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Tomatoes: The simple superfood


One of the easiest superfoods to incorporate into your meals is the tomato. This fantastically versatile vegetable (which is, technically speaking, a fruit) has enormous health benefits, whether it’s eaten fresh in a salad or semi-dried as a tasty pizza topping.

Round, red and full of juice

One of the most notable attributes of the tomato is its rich red colour. The red pigment in ripe tomatoes, known as lycopene, is a particularly effective antioxidant. Lycopene may reduce the risk of prostate cancer and other types of cancer, however further research is needed to confirm this.

In pictures: Mood foods

Some recent research has suggested that the jelly around the tomato seed may be able to help stop blood from clotting, a process known as thrombosis. Blood clots are often responsible for heart attacks, strokes and blood vessel problems. So this commonly used “vegetable” may also have a role in improving heart health.

Tomatoes are also rich in vitamin C, a potent antioxidant that is needed by the body to produce a number of hormones and proteins, including collagen — a protein present in the skin and connective tissues. Vitamin C is also needed for a healthy immune system and it helps increase the absorption of iron.

Enjoying tomatoes

Try this tasty five-minute pasta sauce. Slice eight tomatoes into quarters and sauté with fresh garlic and onion. Add a couple of handfuls of baby spinach leaves and cook until just wilted. Mix through cooked pasta and serve sprinkled with freshly crumbled low-fat ricotta cheese and pine nuts.

Make your own semi-dried tomatoes. It’s simple! Just cut some Roma (egg-shaped) tomatoes in half and place cut side up on an oven tray. Sprinkle with basil and drizzle with olive oil. Roast in a moderate oven (180°C) for 35 minutes. Enjoy on pasta, in salads and on wraps and sandwiches.

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Tomato tips

  • Tomatoes are conveniently available all year round.

  • Select tomatoes that are bright in colour and firm to touch. Avoid bruised or very green tomatoes.

  • Keeping tomatoes in the fridge will stop the flavour fully developing. It’s best to keep tomatoes at room temperature to allow for a full-bodied flavour and rich red colour.

This information is provided by the Sanitarium Nutrition Service.

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Lily Allen opens up about losing her baby

Lily Allen opens up about losing her baby

A teary-eyed Lily Allen has spoken for the first time about her second heartbreaking miscarriage in November last year.

“It was a really long battle and I think that kind of thing changes a person,” the 25-year-old ex-pop star who gave up music last year said.

Speaking on the Channel 4 documentary Lily Allen: Riches to Rags, to be aired in the UK, Lily talked about the experience of losing her child six months into her pregnancy with now-fiancé Sam Cooper.

Lily suffered her first miscarriage in 2008 when she was in a relationship with Ed Simons.

During the documentary, which was filmed between March and October last year, she also revealed she struggled with bulimia and body dysmorphia that made her believe she was overweight.

“I used to vomit after meals. It’s not something I’m proud of,” she said.

“But, I tell you what, a lot of people came up to me telling me how great I looked and I’d be on the cover of every magazine.

“I thought I looked good and it was great to be able to try on clothes and feel a million dollars. But I wasn’t happy, I really wasn’t.”

The three-part documentary follows Lily’s career change from singer to clothing entrepreneur as she launches a vintage clothes store, Lucy in Disguise, in London with her older sister, Sarah.

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Kate Middleton: Life of a Princess

Millions of people around the world will watch her wedding, but the Middleton family are giving people just a small glimpse of their daughter Kate’s life before she became a princess.

These images have been released by the Middleton family through Clarence House which has published an official biography of Kate Middleton.

The Biography details Kate’s upbringing revealing she lived in Jordan as a child.

Flick through these images of Kate as a young child up until she met her prince!

Kate Middleton aged three, well before she became a princess.

Kate with sister Pippa and Father Michael in Jerash, Jordan.

Kate Middleton aged five.

Kate at her graduation ceremony at St Andrew’s University on June 23, 2005 in Scotland.

