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Men will do the dishes-in 39 years

Men will do the dishes – in 39 years

The good news is that men will one day do as much housework as women. The bad news is that day is 39 years away.

An international study by academics at Oxford University in the UK found that, if men continue to pick up household chores at their current rate, they will be doing their fair share in 2050.

Researchers studied housework diaries of people from 16 countries, including Australia, over 40 years. The time women spent on chores dropped from 360 minutes a day in the early 1960s to 280 minutes in the early 2000s.

Men’s daily chores time rose from 90 minutes to 148 minutes in the same period.

One of the main barriers to shared housework was a perception that certain chores, such as cleaning, cooking and caring for children, were seen as women’s work, while repairs, car care and gardening were seen as men’s work.

One of the researchers, Oriel Sullivan, said the gap is closing slowly. “Even though women are still responsible for the major share of unpaid work, studies suggest that the gender gap in the time spent doing both paid and unpaid work is closing slowly.”

Your say: Is your partner willing to do “women’s work”’, or does he stick to the car and garden? Tell us more at [email protected]

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Brad Pitt on playing dad: ‘I don’t bring my crap home’

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie at the Tree of Life Los Angeles premiere

He has played a number of roles during his 24 years as an actor, but Brad Pitt now takes only one role seriously: being a father to his six children.

In Pitt’s new movie The Tree of Life, which received the Palme D’or award for best film at the recent Cannes International Film Festival, he plays a strict, sometimes abusive father.

But this is far from the father role he plays in real life as he raises his six children with long-time partner Angelina Jolie, Us magazine reported.

“I certainly don’t raise my kids the same way [as my character does],” he said.

“I am painfully aware that my actions leave an indelible mark on them in these formidable years. So I make sure I don’t bring my crap home. I want to keep it free.”

Pitt, 47, who says he loves the “chaos of a big family” recently spoke out about how he and Jolie, 35, handle raising six children.

“I want to keep them able to explore that innocence as long as possible and find out what’s really interesting to them. I just don’t want to encumber them in any way.”

The Tree of Life, which is set in the 1950s, is based around three boys. The story follows the life of the eldest son Jack who looks back on his loss of innocence in his family . Pitt says it was difficult playing such a strict character with young actors.

“We had to be careful, because they are young boys, and you don’t want to scar them in the process,” he said.

“So it was explained to them ahead of time who I was playing and they knew it was coming and they knew when it was coming.

“And in between [takes], we made sure we had a lot of time like everyday life, throwing the ball around and riding bikes, and I think everyone got through it unscathed.”

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How to take control of your life

How to set and achieve your goals

Have you ever felt that you are just running from morning to night simply surviving? To be in charge of where life is leading you means being more productive, dealing more effectively with stress, having the ability to solve problems, handling change and developing a happy outlook.

It can be small things such as managing your money and taking control of your savings, or perhaps a fitness goal. Do you neglect your hobbies in favour of daily chores? Do you fill your downtime with mindless distractions such as too much TV?

Get some inspiration with these simple steps that can help you take charge of your life.

List the important things

When we feel like we are working hard but not getting anywhere it could be because our priorities are not aligned with our values. To begin identifying your values, ask yourself these questions:

  1. What is important to me?

  2. Who is important to me?

  3. What do I need to do to feel good about myself?

Grab a sheet of paper and make a numbered list, one through to ten. Then, list the things in your life that are most important to you.

Once you do so, ask yourself if the way you currently spend your time, matches your list of important things. You’ll then have a better idea of what things you to spend more time on.

Set your goals

Travelling through life without goals is like travelling through an unknown city without a map. Goal-setting is one of the important steps in taking control of the direction of your life.

Start by thinking about this year, and writing down goals for your personal relationship, work, health and finances. If you can, list five goals in each category. You could add more categories if you like.

It’s important to set specific goals. Avoid words like “some”, “a little” or “more”. If you want to save $8000 by the end of the year, specify that amount. For instance, this year my goal is to lose 5kg. In order to achieve this goal, I have committed to 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of strength training for five days a week.

