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Miranda’s baby bliss!

Miranda's baby bliss!

Loving every moment of her pregnancy, Miranda Kerr is living a dream life … if only she weren’t costing her Nan “a fortune”.

Miranda Kerr is simply glowing. The supermodel’s blue eyes shine with happiness, those famous dimples lighting up her face as she takes stock of her life.

Renowned for having her feet well and truly on the ground, the girl from Gunnedah has always realised she’s truly blessed.

Now, as she counts down to the birth of her first baby – due in January – with husband, Pirates Of The Caribbean star Orlando Bloom, the stunning brunette is embracing every moment of her pregnancy.

“My pregnancy is going really well and it is an incredibly moving time where we get to spend time just chatting to our little one. It’s so beautiful,” Miranda reflected on her blog.

In fact, the 27-year-old has revealed she’s even considering having a bronze mould made of her baby bump to keep as a permanent reminder of this joyous time. “That way you can always have that memory,” she says.

Related video: Miranda’s 60 minutes interview.

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Prince William and Kate Middleton: The countdown begins!

Prince William and Kate Middleton: The countdown begins!

Their big day will stop the world and breathe new life into the royal family.

It’s the happy news we’ve waited so long to hear. William, undeniably the world’s most popular prince, is finally set to marry his beautiful princess-in-waiting, Kate Middleton.

Their engagement has ignited a fresh tidal wave of royal fever. This is one love story the world is willing will have a magical, fairytale “happily ever after” ending. The beaming, besotted look on William’s face says it all. The playful prince is head over heels in love. And, let’s face it, while everyone loves a royal love story, they love a royal wedding even more.

Not since William’s mother, the late Princess Diana, made her historic walk down the aisle of St Paul’s Cathedral to marry his father, Prince Charles, has the world been so excited.

And while William says he’d prefer a much lower-key ceremony to his parents’ 1981 nuptials, the world is crying out for a lavish, pomp-filled extravaganza – something to take our minds off the job losses and economic woes caused by the global financial crisis.

This is the feel-good distraction we’ve all been hoping for.While Charles and Diana’s marriage was dubbed the wedding of the century, William and Kate’s is shaping up to be the wedding that stops the world and breathes new life into the ailing British royal family.

Your Say: Are you as excited about Kate and William’s wedding as you were about Princess Mary’s wedding? Cast your vote now!

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James Blunt praises Aussie X Factor contestants

James Blunt praises Aussie X Factor contestants

It can be hard to crack into the music industry, but one of X Factor‘s final three contestants, Andrew Lawson, left not only Australia but UK singer James Blunt with a lasting impression last night.

Blunt, who had the hit ‘Beautiful’, praised the 18-year-old Queenslander after the pair performed a duet on last night’s show.

“I really enjoyed X Factor last night,” Blunt told Woman’s Day.

“It’s a really professional set-up and I have done a lot of TV, so I can tell that straight away.

“I worked with Andrew doing a duet last night. He was a very easygoing approachable young man. He is just a great singer.”

The 36-year-old singer, who recently released his third album, Some Kind of Trouble, was equally impressed with the show’s other contestants 20-year-old Victorian Sally Ann Chatfield and 35-year-old Altiyan from NSW.

“I heard Sally as well. She is the only [other] one I had a proper listen to and she was great. The show has all the ingredients for some fun,” he said.

Sally was grooving with Jamiroquai as part of last night’s show and Altiyan Childs rocked out with INXS. Both Blunt and Jamiroquai will back up again tonight for the grand final and Blunt added he can’t wait.

“I am going to do ‘Stay the Night’ and I won’t be in a duet this time, so it will be on my own and that will be fun, it will be really fun,” he said.

When asked who he thought could take out the 2010 title, Blunt wasn’t giving anything away.

“I don’t want to taint anyone’s chances by putting my name to them. I can say that it was a great pleasure working with Andrew yesterday,” Blunt said.

Tonight won’t be the last time you will catch Blunt performing in Australia. He will return for shows across the country in May 2011 as part of his third world tour.

Your Say: Who will win X Factor tonight? Share your thoughts below.

