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I Framed my Best Friend

My friend Melissa and I had been “besties” since high school. We had pimples, braces and body image issues together and we always assumed that nothing would ever tear us apart.

Even having simultaneous crushes on the same guy in our early twenties couldn’t sour our relationship. We began to think that we were indestructible.

That was until Melissa and I started working for the same company. I had quit an awful job for a large retail chain and looking for something completely different, started working as a personal trainer for an up and coming ‘trainer agency’ of sorts.

I was well versed in the art of fitness but my new employer paid for me to get my Trainer’s Certificate and I was over the moon with my new life.

Melissa and I had become obsessed with working out ever since graduating high school. We had battled with countless ineffective diets and exercise regimes through our school years and had vowed to work out together and motivate each other forever more.

Melissa confided in me that she needed more money as she was looking to start a family in the years to come with her new husband – Phil – and that’s when I suggested that she come and work with me.

Melissa was in excellent shape and she was so enthused about the new job that she took herself off and completed the Personal Trainer course on her own time. My employer was so impressed that she took Melissa on with very little prompting from me.

Being the friend that I was, I generously gave Melissa half my client base (gradually so that Melissa wasn’t overwhelmed) and she took to her new role like a duck to water.

I had lost work and thus money by cutting my client list in two but I felt good about helping my friend and I slowly but surely, with a great deal of hard work, rebuilt my client list over the course of about a year.

Melissa started to change about a year into the new job. She started getting a bit preachy about diet and fitness and had rebuked me on more than one occasion for eating too many carbs.

“What will our clients think if they see you stuffing your face?” she had said sort of jokingly at first but with gathering intensity the next couple of times.

I took these outbursts in my stride but I was taken aback to say the least.

Then Melissa started with the critique of my physique. “Your obliques aren’t as tight as they once were Jen, do you think you’re getting a bit lazy?” was one of the key pearls of wisdom that really shocked me.

She also basically yelled out one morning whilst cycling behind me on a local bike-track, ‘Wow – your butt’s hanging over the bike-seat Jen, more biking and less bickies should fix that’. I saw red.

The final straw was when I went on holidays for two weeks to Fiji with my new boyfriend. Melissa had very eagerly offered to ‘take care’ of my clients while I was away.

I reluctantly agreed as I felt as though our friendship had cooled somewhat but a little voice in the back of my mind convinced me that trusting Melissa might be the first step to repairing our fractured friendship.

I also thought that some time away might help us to take stock and surely we would be better friends on my return. I have never been so wrong in my life.

When I returned, I found that Melissa had not only taken care of my clients, she had basically taken them over. Upon contacting some of my ex-customers, it seemed that Melissa had told them that I had called her and told her that I wasn’t sure that I was ever coming back.

She had pitched herself as the harder working trainer (having never had any time off since starting the job) and she had also started under-cutting my rates and throwing in some extra perks like free training sessions.

I told my now ex-clients the truth but only the faithful few returned to me. The rest were either lured in by Melissa’s fringe benefits package or so confused that they actually took their business elsewhere.

I confronted Melissa but she had become extraordinarily cold all of a sudden and she gave me the ‘you snooze you lose’ line.

I confided in my employer about the situation but she had said that in this business it was ‘the quick or the dead’. I was getting so sick of clichés!

I decided that if this was the way it was then all I could do was play along.

I started secreting away quantities of cash from the cash-box in the company safe at the office. All trainers had access to the safe so that they could put the company share of payments away until the end of the week when our boss would finally get around to tallying-up. My employer was a self-made business woman and the operation was pretty low-tech.

I started withholding small amounts of cash at first and nothing was said. But soon I was keeping larger quantities aside and that set the cat amongst the pigeons.

Everyone was a suspect. Staff meetings were held about the missing money and no one was directly accused but I was privy to occasional water-cooler gossip and it seemed that all eyes were on Melissa after what she had done to me. It was perfect.

I then felt that it was time to swoop. I went to see my employer in private and basically told her that Melissa had a problem.

I said that she had been a bit of a kleptomaniac during high school but I thought she had since ‘grown out of it’.

