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**Breaking news:** Exclusive Princess Mary update

Breaking news: Exclusive Princess Mary update

Pregnant with identical twins, Princess Mary has now arrived in Australia to share her recently announced joy with family and friends, as reported exclusively in Woman’s Day (read more here).

Princess Mary has winging her way home to visit the Donaldson clan in a rare solo voyage without husband, Crown Prince Frederick, and their children, Isabella, 3, and Christian, 4.

The radiant Mary has most recently been spotted flaunting a noticeable bump in Demark, at Copenhagen International Fashion Fair and at the family’s church, over the weekend.

The brief visit will also include a detour to Adelaide to celebrate the 40th birthday of her best friend and bridesmaid, Amber Petty.

“Mary’s homecoming is strictly a private affair,” says a Danish royal watcher, who adds the princess decided to come at the last minute realising she wanted to come home before it was too late for her to fly.

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Comic book wedding

Comic book wedding

Holy wedding bells, Batman! This wacky wedding between the Caped Crusader and Wonder Woman was enough to leave the Incredible Hulk green with envy.

Comic book lovers Neil and Sharon Vaughn were hoping their wedding would be that extra bit special. So it seemed natural they would bring their hobby to life by staging a comic book heroes and villains ceremony for their big day.

With the Wonder Woman theme song blaring, Sharon made her entrance dressed as the famous Amazon and flanked by her bridesmaids, the PowerPuff Girls. Waiting was her love-struck Batman, Neil, 46, with Robin as his best man. The Joker was emcee.

“We are not particularly traditional and we wanted to have a fun day with our friends, so I suggested we have a themed wedding,” Neil tells Woman’s Day. “I have always wanted to be Batman, ever since I was a little boy, and Sharon said she had always wanted to be Wonder Woman.”

Sharon says the pair, from Devon in the UK, saved a small fortune on traditional wedding accessories by having their fun and simple ceremony, which will be followed by a honeymoon in Australia.

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Simon Baker is still an Aussie beach boy!

Simon Baker is still an Aussie beach boy!

He’s a big player in Hollywood, but The Mentalist star never strays too far from his roots, or his “rock” Rebecca.

Back on Australian soil, his beloved surf breaking within earshot, Simon Baker is in the mood to let down his guard.

Perhaps it’s the invigorating Bondi waves, or that he can blend in as just another “local looking for the perfect break” – whatever the reason, the blond Aussie boy made good in Hollywood is elated about being on home turf.

And right beside him, as she has been since 1992, is the “rock” in Simon’s life, his beautiful wife, 43-year-old Rebecca Rigg, who put her own promising acting career on hold to spur on her husband.

While he’s normally very private, Simon’s face lights up as soon as talk turns to Rebecca.

“She is my rock,” he says. “She encourages me. She supports me in so many different ways. And at the same time, when I’m off working or out somewhere, she maintains our family. She is amazing. I certainly couldn’t be in the position I’m in without her. I’m so lucky.”

Back home to film a commercial for Samsung, it’s a very down-to-earth Simon who catches up with Woman’s Day.

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Celebrating 25 years of neighbours!

25 years of neighbours!

Between meeting the Queen Mum and the frenzy of the Kylie and Jason era, it’s been non-stop action, the actor tells Jackie Brygel.

For Stefan Dennis, his first visit to Ramsay Street in 1985 was supposed to be a brief one, six months at the most, as resident womaniser Paul Robinson. But 25 years and almost 6000 episodes later, he is the only original cast member left on Neighbours, Australia’s longest-running drama series.

“I was actually very reluctant to take the role,” Stefan admits. “I was waiting for a role in a film, which I was positive I was going to get. But it was the old story of ‘a bird in the hand’ from my agent that convinced me to do it.”

And he hasn’t looked back, happily reporting he’s still loving every minute of playing the bad boy fans love to hate.

Stefan has vivid memories of every stage of Neighbours’ evolution, but none more memorable than the Kylie Minogue and Jason Donovan era in the late 1980s.

“Going to do shopping centre appearances with the cast was unbelievable,” he recalls. “They would expect maybe 1000 people, but anything between 5000 and 10,000 people would turn up and all it would be was a cacophony of noise – just squealing and screaming. It was the Kylie and Jason show back then.”

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*MasterChef* Matt a top model?

Most people on MasterChef use their 15 minutes of fame to carve out a career in cooking, but Matt Caldicott is taking a very different approach after his stint on the reality series.

While the aspiring chef is working as a kitchen hand at Neil Perry’s chic Chinese restaurant Spice Temple in Sydney, he says he is keen to launch a new career – modelling.

“I am big into fashion and love throwing a ‘blue steel’ [Zoolander pose] every now and again, so I just thought I would see if there is any interest from agencies,” he reveals.

It may be a lofty ambition, but 21-year-old Matt is characteristically down-to-earth when he explains how he stumbled across the idea of strutting his stuff as a model.

Read more in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale August 16, 2010.

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Princess Mary home to celebrate her miracle twins

Princess Mary home to celebrate her miracle twins

Mary makes a mad dash to Australia after learning she’s expecting twins. Glen Williams explains why.

Breaking news: Exclusive Princess Mary update.

Princess Mary let none of her exciting news slip when she calmly left a message for her brother John to phone her, just hours before announcing to the world she was expecting twins.

Recalling the moment the Donaldson family learned two new royal babies were on the way, the Tasmanian-born Princess’s sister-in-law tells Woman’s Day how Mary remained tight-lipped up until she managed to track her brother down.

“Even then it was casual,” says Leanne Donaldson. “Mary phoned us on Friday and left a message for us to ring her. We were all at work when she first phoned.

“She finally got John on his mobile, and casually said, ‘Everyone is well over here – oh, and I’m pregnant with twins’.”

