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Most shocking celebrity transformations!

Amy Winehouse

It’s hard to believe that Amy Winehouse once looked this healthy! She went from looking like this at the beginning of her career to…

Amy Winehouse

…looking like this.

Ashlee Simpson

Ashlee Simpson has gone from Jessica Simpson’s sweet little sister…

Ashlee Simpson

…to rocker Pete Wentz’s wife. She has had a number of hairstyle changes along this way, but this is her latest ‘do.

Britney Spears

Who could forget Britney Spears when she first popped on to our radar in 1998 with her single ‘Baby One More Time’.

Britney Spears

But her wholesome image didn’t last for long!

Christina Aguilera

Christina Aguilera went from this slim shy girl…

Christina Aguilera

…to an outspoken woman who is now proud of her curves.

Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp has transformed himself for a number of roles including performances in Pirates of the Caribbean and Edward Scissorhands.

Johnny Depp

While the star still has his charm, he looks nothing like himself as a young actor, but more like his Pirates of the Caribbean character.

Heidi Montag

The once-natural Heidi Montag famously transformed herself after undergoing 10 plastic surgery procedures in one day.

Heidi Montag

Her surgery included increasing her chest to a G-cup and having her ears pinned back.

Jennifer Grey

After Jennifer Grey’s role on Dirty Dancing in 1987, she decided to have a nose job to remove the bump from her nose.

Jennifer Grey

But the procedure made her almost unrecognisable. “I went in the operating theatre a celebrity and came out anonymous,” she said. “It was like being in a witness protection program or being invisible.”

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson’s incredible transformation included up to a dozen surgeries in two years and visits to the plastic surgeon about every two months. He famously went from this …

Michael Jackson

…to this.

Princess Mary

Australia’s own Mary Donaldson went from an everyday Tasmanian-born real estate agent…

Princess Mary

…to the Crown Princess of Denmark and a complete style icon.

Ricki Lake

As a young actress Ricki Lake had always struggled with her weight.

Ricki Lake

But in 2008 she told People magazine that she had shed 63 kilos and couldn’t believe the size she once was.

Victoria Beckham

Victoria Beckham is a far cry from the young Posh Spice she used to be.

Victoria Beckham

She has transformed herself into a style icon and fashion designer.

Nicole Richie

Nicole Richie went from Paris Hilton’s mischief making best friend…

Nicole Richie

…to chic style icon, mother and wife.

Kirstie Alley

Kirstie Alley has transformed herself from this…

Kirstie Alley

…to this. The actress who has struggled with weight gain over the past few years is currently trying to trim down.


A once natural looking Cher has transformed herself from this…


..to this over the years.

Celine Dion

Thanks to a nose job and some straightening out of her teeth, Celine Dion went from this…

Celine Dion

…to this.

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The truth about sags and bags

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Just because your dad had a double chin doesn’t mean that you will — research suggests that life experiences may outweigh genes when it comes to ageing.

It seems that the amount of time that you spent on the beach as a teen with just a bottle of baby oil between you and the sun’s rays isn’t the only predictor of how well (or how badly) your face will age. According to a study from the US University Hospitals Case Center, published in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, getting divorced, gaining or losing a lot of weight, and taking antidepressants wreak even more havoc on your looks.

The researchers set out to assess the effects of genetic predisposition and life experiences on appearance. To do so, they chose 186 pairs of identical twins, who are, of course, genetically programmed to age at the same pace. Each twin provided details about their health history and personal background, and each provided a photograph. These images were examined by a group of testers, who were asked to nominate the age they perceived the people in the photos to be.

The panel found that those twins who had been divorced looked two years older than those who were married, single or widowed. Weight played a role in age perception, with a twist: heavier twins under 40 years of age were thought to be older than they actually were; however, heavier twins over 40 were seen as younger than their real age, while heavier 40-plus twins who had lost a lot of weight quite quickly were also perceived to be older than they were. Perhaps most interesting of all was the effect of the use of antidepressants, with twins who had used these medicines looking much older than those who had not.

