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Exclusive: Kate Ritchie: How I got my best body ever!

Exclusive: Kate Ritchie: How I got my best body ever!

As she counts down to her wedding, Cops L.A.C. star Kate Ritchie is in top shape thanks to a diet of love, fresh food and exercise, Jackie Brygel writes.

She walked down the aisle three times on Home And Away, but when it comes to her own wedding day, bride-to-be Kate Ritchie is determined her “intimate” ceremony will be perfect in every way.

And while she continues to put the finishing touches to her “dream wedding”, Kate is looking the best she ever has after months of slimming down and toning up before her marriage to hunky former rugby league star Stuart Webb. Kate remains tight-lipped about her wedding plans, but she told Woman’s Day that her special day will be a private and intimate family event.

“I’d like to think I will be a bride who, at the end of the night, can say she’s spoken to everyone individually,” reveals Kate, who was recently spotted shopping for a wedding gown with sister Rebekah.

“I think that will be the advantage of it being small and intimate. I share so much of my life with everyone else that it’s important the day is about Stuart and me. We’re concentrating on it being the day we want it to be.”

Kate, 32, laughs off suggestions she may have an inner-Bridezilla, but it is clear she is working hard to look her best on the big day, exercising and watching her diet.

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How can you cut diabetes risk?

Up to 275 Australians develop diabetes every day, but new research in the UK suggests cutting diabetes risk can be as easy as munching on some spinach.

A new study by the University of Leicester has found that eating green leafy vegetables can significantly cut your risk of type 2 diabetes.

Diagnosis of type 2 diabetes has dramatically increased over the past two decades with 6.4 percent of people worldwide and about 900,000 Australians now affected.

The study revealed that eating an extra one-and-a-half serves of good greens such as broccoli, kale, spinach and sprouts every day can cut your risk by up to 14 percent.

This is down to the high amount of antioxidants found in green vegetables and the high amount of magnesium found in spinach in particular.

The research team, lead by Dr Patrice Carter, found that although the relationship between high-volume fruit and vegetable diets and cancer and heart disease had been recognised, the link with diabetes was unclear.

“Our results support the evidence that ‘foods’ rather than isolated components such as antioxidants are beneficial for health,” Dr Carter wrote in a recent issue of the British Medical Journal .

“Results from several supplement trials have produced disappointing results for prevention of disease.”

However, in an editorial published in the same issue, Professor Jim Mann from New Zealand’s University of Otago, and Imperial College London’s Dagfinn Aune, argued for caution about the results.

They wrote it may be too early to suggest vegetables can reduce the risk due to the limited number of studies on the subject.

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I Faked My Daughter’s Illness

Image source: Getty - posed by models

Image source: Getty - posed by models

My daughter – Jade – is 5 years old and is starting to get invited over for sleepovers by her school-friends. She has a very good circle of friends at school and she desperately wants to spend as much time with them as possible.

The problem is that I’m paranoid and maybe a little overprotective. I’ve met most of the parents of Jade’s friends and they seem nice enough but I’ve learnt the hard way that appearances can be deceiving.

We don’t live in the wealthiest of suburbs – we’re not exactly in a rag-tag suburb either – but you come across the occasional story about certain parents engaging in questionable behaviour and some of the kids at Jade’s school have Daddies in prison which makes my mind race with worry.

The first couple of invites, I just made up excuses on the fly. I said that we had plans for the weekend or something similar.

After I realised that the whole sleep-over / after-school play-date thing wasn’t going to go away in a hurry I started formulating more long-term ways of brushing these people off.

I did a little research online and leafed through a couple of booklets at our Doctor’s surgery and came up with the mother of all excuses.

The next time Jade was invited for a sleep-over, I very solemnly explained to the parent that Jade had Chronic Bladder Myopathy.

I explained that CBM was a rare condition (so rare in fact that the bemused parent hadn’t even heard of it) and that it made sleep-overs an impossibility.

The parent was slowly convinced as I explained more about the mythical illness.

I’m sure that there are similar conditions in the real world but none so specifically targeted towards wheedling out of sleep-over invites.

Soon I was getting out of all manner of invites – not just sleep-overs but dinner invites and the like (which I’m also none too keen on with the exception of close friends and family).

I patiently explained each time that Jade’s symptoms weren’t simply bed-wetting but also very painful spasms which were treated with very specific medication that I always had to be on hand to administer.

