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Alex Perry’s latest Diva collection

He has been named the king of the corset and now Australian fashion designer Alex Perry can add successful jewellery designer to his list of achievements, following the release of his third jewellery line with Diva.

His new high summer collection includes stunning jewelled neck pieces, pretty soft chiffon bracelets and feathered drop earrings all available at an affordable price.

Flick through the pictures of the new Alex Perry range for Diva here and then watch our interview with the famed designer where he talks about his style tips, his stint on Project Runway and his favourite celebrity fashion muse.

Alex Perry for Diva

Alex Perry for Diva

Alex Perry for Diva

Alex Perry for Diva

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Flood family: One mini bus, 14 kids and a lot of love

Flood family: One mini bus, 14 kids and a lot of love

All it takes is lots of lists and one very organised mum to get the Bonell brood back to classes.

For many children affected by the Queensland floods, last week saw a return to their normal routine as they went back to school. But for one Toowoomba family, setting off for school means nothing short of a military-style operation for all 14 children.

The Bonells are able to return to their routine after they escaped unscathed from the devastating floods – although as the water headed up their street, they feared the worst.

“But luck was on our side,” says mum Jenny. “The waters only made their way under the house and into the pool. It was frightening for the kids, especially the younger ones, but we’re grateful we’re OK.”

As all 10 of the school-aged Bonell children board their personal school bus in regimented fashion, supermum Jenny takes her place behind the wheel. After a quick roll-call, she runs through their check-list: lunches, water bottles, hats, books, pencil cases… Then seat belts are fastened and the family’s 16-seater weaves through the streets of Toowoomba for drop-offs at high school, primary and prep.

The Bonells have their morning routine down to a tee. Taking their seats for breakfast are Jesse, 21, Brooke, 20, Claire, 17, Natalie, 15, Karl, 14, Samuel, 12, Cameron, 11, Sabrina, 9, Timothy, 8, Brandon, 6, Eve, 4, Nate, 3, and Rachel, 2. Amazingly, Jenny and dad Ray smile as they prepare mountains of toast and pour litres of milk into a metre-long long row of cereal bowls.

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Octomum’s toddlers turn two!

Octomum's toddlers turn two!

Life doesn’t get any easier for Nadya Suleman as her eight toddlers turn two.

As an unmarried mother-of-14 with a $4000 a month mortgage, Nadya Suleman faces severe financial problems and the possibility of being evicted from her home.

But despite these hardships, the controversial California woman known around the world as “Octomum” was determined to celebrate the second birthday of her octuplets on January 26.

She splashed out on a cake, balloons, party favours and even special birthday outfits for the six boys and two girls, who arrived into this world amid a media whirlwind in 2009.

Noah, Maliyah, Isaiah, Nariyah, Makai, Josiah, Jonah and Jeremiah – the world’s only known set of healthy living octuplets, conceived via in-vitro fertilisation – looked confused and often upset throughout the bash.

The shy little girls huddled together on the same chair, while youngest brother Jonah, born with a cleft palate, peeked bashfully from below the table. Nadya, 35, could only produce a wan smile for the cameras as she posed with her brood and distributed the cake.

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Colin Firth: My secret family

Colin Firth: My Secret family

Jackie Brygel reveals the reclusive actress who bore the star’s first son.

Accepting his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in early January, an emotional Colin Firth paid homage to his beautiful Italian wife Livia Giuggiolo, who has, he says, “walked every step of this with me, joyfully and truthfully. When I look down there at that star, it’s her name I see.”

Colin, 50, and film producer Livia, 40, have shared a fairytale existence since meeting on a movie set 15 years ago. And the UK actor has made it clear his roles as a devoted husband and hands-on father to their sons, Luca, 9, and Matteo, 7, are central to his life.

What’s not so widely known is that Colin has another, less public family he keeps very much out of the spotlight. And that spotlight has only grown more intense now he’s a hot Oscars favourite for his critically acclaimed role in The King’s Speech.

Woman’s Day can reveal that Colin also has a grown-up son named Will, who bears a striking resemblance to his famous father. The 20-year-old is the product of Colin’s earlier relationship with Meg Tilly, 50, a one-time Oscar-nominated actress who has since left Hollywood to live a low-key life in the Canadian countryside.

“He absolutely adores Will but he had to choose between family life in an isolated log cabin and working,” explains the actor’s sister Kate.

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Magda Szubanski: I love my beach body!

Magda Szubanski: I love my beach body!

Magda Szubanski is relishing her new life as a healthy person who can do anything she wants.

It’s a scorching Sydney summer day and Magda Szubanski is with friends who are keen for a dip at Bondi Beach to cool off. In the old days, prior to her dramatic weight loss, Magda, 49, may have thought twice about this suggestion, but not today.