Kate and Prince William on the day of their graduation ceremony.

Kate and Prince William on the day they announced their royal engagement.

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Swedish massage: the touch cure

Swedish massage: the touch cure


We all know how good a massage feels but now researchers writing in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine have found just how good it is for you, as well.

A research team from the department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles divided a group of adult test subjects into two groups: members of one were given a 45-minute session of Swedish massage; those in the other group received a 45-minute session of light massage.

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By analysing the subjects’ blood samples at intervals following the two different massage treatments, the researchers found that those study participants having the Swedish massage exhibited substantial changes in their immune response, including greater numbers of lymphocytes (white blood cells that engulf and destroy incoming potentially hazardous viruses and bacteria) and a significantly lower level of the stress hormone cortisol.

Swedish massage is a relaxing yet invigorating style of massage, with particular emphasis on kneading, stretching and friction to relax the muscles, as well as long, soothing strokes towards the heart to boost circulation. To find a qualified Swedish massage therapist near you, visit the Australian Traditional Medicine Society.

Your say: Have you had a Swedish massage before? Did it make you feel less stressed?

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Ita v June: What’s really polite

Ita v June: What's really polite

Left: Ita Buttrose, Right: June Dally-Watkins

Australia’s etiquette queens removed their kid gloves over the weekend for a polite stoush over who knows best when it comes to social niceties.

June Dally-Watkins started the squabble by pointing out several “no-nos” in Ita’s new book A Guide to Australian Etiquette.

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June and Ita disagree on several issues, from whether it is okay to remove one’s shoes on a long flight (Ita says the sight and smell of bare feet is offensive, while June claims people shouldn’t be expected to keep shoes on) to whether it is appropriate for a woman to carry condoms in her handbag (Ita: Safe sex is all-important, June: It makes a girl look ‘easy’).

But by far the most unusual item of decorum the ladies disagree upon is the direction one should face when making their way to their seat in a theatre or cinema. Ita insists you should face other patrons as you pass to avoid thrusting your bottom in their faces. June disagrees, saying this leaves you at high risk of tripping over and landing in someone’s lap — the ultimate in public embarrassment.

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June is now compiling her own etiquette guide, called Manners For Moderns: Be The Best You Can Be In Every Way, which is due for release later this year.

Your say: Which way do you think people should face when taking their seats in a cinema? Would you prefer an eyeful of rear end or crotch?

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William and Kate: How happy will they be?

William and Kate: How happy will they be?


All eyes are on William and Kate as they enter this new phase of their life, preparing for their marriage. But can we predict how happy they’ll be? There are certain key elements to their personal histories and personalities that give us many clues.

Their different family backgrounds

William and Kate could hardly come from more different family backgrounds. Yes, of course Kate’s come from a privileged, solid middle-class background but that’s nothing like a royal background. Royal protocol and the prestige that goes with being a royal are almost impossible to imagine.

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Unless William had chosen a fellow royal as his bride-to-be, no fiancée of his was ever really going to be clued-up as to what to expect – despite being relatively privileged as Kate is.

The fantastic ‘plus’ about Kate’s background is her parents have had a long and happy marriage that’s given her great security. When you have a platform like that it gives you a basic confidence about relationships and a great role model to aspire to.

How they met – the footing for an equal partnership

How William and Kate met was a fab beginning for what’s become a long-term love story. They started out as equals, being young university students in a new city, having both moved to St Andrews in Scotland to study.

Although William would’ve had his security detail in tow, like Kate he would’ve been discovering everything about student life at the same time as she was. From making new pals, to forging a new social life, studying and facing exams, their lives mirrored each other’s perfectly.

Meeting as equals gives a relationship superb balance right from the start. No one holds the upper-hand which would’ve been the case if, say, one of them had been a final year student who started dating a first year. Or as is so often the case when you meet someone at work, where one of you is higher up the ladder then the other, and that gives them the upper-hand.