The emotional and financial stress of divorce is an understandable risk factor for accelerated ageing, and weight carries such emotional loading — no pun intended — that it is also not surprising that it affects our perception of what a person is like. But why antidepressants? The researchers speculate that, because these drugs can act as muscle relaxants, that long-term use may cause loss of tone in the facial muscles, hastening the development of sagging skin. The good news is that you can control and avoid several environmental stressors that cause premature ageing and – potentially – turn back your age clock.

Your say: Are you worried about the impact of genes or lifestyle on your looks? Tell us below…

Related video: Carolyn Cleaves from Carolyn’s Facial Fitness joins TODAY to show viewers how doing facial exercises every day can give you the same results as cosmetic procedures.

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Review: *Love and Other Drugs*

It’s hard to understand how a book exposing the hypocrisy and immorality of pharmaceutical marketing could be the basis for a romantic comedy, but Love and Other Drugs is surprising in so many ways.

The lead character (played by Jake Gyllenhall) is based on Jamie Reidy, the man who wrote the book Hard Swell: The Evolution of a Viagra Salesman.He is a red hot salesman; whether he is selling stereos, mobiles, or his charms, he succeeds using his charisma and energy to seduce all, even grandmas. He’s the family drifter who will never settle for anything less than hedonism and is the perfect empty vessel for Pfizer’s sales training techniques. The first act delves into the sales techniques they use, and it is a real eye opener and stomach churner.

It is while posing as a doctor he is entranced by Georgie (Annie Hathaway) who explodes onto the screen and soon turns Jamie’s world, and the movie, on its head. She is sassy, brutally honest and viciously verbose and wants nothing more in her life than casual encounters, and figures a drug salesman is as empty as she can get.

Two people, madly in lust, committed to nothing more than gratification and avoiding commitment … what more could Gen X want?

The truth is, Maggie is in stage of one of Parkinson’s disease, and Jamie is in stage two of his fledgling career; Viagra is about to hit the charts, so for both of them, love’s not on the menu. But with two such attractive talents burning for each other, love triumphs. After all, who could resist Jake Gylenhall’s bedroom eyes or Anny Hathaway’s sumptuous smile?

If the left turn from satire to romance is a surprise, then so is the sensitive way Parkinson’s is treated. The scene where they visit a Parkinson’s convention is hilarious and moving. The sufferers joke about anything from opening jars to happy endings. It’s that sort of film. And Jamie’s over-reaction to wanting to save Maggie is the sort of heroics sufferers admire and admonish.

The plot does take predictable turns, but does them with style. Romantic comedies rely on chemistry, and Gylenhall and Hathaway — reuniting after Brokeback Mountain — produce a combination which rivals nitro and glycerine; it is dazzling to watch. Hathaway sparkles from her first scene and Jake does all he can to keep up. The way they crack through their wordy dialogue is a treat to watch, and the movie revels in their happiness, with languid scenes of naked lovers talking. They are so good that there is no need for the annoying frumpy older brother, Josh (Josh Randall), but Hank Azaria is strong as the disillusioned, corruptible doctor.

This is a unique romantic comedy which pulls no punches; while its snappy dialogue, take on the drug industry and themes of illness are a definite modern approach, it is still the all-important chemistry of the two leads which carry it. These two don’t just act their parts; the crackling you’ll hear is what’s left off the screen.

Your say: Have you seen Love and Other Drugs? Did you enjoy it? Share with us below.

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Quins mum: We’re having a bumby ride

Quins mum: We're having a bumby ride

Pregnant with quintuplets, Melissa and Rosemary reveal the preparations they’ve been making for their babies’ arrival.

Melissa Keevers takes a deep breath as her partner Rosemary Nolan puts a protective hand on her protruding belly. Since the same-sex couple from Brisbane first revealed to Woman’s Day they were expecting quintuplets in October, Melissa’s bump has been getting bigger by the day.

“When I tell people I’m pregnant with quins they’re surprised I’m not the size of a house,” smiles the 27-year-old. “Then I remind them I’m only 21 weeks pregnant. I’m the size of someone who’s nine months pregnant with one baby. So with five … I’ll be huge!”

