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Six ways to put the sizzle back in your relationship

If your relationship is feeling comfy but a tad boring, here are 6 ways to add instant romance. (And don’t say you haven’t got time. You have 1,440 minutes in every day — how you use those minutes is up to you!)

1. Go for the classics:

Overdo something. Does he love black jellybeans? Buy a kilo! Her 30th birthday? Send 30 sunflowers. Place a rose under the windshield wiper of her car. (P.S. Men like flowers, too). Kiss each other at every red light. Put a photo of her in your wallet (and a BIG one of her on your desk). Toast one another every time you hold any sort of glass.

2. Be prepared:

Make a list of at least 10 things you know your partner would love to do or see. Always have on hand – scented candles, chocolates, a bottle of chilled champagne and a cute card. Wrap gifts beautifully: remember that the presentation is nearly as important as the gift itself.

3. Think outside the square:

Create a collage of photographs of the two of you, or write a list of all the things you like about your partner on a parchment scroll. You don’t have to be artistic, just sincere. Hide notes under pillows, in his tool box, under his dinner plate, frozen in ice cubes. Having pizza? Ask the chef to scatter the pepperoni slices in the shape of a heart.

4. Splash out:

Hire a flautist to play during dinner at home. Have her portrait painted from a photograph. When’s the last time you went to the ballet? The opera? A concert? Rent a classic car and take it out for a Sunday drive. Has she got a favourite toy animal? Slip a bracelet onto its paw or a pretty scarf around its neck. What’s your fantasy? Hire His and Her fancy dress outfits – cowboy and cowgirl, pimp and ho …

5. Shake things up:

On a budget? Trade homes with a friend for the weekend. The change will refresh you both and it won’t cost you a cent. Do one of her chores for her (and get bonus points by letting her find out for herself, without you telling her how virtuous you’ve been!) Take a shower together. Eat dinner by candlelight. Listen to romantic music, like The Phantom of the Opera or Andrea Bocelli’s Romanza.

6. Surprise!:

Buy her a kitten. Carve her initials and yours in a tree. Buy some gorgeous lingerie and leave it on the bed, with a note. Use those ‘conversation heart’ lollies to spell out a romantic message on her dressing table. Draw hearts on the eggs in the fridge. Sticky-tape an “I love you” note to the underside of the toilet lid (hell, he leaves it up anyway). Hang fairy lights outside so she can see them from the kitchen window, balcony, or whatever. Greet him at the door wearing a big pink bow – and nothing else. Have a picnic. In bed.

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How to throw a dinner party on a shoestring

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There’s a global financial crisis going on, and lots of us are staying home instead of heading out to pricey restaurants. But staying home doesn’t have to mean no socialising or sensational entertaining! We’ve got a couple of simple, easy, delicious and best of all – cheap! – recipes that will feed your friends for very little outlay.

Win a sensational dinner party for you and three friends

First, a hearty vegetarian stew, then a classic crumble that you can serve with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream.

Main meal: Italian chickpea stew

Serving size: Serves 4

Cuisine type: Italian

Cooking time: More than 1 hour


1 cup (200g) dried chickpeas

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 medium red onion (170g), chopped coarsely

2 cloves garlic, crushed

425g can chopped tomatoes

2 cups (500ml) vegetable stock

1 medium eggplant (300g), chopped coarsely

2 large zucchini (300g), chopped coarsely

2 tablespoons tomato paste

1/3 cup coarsely chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley


Place chickpeas in medium bowl, cover with cold water; stand overnight, drain. Rinse under cold water; drain. Place chickpeas in medium saucepan of boiling water; return to the boil. Reduce heat; simmer, uncovered, about 1 hour or until chickpeas are tender. Drain.

Heat oil in large saucepan; cook onion and garlic until onion softens. Add chickpeas and remaining ingredients; bring to the boil. Reduce heat; simmer, covered, 30 minutes. Uncover; simmer, about 30 minutes or until mixture thickens slightly.