Within minutes she’s splashing around amid bikini-clad babes and men sporting sixpacks without a care in the world. While she was wearing shorts, not skimpy swimmers, for Magda it’s a spur-of-the-moment decision that has much more to do with convenience than camouflage.

“I’m pretty sun-conscious, but also it was an impromptu decision with friends to jump in the water so that was just what I had in the car,” explains Magda of her outfit. “I’ve always swum and enjoyed the beach. I think it’s vital that people of all shapes and sizes get out and be active.”

These days, when Magda heads into the water it’s for a more energetic swim. Her newfound stamina means she doesn’t just try to stand up to the waves. Instead, she dives and body surfs, something she would have found impossible two years ago.

No longer does she also have to worry about the gruelling soft-sand trek back to bitumen, or the stares of the beautiful people reclining on their beach towels as she labours for each breath under her excess bulk – bad memories of an unhappier time.

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Rove and Tasma’s smokin’ summer bodies

Shane Warne and Liz Hurley: We're head over heels

The Aussie power couple made waves with their hot bodies while holidaying in Perth.

With a body this good, life after Australian television is clearly agreeing with Rove McManus.

Rove and his wife, actress and author Tasma Walton, turned heads with their trim and toned physiques during a recent visit to his home town of Perth. Looking as buffed as the man of steel himself, exercise-lover Rove wasted no time stripping down to just shorts, jogging shoes and – what else? – a Superman baseball cap.

As the temperature soared, a very fit Tasma opted for a cooler and more laid-back activity at WA’s famous Cottesloe Beach. Glowing in a green paisley bikini, the City Homicide star, 36, had every reason to be proud of her fabulous bikini body as she dived into the sea for a refreshing dip.

When Rove, 37, appeared at the G’Day Australia reception in LA last week, he had just returned from his holiday to resume work on Rove LA – his new chat show for Foxtel. But most of the chat was about his body.

“I have been enjoying having the time,” admits fitness fanatic Rove. “I don’t have a trainer, but I’ve just been relaxing and looking after myself. “I guess it just comes with having a bit of time off to feel recharged – in every possible way.”

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Simone’s revenge: I’m in love too!

Simone's revenge: I'm in love too!

As her ex Shane Warne chases Liz Hurley around the world, Simone Callahan shows off her hot new love back home.

Glowing with love and wearing a smile, Simone Callahan wants everyone to know she couldn’t care less about her ex-husband’s fling with Liz Hurley.

“I’m happy,” confirms Simone, who is staying mum on her new love affair. But these simple words speak volumes. Shane Warne’s long-suffering ex-wife had her heart broken by his wandering eye and sexting addiction. Now she has finally moved on from Shane – and what a sweet revenge it is!

She is dating Toby Roberts, a 182cm-tall model with all his own hair, a sun-kissed tan and a natural smile.Simone, 41, is anything but the victim this time round, with some friends suggesting she walked away from Shane, 41, long before he started romancing Liz, 45.

“Simone has been enjoying a string of dates,” confides one insider. There was no doubt romance was in air when, two days before her birthday last week, Simone and Toby had an intimate dinner at Mr. Wolf, celebrity chef Karen Martini’s “look at me” restaurant in Melbourne’s St Kilda.

The clearly besotted couple held hands and touched each other throughout the romantic meal, with Toby seemingly hanging on Simone’s every word.

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True Confessions Agony Aunt: My daughter wants to share a bed with her boyfriend in my house

Mother and daughter

Image: Getty, posed by models

My 20 year old daughter is away at university and is coming home for a long weekend with her boyfriend. They’ve been going out together for six months and this is her first serious relationship although she’s had more casual boyfriends in the past.

We’ve met him twice and now and while discussing her visit she’s asked if they can share her bedroom whenever they come here and although I didn’t give her a definite answer I’m very uncomfortable about it, as is her dad.

I want her to come home to see us and really don’t want her visits to be reduced over this issue, but I don’t think I’m ready for this.

We discussed sex and contraception when she was much younger and when I tried to mention this a couple of months after she met this boy she simply said she didn’t want to talk about it and found me speaking to her embarrassing.

We also have a boy of 17 and a much younger daughter of 12 and I’m not sure what precedent we would be setting by agreeing to this, especially since our son has a girlfriend who sometimes stays over but always sleeps in the spare room.

How can I sort this out without a fight or alienating my daughter?

That can be difficult in this situation because you either have to agree that any sexual relationship, providing that it’s happening over the age of consent, can be carried on in your home or you say that only long term relationships can have that privilege, or you maintain that can only happen if a couple are engaged or married.

If you go for the first option you then have to consider how you will feel if one of your children goes in for a series of one night stands at any point because you could be meeting a series of strangers in the kitchen every morning and with the last option you are setting a fairly high bar – what happens if none of your children marry but settle happily into long term relationships?

This would probably be an easier decision to make if you weren’t worrying about the younger siblings, but if you make it clear that you value long-term and loving relationships you are encouraging all of them to be open about their own relationships and also saying that you respect their judgement when it comes to choosing long-term partners.