Get a strategy

This is really closely related to the point above. To reach your goals, you need a plan of action. For each goal, break these goals down into smaller steps over weeks or days. Then, set a timeline of what you need to do to achieve the final outcome and how long it should take to do each thing.

For instance, to save $8000 in 12 months, you will need to save $153 a week. Then make a list of things you could do to achieve this goal. Maybe you could work overtime, or bring in your own lunch every day and forego after-work drinks on Friday.

Find out what motivates you

If you were granted a superpower to be able to do anything and not fail, what would you do? Perhaps there is something that you have always wanted to try, but fear has held you back.

In order to understand how to achieve greater success, you need to understand what exactly motivates you. Everyone is different in how they are motivated and how they are successful when trying to make a change. Find something that drives you to succeed.

Here is an exercise that can help you find out what you are passionate about:

  • Write down the types of activities you like to do and the types of activities, or hobbies, that make you feel good when you do them.

  • Next, write down your special skills and talents. Don’t be shy. Remember, this list is just for you.

  • Finally, write down what inspires you to do things well.

  • Here are a few ideas to keep motivated. You could write down your goal and place it somewhere that you will see it at least once a day. That way if you start to lose your way, you can refer back to your list and rebuild that enthusiasm.If you have a weight-loss goal, place your goal on the fridge. If your goal is to save some money, place your goal on a Post-it note on your credit card. Or, more extreme, put your credit card on ice, literally. All you need to do is fill a glass with water, pop in your credit card and put it in the freezer. This provides the extra motivation you need for those tough days.Start todayWhy wait? You are the one in control of your life. You need to be actively involved in the method of working on your goals, to guarantee you achieve them. Remember to keep your goals specific and simple. Have a plan and share your achievements with others. It’s easy, you can do it!Your say: What tips do you have to stick to your resolutions?

Here are a few ideas to keep motivated. You could write down your goal and place it somewhere that you will see it at least once a day. That way if you start to lose your way, you can refer back to your list and rebuild that enthusiasm.

If you have a weight-loss goal, place your goal on the fridge. If your goal is to save some money, place your goal on a Post-it note on your credit card. Or, more extreme, put your credit card on ice, literally. All you need to do is fill a glass with water, pop in your credit card and put it in the freezer. This provides the extra motivation you need for those tough days.

Start today

Why wait? You are the one in control of your life. You need to be actively involved in the method of working on your goals, to guarantee you achieve them. Remember to keep your goals specific and simple. Have a plan and share your achievements with others. It’s easy, you can do it!

Your say: What tips do you have to stick to your resolutions?

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Obamas give Kate and William six laptops as wedding gift

Obamas give Kate and William six laptops as wedding gift

Prince William and Catherine meet US President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle

US President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle were not invited to the royal wedding, but that didn’t stop them from purchasing a gift for the couple.

The Obamas met the new Duke and Duchess of Cambridge at Buckingham Palace yesterday, and revealed their present: six Apple MacBook computers they were donating to one of the royal couple’s favourite charities, PeacePlayers International.

In pictures: William and Catherine meet the Obamas

PeacePlayers is a charity based in Belfast, Ireland, that uses basketball to improve the lives of children in war-torn regions around the world. It was one of the 26 charities chosen by William and Catherine to benefit from their marriage through donations.

Their decision to ask for charitable donations in lieu of traditional wedding gifts raised an estimated $1.5 million, including $25,000 from the Australian government.

The president and first lady stayed at Buckingham Palace last night as part of their short tour of the UK and Ireland.

They met several members of the royal family on the trip, including William, Catherine, Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip, Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall.

The Obamas also came bearing gifts for Queen Elizabeth, presenting the monarch with a collection of rare photographs of her parents — King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother — on their visit to the US in 1939.

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They gave horse enthusiast Philip some custom-made carriage driving equipment and a set of horseshoes from a retired US champion carriage horse. Nature-lover Charles was also given a personalised gift — a selection of plants and seeds from the White House gardens and honey from the White House beehive.

In return, the royal family gave Barack copies of letters written to and from several US presidents to Queen Victoria. They also gave Michelle an antique brooch.

Your say: What would you give Prince William and Catherine if you were asked to buy them a wedding present?