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My first love still pursues me, even though he’s married

First love

Image source: Getty - posed by models

When I was at university I had a real thing for another student, Gerry, who was going out with a girl named Susan. She wasn’t a friend of mine but I knew her to chat to, which didn’t stop me fancying Gerry but did stop me doing anything about it.

He was gorgeous — tall, really good looking and very bright and since he was training to be a doctor I couldn’t help imagining what he’d look like in a white coat. It seemed he felt the same way — we flirted every time we bumped into each other when his girlfriend wasn’t there, exchanged longing glances at union discos and always gravitated towards one another when in a crowd.

My friend Sandy had been at high school with Gerry and told me to steer clear because he was a constant flirt and a real ditherer, unable to make his mind up about anything. He also said that he had an eye for the “big time” with Susan as she came from a very wealthy background and, coming from an ordinary working-class background, he was enjoying all the benefits of that.

Love struck, I tried not to believe that about him, but when Gerry phoned and asked me out I did have the sense to ask about Susan. He said that their relationship was over, but could we keep me and him quiet for the moment as she had been very upset when he’d finished with her.

Ever one for the sisterhood I agreed and was enchanted when he turned up for our first date in a little car complete with picnic basket and rug on the backseat and drove us out to a lovely spot in the countryside.

The car was his mum’s, but a week later he borrowed it again and we headed off for a long romantic walk on a beach. This continued for a couple of weeks and eventually he suggested we go out for dinner.

It was a beautiful summer evening and I spent hours getting dressed up to the nines in a beautiful floaty dress and strappy sandals and when he turned up in the car he had clearly made the same sort of effort.

We headed for a small romantic restaurant where we gazed into each other’s eyes over the candlelight and murmured sweet nothings. He leaned across the table and took my hand gently as he asked if we could spend the night together and I nodded in agreement, thinking that this really was true love.

We’d both been drinking wine so he decided he’d better leave the car as he lived in fear of anything that might harm his chances of getting his degree. On our way back we decided to cross the road to a lovely park and enjoy our romantic surroundings.

We cuddled up on a bench and he told me that he’d liked me for ages, he was so glad we were now together, especially as Susan had been horribly needy and caused huge scenes over nothing.

I was so happy he’d finally had the strength to ignore her tantrums and move on and I couldn’t believe my luck as we made our way back across the road and headed for a taxi.

We were meandering along the busy street when he simply vanished. One minute we’d been holding hands, the next he’d disappeared and as I turned in bewilderment I heard someone calling my name and looked back to see Susan walking towards me.

I didn’t want to see her in case she was still upset and I had to lie to her, but I had no choice as she joined me and cheerfully asked how I was, telling me I looked very pretty. I was sure the news about Gerry and I hadn’t reached her or she wouldn’t have been so friendly.

Suddenly she looked puzzled. “What on earth is my car doing here?” she said, gazing at the little car Gerry had left parked outside the restaurant. “Your car?” I said in shock.

“Oh yes,” she said, “Daddy just bought it for me a couple of months ago and Gerry uses when he wants. He’s being doing a lot of long hours over the last month so I’ve hardly seen him — or it! He must be in the student union bar so I’ll go and look for him, Daddy and Mummy are expecting us home this weekend.” She then disappeared.

Gerry sheepishly crawled out of the Chinese restaurant he’d taken refuge in and suddenly my big romance was over, despite his protests that he’d tried to finish it with Susan but been unable to because she threatened suicide.

Clutching my dignity I headed off alone, heartbroken and stunned at his cheek. Over the following months it did help to see that Susan was very temperamental and controlling every time we were in the same crowd, but it would actually have been easier if I’d felt he was in love with her, rather than staying for the money.

A year later when we’d all graduated he turned up at my door, saying that he knew he messed up the love of his life by not staying with me. He was moving to another town and begged me to come with him but I knew I didn’t trust him enough and I had also just started my first job.

I shouldn’t have been surprised when he and Susan got engaged the following week, nor by the phone call two days before the wedding when he asked me out yet again.

It took me a long, long time to get over him, the problem was I genuinely adored him and wished it could have been me rather than Susan. I still don’t know if he loved me or was genuinely torn between the two of us but I couldn’t bear to think that someone I loved so much would settle for money over love, but whatever his reason for choosing her it didn’t make him happy.