I had a couple of bright sparks suggest that I come and stay over too but I shrugged this off by saying that I had too many things to do at home. I did allow Jade’s friends to come and stay over as often as they wanted but I had to stage some ‘medicine administering’ by calling Jade into the bathroom.

Behind closed doors, I gave her some lollies as incentive and told her that she must tell her friend’s she’s having her medicine and not lollies. I figured that the parents of Jade’s friends would quiz them on their return home about what went on.

Jade sometimes asks why she never went over to her friend’s places and a couple of times she did get upset over it which broke my heart. I told her that home was ‘safer’ very emphatically so that if she told her friends that and they told their Mums then it would sound as they this was just how I had to explain things to my young daughter.

I also made it clear to the parents when I brushed them off that I hadn’t really explained the details of Jade’s illness to her as she was too young and it would be too upsetting for her.

One day I will have to come clean with her and I hope she doesn’t hate me. I just want to protect my child. Who doesn’t?

Your say: Have you experienced a similar situation? How did you deal with it? Tell us your story below…

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Catriona Rowntree in the Book Club hot seat

Getaway presenter Catriona Rowntree discusses her favourite books in our new monthly Book Club feature.

What was the last book you read?

After reading a recommendation in this very magazine, I grabbed at the airport, en route to Tuscany, Frances Mayes’ latest offering Every Day Iin Tuscany. To read her colourful description of her beloved region, then look up from the pages to see the very images in front of me was so inspiring. So much so, I made a pilgrimage to her hilltop town of Cortona, just to read the book in her favourite square. Thanks for the top tip!

If you could be any character in a book who would it be?

I love my courageous and charismatic women. Grace O’Malley (born 1530) from The Pirate Queen, takes the cake. One of the most notorious, powerful and remarkable women in recorded history. Admired by Queen Elizabeth I, she ruled not only the sea, but the men in her life too. I love her wild Gaelic spirit.

Review this month’s Great Read and win The AWW Cooking School

What books can you remember from your childhood?

I was obsessed with reading about and then writing my own ghost stories. I just loved to scare myself and my mum thoroughly encouraged it with a never-ending supply of books. At 10 I won a prize at school and the gift was a book that became a firm favourite:… The Phantom Cyclist and Other Stories, by Ruth Ainsworth. Spooked the living daylights out of me! I dare your little ones to read it.

If you could take two characters from different books and put them in one book, who would they be and what would they get up to?

How about we take two of my favourite Isabel Allende characters and see what adventures and possibly passions get stirred up. Ines Suarez, the story of a real- life conquistadora who helped to build the nation of Chile and the swashbuckling hero Zorro. All that Latin Latin blood is sure to lead to some fiery tales!

If you could get your hands on the completely truthful autobiography of any historical figure, who would it be?

I’d dearly love to learn more about the extraordinary life of Queen Hatshepsut. There are so many dry, historical reads about this Egyptian phenomenon, who was clearly one of the most creative and powerful women of her time. I want the juicy goss on this lady and her tips for combining motherhood with running an empire would be most appreciated.

What’’s your favourite word in the English language?

Serendipity — just saying it makes me smile. Derived from the fairy tale The Three Princes of Serendip, who travelled and were always making discoveries by accident. This completely sums up the joy of travel for me, who knows what wonderful discovery each day shall bring?

If you were stranded on an island with only one book, what would it be?

As a former Brownie, I’m thinking Baden Powell’s original handbook Scouting for Boys, which includes everything from adventure tales to advice. Campfire and first- aid tips would have me rocking that island in no time. You can never be too prepared!

Related video It’s not difficult to convince Catriona Rowntree to visit a Pacific Island. This time her mission was to visit the Independent State of Samoa in the South Pacific. It covers the western part of the Samoan Islands archipelago and Savai’i and Upolu are the two large islands

What’s next on your reading list?

Apart from the mountain of research for my next destination, I just grabbed (yep, from the airport again) a rip- roaring tale, The Bark Cutters by Nicole Alexander. It’s Aan Australian family saga that centres on their historic country property. Hello — welcome to my world, I can’t wait for take- off so I can start reading!

If everyone in the world could stop what they were doing for a week and read one book, what would it be?

