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Katie Holmes and the Kennedys

Katie Holmes and the Kennedys


Fifty years after the Kennedy presidency, the family who had it all is still making headlines. Sharon Krum reports on the efforts to ban a new Kennedy TV mini-series that has been branded “sex-soaked bunkum”.

The news footage is 50 years old, but it still has the power to move us. Those grainy images of US President John F. Kennedy and his glamorous wife, Jackie, on inauguration day, both so young and full of hope – or Jackie, moments away from heartbreak, in her pink suit and pillbox hat in Dallas, in 1963 – are mesmerising even for those not born in that magical time dubbed Camelot.

In pictures: The secret life of Jackie O

One person who was watching the old newsreels most keenly last year was Katie Holmes, who had just been cast as iconic First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy in the $30 million, eight-part TV mini-series,The Kennedys. Katie, 32, played the news footage over and over to prepare for the role, even making it a family affair. Husband Tom Cruise “watched everything with me, he found it fascinating”, she later toldEllemagazine. At night, she confided, she would practise Jackie’s famously feathery voice on him.

Of all the possible actresses, the formerDawson’s CreekandBatmanstar was a smart choice to play Jackie. It’s not just that she and Jackie share a resemblance in their lithe bodies and intense beauty, but an elusiveness as well. You can look at photographs of Jackie 50 years ago and Katie today, and sense they’re both knowingly hiding something of themselves.

“I worked as hard as I could because I loved her. On set, there was this feeling that we had to create something very special because these people were very special. The Kennedys were like movie stars,” Katie said, summing up the thousand-day JFK presidency perfectly.

When the mini-series was announced it caused excitement and criticism. “Malicious”, cried one historian who read an early script. Others branded it a “travesty”, “soap opera”, a political hit job and sex-soaked bunkum.

Then, suddenly, in January,The Kennedyswas dropped from the US History Channel, who claimed it was “not a fit for the History brand”. Hollywood was stunned, and the Kennedy family was reportedly to blame.

Has the historic family overreacted, though?The Hollywood Reporter’sMatthew Belloni watched the finished first episode and claims what he saw appeared toned down from earlier scripts, as the director and producers promised. “I think people will really like it,” he said. “It’s definitely melodramatic in parts, but the acting is very good. Katie Holmes is uncanny as Jackie.”

Related: The History Channel cancels Kennedy mini-series

The Kennedy family still hasn’t spoken publicly about the series, which is set to air in 30 countries, including Australia. It has recently been taken up by US cable channel, ReelzChannel, according toThe Hollywood Reporter. Yet the Kennedy family must realise that this fuss is only going to make people more curious to see it.

Still, many agree that their fight is understandable. “If people watch the series,” says Robert Greenwald, “please read a good history book on Kennedy as well.”

Read more of this story in the March issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly.

Your say: Do you think Katie Holmes was a good choice to play Jackie Kennedy? Will you watch the series when it airs in Australia?

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Shane Warne: celebrity playboy

Shane Warne: celebrity playboy


Once a brilliant Test cricket star, Shane Warne is now making millions by turning his controversial private life into a public spectacle, writes Sue Smethurst.

On Australia Day morning, Shane Warne rolled out of bed and did what any self-respecting international playboy would do. Ciggie in hand, he grabbed his phone and tweeted to his 306,000 social media mates that his mouth felt like “the bottom of the budgie cage” after a marathon night at the poker table. Dozens offered remedies, from potato cakes to fish oil tablets, but the cricket legend settled on his favourite hang-over fare, tinned spaghetti on toast, a Berocca, a banana milkshake and, of course, “a ciggie” to top it off.

Among the tweets was a morning missive from British bombshell Liz Hurley. The supermodel cooed, “Ping Pong [her pet budgie] would like to peck you, you’d be her first blond.”

In pictures: Notorious Australians

And that cheeky little tweet, with its Benny Hill-ish double entendre and sexual innuendo, holds the key as to how the baked bean-loving larrikin has become red carpet royalty. Billionaires befriend him, Hollywood superstars party with him, rock ‘n’ roll icons adore him and, of course, women swoon over him – and he shares every delicious detail with an insatiable “twittersphere”.

Shane Warne Inc is big business and the more he plays, the more it pays. With the click of a camera, Shane Warne was smashed into the celebrity stratosphere last December, when the paparazzi snapped him passionately kissing Liz Hurley, a married model and one of the world’s most beautiful women, at an upmarket London hotel.