Two weeks after the wedding I bumped into him and he begged me to go out for dinner. Refusing his pleading puppy eyes was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, but when I last saw him three years ago I was so glad I had, as yet again he said that Susan meant nothing and would I come out with him.

Having just booked my wedding to the loveliest man I had ever met I had no regrets when I told Gerry that from now on all my dates would be with my husband.

Your say: Have you experienced a dating disaster? Was it funny, upsetting or just plain weird? What happened? Share your dating story below…

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Is rent money really ‘dead’ money?

Ah the great property debate. To rent or to buy? Is there even a right answer anymore?
young couple with cardboard boxes, thinkstock

Buying a home is not on everyone’s radar as the extra costs you’re lumped with can be quite daunting to raise, compared to renting.

You first need to save for a home loan deposit of at least 10 per cent of the purchase price as a good start — that’s $30,000 for a $300,000 property. And don’t forget all of the other fees and charges that come with setting up a mortgage, such as establishment, legal, valuation and documentation costs.

There’s also lenders mortgage insurance (LMI) if you borrow more than 80 percent of the value of the property and stamp duty, the list goes on. And with RateCity’s recent survey of rental prices compared to the cost of buying, it’s no wonder that many people are trapped under the rental web.

RateCity found that the average national rental price was $1520 per month (according to Australian Property Monitors (APM)). And mortgage repayments for the average loan size of $289,300 (Australian Bureau of Statistics) with the average comparison rate for this loan amount at 7.09 per cent (RateCity research) would cost about $2061 per month. That’s a difference of $541 extra for a mortgage compared to renting.

But here is where it gets interesting. If rental prices increase by five per cent over the next five years and property prices increase by 10 per cent for the same period, Australians could be more than $41,000 better off by paying off a mortgage in five years compared to renting, according to RateCity (assuming the interest rate remains).

This is because the national median house price according to APM is $558,540 and the equity in your property is likely to increase higher than rental prices. In fact, APM recorded house prices increased on average by 15.6 per cent year-on-year in June 2010. That’s while rental costs only went up by 4.33 per cent for the same period.

Of course there are many Australians who are not able to afford that extra $541 to pay off a mortgage each month. I know I have many moments of wanting to spend $500 on shopping as oppose to paying a lender mortgage repayments! But those that can and are contemplating to renew their rental agreement for another term or purchase a home can significantly benefit with buying property — even with a mortgage.

Don’t forget that these are average prices in the RateCity study and can vary by location. What you may not realise is how much the costs can also differ between lenders, which can make an even bigger impact on your repayments costs as well as how much you need to save. For instance, one of RateCity’s top variable home loans is by State Custodians with a comparison rate for a $300,000 mortgage of 6.46 per cent. Compared to 7.09 per cent, that’s a difference of $120 per month or potentially $36,000 over the course of 25 years.

It’s worth doing your research and make sure you check the details including fees and charges before signing up to a home loan.

Your say: Do you think rent money is ‘dead money’? Do you plan on buying a home soon? Email us on [email protected]

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Daughters diet just like their mothers

Teenage girls are more than twice as likely to fall into a habit of dieting if their mother has a disjointed relationship with food, a UK survey has found.

A study of 2500 girls in the UK by teen magazine Sugar has found that 15 percent of teenage girls diet regularly due to comments from parents, media images of celebrities and the attitudes of friends.

If that isn’t worrying enough, the number doubles if a teenage girl has seen her mother constantly try new diets.

The study found that mothers’ attitudes to celebrity body types have an influence, with girls more likely to focus on their weight if they hear admiring comments about stars’ bodies. More than half of the girls also said their family comments on what they eat.

Editor Annabel Brog said girls are “assimilating” their mum’s anxieties. “Mums want the best for [their] daughters but we live in a world preoccupied with body size, and inevitably daughters are picking up on and assimilating anxieties their mums have,” she said.

The study also found that 93 percent of the girls surveyed, aged between 13 and 19, were worried about their weight with 75 percent admitting their friends also diet. Twenty-five percent said they have a friend with an eating disorder.

Your say: What do you think of this study? Do you think this is a worrying trend in young girls? How can we help create healthy attitudes towards health and body shapes?