Although Melissa’s due date is April 7, doctors warned her babies would arrive well before then. “My body won’t be able to physically make it [to full term],” she says. “The doctors would like me to get to 30 weeks. But anywhere over 24 minimises the risks, so we’re hoping I’ll last as long as possible.”

As we prepared to go to press, Melissa was under medical supervision and on steroids to try to forestall labour, but until now her pregnancy has been straightforward. “Everything has gone so well,” she says.

“The babies have been tracking along nicely size-wise and I feel good.” “She’s been eating non-stop though!” laughs an attentive Rosemary, 22. “I’m eating for six!” exclaims Mel. “At the beginning I was craving pickles, but now I’m eating everything – meat, fruit, nuts, bread …”

The only downside of pregnancy, Mel admits, is that she’s struggling to wind down from her usual parenting duties to the couple’s 15-month-old daughter, Lily.

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Killer mum Keli Lane’s life of evil lies and deception

Killer mum Keli Lane’s life of evil lies and deception

Last week, former water-polo champion Keli Lane was found guilty of murdering her two-day-old daughter. Candace Sutton and Katherine Chatfield untangle a twisted, terrible tale.

For 14 years, only one person has known the fate of tragic newborn Tegan Lane – her mother, Keli. The baby was last seen in 1996, when Keli walked out of Auburn Hospital in Sydney’s west with the two-day-old infant in her arms. Since then, Tegan’s fate has remained a mystery.

Keli Lane spun a fanciful tale that tiny Tegan had been taken by her father. But last week, more than a decade of lies unravelled when a Sydney jury found Lane guilty of murdering the innocent baby.

Fourteen years is a long time to carry the burden of a lie and conceal a murder. And when Lane, trembling and dressed in black, heard the word “Guilty” whispered across a hushed Sydney courtroom, years of buried emotion surged forth in unrelenting hysteria.

The sickening scream, the guttural sobs and shouting, “Oh no,” were more than many in the courtroom could bear. Lane crumbled to the floor in convulsions, a loud crack echoing around the courtroom as she slammed her head on the way down.

Jurors wept, medics were called and a prison van waited. Lane wouldn’t be home for Christmas as many had firmly believed. Instead, handcuffed and hysterical, she began a terrified walk to what the prosecution hopes will be a long stint behind bars.

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Michelle Williams and Matilda’s girls day out!

Michelle Williams and Matilda's girls day out!

The actress and her gorgeous daughter were all smiles as they headed to a Santa Monica cafe.

As Michelle Williams and her daughter Matilda Rose Ledger picked out a bouquet of flowers in the California sunshine, it was clear the bond between the actress and her gorgeous five-year-old is as tight as the grip of their clasped hands.

The two blondes seemed almost glued together as they met up with Michelle’s former Dawson’s Creek co-star Busy Philipps and her two-year-old daughter Birdie for a fun play date in Santa Monica.

They only let go of each other’s hands so Matilda could show off her gymnastics at the cafe where they ate brunch.

Looking happy and relaxed, Michelle loved taking time out from her hectic schedule to catch up with Busy, who is Matilda’s godmother.

It’s nearly three years since the tragic death of Matilda’s father, Heath Ledger, in New York, and the spirited little girl is almost the mirror image of her talented dad.

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Get bikini ready at any age!

Get bikini ready at any age!

It doesn’t matter what age these celebs are, they all have one thing in common – fabulously beach-worthy bodies. We find out how they got them, and more importantly, how you can, too!

Kerri-Anne Kennerley, 50-something

How she stays in shape: Golf, walking, weight training, skiing.

Aussie talk show queen Kerri-Anne Kennerley has one of the busiest jobs on the box, but she still finds time to squeeze in exercise – she says it’s what gives her the energy to keep up with the demands of her showbiz life.

But after a skiing accident earlier this year saw her needing a knee operation, those weekly workouts became more difficult. She credits personal trainer Dan for getting her back on her feet – and in the best shape of her life.

“Working with a personal trainer is fantastic, because it reboots your system. It reinforces the correct way to exercise and makes your body work a bit harder,” Kerri-Anne explains.