At the same time, on the other side of the globe, Shane, who had been sharing a house in Melbourne with his former wife, Simone, and their children, was alleged to be pestering married mother Adele Angeleri for sex, bombarding the 44-year-old, who owns a fashion store opposite the offices of The Shane Warne Foundation, with graphic “sext” messages to seduce her. He said she made him “horny” and pleaded “I want to see you riding me”.

Her furious husband, Dennis, passed on dozens of the 100-odd dirty text messages to the British tabloid News Of The World and the heady love triangle of the married mother, her bitter husband, a British supermodel and the sporting superstar had tabloid editors in a spin.

In the past, Adele and Dennis Angeleri would have pocketed a hefty sum for sharing their sordid details and Australia’s greatest spin bowler would’ve called upon powerful media mates to assist with damage control. Not this time, though, because rather than bemoaning the press coverage of his latest scandal, playboy Shane is having the last laugh, cleverly milking the moment by tweeting every move he makes to his growing fan club and world’s press.

Related: Liz Hurley flies to Melbourne to spend time with Shane Warne

The cricket superstar, whose genius on the field is unsurpassed, is cashing in on his playboy image and every scandalous new headline is only adding to the bank balance of Shane Warne Inc. “Before he met Liz Hurley, if you weren’t a cricket fan, you probably wouldn’t know much about him. Now you do!” says legendary UK publicist Max Clifford, who believes that “Warnie’s” relationship with Liz Hurley has dramatically increased his celebrity status in the UK and the lucrative cricket-mad Indian market, where Liz was married to millionaire businessman Arun Nayar.

“Millions more now know who he is. This has been a stellar career move,” says the publicist. “He will now be one of the first ones on the invitation list for movie premieres and A-list events, and in terms of his earning capacity, he’s doubled, even tripled his earning potential.”

So, why is it that with such a notorious reputation, women are still attracted to Shane Warne? With his dazzlingly bleached white teeth, Tuscan spray tan and mysteriously smoothed forehead (he swears he’s never had Botox or surgery, despite his appearance changing quite dramatically over the past few years), women seem to fall as easily as wickets…

Read more of this story in the March issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly.

Your say: Why do you think women swoon over men like Shane Warne? Have you had any experiences with playboys like him? Why do you think his lewd behaviour has made him more popular than ever when men like Tiger Woods have had their reputations destroyed? Do you think Simone Callahan is right to pose in a bikini and flaunt her new relationship, or do you think she would be better off staying out of the spotlight?

Get 3 issues for Only $6 when paying by direct debit. That’s a massive saving of 71% on your first 3 issues! $18.95 every 3 issues thereafter.

Video: Porn star claims affair with Warnie

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Anna Bligh: the calm after the storm

Anna Bligh: the calm after the storm

The recent months have been a huge challenge for Anna Bligh. As she faces the daunting task of dealing with the devastation in Queensland, Jordan Baker reveals the premier’s personal that side so few of us know.

It’s the Saturday after Cyclone Yasi hit North Queensland and residents of Ingham have had no power or water for three days. The evacuation centre has been home to those cut off by floodwaters and fallen trees, and dozens sprawl on borrowed mattresses or slouch in front of an old television, silenced by heat, grief and the burden of the enormous task ahead. They can’t get home, think of the future or even wash. Some cannot contact the family they left behind.

In pictures: Notorious Australians

Few notice the visitor arrive, but those who do shake off their stupor to crowd around her. “I congratulate you,” says Garry, a volunteer from Hervey Bay, taking her hand. “All I can say is you’re doing a mighty job,” says Maria, from the devastated town of Halifax. One by one, evacuees and volunteers thank Anna Bligh, the woman who guided them through the most terrifying night of their lives. “She was just a different person during the floods and cyclone,” says one woman. “Before, she was a politician. Now, she is a woman and a human. People are leaning on her. She just seems to be in touch with what we’re feeling.”

For many Australians, the stand-out memory from the floods and cyclone will be Premier Anna Bligh. She won the respect of Queensland and beyond with her empathy and sincerity at a time when other politicians seem obsessed with focus groups. Yet what few of us understood was how the experiences of her life – a childhood cut short, an alcoholic father, her years as a social worker – had forged the skills she relied upon to lead her state through the crisis. This was Anna’s moment and she rose to it.