Video: Obamas arrive in the UK

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Prince William and Catherine meet the Obamas


Newlyweds Prince William and Catherine were back to work yesterday, greeting US President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle at a reception at Buckingham Palace.

The new Duke and Duchess of Cambridge enjoyed a ten-minute conversation with the President and First Lady.

Catherine, who showed off her tan in a nude bandage dress, couldn’t stop giggling as she chatted to Michelle and seemed happy and relaxed.

The Obamas also met Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip, Prince Charles, Camilla and British Prime Minister David Cameron on their brief UK visit.

Prince William and Catherine meet Barack and Michelle Obama

Catherine and Michelle chat

The Duchess of Cambridge and the First Lady share a laugh

Prince Charles and Barack Obama

Obama shares a joke with Queen Elizabeth

Barack Obama plays table tennis with British Prime Minister David Cameron

Barack and David play a tough shot

Queen Elizabeth, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama and Prince Philip dressed for dinner

Obama laughs during the queen’s speech

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Maria Shriver wants her kids to forgive Arnie


As the details Arnold Schwarzenegger’s affair continue to emerge, his estranged wife Maria Shriver wants one thing — for their four children to forgive their father.

An unnamed source close to the family told Us magazine the pair were not holding a grudge for the sake of their children Katherine, 21, Christina, 19, Patrick, 17, and Christopher, 13.

“As hurt as she may be, she will encourage them to forgive their father,” the unnamed source said.

Schwarzenegger confessed in a statement to the media last week that he fathered a love child with former employee, housekeeper Mildred Baena. He is said to have told his wife in January 2011 after he left office as the governor of California.

The unnamed source says it is Shriver’s “faith and her focus on family” that is getting her through.

“Both Arnold and Maria want to make sure they are being good parents above everything,” the source said.

“This family’s motto is to stick together, so they will figure out a way to do that [at] some level.”

Another unnamed source told the magazine that Shriver, who has made a guest appearance on Oprah Winfrey’s final show, has a lot of support.

“She will be okay because she has so many who love her and support her,” the second source said.

“She is putting one foot in front of the other.”

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The details of Prince William and Catherine’s royal honeymoon


While Prince William and Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge, were happy to let the world in on their special day, the details of their honeymoon were kept top secret.

Now that the pair has returned to their everyday lives, details have emerged as to what the newlyweds got up to while they spent time together on a super-luxe private, rented island in the Seychelles.

After initially delaying their honeymoon, the pair left for Seychelles on May 10 to spend 10 days in the $6000-a-night villa. Upon their arrival they were presented with a coco de mer (“love nut”) by locals, an aphrodisiac coconut and fertility symbol unique to the island.

Focusing on their mutual love for the great outdoors the pair spent time getting to know the local wildlife, Us magazine reported.

“They got to see some wonderful things,” Amanda Hunt, press attaché for the Seychelles government, told the magazine.

“They are very aware of our environmental record and the fact that Seychelles puts such a high premium on our environment.

“Over 50 percent of our land is deemed as a nature reserve … It’s definitely very important to Prince William.”

Prince William and Catherine visited the island in 2007, long before their engagement.

“He mentioned that again on departure, how his expectations are always superseded by how well we look after our environment,” Hunt said.

She also said the pair very much enjoyed the wildlife and went on several dives with Prince William noting that the coral reef at Seychelles Island is one of the best he has ever seen.

“They saw a turtle nest hatching. The turtles come off out of the sea and they lay their eggs,” Hunt said.

“Not many people get the timing right to be able to see the eggs hatch and the little turtles swim out into the sea. You have to get up very early to see it.”

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Jane Seymour claims Schwarzenegger has two more illegitimate children


Unlike everyone else, US actress Jane Seymour wasn’t surprised about Arnold Schwarzenegger’s separation from his wife Maria Shriver or about the love child he fathered.

She claims that Schwarzenegger has fathered at least two more illegitimate children, after it emerged last week that the action star fathered a son with former housekeeper Mildred Baena.

Seymour, who socialises with the same people as Schwarzenegger and his estranged wife, made the shocking claims during an interview with CNN.