However, there are a couple of useful strategies if you want a little more time before taking this big step, bearing in mind that her boyfriend might actually be quite embarrassed at the thought of sharing a bedroom in your home, having only met you twice.

Explain your concerns about her siblings to your daughter, especially concerning her brother who might feel he should also have his girlfriend staying in his room and ask her if you can compromise for the next six months, at which point you can rightly say you know him much better and this is definitely a long term relationship and needs no excusing or explaining.

There is a big difference in maturity between 20 and 17, which she will undoubtedly agree with and tell her you would appreciate her help in setting a bench mark for the family. That means that for the next few visits they have separate rooms though you might have to turn a blind eye to any night time wanderings but that some time in the foreseeable future that situation will change and they can share a room.

As your children get older this is a decision which will come up again, so you need to do some careful thinking about the long term implications of what you agree as well as the short term to make sure everyone feels comfortable.

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How to keep your clothes looking new for longer

Image: Getty


What’s the best way to keep your clothes looking new longer? Is it in the way they’re washed?

Jess, via e-mail.


Besides wearing your clothes, washing will also contribute to their worn out look. To keep your clothes looking new longer, here are a few tips.

Make sure you separate your whites, blacks and colours into different wash loads to avoid colours running into white or pale coloured items, and white fibres sticking to darks and blacks.

A regular soak in Napisan or similar product will keep your whites look white and fresh for longer, removing stains and keeping them bright.

Make sure you wash towels, tea towels, and bed linen in a separate wash too. The fuzzy fibres are almost impossible to completely remove from dark clothes. However, if one manages to sneak into a dark wash, use a loop of gaffa tape or similar with the sticky side out to remove any visible fibres.

Remember to check the care label in your favourite garments to ensure you don’t ruin them in the washing machine or tumble dryer. Dry cleaning or hand washing may be required for some fibres and will help to prolong the life of special garments.

Delicates can sometimes be machine washed but are best placed inside a delicates bag.

When washing wool items make sure you use a specific wool wash product and hand wash. Machine washing or using hot water may shrink a woollen item. Dry knit wear flat to avoid stretching or damaging the garment.

To avoid fading bights, do not hang them to dry in direct sunlight.

The AWW Fashion Team

This article is brought to you by Napisan, to find out more on how to keep whites Crystal White, head to www.vanishstains.com.au

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The real cost of healthy food

With prices on the average grocery bill on the rise, it seems that fresh fruit and vegies are often blamed for spikes in cost — or even worse, are avoided in the name of the household budget.

So, are fresh fruit and vegetables really more expensive than their processed counterparts?

“The Real Cost of Healthy Food” report card examines this question, comparing prices of fresh foods versus common processed alternatives. And you may be pleasantly surprised by the results.

Fresh foods top the class, often coming in dramatically cheaper than processed alternatives. In fact, fresh foods remain the cheaper option even when taking into consideration seasonal changes in prices.

Here are some examples: Just compare a rolled-up fruit bar at $25.80 per kilo to an average of $4.30 per kilo of apples, or potato chips at $19.90 per kilo compared to popcorn kernels at only $3 per kilo. These are remarkable differences and equivalent to savings of around 85 percent.

Similarly, a small can of baked beans with two slices of wholegrain toast, at a cost per kilo of $5.75, will cost you half the money of a pastie, at a cost per kilo of $10.80.

While shopping smart and making savings you are also buying foods that are fresh, less processed and better for you. It’s great for your body and your budget!

Buying seasonally can help you make further savings. Seasonal fruit and vegetables are often cheaper and fresher. You can also opt for dried, frozen or canned alternatives to save. For example, frozen mixed vegetables are handy for long-term storage.

Here are some more practical examples to help cut your grocery bill:

  • Buy in bulk. Shopping once a week and buying bulk saves you time, money and unnecessary trips to the supermarket.

  • Cook it, freeze it. Thinking of takeaway or ready-meals? Save time and money by cooking large meals and freezing them in edible portion sizes for days you’re too busy or don’t feel like cooking.

  • Plan ahead. Think about meals for the week ahead and shop with a list. This will help you to avoid wasting money on food that will just go off, limit tempting impulse buys, and reduce the risk of forgetting items you may then pick up at more expensive convenience stores.

  • Waste none. Use leftovers for delicious new dishes.

  • Count your beans. Legumes are a great addition to many meals, provide protein and other essential nutrients, and they are cheap! Buy them dried or canned for easy storage.

Please note that costs are an estimate and they may be different for your local area.

For a copy of the “Real Cost of Healthy Food” report card, just visit www.gofor2and5.com.au.

Your say: How do you reduce your grocery bill? What are your favourite recipes? Share with us below.

This information is provided by the Sanitarium Nutrition Service.

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