They had the all-important ‘P Factor’

Because of the circumstances in which they met, they immediately had a super-high level of what psychologists call ‘propinquity’ – one of the main factors that predict attraction.

This means being in close contact on a regular basis in actual physical terms – and for Kate and William this meant ending up as housemates. Plus they had it in social terms – they wanted to hang out and do the same things. So forget the X Factor, their P Factor was high!

Her character, his character: why their mix should work

From observing them in news reports it’s obvious they have a true bond of love. Their body language says it all – they love and need each other. Although there are times when Kate’s body language reveals nervousness and anxiety, William seems to pick-up on that and naturally reassures her with a little touch or look.

It’s well-reported that William is a thoughtful man and combined with reports of Kate’s loyal nature they have a really good mix of qualities to assure long-term success.

Both of them have a fun side that’s at times revealed in late-night antics when they were younger but neither of them has shown themselves to be shallow, party-people. Again they seem to have a natural balance when it comes to wanting to go out – like any other young couple – but without any excessive behaviour that would get them in trouble.

William and Kate also both like the quieter life, too, and will relish their bolthole in Wales where they can get away from it all.

How their relationship is different to Charles and Diana’s

You couldn’t get a relationship that was more different to William and Kate’s then the marriage of Charles and Diana. Sadly it was doomed right from the start when she was a very unsure and insecure bride, over a decade younger than her husband-to-be.

Diana went into the marriage believing in true love whereas Charles was much more aware of the ways of the world and that there were many obstacles in their way.

Although Diana’s aristocratic pedigree was a good match for marriage to a royal, she was much more of a free spirit then royal life allowed. Because Charles and Diana had a weak bond in their marriage neither was prepared for the trouble ahead. And they didn’t have a strong basis to create a team together and instead they pulled apart.

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Why the future bodes well for this royal couple

Taking all of these factors into account William and Kate stand a fantastic chance of sticking together through thick and thin. They can look to her parents for how to do it when they face challenges. They can fall back on his humour and kindness and her loyalty and love when the going gets tough.

The balance and equality in their relationship will prove to be a great strength and their future looks happy and loving.

Your say: Do you think William and Kate are well-suited? Do you think their marriage will be more successful than other royal unions?

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Princess Anne asks future son-in-law to consider nose job before marrying Zara

Royal baby boom! Zara Phillips pregnant too

Princess Anne has asked her future son-in-law, Mike Tindall, to have his nose straightened before he weds her daughter, Zara Phillips, in July.

The English rugby player is due to marry Queen Elizabeth’s eldest granddaughter in Edinburgh, Scotland, on July 30.

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Princess Anne is said to adore Mike but is concerned his nose, which has been broken eight times in his 12-year rugby career, will ruin her daughter’s wedding pictures.

Mike reportedly told producers on the set of British sports quiz show A League of their Own that his future mother-in-law has asked if he would have surgery to correct the feature before the nuptials, the UK’s News of the World reported.

“Princess Anne asked me if I’d have the surgery,” he reportedly said. “She’s a bit worried about how the wedding photos might turn out!”

Mike had corrective surgery on his nose earlier in his career and said he was “unlikely” to go under the knife again.

“The last time I had surgery I had two metal plates inserted up my nose to keep it straight,” Mike said. “The very next game I was playing one of [the opposition] put in a high tackle and, crunch! The metal plates popped out onto the pitch. I’m not keen to do it again.”

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Mike, 32, and Zara, 29, have been together since her cousin Prince Harry introduced them at a bar in Sydney in 2002. They announced their engagement in January, two months after her other cousin, Prince William, announced his engagement to Kate Middleton.

William and Kate will marry at Westminster Abbey on April 29, three months before Mike and Zara.

Your say: Do you think Anne overstepped the mark asking Mike to have his nose straightened? Would you consider asking your child’s partner the same thing?

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Aussie couple’s joy: Meet our quintuplets!