Related video: Healthy crash diets

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Affair diary 3: If no-one knows, then no-one can get hurt

Office attraction

Image source: Getty - posed by models

When I got home I parked the car and sat looking at myself in the mirror for a moment, my heart still seeming to skip a beat when I thought of Ben.

The house was quiet as I let myself in and then Rob and the children leapt out of the kitchen, yelling “Surprise!” , with the kids waving streamers and Rob brandishing a bottle of champagne. “To my beautiful wife,” he said, passing me a glass and pouring the bubbly almost in one movement.

“What did Mum do?” asked my little boy excitedly and Rob laughed. “Well, she’s top of the class,” he said, hugging me tightly as the children danced around us, and we all collapsed in a pile on the rug.

“You won’t believe who’s on the account with me,” I said casually to Rob “Your friend Ben.” He beamed at me in response.“That’s brilliant,” he said “He’s a lovely bloke and you’ll get on really well with him. Let’s get them over next weekend.”

Sitting around the barbecue a week later, I congratulated myself silently on having avoided being alone with Ben throughout all the consultations our firms had organised.

I knew that even contemplating being unfaithful to Rob was a betrayal in itself and I was determined not to allow myself to be tempted again, but I could feel my resolve giving way as Ben picked up a plate of food and grinned lazily at me.

“Clever, beautiful and a brilliant cook,” he said to Rob “Just what did we do in a past life to deserve such perfect wives?” Kelly laughed and ruffled his hair “Stop sucking up to Carol,” she teased “You’ve already got the job so you don’t have to impress anyone. But seriously, Carol, all I’ve heard all week is how great you are to work with – I can’t believe how well it’s all turned out.”

I looked at her for a moment as she leaned back comfortably against Ben’s arm and the wave of jealousy I felt almost stopped me speaking. “Well, the feeling’s entirely mutual,” I said eventually “I hope you and Rob don’t mind being deserted because Ben and I will be joined at the hip for the next few months.” As Ben looked quickly at me I knew he’d got the message, but I also knew that I would have to spell it out for him on Monday.

We were sitting in my office putting together a report of the initial work and as I passed him a folder of notes I caught his eye. “This sounds incredibly blunt but you need to know that I’m happily married and aim to stay that way,” I said quietly and there was a long moment of silence while I wondered if I was making a total fool of myself.

“ I know,” he said “I feel exactly the same way about Kelly and the kids but I’m mad about you. What harm could we do if no-one knows?”

Rob’s handsome face crossed my mind for a moment but I pushed that thought away. I wanted Ben and if no-one knew, then no-one could get hurt.

“Ok, but we stick to the ground rules. No texts, emails, messages – no trail to get us into trouble. We’re friends, we work together, we have every reason to see each other but no matter what happens, we deny everything.” I said vehemently and Ben looked slightly taken aback, but nodded quickly.

“Our company has an apartment we use for entertaining or visiting staff,” he said “ I look after it and I’m heading there this afternoon. Would you like to join me?”

That was nearly two years ago and we’re still seeing each other at least twice a week. Most people have affairs as a way out and so have an end in sight, but I want to stay married to my lovely Rob and keep my lover too, and so far we’ve done a great balancing act.

Both families still socialise together and Ben and I see each other for work, but we also have an extra secret life which gives us great pleasure and doesn’t concern anyone else.

Sometimes I’ll say to Rob that I saw Ben at a conference and we had lunch or coffee together, but of course I don’t mention the two hours we spent in bed first. There’s no need for that ever to change and I’m sure many people would criticise us fiercely, but be honest – if you could have an affair without any chance of being found out, wouldn’t you be tempted?

Your say: What do you think of this true confession? Share your thoughts below…

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Glenn Mcgrath marries Sara Leonardi in secret ceremony!


Glenn McGrath and Sara Leonardi have tied the knot in a secret wedding ceremony this afternoon, Nine News has reported.

The cricket legend and his bride reportedly wed at their beachfront Woolooware, NSW, home in a ceremony attended by Glenn’s two children with late wife Jane McGrath, nine-year-old Holly and 10-year-old James, and close family and friends.