“I was not even remotely surprised,” she said.

“He was obviously jumping the gun before everyone else told the world the news. And from what I gather there will be lots of information coming people’s way.

“I heard about two more children. I met someone who knows him well.”

While Shriver and Schwarzenegger are dealing with their divorce, another woman has contacted Schwarzenegger’s lawyers for a DNA test, NBC has reported.

The pair did not have a prenuptial agreement. Schwarzenegger’s fortune is estimated to be more than US$400 million and Shriver could walk away with half, the UK’s Daily Mail reported.

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Ladies: lighten up on short skirts

Ladies: lighten up on short skirts

The Weekly’s Deputy Editor Jo Wiles on why we shouldn’t be shocked by the thigh-grazing mini-skirts proudly worn by today’s young women.

I’m accustomed to seeing legs. And, flesh. And, pelmet-skimming skirts. As an art student in the late sixties — the heyday of the mini, Mary Quant, Biba and The Beatles, I showed so much of mine that my father’s face routinely turned purple every time he saw me going out.

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Three years later, it was my mother’s shapely thighs that were sending Dad’s blood pressure through the roof as she (and just about every other mother who had by then embraced her daughter’s soaring hemlines) proudly wore a Pucci mini to my first wedding.

Fast forward sixteen years into the late eighties and legs were once again front and centre, however, this time it was me who was blushing and cringing with embarrassment at the eye-popping length of exposed leg my daughter showed whenever she and I went shopping. If her perfect legs weren’t encased in ripped black stockings under a tartan mini (her short-lived punk phase) they were screaming look at me in stars-and-stripes hot pants. Kylie’s gold hotpants had nothing on these.

I mention all this by way of background because on Saturday night I found myself in Kings Cross at half past midnight surrounded by a sea of legs. An ocean of thighs. One minute I was eating tapas and socking away the Sangria and the next, I was dodging hundreds and hundreds of pairs of legs — all teetering on Posh Spice heels with scarcely a skirt between them. Talk about deja vu.

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These girls weren’t sluts or ‘skanks’ as other women so ungenerously label them. They weren’t streetwalkers. They were daughters and sisters and girls next door out to have a good time; confident in their bodies, celebrating their sexiness and freedom to wear whatever they want — even if it is freezing and mum and dad and others disapprove — because, hey, it’s fashion. And, next season it will be something else — the maxi, the high waist, the low-rider, the whatever.

It got me thinking that legs — in all shapes sizes and lengths — aren’t such a bad thing because, let’s face it, nothing could be as bad as being surrounded by an ocean of leg-warmers.

Your say: What do you think about today’s fashion for micro-minis?

Video: Too-slutty fashion

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Top 10 best and worst TV stars – do you agree?

Top 10 best and worst TV stars – do you agree?

Popular stars Magda Szubanski, Jennifer Hawkins and Rebecca Gibney

A secret list ranking the popularity of television stars was published today, listing Hamish Blake, Andrew Denton and Rebecca Gibney as the top 3 celebrities.

The document, compiled by research firm Audience Development Australia and printed in The Australian, is used by the TV and advertising industries to help decide whether to cast stars in shows or ad campaigns.

In pictures: Magda Szubanksi

It details how recognisable a star is, and whether they inspire a positive, neutral or negative reaction in the 2000 random survey subjects.

According to the list, the top 10 most and least popular stars are:

Top 10 most popular TV stars:

  1. Hamish Blake

  2. Andrew Denton

  3. Rebecca Gibney

  4. Michael Caton

  5. John Clarke

  6. Ernie Dingo

  7. Toni Collette

  8. Jennifer Hawkins

  9. Adam Hills

  10. Magda Szubanski

The top 10 least popular TV stars:

  1. Alan Dale

  2. Ditch Davey

  3. Malcolm Douglas

  4. Joel Edgerton

  5. Anton Enus

  6. Sophie Falkiner

  7. John Foreman

  8. Kip Gamblin

  9. Andrew Hansen

  10. Paul Harrigan

Your say: Do you agree with the list? Who are your top 10 favourite TV stars?

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