A tricky question, but I’m thinking that if we could all just understand the basic principle behind The Art of Happiness, which is basically a long chinwag between the Dalai Lama and author Howard Cutler, our world would indeed be a much happier place. The message is simple, treat others in the same manner you expect to be treated and joy is found within you, not your McMansion or flash car. I feel uplifted already!

What do you think of Catriona’s answers? Who else would you like to see in the Book Club hot seat? Share your thoughts below.

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Check it out

A research team from England’s University of Warwick says it may be possible to substantially reduce your chances of developing heart disease with a simple blood test to check your vitamin D levels.

In one of the largest studies of its kind, the researchers reviewed 28 studies, which examined over 99,000 men and women from different ethnic groups. Their findings were consistent, showing a 33 percent reduction in risk of developing cardiovascular disease in people with high blood levels of vitamin D.

Critically, high blood levels of vitamin D also meant a 51 percent drop in the development of metabolic syndrome, which is a precursor to both diabetes and heart disease.

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is produced in the body when the skin is exposed to sunlight. However, even in sunny Australia, vitamin D deficiency is quite common, possibly due to our increased hours spent indoors under artificial light. Vitamin D is found in food sources, like milk and oily fish. However, if your levels are less than ideal, ask your health practitioner to recommend a supplement.

Your say: Do you think you get enough sunlight? Do you take Vitamin D supplements? Share with us below…

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Pregnant women exposed to pesticides are more likely to have hyperactive children

It’s long been known that certain chemicals found in everyday products can be harmful to humans so new research confirming the link between pesticides and ill-health will not come as a shock to many.

However, the alarming factor here is that the ill effects can be caused by exposure as early as foetal development, prompting hyper activity attention deficit disorder (ADHD) in childhood.

The study found that children whose mothers were exposed to crop sprays while they were pregnant with them were more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD by the age of five.

“We were especially interested in prenatal exposure because that’s the period when a baby’s nervous system is developing most,” said Brenda Eskenazi, professor of maternal and child health at the University of California.

It is believed that the powerful chemicals in pesticides used to keep crops free from insect pests can damage the development of the central nervous system and brain by affecting attention and short-term memory.

Amy Marks, lead researcher on the study said, “Given that these compounds are designed to attack the nervous system or organisms, there is reason to be cautious, especially in situations where exposure may coincide with critical periods of foetal and child development.”

Although the study tested women and children who lived in an agricultural community in the United States, the findings point to a significant impact on the general population.

“It’s known that food is a significant source of pesticide exposure among the general population,” she said.

“I would recommend thoroughly washing fruits and vegetables before eating them, especially if you’re pregnant.”

The psychiatric disorder affects 3 to 5 percent of children globally and can continue into adulthood with 30 to 50 percent of those diagnosed as children suffering symptoms in later life.

“High levels of symptoms of ADHD by age five are a major contributor to learning and achievement problems in school, accidental injuries at home and in the neighbourhood, and a host of problems in peer relationships and other essential competencies,” Professor Stephen Henshaw, a leading expert on ADHD in America told the Daily Mail.

For more information about ADHD in Australia.

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Natalie Portman’s on screen kiss with Mila Kunis

Natalie Portman’s new movie Black Swan has Hollywood talking after the trailer shows her in a passionate kiss with actress Mila Kunis.

The movie which has created a lot of hype during the awards season has Natalie and Mila, who starred in Forgetting Sarah Marshall, lock lips in the steamy scene.

Natalie plays a highly-skilled ballet dancer who is given the lead in her dance company’s performance of Swan Lake after the lead (played by Winona Ryder) is unable to dance.

But her success is short lived when a rival (Mila) begins to upstage her and the pair become caught up in a bitter rivalry. Throughout the chilling drama the audience is kept guessing about whether Mila’s character is real or a figment of Natalie’s imagination.

Natalie, 29, who is a classically trained dancer, described the movie as “extreme” in an MTV interview.

“It’s like very extreme situations,” she said.

This isn’t the first time Natalie has locked lips with a female co-star. She and Scarlett Johansson puckered up on the red carpet at the International Film Festival in 2008.

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Celebrity style: Kids clothing

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are the latest celebrities to get creative and put together a kids clothing line, the UK’s Elle magazine has reported.

But the pair aren’t the only ones turning their hands to fashion. The latest celebrities adding “children’s clothing designer” to their résumés include Madonna, who has designed a line with daughter Lourdes; Suri Cruise, who is rumoured to be working on her own clothing line at just four years of age, with the help of mum Katie Holmes; and Will Smith‘s ultra-cool kids will be creating their own line.