My employer wasn’t stupid and she asked me if I had a vendetta against Melissa but I delivered an academy award winning performance. I said that initially wanted revenge but now that I could see that the stress was getting to Melissa, causing her to relapse into old behaviours, I just wanted to help my friend.

I also said that if Melissa was going off the rails that it would reflect poorly on the business. I mean, how long would it be before she started stealing from clients?

Then it came to me. I sort of suggested some sort of intervention. I said that we should all try and help Melissa, knowing that my employer simply wanted to find out who was causing all this chaos and that she would agree on that basis.

I brought the stolen money into work, wrapped in an elastic band and stuffed into an empty ibuprofen box.

I ‘bumped into’ Melissa in the locker room and I pretended that I wanted to organise a girl’s night out to sort of re-ignite our friendship which had become almost non-existent.

Melissa seemed genuinely eager to do so and I felt a sudden pang of conscience. But then she headed for the showers leaving her sports bag unattended.

I fiddled about with my stuff long enough for Melissa and I to leave the locker room together. We headed for the exit and everyone was gathered there with our employer at the centre of the melee. I had told her that a random bag check would prove my theory right.

Everyone emptied their bags at the same time under the watchful eye of our employer. When the ibuprofen box tumbled out Melissa’s bag I quickly glanced in my employer’s direction.

She picked up the box and found the cash inside to the tune of Melissa’s protests (which only made her sound more guilty). There was over fifteen hundred dollars in the box.

Melissa was fired on the spot and my employer only agreed not to take legal action because I begged her not to; feeling as though the whole thing had gone far enough.

Melissa called me and accused me of setting her up. I acted as though she had gone mad. It goes without saying that our friendship ended there and then.

I have since become a freelance trainer and I have never told anyone about my revenge on Melissa. I sort of feel guilty sometimes but part of me also feels that Melissa had it coming.

All names have been changed. Picture posed by models.

Your say: Have your say about this true confession below…

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Cross over to the dark side

Maleficent, Cruella de Vil, The Evil Queen and Dr. Facilier

Did you ever watch a Disney film and find yourself empathising with the baddie? Seeing a bit of yourself in Cruella de Vil? Understanding Maleficent? M.A.C has cottoned on to this and brought out the new deliciously devilish, Venomous Villains range.

M.A.C has chosen classic dark ladies Cruella de Vil, Snow White‘s Evil Queen, Maleficent and devious Dr Facilier to showcase the range of deep, moody hues that characterise their range of lipsticks, powder blushes, nail lacquers and more.

Each of the four ranges shows off the true nature of the characters with notoriously named products, such as Dark Deed lipstick, Bite of an Apple powder blush and Mean & Green nail lacquer.

We love: From the Cruella De Vil collection, Powder Blush in Darkly My Dear ($45) and Lipstick in Heartless Cherry ($41). From the Dr Facilier collection, I’m So Vain Mirror ($15) and Greasepaint Stick in French Quarter ($38). From the Maleficent collection, Nail Lacquer in Bad Fairy ($22) and Lipglass in Wrong Spell ($40). From the Evil Queen collection, Lipstick in Toxic Tale ($41) and Beauty Powder in Oh So Fair ($52).

Try your hand at bad-girl beauty with this great range of truly devilish products. Who will you be?

Try your hand at bad-girl beauty with this great range of truly devilish products. Who will you be?

For more information, head to www.maccosmetics.com.

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Fitness freaks likely to have higher sex drives

An Australia-US study has found that animals with higher metabolisms tend to exercise more than their low-metabolism counterparts and also exhibit more dominant characteristics, including a higher sex drive.

In pictures: Walking with the stars

University of New South Wales senior lecturer Dr Peter Biro and Professor Judy Stamps, from the University of California, Davis, reviewed a range of studies that examined the relationship between behaviour and metabolic rates in insects, animals and birds.

They found that animals with a higher metabolism exercised more and exhibited characteristics of the stereotypical “jock”.

“Some of us are couch potatoes while others are drawn to sport and exercise,” Dr Biro said in a media release.