John was driving home from work and had to pull over to take the unexpected phone call. “He certainly didn’t expect to hear the word ‘twins’ uttered by Mary,” Leanne laughs. “He was totally shocked, as we all were. He half expected, ‘I’m pregnant’, but definitely not ‘with twins!’”

Leanne says when she heard the news she was both gobsmacked and overjoyed.

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Tamara’s anger as Kyle defends his lap dancer

Tamara's anger as Kyle defends his lap dancer

As Kyle Sandilands’ new girlfriend moves in, his furious ex wants answers. Phillip Koch and Jonica Bray report.

The tears soon turned to white hot fury when Dancing With The Stars favourite Tamara Jaber discovered her famous husband is moving on since their split, forming a relationship with an exotic dancer in Los Angeles.

“As soon as she heard about the story, Tam phoned Kyle and demanded answers,” says a close friend in Melbourne she’s been learning on since the shock split. “She was so angry. She felt betrayed. Tam feels she deserves the truth after loving him for 10 years and, basically, she asked him not to lie to her.”

Tamara, 28, cancelled her own birthday party last Friday night because of her distress over the embarrassing claims about Kyle’s life in LA – and his new relationship with Nicole White.

Her mum, Janess, flew with Tamara from Sydney to Melbourne to support and cheer on her daughter during last night’s difficult performance on DWTS, as further evidence emerged of Kyle’s relationship with Nicole.

Kyle has denied he and Nicole are romantically involved, claiming she is just a friend, even though she is spending a lot of time at his Hollywood mansion. “We are not in a relationship,” Kyle told 2Day FM listeners last Wednesday. “I know this girl Nicole – I’ve known her for a while. She is a nice girl. She is 22. We are not in a relationship, we are friends. There are plenty of girls here I am friends with and plenty of girls at home I am friends with.”

Read more: Kyle and Tamara’s split

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Meet Julia Gillard’s wild step-daughter!

Meet Julia Gillard's wild step-daughter!

She’s famous in New York, but Staci – love child of the PM’s partner – is keeping a low-profile back home until after the election.

With her punk-rock shaved hair and tattoos, Staci Child, the previously estranged daughter of the Prime Minister’s partner Tim Mathieson, will certainly make an interesting addition to the Lodge should Julia Gillard win this week’s Federal election.

While she has kept a low profile on her native shores, Woman’s Day can reveal Staci, one of the most talked about and sought after stylists in New York, is the secret love child Tim fathered in his teens.

Tim has openly acknowledged becoming a father prior to his first marriage and has said “it’s nothing to be ashamed of”, while friends add that he is immensely proud of everything his daughter has achieved.

But the normally outspoken hair and make-up artist has been shielded from the media in the lead-up to the Federal election.

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Jennifer Aniston hits back at Bill O’Reilly

Jennifer Aniston has hit back at Bill O’Reilly’s claims she is “destructive to our society”, which followed her comments endorsing single women having a child without a partner (read the full story).

“Of course, the ideal scenario for parenting is obviously two parents of a mature age. Parenting is one of the hardest jobs on earth,” the 41-year-old actress told People magazine.

“And, of course, many women dream of finding Prince Charming (with fatherly instincts), but for those who’ve not yet found their Bill O’Reilly, I’m just glad science has provided a few other options.”

Jen was slammed by O’Reilly on his show, The O’Reilly Factor, after she said women “don’t have to settle with a man just to have that child”, while she was promoting her new movie, The Switch.

“She’s throwing a message out to 12-year-olds and 13-year-olds,” Bill said of Jen’s comments “that ‘Hey you don’t need a guy. You don’t need a dad.’ That is destructive to our society.”

Your say: Who got it right, Jen or Bill? See what other Woman’s Day readers said and share your thoughts.

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How do I win my wife back?

Image source: Getty - posed by model

Image source: Getty - posed by model

I’m 37 and I was bored and fed up 18 months ago for lots of reasons. My wife hardly ever wanted to make love and was always saying she was tired so I started going to the pub whenever I could and I met my girlfriend there.

We had brilliant sex and a lot of fun so I left my wife. I felt guilty about leaving my children but I have a good job so I made sure my wife had enough money and I saw the kids every week.

Loads of our friends were furious with me so I just stuck with my girlfriend’s crowd.

It was our son’s birthday last week and my wife invited me round for his party. Most of our friends were there with their kids and they were all having a drink later and staying on but my wife made it clear I wasn’t welcome.

My wife looked amazing – she’d lost loads of weight and I also found out she has a new job so she was all dressed-up and looking beautiful.

She hardly spoke to me during my son’s party and when she did she was really distracted and disinterested which upset me, because originally when I left she said she was broken hearted. Anyway she more or less showed me the door when the party was over and I went back to the flat and had a dull day with my girlfriend.

It made me realise what I have thrown away. I am broken-hearted. I know I have been a complete fool. I still love my wife. She was a wonderful wife, and I didn’t see it. I texted her but all I got was a very short reply saying she wasn’t interested.

You were bored and fed up when she was tired and not interested in sex and your solution was leaving with someone else, rather than trying to deal with it as a team.

You have undoubtedly upset your children and your wife but do you genuinely regret your behaviour, rather than just suffering green eyes?

Your wife looks great and has moved on, apparently with all your friends, so it’s rather unreasonable of you to be upset that she’s no longer broken hearted.

You cannot live with your girlfriend while making approaches to your wife, so the honest thing to do would be to finish that relationship before trying to reconcile with your wife.

It’s hard to admit to making a mistake but even harder when your choices make you look very shallow so be prepared for a lot of work with no guarantee of success at the end of it.

Picture posed by model.

Your say: Do you have some advice for this confession? Share your thoughts below…

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