Serve stew sprinkled with parsley, and topped with grated parmesan, if desired.

This recipe is from The Australian Women’s Weekly’s Cheap Eats cookbook.

Related video TODAY cook Julie Goodwin creates the perfect appetizers for your dinner party

Dessert: Apple and blackberry crumble

Serving size: Serves 8

Cuisine type: Traditional

Cooking time: More than 1 hour


10g butter, optional

800g granny smith apples, peeled and chopped

2 punnets (300g) blackberries (or use frozen berries if not in season, or if they’re cheaper this way)

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1 tablespoon raw or demerara sugar

200g plain flour

100g butter

1/2 cup (110g) raw or demerara sugar

1/2 cup (60g) flaked almonds


Pre-heat oven to 180C or 160C fan-forced.

Grease 2 litre capacity baking dish with butter, optional (this is to prevent any of the fruit from sticking – it is not absolutely vital).

Combine apples and blackberries in prepared dish, sprinkle with combined sugar and cinnamon.

For topping: using fingers rub flour, butter and sugar together in large bowl. Stir in almonds.

Squeeze mixture lightly in hands to form coarse lumps before sprinkling over fruit.

Bake in pre-heated oven for 40 – 50 minutes, until fruit is tender and topping browned.

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Dry hands help


My hands get so dry in the cold that they feel like sandpaper. How can I keep them smooth?


A lack of humidity in winter can make your skin feel much drier than usual, so always wear rubber gloves in the kitchen and use conditioning handwashes rather than soaps.

Keep your hand cream nearby, so you’re reminded to apply it regularly. To help your hand cream penetrate more effectively, start by giving your hands an exfoliating treatment to buff away dead skin.

Manicurist Christina Fitzgerald recommends simple sorbolene, but if you like a more luxurious, fragranced cream, try Lanolips Rose Balm Intense For Very Dry Hands & Nails, $18.95 or Burt’s Bees Beeswax & Banana Hand Creme, $19.95.

For intense hydration, slather on a cream before you go to bed and slip on a pair of cotton gloves.

The AWW Beauty Team

Related video:Dr Phillip Artemi gives some tips of how to prevent skin from ageing.

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Firefighters calendar 2011 launch

Firefighters calendar 2011 launch

You would think that those responsible for one of the biggest-selling calendars in Australia would have more of a celebrity status. But the 28 firefighters chosen to be part of the 2011 Firefighters Calendar have still established their own kind of stardom and it’s all in the name of charity.

Despite their seemingly tough exteriors these down-to-earth blokes, who usually put their lives on the line, have put their bodies on the line for a good cause. They’ve volunteered themselves to be part of the firefighter’s calendar, which was first printed in Queensland in 1992 and raises money for children’s hospitals.

Following a long selection process, in which more than 120 firefighters from Queensland and New South Wales applied, just 14 guys from each state made the cut.

To date the Queensland Firefighters Calendar has raised more than $650,000 for the Royal Children’s Hospital foundation in Queensland while the New South Wales Firefighters Calendar, which started in 2006, has raised more than $70,000 for the Children’s Hospital at Westmead.

But these big-hearted blokes not only feature in the calendar. They also take time out to help promote and sell it, taking to shopping centres around both states to get them sold.

Want your own copy? The 2011 calendar is $10 and can be purchased online at www.firefighterscalendar.com.au, at all Coffee Club outlets in Queensland and New South Wales and in newsagencies around the country.

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Vitamin B holds the key to stopping Alzheimer’s disease

A revolutionary a new British study has found that vitamin B may be the answer to preventing the effects of Alzheimer’s disease in the elderly.

The study’s results were so effective that scientist involved believe the results could revolutionise the treatment of the disease, the UK’s Daily Telegraph reported.

The University of Oxford research team found that large doses of vitamin B supplements could halve the rate of brain shrinkage, which is part of the natural ageing process and the physical symptom associated with memory loss and dementia in the elderly.

Brain shrinkage can be accelerated for those who have Alzheimer’s disease and those with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) a type of memory loss, which often leads to Alzheimer’s disease.