In pictures: The devastation caused by the Queensland floods

Throughout the crisis, she put herself in victims’ shoes. “I imagine being on the rooftop in the dark, in the pouring rain, and no one knows I’m there, and the water’s rising and you’re just so terrified,” she says. “Some people were elderly. I was trying to imagine my mother sitting on a rooftop in the dark at three o’clock in the morning.” When floods reached Brisbane, her mother was evacuated. “It made it very real. I wasn’t imagining this – I was evacuating my mum.”

Sometimes, she felt overwhelmed, but never hopeless. She has been inspired by the courage of the victims and the tirelessness of her colleagues. “The sense of responsibility is what actually, for me, I think, drives me,” she says. “The price of failure here is unthinkable. You can’t afford to think, ‘I don’t want to do this anymore.’ It’s not an option.”

Read more of this story in the March issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly.

Your say: Were you impressed with how Anna Bligh handled the floods and Cyclone Yasi? Do you think she performed better than Prime Minister Julia Gillard? Would Anna make a good Prime Minister?

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New contraceptive pill Qlaira prevents heavy menstrual bleeding


The first oral contraceptive pill that effectively prevents heavy menstrual bleeding is now available in Australia.

Heavy menstrual bleeding affects more than 30 percent of woman and a drug that works as a contraceptive, as well as a treatment for prolonged menstrual bleeding, has not previously been available.

The new drug, Qlaira, contains oestradiol, a sex hormone, which naturally occurs in the female body.

Family Planning NSW’s director of research, Dr Edith Weisberg, welcomed the new drug, saying it will help women who suffer from prolonged menstrual bleeding by giving them a better quality of life.

She said Qlaira is the first drug to provide “effective treatment for heavy menstrual bleeding whilst also providing effective contraception”.

“Qlaira is the first oral contraceptive pill to receive this indication and will provide general practitioners with another option for the treatment of heavy menstrual bleeding.”

Although there are a number of treatments available, Qlaira is approved for the treatment of heavy and/or prolonged menstrual bleeding in women without known causes for their increased bleeding.

Before using any oral contraceptive, women should discuss the risks and benefits with their doctor. Qlaira is not listed on the PBS. For more information, women should visit their general practitioner.

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Bye bye epidural, hello hypnosis?

Bye bye epidural, hello hypnosis?


More than 800 British women have volunteered to hypnotise themselves during childbirth to see if they can go without painkillers for a new medical trial.

Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) has launched an 18-month study into “hypnobirthing” to assess whether women can give birth without the use of epidurals and other drugs, the UK’s Daily Telegraph reported.

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The trial will be run by the University of Central Lancashire and will involve more than 800 expectant mothers. The volunteers will attempt to use “self-hypnosis techniques” while in labour to achieve a “deep sense of relaxation”.

The women will attend a 90-minute training session in the weeks before they give birth, and will be given a calming CD to listen to in the delivery room. Painkillers will be available for the women if necessary, but they will be strongly encouraged to rely on their newly taught relaxation techniques.

Currently, one in three pregnant women in Australia rely on drugs to give birth. There has been a growing trend for natural births in the past year, and more expectant mothers are looking for drug-free methods of managing the pain of childbirth.

According to Melissa Spilsted, of HypnoBirthing Australia, more than 10,000 local women have used self-hypnosis to give birth without drugs.

She has used the technique during all three of her pregnancies, and insists pain during labour is a “myth”. She says women only feel pain because they are scared and anxious after hearing “horror stories” about childbirth from other women.

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“Childbirth is not something to be feared; it is a natural expression of life,” the HypnoBirthing Australia website states. “With hypnobirthing, your pregnancy and childbirth will become the gentle, life-affirming process it was meant to be. “Through private or small group classes, we will remove the myth of pain as a natural accompaniment to birth. It is not our bodies but our culture that has made childbirth a moment of anguish, and when we release the fear of birth, a fear that is keeping our bodies tense and closed, we will also release the pain.”

Despite this, a recent study conducted by Britain’s Newcastle University found that most women underestimate the pain of the childbirth, and ask for painkillers despite previously vowing they wouldn’t.

Your say: Do you think pain in childbirth is a myth? Would you be willing to try hypnobirthing? Did you have a natural birth or did you use painkillers?

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Beckhams invited to royal wedding

Beckhams invited to royal wedding


David and Victoria Beckham have been invited to Prince William and Kate Middleton’s wedding.