“We often associate the athletic ‘jock’ type or person with being aggressive and social, whereas the more sedentary ‘nerd’ often is seen as more socially awkward and submissive. These are generalisations, but most people would probably agree there is some truth to them,” he said.

“Male crickets with sex on their mind tend to call to attract mates more and have higher metabolism than those with slower metabolism.”

The results of the research were published in the journal, Trends in Ecology & Evolution.

Your say: Do you agree with these findings? Do you think the stereotype of “jock” and “nerd” are fair or close to the truth? Share your thoughts below.

Related video: Meet the 81-year-old with the fitness of a 20-year-old

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Pick protein for strong bones

Eating generous portions of protein as you get older equates to a reduced risk of hip fracture, researchers from the Harvard University said in a study published in Osteoporosis International.

They looked at the eating habits and risk of hip fractures in 946 older men and women and found those who ate less protein had around 50 percent more hip fractures than those who consumed greater amounts.

There may be two reasons to explain this finding. One, protein is necessary for strengthening the bone matrix and two, that protein helps to build stronger leg muscles and improves balance, thus possibly preventing falls. Optimal protein intake is regarded as being a minimum of 46g daily for older women and at least 56g for older men.

Your say: What do you think of this study? Share with us below.

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Morgan Freeman’s ex-wife receives $400 million divorce settlement

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Myrna Colley-Lee has reportedly pocketed around US$400 million in cash and assets after her 26-year marriage to actor Morgan Freeman came to an end in 2009.

In pictures: Most expensive divorces

Early whispers put the figure at US$175 million, but US magazine The National Inquirer has claimed the figure is much higher.

The settlement includes Myrna’s acquisition of a US$7 million property in the British Virgin Islands, a house in Los Angeles and a Central Park side apartment in New York.

In 2009 reports surfaced that Freeman was having a long-term affair with his step-granddaughter, E’Dena Hines.

Reports stated the affair between Freeman, 73, and Hines, 28, began when Hines was a teenager.

Your say: What do you think of this story? Do you think US$400 million is an adequate or ridiculous amount? Share with us below.

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Katherine Heigl’s bizarre police visit

Katherine Heigl's Bizarre police visit

When video footage emerged of Katherine Heigl talking to police outside her Los Angeles home wearing nothing but a tiny gold bikini, it seemed no-one could explain the bizarre scene.

Online sites reported that the incident was due to a noise complaint but that didn’t explain why both Katherine and her husband Josh Kelley answered the door in their swimsuits.

But the Life as We Know It star has set the record straight speaking to iVillage about the incident.

“I just love it because it’s the only scandalous, interesting thing that we’ve ever had to talk about,” she said.

The 31-year-old actress went on to explain the ongoing feud with her neighbour and why she didn’t think to cover up before heading outside.

“We were hanging out at home, just the two of us. We made ourselves some cocktails, and I had specifically worn a sexier bikini than I normally would because I hadn’t seen [Josh] in two weeks,” she said.

“We were just chillin’ in the hot tub, and my neighbour started screaming at us [to be quiet]. He’s done it like four times before, and it was so infuriating because it was nine at night and we were not shouting — just two people quietly talking and hanging out.

“I called my security and asked them to call the cops because at the end of the day, it’s harassment at this point.

“The cops showed up. We don’t put a towel on, we don’t put a robe on, we just go out there to chat about this neighbour we can’t stand, in our bathing suits and my boobs look ridiculous!”

Katherine and Josh, who have an adopted daughter Naleigh, welcomed the excitement saying: “We don’t really do anything that scandalous or that exciting, so the fact that we’re out talking to the cops in our bathing suits on a Monday night just cracks me up.”

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Salvia salvation



In spring salvias bloom red, blue, purple and yellow. They have enormous bushes, taller than I am, with spires of flowers and dozens of eastern spinebills and other birds sipping at the nectar. By midsummer there are great banks of rich purple flowers that keep giving a stunning show all summer long.

At Christmas the velvet-leafed orange salvia begins to bloom, with flowers all the way through autumn. This little darling grows ankle high, in either dappled shade or full sun. And like all salvias, it blooms in the worst of droughts as well as good seasons.

