more of a celebrity status. But the 28 firefighters chosen to be part of the 2011 Firefighters Calendar have still established their own kind of stardom and it’s all in the name of charity.



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Spring clean your body and your pantry


Spring is here and this is the time to give your body, fridge and pantry a good spring clean. For the next month it’s a great idea to cut out the usual suspects: coffee, caffeinated tea, alcohol and wheat-based bread. Whether you are intolerant to wheat and/or gluten or not, if you are typical of most people and follow a western diet of toast, muffins and biscuits, sandwiches and pasta, you will benefit from cutting wheat from your diet. Just by omitting a few of these foods for a few weeks, you can give your body a rest and open the door to a wider variety of nutrients.

Choose seasonal fruits. They are cheaper and in the curious way of nature, they provide exactly what are body needs at this time of year. Include: strawberries and blueberries, blood oranges, and papaya.

Veggies form an important part of our “spring cleaning” as they contain lots of fibre, which acts like a broom in the bowel cleaning out any debris. Spring veggies include: snow peas, asparagus, mushrooms, green beans and silverbeet.

With these close to hand you are 40% towards a healthy spring cleaning meal. No pantry should be without: 100% rye bread, Rolled wholegrain oats, quinoa, long grain brown rice, and corn/brown rice cakes. Also stock up with sodium reduced tamari, and legumes such as chickpeas, red lentils and herbal teas.

Proteins are made up of amino acids, which play an important role in detoxification. With that in mind remember that every meal must contain some quality protein such as: free-range eggs, turkey breast, white fish, salmon and tuna (canned is OK too ) tofu and natural, low-fat yogurt.


Last but by no means least, don’t forget your good fats. These are found in: olive and chia oil, avocado, unsalted nuts and seeds, raw nuts and seeds (e.g. pumpkin and sunflower seeds) and oily fish.


Let’s face it, we’re all busy and the likelihood that you will make a new recipe every night is low. So we’ve picked three ideas for breakfast lunch dinner and snacks that you can enjoy over the month. For the rest of the time just go into your newly stocked fridge and pantry and create!

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