The presenter was determined her injury wasn’t going to slow her down. In fact, she had her operation on Friday at 1pm and was back at work on Monday!

“[The operation] kept me going to the gym two or three times a week which was good. I just stopped doing a couple of things that made my knee worse, like leg presses. I focused more on using hand weights, working on my shoulders and riding a bike.”

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Karl Stefanovic and Lisa Wilkinson: “Christmas is the best day of the year!”

Karl Stefanovic and Lisa Wilkinson: It's the best day of the year!

Today hosts Karl Stefanovic and Lisa Wilkinson reveal their Christmas plans.

Karl Stefanovic and Lisa Wilkinson will spend Christmas Eve together when they co-host the Nine Network’s Carols By Candlelight. But as the Today presenters tell Woman’s Day, they will then part ways to pop open champagne, unwrap presents and celebrate Christmas with their families.

Karl, 36, has two Christmases planned – one mid-air en route to California, and one on landing in LA, where his wife Cassandra and their children, Jackson, 11, Ava, 5, and River, 4, will be waiting.

Lisa, 50, her husband Peter FitzSimons and their children, Jake, 17, Louis, 15, and Billi, 13, will celebrate the usual way– devouring a summery feast and playing backyard cricket.

Are you planning to sing at Carols By Candlelight?

Karl: Lisa has banned me because she thinks I have the most ordinary voice. She also said it’s a night for the experts and we don’t want to ruin anyone’s Christmas.

Lisa: At primary school I was Maria in The Sound Of Music. I left with the sound of applause ringing in my ears. I think that’s the way one should always go out.

Your most memorable Christmas?

Karl: As a kid, Mum would hit us with surprises on Christmas Eve. She made it magical. Mums do a lot of that and I think it really reinforces the spirit of Christmas to me. I try to make Christmas really special for my kids.

Lisa: Every Christmas is special. Pete is part of a large family. We all contribute to Christmas lunch. Pete and I met in December 1991. I knew things were going well when, three days after we met, he invited me over for Christmas night. This is going to be our 20th Christmas together.

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Jessica Marais and James Stewart: Our love story!

Jessica Marais and James Stewart: Our love story!

A trip to South Africa seals the love between the Packed To The Rafters couple.

The whirlwind romance between Packed To The Rafters co-stars Jessica Marais and James Stewart is set to take an exotic turn, with the pair planning a trip in January to her birthplace, South Africa.

Jessica, 25, who was born in Johannesburg and grew up in neighbouring city Benoni, is smitten with co-star James, 35. She is eager to introduce her fiancé to the family members still living in far-flung spots from Cape Town to Durban and further north in Zimbabwe.

“We’re talking about fitting in a trip to South Africa to see my grandma,” Jessica explains to Woman’s Day, while James says he is keen to meet “the grandma” and the rest of his fiancée’s extended family.

Jessica and her immediate family – mum Karen, dad Tony and younger sister Clara – left South Africa when she was only three years old. They travelled across Canada and New Zealand with Tony, who was a university dean, diplomat and economist.

When Jessica was nine, Tony gained a post at the University of Western Australia and the family moved to Perth. But in a tragic turn of events, Tony died shortly after their arrival, leaving his family stranded in Australia.

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Miranda Kerr’s baby bump has her blooming!

Miranda Kerr's baby bump has her blooming!

The Aussie beauty models her burgeoning baby bump with doting Orlando on hand.

She knows how to work a catwalk in custom-made jewellery and expensive heels, but Miranda Kerr’s baby belly may be her best accessory yet.

The Gunnedah-born girl simply beamed as she and husband Orlando Bloom took a stroll through West Hollywood after a romantic brunch. With a hand on her bump and a big smile on her face, the 27-year-old, who is due to give birth in January, looked to really be enjoying her pregnancy.

“I’m definitely taking more time out to relax and be present to the whole experience,” Miranda recently told Vogue magazine, adding that she can’t wait to meet her unborn child.

“Every mother I’ve spoken to has said you cannot explain the profound feeling of love that comes over you as soon as the baby is born. I’m really looking forward to that moment.”

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