The brain naturally shrinks in volume with age and at 60 years of age it begins shrinking by as much as 0.5 percent a year, but for those with MCI it is accelerated to 1 percent a year and by 2.5 percent a year for those with Alzheimer’s disease.

During a trial of 168 people the research team found that taking high doses of three vitamin B supplements, including B vitamins folic acid, B6 and B12 every day, reduced brain shrinkage associated with dementia by up to 53 percent.

Professor David Smith, a pharmacologist who co-authored the study said the results were “immensely promising”.

“It is a very simple solution: you give someone some vitamins and you protect the brain,” he said.

“This is the first trial that has shown a glimmer of hope and success. It is the first one of its kind that has worked so clearly. I think it will change the whole direction of Alzheimer’s research.”

The study’s findings were so strong that scientists have suggested that the tablets be prescribed to everyone with MCI.

“This is a very striking, dramatic result. It’s much more than we could have predicted,” Professor Smith said.

“It is our hope that this simple and safe treatment will delay the development of Alzheimer’s disease in many people who suffer from mild memory problems.”

The research, which has been published in the journal Public Library of Science ONE, is considered controversial because it is contrary to current scientific opinion on the best way to treat Alzheimer’s, the UK’s Daily Telegraph reported.

Related Video: Australian breakthrough in Alzheimer’s research

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Do you suffer from migraines? The cause could be in your genes.

An international scientific team has studied data collected from 50,000 Europeans and identified a genetic risk factor linked to common migraines.

The researchers found that patients with a certain DNA variant affecting the regulation of a particular brain chemical, called glutamate, have a greater risk of developing migraines.

In pictures: Surprising things that cause headaches

The research marks a significant step toward understanding the mysteries of migraines and could help pave the way for the development of new treatments for preventing the debilitating headaches.

“This is the first time we have been able to peer into the genomes of many thousands of people and find genetic clues to understand common migraine,” said Dr Aarno Palotie, chairman of the international headache genetics consortium at the UK’s Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, which led the study.

In Australia, migraines affect 17 percent of the female population and 6 percent of the male population.

Migraines can be triggered by a number of factors and often a change in routine will cause one. For example, too much or not enough sleep, a change in hormone levels with the menstrual cycle, a change in stress levels (either higher or lower) or suddenly participating in strenuous exercise can all be triggers.

Your say: Do you suffer from migraines? What treatments have your tried? Share with us below.

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Is Brad Pitt cheating on Angelina…again?


Is Brad Pitt cheating on Angelina Jolie? According to US magazine Star he is and with a much younger woman.

The magazine claims the Hollywood hunk cheated on 35-year-old Ange with a 22-year-old French model named Racine.

Racine, who also works as a flight attendant for a private jet company which caters to A-list celebrities, including 46-year-old Brad, claims to have bedded Brad and says she likes sleeping with men who are already in serious relationships.

“They get so excited when they cheat,” she toldStar. “It turns me on because I am able to give them what they lack.”

Racine also claims she has slept with at least three other A-listers who have dated Angelina.

Last week the magazine claimed Ashton Kutcher was cheating on wife Demi Moore. Kutcher soon took to Twitter to angrily deny the claims.

We wonder if this will attract a similar reaction.

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Video: Simon Baker ‘Turn’s on Tomorrow’

Simon Baker

Popular Australian actor Simon Baker stars in a dynamic new TV ad for Samsung’s ‘Turn on Tomorrow’ campaign.

The ad, which doesn’t hit TV screens until Sunday, uses Simon to illustrate the relentless pursuit of a better tomorrow.

Simon Baker is an Australian film and television actor who is currently the star of Channel Nine’s television series The Mentalist. He has been nominated twice for an Emmy Award, has received two Golden Globe nominations and has appeared in major Hollywood films including The Devil Wears Prada and L.A. Confidential.