When the rest of our garden is drought withered, the great hedges of salvias are there to brighten our lives and fill our world with birds. Better still, even the wallabies don’t eat them. Nor do slugs or snails. Even grasshoppers prefer to eat green hoses and the washing off the line — which they will do in plague years — before they start to think about guzzling the salvias.

All through winter we have sky-blue salvias in a great hedge buzzing with bees all around my study. They keep flowering till mid-spring.

Salvias are one of the great dependables, no matter what the weather (or the soil or how little time you have for gardening), your salvias will do what salvias do best: survive, flower and give beauty to the world.

What salvias need:

Salvias are said to need full sun, but ours grow just as well in dappled shade too — and give as great a show. They’ll bloom longer if they’re given some water, but even in the worst of years here, we do get masses of blooms.

How to grow them:

All of my salvias began as potted plants bought from nurseries, or cuttings given to me by friends. But in a few years one salvia plant can become 50 — which is why we now have great hedges of them. You just thrust a pruning in the ground, about 60cm deep, and wait.

This year I put some cuttings in dry soil in August. It stayed dry till February — no rain, no watering — we didn’t have water to spare. I assumed they were all dead.

And then it rained … And three weeks later the stumps of the cuttings burst forth with green leaves and now they are just beginning to flower.

Salvias come in many forms. The “long-legged ones”, with great tall stems and flower heads almost 2m tall, need to be cut back to the ground in winter when they’ve finished blooming. Others form bush-like plants, like pineapple sage and fruit salad sage. These bloom from winter to spring, and need to be heavily pruned back when they stop flowering, too, or you’ll end up with a tangled jungle.

The smaller ground-cover salvias don’t need cutting back at all, unless you want material to establish them elsewhere in the garden. But I tend to give all the salvias, regardless of growth pattern, semi-regular haircuts with the long-bladed shears — both tidies them up and also encourage another round of flowers.


I never have, though our soil is fairly fertile by now.


There’ll be more flowers if you do; some at least if you don’t.


Read the label before you buy. Many of the showiest are frost tender. They’ll survive light frosts, but not severe ones. I grow ours near warm walls, next to paving, under trees that shelter them, or on banks where frost seems to flow away and they get lots of sun.

But there are many salvias that cope with heavy frost, too. Ask your local nursery to recommend their favourites. Then maybe start hunting for even more varieties, once you fall in love with those.

How to take a cutting:

Snip back the old canes or break them off one by one with your hands — the wood snaps easily. Trim off the top third of the leaves then poke into the soil where you want them to grow. A few months later nearly all should be growing.

Keep them moist if you can — but not too wet, in case they rot before they root. About 25 percent of my cuttings took during this dry year, but you soon have so much cutting material that you can afford to poke them in all over the place.

When to prune:

Any time they aren’t blooming. This is the perfect time for most salvias — and a perfect time to put them in the ground to grow new plants, too.

Which variety?:

Salvias come in just about every colour. My favourites are a dark deep red, the shaggy purple and bright gold that begin to bloom in autumn here but then gets cut back by the frosts. But there are dozens easily available at nurseries — and hundreds grown by enthusiasts.

Salvias are perhaps the cheapest way to fill your garden with colour and birds and scent. The flowers don’t have much fragrance, but the leaves of most are wonderfully spicy or fruity, though this isn’t the case with all of them — sniff before you buy.

They are also the ultimate in lazy gardening too. Poke a bit of wood into the ground; wait for a profusion of blooms and even more compliments on your green thumb; then prune the tall ones after flowering. The low-growing ones can be left as they are.

And they will survive. No matter what droughts, grasshopper and snail plagues afflict your garden in the year to come, your salvias will be laughing at it all … Or rather blooming, blooming and blooming.

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Eating for energy

Finding it hard to make it through the day without a bar of chocolate to top up your energy levels? There are better ways to keep your brain active throughout the day, all involving our diet and the way we eat.