Read more: Sara says: I don’t want to replace Jane

The ceremony is said to have taken place on the balcony of the couple’s home, which was set up with a long white table and champagne flutes as guests arrived throughout the early afternoon.

The private pair, who became engaged four months ago, went to great lengths to keep out uninvited guests by covering their balcony in thick plastic.

Sara’s parents arrived from South Africa on the weekend, hinting that a special family event was about to take place.

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Surfing safari

Are you keen to get fit this summer but sick of pounding the pavement? Maybe surfing could work for you! No, not surfing the internet, we’re talking the original (and the best) form of surfing, in the ocean on a board.

Don’t be too scared by the prospect of “hanging 10” in the deep blue. Most novices will find after only one surfing lesson they’re feeling muscles they didn’t know existed!

Ten reasons to try surfing

  1. It will get your heart rate up and work a variety of muscles and systems in the body. You’re sure to be aching the day after your first ride but as you improve you will develop the muscles and fitness needed to be a good surfer.

  2. You’ll feel refreshed after spending time interacting with nature. Don’t underestimate the power of the ocean when it comes to clearing the mind.

  3. Surfing doesn’t discriminate! There are no age, race or gender barriers when it comes to the ocean, anyone can give surfing a go.

  4. Get in touch with the past by rocking out your retro style cossie this summer while hanging 10.

  5. Surfing is cheap! Once you’ve got yourself a board and wetsuit, surfing is free.

  6. Nothing beats the rush you feel the first time you stand up, ride a wave or even wipe out.

  7. Learning a new activity is a great way to meet new people. If you’re a first-time surfer it is a good idea to take a lesson (or two), you’ll meet people of a similar skill level and you’ll have fun together.

  8. You might find yourself hanging out with some of the ocean’s most beautiful creatures, dolphins.

  9. Australia has some of the most beautiful sections of coast in the world. You’ll see it in a whole new light riding the waves.

  10. You’ll have fun!

So what are you waiting for? Get out there and give it a go.

If you live in or near Sydney, head down to the Manly Festival of Surfing on between November 18 and 21. Check out www.manlyfestivalofsurfing.com.au for more information

Your say: Do you surf? Have you tried it before? What are the reasons you like surfing? What are your favourite sports?

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Home Page 5299

Surfing safari

Are you keen to get fit this summer but sick of pounding the pavement? Maybe surfing could work for you! No, not surfing the internet, we're talking the original (and the best) form of surfing, in the ocean on a board.

Are you keen to get fit this summer but sick of pounding the pavement? Maybe surfing could work for you! No, not surfing the internet, we’re talking the original (and the best) form of surfing, in the ocean on a board.

Don’t be too scared by the prospect of “hanging 10” in the deep blue. Most novices will find after only one surfing lesson they’re feeling muscles they didn’t know existed!

Ten reasons to try surfing

  1. It will get your heart rate up and work a variety of muscles and systems in the body. You’re sure to be aching the day after your first ride but as you improve you will develop the muscles and fitness needed to be a good surfer.

  2. You’ll feel refreshed after spending time interacting with nature. Don’t underestimate the power of the ocean when it comes to clearing the mind.

  3. Surfing doesn’t discriminate! There are no age, race or gender barriers when it comes to the ocean, anyone can give surfing a go.

  4. Get in touch with the past by rocking out your retro style cossie this summer while hanging 10.

  5. Surfing is cheap! Once you’ve got yourself a board and wetsuit, surfing is free.

  6. Nothing beats the rush you feel the first time you stand up, ride a wave or even wipe out.

  7. Learning a new activity is a great way to meet new people. If you’re a first-time surfer it is a good idea to take a lesson (or two), you’ll meet people of a similar skill level and you’ll have fun together.

  8. You might find yourself hanging out with some of the ocean’s most beautiful creatures, dolphins.

  9. Australia has some of the most beautiful sections of coast in the world. You’ll see it in a whole new light riding the waves.

  10. You’ll have fun!

So what are you waiting for? Get out there and give it a go.

If you live in or near Sydney, head down to the Manly Festival of Surfing on between November 18 and 21. Check out www.manlyfestivalofsurfing.com.au for more information

Your say: Do you surf? Have you tried it before? What are the reasons you like surfing? What are your favourite sports?

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