Aussie couple's joy: Meet our quintuplets!

Melissa and Rosemary introduce their new babies to KATHERINE CHATFIELD.

Melissa Keevers and Rosemary Nolan beam as they cradle baby son Noah in their arms. But Noah isn’t the only new addition to the family. He’s big brother to fellow quintuplets Charlie, Eireann, Evie and Abby. Same-sex Brisbane couple Mel, 27, and Rosie, 22, have waited to meet the babies since they revealed to Woman’s Day last October they were expecting quins, conceived with a US sperm donor. “We got very teary when they were born,” Rosie smiles. “It was such a journey before they arrived that when we actually met them we realised what it was all for.”

The babies are still tiny after being born at 26 weeks, four days. “In the days leading up, I knew it was coming,” Mel says. “I had more and more contractions. At one point I spent three days in the birthing suite – they wouldn’t let me leave in case it happened!

“On January 2 at 10.30pm I was having contractions, and at 11pm the doctor examined me and told me to call Rosie because I was going to have the babies.” Rosie laughs and says, “I was running around like a headless chicken! I was in shock thinking it was actually going to happen.” “She says she didn’t speed to get to the hospital but she arrived in record time!” adds Mel.

With a team of 25 hospital staff assembled, Mel was wheeled to theatre for a C-section. “I wasn’t nervous about the procedure,” she says. “I just wanted them to be born OK. I didn’t take any risk for myself into account.” Fortunately, the five babies – two boys and three girls – were born between 2.06am and 2.11am on January 3, in an operation that ran like clockwork.

“Noah came first, and then a minute later was Charlie,” Mel says. “Then after another minute came Eireann, and then Evie and Abby. Abby was the smallest because she was sitting lowest in me, so she had the weight of the others on top of her.”

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Kirstie Alley beats the bulge

Kirstie Alley beats the bulge

She’s dancing her way to a fabulous new figure.

The former Fat Actress star stunned onlookers last week when she showed off her new physique at a Hollywood party. The event was to launch the latest series of the US version of Dancing With The Stars, and Kirstie has been confirmed as one of the contestants.

Barefoot in a one-shouldered chiffon gown in shades of purple, Kirstie, 60 – who has been following a strict exercise and diet regime – looked decidedly slimmer.

The once-svelte star recently tipped the scales at more than 100kg, but she reveals she has lost 27kg and wants to lose 13-18 more. “With this strenuous, rigorous dance schedule [as part of the show], I think it’s going to work,” Kirstie says. “It’s exciting.”

But she won’t be pouring herself into slinky ballroom-dancing gowns just yet – she’s putting that off until she’s closer to her goal weight. “I’m not showing my junk until I’m ready,” she vows. “I’d like to lose about three spare tyres still.”

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Courteney Cox’s romantic getaway!

Courteney Cox's romantic getaway!

The actress and her new love get hot and steamy in sunny Hawaii.

Not only does she get to laze around in a bikini with her gorgeous daughter Coco, 6, by her side, the trip also provides the perfect cover for a romantic getaway with her hunky co-star and secret lover.

The star has been getting close to actor Brian Van Holt, 41, who plays her ex-husband on the show, since April last year. This “emotional affair” was cited by Courteney’s former husband David Arquette as one of the major reasons they ended their 11-year marriage last October. Now close friends tell Woman’s Day the 46-year-old actress is “very much seeing Brian” and their relationship is hotter than ever!

“They keep their ongoing affair under wraps by staying indoors at her Malibu home,” says one friend. “But it doesn’t mean they’ve fallen into a comfortable habit like an old married couple. It’s like they have Valentine’s dinner once a week, complete with flowers and gifts.”

Brian, a fabulous cook who specialises in Latin-fusion cuisine, loves donning the apron. “They’re perfect together,” says the friend. “She’s got a chef’s kitchen that is just huge. They drink wine, eat and have this little romantic date over and over again.”

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