The football player and the former Spice Girls singer are reportedly thrilled to receive an invitation to the April 29 nuptials, which will take place in London’s Westminster Abbey.

David met William and his younger brother Prince Harry last August at an event to launch England’s bid to host the 2018 FIFA World Cup. William is president of the Football Association, while David is one of England’s best football players. The princes and the sportsman appeared to hit it off at the event, and were photographed laughing and chatting animatedly.

In pictures: Lavish royal weddings

Invitations to William and Kate’s wedding were posted from Buckingham Palace last week and have already started arriving in Europe. The official guest list contains 1900 names, including 50 members of the British royal family and 40 royals from around the world.

The Beckhams are not the only celebrities on the list. Singer Elton John and actress Joanna Lumley are also expected to attend the wedding.

Australia’s Prime Minister Julia Gillard has said she and her partner Tim Mathieson are eagerly awaiting the arrival of their invitation, as is Governor-General Quentin Bryce.

US President Barack Obama is not believed to be invited, due to security concerns, and Sarah Ferguson has also missed out on an invitation.

The Duchess of York’s representative announced yesterday that the embattled former royal will be overseas on April 29 and never planned to attend the much-anticipated event.

“She will not be attending. She never expected to be invited,” Sarah’s representative told People magazine.

The duchess caused controversy last year when she was caught on video offering a reporter access to her former husband, Prince Andrew, in exchange for a large sum of cash.

It is not yet known which parts of the ceremony guests will be attending. Some will go to only the 11am ceremony at Westminster Abbey, while 600 have been invited to a lunchtime reception at Buckingham Palace. The list will then be whittled down to just 300 who will enjoy an intimate night of dinner and dancing at the palace.

Related: Prince William to marry Kate Middleton

William and Kate announced their bridal party last week. William’s younger brother Prince Harry will be his best man, while Kate chose her younger sister Pippa as her maid of honour.

Your say: Do you think David and Victoria Beckham deserve to be invited to the royal wedding? Do you think William and Kate were right to exclude Fergie? How would you decide who to invite to your wedding?

Video: William and Kate do away with royal tradition

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How to manage your money like a man

What are our male counterparts doing differently? And is it working?
man and woman golding piggy banks, thinkstock

THREE out of five men are reviewing their finances in 2011 while only half the population of women are up to the challenge. This alarming figure came from the Mortgage Choice 2010 Consumer Sentiment Survey, which found that less than half of Australian female mortgage holders (49 per cent) planned to review their financial situation in 2011 to make changes — compared with 61 per cent of men.

Mortgage Choice spokeswoman Kristy Sheppard says women are not living up to their full financial potential if the figures reflect broader attitudes.

“Everyone with a large debt commitment should review, at the very least, that commitment and their budget every year,” she says.

The good news however, is this is still a big improvement from last year, when only one out of three had considered reviewing their finances in 2010.

But when we talk about “finances”, it seems we all have different ideas. Some women consider consolidating their debts as one of their top 10 finance plans for 2011 (18 percent), while others want to pay off credit cards (45 per cent).

However, at the end of the day, it’s all about saving money, so what are the best ways to rearrange your finances?

The rule of thumb is that size matters. Your biggest assets can become liabilities if you don’t make sure you’re getting the best interest rates. Conversely, you can also save thousands every year on your largest debts.

For example, moving $20,000 worth of savings from a low 2.5 per cent account to a high-interest savings account of 6 per cent would earn you an extra $728 per year.

Likewise, refinancing a $300,000 home loan from 8 to 7 per cent will save you more than $2200 a year over a 20-year loan.

Luckily, more women seem to have a good grasp on the benefits of refinancing, with one in three saying refinancing their mortgage was a personal goal for 2011, compared to around one in four men.

Comparison websites such as RateCity has made the process even easier, allowing you to search and swap loans from the comfort of home.

Saving cash shouldn’t be a gender sport. With interest rates expected to rise this year, everyone should be actively finding better home loans, savings accounts, or low-rate credit cards. And with financial comparison websites in the mix, the yearly budget review is becoming less bore, and more breeze.

Michelle Hutchison is a consumer advocate at RateCity. RateCity is a privately owned company in partnership with ninemsn, publisher of the Australian Women’s Weekly website. The above information is general only and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs.