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Angelina Jolie visits Pakistan

In the midst of promoting her new movie Salt, Angelina Jolie has taken time out to visit the flood-affected areas of Pakistan hoping to draw worldwide attention to the area.

As a UNHCR goodwill ambassador, the 34-year-old actress visited a makeshift camp for flood survivors after Pakistan’s worst ever floods affected more than 21 million people.

Ange has donated US$100,000 ($110,000) to the flood appeal and last week released a video message appealing for public support.

In her fourth visit to Pakistan since becoming a UNHCR goodwill ambassador, the mother of six spent time with those affected and meeting those involved in relief efforts.

View our gallery of Celebrities Who Help.

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie

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Affair diary 1: I’m married but desperately attracted to another man

Holiday romance

Image source: Getty - posed by models

Carol (35) looks like she has it all — loving husband, beautiful children, great job. But for the first time in her 12-year relationship it’s not quite enough…

When Rob surprised me with a week’s holiday on Hamilton Island I couldn’t believe my luck, especially since he’d organised his parents to look after everything at home. We have two children, so snatch romantic moments when we can, but this was a week just for us.

All the clichés applied — champagne breakfasts, long lazy mornings in bed, romantic dinners for two followed by strolling hand in hand on the beach — it was like going back to when we first met.

Rob and I have always had an incredible physical attraction for each other so when that initial passion also developed into a warm and lasting relationship marriage was an easy next step. We have the occasional spat, usually over very little, but I can honestly say that in all the time we’ve been together I’ve never looked twice at another man.

We were enjoying yet another lazy day, meandering around the island on a golf buggy when Rob suddenly braked and waved at a couple coming up the hill towards us.

He introduced me to Ben, who he’d met at a work conference just a couple of weeks ago and he in turn introduced us to his wife Kelly. We ended up having lunch together and discovered that they were about to move to the same suburb as us and that their children would be going to school together.

They were having a week away to celebrate Ben’s new job in marketing, which is my line of work. Rob suggested we meet up that evening which they agreed enthusiastically, before we parted company for the afternoon.

We spent a few hours in bed, enjoying the leisurely love making without any small children to interrupt and by the time we were getting ready for our evening out I was lazy and relaxed.

When we got to the restaurant Kelly and Ben started telling us about their afternoon scuba diving before asking how we’d spent our time and Rob grinned naughtily at me as he said “relaxing”.

As Rob picked up his menu, still smiling to himself, Ben caught my eye meaningfully and I could feel myself starting to blush. Neither Kelly nor Rob seemed to pick up on our silent exchange but as Ben and I locked glances a few times over the evening I could feel myself getting flustered.

Kelly went to find the toilet and Rob followed moments later to ask the waiter to change an order and I could feel the silence settle around us. “Carol,” Ben started softly and I looked up. “I’m so pleased we’re going to be neighbours.”

“Me too,” I blurted out, my mouth going dry as I glanced around for Rob and saw him and Kelly walking over together. I could see Kelly giggling. “He is such a laugh!” she said and I nodded as Rob turned to Ben and said “You’ll need to get together with Carol when we get home — she knows everyone who’s anyone in marketing.” Ben smiled at me and said pleasantly, ” I’d love to.”

We all headed back to our villas and after a few moments of small talk arranged to catch up the next day. “This has been great,” said Kelly, hugging us both. “I’m so pleased about our move now.” Rob hugged her back and then shook hands with Ben. “See you tomorrow — thanks for a great night,” Rob said.

As Ben turned towards me I felt as nervous as a 14-year-old on her first date as I felt his warm hand caressing my bare back and his lips on my cheek.

My mind was in turmoil as I lay beside a peacefully sleeping Rob and thought of Ben. It had been the most innocent of touches, but I trembled every time I thought about him and I was almost sure he felt the same.

My perfect world was being overturned by shock and a deep sense of guilt because while we were safe enough here with Rob and Kelly it wouldn’t be the same at home. And if Ben made a move on me then I honestly didn’t know if I could resist him….

Your say: What do you think of this true confession? Share your thoughts below…

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