But they aren’t the only ones. Model turned reality TV star Katie Price, fashion designer Stella McCartney and teen queen Miley Cyrus all have their own children’s lines.

It seems parents will soon be spoiled for choice when it comes to choosing fashionable clothes for kids!

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie with stylish son Maddox

Madonna and daughter Lourdes

Four-year-old Suri Cruise

Will Smith with wife Jada Pinkett Smith, their son Jaden Smith and daughter Willow Smith.

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Navigating the supermarket with kids

With all the bright colours and exciting packaging, the supermarket can be an enticing place for young shoppers and marketers know all too well the influence of “pester power”. So how can you navigate the supermarket, avoiding the junk food and tantrums? It may not be impossible, in fact the following tips may help you to fill the trolley with healthy food and even keeps the kids happy and entertained:

  • Do most of your shopping along the walls of the supermarket: This is a good tip to follow at all times, but especially with children tagging along. The walls of the supermarket tend to contain the healthiest, least processed foods including breads, fresh vegetables and fruit, dairy products.

  • All hands on deck: Let your children know what you are looking for in each section of the supermarket and get them to help with spotting the different foods. If the children are looking for specific products they will be less likely to get bored and be distracted. This is particularly useful when picking fresh produce, as it is an opportunity for children to learn what different fruit and vegetables look like and how to select ripe, fresh foods. It may also make them a little more receptive to trying new things at dinnertime, especially if they have helped you to choose it.The best kids’ recipes from The Weekly

  • Keep children close at hand: Supermarkets may put products they think will be attractive to children on lower shelves in their line of sight and reach! Placing small children in the seat at the front of the trolley can help keep them away from temptation.

  • Treat the kids to something healthy: Grocery shopping can be a long outing for children, so there’s nothing wrong with giving them a treat, just make sure it’s a healthy option. Let them pick some of their favourite fruit, a low fat yoghurt or flavoured milk or soy milk as a healthy option. Shopping is also a regular outing, so it’s good to get in the habit of offering treats you are happy for your children to have frequently.Related video Future shopping: the way you shop is about to enter a strange new world with glasses boasting in-built computer displays and 3D wrap-arounds to entertain the kids while you browse. We take a sneak peek into the future of retail.//’); document.write(”); document.write(”); document.write(‘This video requires the Adobe Flash Player. Download a free version of the player.’); document.write(”); document.write(”); document.write(”); Msn.Video.BuildPlayer(msn_IP_uniqueName,{skin:”0″,bsbpg:””,mk:”en-au”,mkt:”en-au”,brand:”ninemsn”,fr:”inline”,ad:”true”,timePlaying:”180″,c:”v”,v:msn_IP_GUID,ap:”false”,t:”s275″,ch:”true”}); //]]>

  • Beware of chocolate-covered checkouts: Don’t let all the good work come undone when it’s time to pay. Most supermarkets have confectionary-free registers, so make use of these for a stress-free exit from the supermarket.

The best kids’ recipes from The Weekly

Related video Future shopping: the way you shop is about to enter a strange new world with glasses boasting in-built computer displays and 3D wrap-arounds to entertain the kids while you browse. We take a sneak peek into the future of retail.

While navigating the supermarket with children may look like an obstacle course, don’t forget that it’s also a great place to educate children and a valuable way to help them connect with the food they eat.

Your say: Do you find it difficult to do the food shopping with the kids? How do you make sure it’s not a struggle? Share your tips with other parents below…

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George Clooney “engaged”?

Could it be true? Has George Clooney popped the question to girlfriend Elisabetta Canalis?

This is what a group of paparazzi thought when the 31-year-old model was spotted with some big bling on her wedding-ring finger, TMZ reported.

The beauty was either sending George a subtle hint or showing off her sense of humour when she placed a napkin ring on her ring finger and waved it up in the air while the pair dined with friends in Italy.

Despite the napkin ring stunt and circulating rumours that George is about to pop the question, the Hollywood star’s representatives have confirmed that the pair are not engaged.

Who is Hollywood hottest bachelor? Vote here!

George Clooney and Elisabetta Canalis

The loved up pair

George steps out with Elisabetta and his mum Nina Warren

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