Your say: Who manages the money in your household? Do you think men or women are better at dealing with financial matters? Email us on [email protected]

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Dannii Minogue-style queen and hot mum!

Dannii Minogue – style queen and hot mum!

Seven months after giving birth to baby Ethan, the singer turned talent judge is looking great and feeling even better!

Modelling a vibrant summer dress, Dannii Minogue is a stunning picture of health and happiness. It’s hard to believe that just seven months ago she gave birth to her baby boy, Ethan. Looking better than ever after pegging back the 22kg she gained during her pregnancy, Dannii, 39, says she’s taking a slow and steady approach to getting back into shape.

“I have just about lost all of the pregnancy weight, but I haven’t been exercising much,” the Australia’s Got Talent and The X Factor judge told UK magazine Glamour. “I haven’t had the time or the energy. I’ve done one exercise session! But running around burns calories and so does the no-sleep thing.”

Dannii conceded it was certain she would put on weight as soon as she and her partner, Kris Smith, were told they were having a baby, and immediately decided to relax her usual strict diet and exhaustive workouts.

“When I got pregnant, I started eating sweet things for the first time and I haven’t stopped,” Dannii jokes. “I read this article that said I was on turkey broth and crazy exercising every day. I don’t eat meat and I’ve been eating lemon pie.”

Dannii has, however, always maintained a healthy lifestyle, and during the pregnancy, tried to keep as fit as possible. “In London I like walking along the Thames,” she said at the time. “When I’m in Melbourne I love doing the 1000 steps in the Dandenong Ranges. It just makes me want to exercise.”

Get Dannii’s exercise tips and tricks and find out how other Aussie celebrity new-mums have got back into shape in this week’s issue of Woman’s Day

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Camilla and Kate’s lunch date

Kate Middleton and Camilla

The two potential future queens team up, reports royal biographer Katie Nicholl.

It has been a whirlwind few weeks of wedding planning for Kate Middleton, so when her future stepmother-in-law Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, offered to treat her to lunch at London’s fashionable Berkeley Hotel, she jumped at the chance.

Clutching her leather-bound planner, which contains details of her and Prince William’s impending big day, Kate was accompanied by her younger sister Pippa, while Camilla’s daughter Laura, 33, also joined them for the girly get-together.

According to courtiers, Kate and Camilla have always got on, and it was the duchess’s idea to take Kate to lunch so they could nut out a few final wedding details.

The 1800 invitations to the service at Westminster Abbey are due to be posted any day now, and William, 28, and Kate have spent the past few weeks trying to whittle down the guest list for the evening reception.

Chic as ever in a Diane von Furstenberg frock, knee-high boots and a fitted leather jacket, Kate looked every inch the modern princess-in-waiting, if a little on the slender side. As reported in Woman’s Day earlier this month, she has been trying hard not to let wedding nerves get the better of her, and is determined to put on a few kilos before she walks down the aisle on April 29.

Get this week’s copy of Woman’s Day to read about Camilla’s advice for Kate and also Harry and Chelsy’s rekindled romance.

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Jen’s plan to snag a man

Jennifer Aniston

The candid advice of friends, coupled with a dose of hypnotherapy, have set her on a new path to love, writes JACKIE BRYGEL.

Celebrating her 42nd birthday with A-list pals including Hugh Jackman and Adam Sandler at uber-trendy New York eatery The Spotted Pig, Jennifer Aniston was the life and soul of the party.

The beautiful actress was in an “extremely good mood”, say onlookers, as her famous friends helped make it a night to remember. For the world’s best-known single woman, the occasion marked not just the calendar turning over another year in her life, but a new resolution to undergo a personal makeover and finally find her soul mate.

With advice from her tight circle of friends and a little hypnotherapy, Jen has come to the conclusion that to meet Mr Right, she needs to reinvent herself.

Fed up with being seen around the globe as eternally unlucky in romance, the Just Go With It actress has decided it’s never too late to make changes. And top of the list is to adopt a far more laidback approach to life and love. “Jen tries to make light of her single status, but she’d love nothing more than to get involved with someone again,” reveals a close friend, speaking exclusively to Woman’s Day.

“She laughs it off and is very self-deprecating about it, even joking about how she’s becoming a ‘barren old spinster’, but in truth Jen’s been aching to fall in love for a long time.”

Find out where Jen’s friends think she’s been going wrong with men in this week’s issue of Woman’s Day.

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