Master the menu

To keep you body and brain powering through the day, focus on eating three meals plus a couple of snacks. Nutritionists recommend eating breakfast within an hour of waking to get the metabolism firing as soon as possible and also eating your last meal of the day at least one hour before hitting the hay. Beginning the day with wholegrains for breakfast is a great start followed by lean proteins such as skin-free chicken breast or tuna with a salad for lunch. Try to have lean protein for dinner too: it will keep you feeling full and help you wake up feeling spritely!

Smaller than you think

One key to weight-loss is to eat smaller portions than you normally would. This trick is also a good way to stay alert throughout the day. If your body is full — think Sunday lunch at mum’s house —your brain thinks it can relax. This is sometimes referred to as the “fat nap” because your mind doesn’t have to think about where the next meal will come from. Whereas if you eat smaller meals more often the body stays attentive as if on the lookout for the next meal.

Don’t be afraid of carbs

They are the main food group for a reason! Wholegrain bread, rice and pasta take longer to burn off and will help maintain your energy throughout the day. Compare these with white carbohydrates, which are higher in sugar and cause your blood sugar levels to spike rapidly and then crash shortly afterwards. As you’ve no doubt experienced, once you’ve hit the wall you’ll be craving even more sugar-laden foods.

The afternoon slump

When the inevitable “3.30itis” kicks in it is all too easy to head for the chip machine in the kitchen. But like the sugary carbs this will sustain your concentration only for a limited time before you find yourself staring out the window again. A great snack instead is the faithful banana — it’s full of proteins, vitamins and quick depositing sugars which give you that all-important boost but not at the expense of your blood sugar levels. Another good snack to keep on hand is unsalted nuts. Often you can pick these up for a couple of dollars from the supermarket. The key with the afternoon slump is to plan ahead — if you have something ready to go you are less likely to reach for that chocolate bar.

Your say: How do you keep you energy levels up? Do you find yourself losing energy in the afternoons? Share your thoughts below.

Related video: How to break the afternoon slump

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The best and worst short chic looks

It looks like Keira Knightley is bringing the bob back. The chic star was spotted sporting her new ‘do at the Chanel show during Paris Fashion Week recently.

The 25-year-old actress is one of the most recent celebrities to have trialled the tailored look.

From Victoria Beckham to Anne Hathaway, many celebrities have chopped and changed between the two looks.

Flick through our pictures of the best and worst transformations from short and chic to luscious long locks!

Keira Knightly

Ginnifer Goodwin

Katie Holmes

Kerry Katona

Victoria Beckham

Anne Hathaway

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Joan Collins: Classic Hollywood beauty is over

Joan Collins: Classic Hollywood beauty is over

After 60 successful years in showbiz, Joan Collins has slammed today’s Hollywood actresses saying that classic Hollywood beauty is over and the public are “starved of gorgeous people”.

In an interview with Hello! magazine the 77-year-old said the faces on today’s silver screen have changed dramatically over the years.

“When I was young, everybody on screen was gorgeous,” she said.

“I have to say, there aren’t that many good looking actresses around today. I mean, there’s Angelina Jolie and there’s … Angelina Jolie. Jennifer Aniston is cute, but I wouldn’t call her beautiful. She’s no Ava [Gardner] or Lana [Turner].”

During her scathing interview, Joan also said that actresses in her day were a lot more glamorous, stylish and cared more about their appearance.

“Perhaps actresses of today, in their desire to be ‘taken seriously’, feel that being groomed and well put together detracts from their ability,” she said.

“Yes, I know fashions change and everyone attempts to look up-to-date but the movie-star styles of the ’20s, ’30s, ’40s and ’50s changed radically each decade. What didn’t change, however, was their individual style; they were all one-offs.”

Apart from their style, Joan also has an issue with the number of Hollywood stars turning to cosmetic surgery rather than ageing gracefully.

“Women who turn to cosmetic procedures look ghastly. They don’t look like themselves,” she said.

“I quite like the way I look, I’m quite happy with the way I look and I really don’t want to change it. In front of the camera my skin probably isn’t nearly as good as it used to be. But, I mean, what the hell, everybody’s got to get older.”

Your say: What do you think about Joan’s comments? Do you agree with her? Share your thoughts below.

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