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MasterChef’s Kumar: Inside my spicy marriage!

MasterChef's Kumar: Inside my spicy marriage!

The popular contestant tells how he keeps the sizzle in his 30-year relationship with ‘soul mate’ Sally.

Kumar Pereira and his wife Sally seem like the most unlikely of matches. For one thing, the MasterChef Australia contestant was born in Sri Lanka and Sally is from Essex in England, so their backgrounds could hardly be more different. Yet the pair agree they’re a perfect match. “We are so very compatible,” says Kumar, 62, speaking from the couple’s Sydney home during a production break from the hit cooking show. “We click beautifully together. There is nothing I don’t like about Sally.”

“He is my best friend,” smiles Sally, 59. “And of course I love his cooking… but I would be so much thinner if it wasn’t for him!” It was “a hot summer’s night in Hong Kong” in 1981 when Kumar’s friendship with Sally finally grew into something more. Little did Sally know that 30 years later she would be living in Sydney with the man she fell in love with, and Kumar would be a star of the small screen.

“We were both teaching at Hong Kong Polytechnic University when we met – I was in graphics and Sally was in fashion,” Kumar says. Sally had started teaching while he was off sailing across the Atlantic, but her friends mentioned he was special and couldn’t wait to introduce them upon his return.

Read more about Kumar’s love story in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale June 27, 2011.

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The Amazing Race girls Sam and Renae: Our fight over a man

The Amazing Race girls Sam and Renae: Our fight over a man

The gorgeous girls from WA, racing around the world together on TV’s hot new show, reveal the truth about the rumoured love triangle.

They’re billed as the best of friends on hit show The Amazing Race Australia, however when it comes to dating, Samantha Schoers and Renae Wauhop really should be each other’s worst nightmare. Before embarking on this journey with Renae, 23-year-old Sam made the decision to break up with her boyfriend, West Coast Eagles AFL player Mark Nicoski. But to Sam’s surprise, Mark, instead of nursing his broken heart, found an unlikely new love… Renae!

While Sam dated Mark for most of last year, their romance didn’t stop sparks flying when she introduced Renae, 23, to Mark at a backyard “jamming” session when the girls made it back home once filming ended. “He plays guitar and I sing,” offers Renae. While many people would end a friendship over such tangles, it didn’t faze the girls.

“People have been making out that there’s this murky love triangle and a rivalry between Sam and me, but nothing could be further from the truth,” says Renae. “There is no animosity between us and we’re both happy.” The vibrant Perth girls have been joined at the hip since Renae, a Miss Universe Australia runner-up, brazenly “picked up” her fellow tomboy mate-to-be in a bar four years ago.

“Sam was dancing and she looked pretty cool, so I offered to buy her a shooter,” Renae says. “I didn’t know anyone there, so it was a pick-up line… we’ve been friends ever since.” The two were attracted to each other’s up-for-anything attitudes and boyish styles. “I shot my first goat at 11,” says Renae, who has a black belt in karate and grew up riding motorbikes in Geraldton, 400km north of Perth. “I didn’t wear my first skirt until I was 15,” shoots back Sam with a grin. “My mum forced me into modelling and deportment because she wanted me to act more like a lady.”

Your say: Who’s your favourite team on The Amazing Race? Share your thoughts below.

Find out what the girls really think of the Amazing Race in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale June 27, 2011.

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Michael Jackson’s ex sister in-law fears for his children

Michael Jackson's ex sister in-law fears for his children

Having lived in the family estate for nearly 20 years, Alejandra Jackson reveals some never-before-heard home truths about the way the late King of Pop’s children are being raised.

Recently, she left the Jackson clan’s compound in Encino, California. Now, in this Woman’s Day exclusive, the mother-of-five gives her unique insight into their troubled lives. “I love Michael’s children with all my heart, so of course I worry about them,” Alejandra says.

“When he was alive, I would only see Prince, Paris and Blanket from time to time, usually when we visited them at Neverland. But my son Jaafar and Prince were always good friends. They were of a similar age, so hit it off from the word go.

“After Michael died, his kids came to live with us in the Encino house – and they became so close with my kids, before long they were always in my room. “I was with those children 24 hours a day,” she continues. “Mrs Jackson [Katherine] would be there, but she was dealing with so much. She had all these people coming to see her, and all these big things to take care of. It was me who was always with the kids.

Find out why Alejandra thinks Micahle wouldn’t be happy with how his children are being raised in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale June 27, 2011.

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Manu Feildel: My life as a single dad

Manu Feildel: My life as a single dad

Manu and his son Jonti.

The DWTS heartthrob opens up to Katherine Chatfield about his closeness to his son and how he’s open to love again.

It’s 5.10pm and Manu Feildel has packed up his dancing shoes and is rushing to pick up his son Jonti from school. As he arrives there’s a squeal of delight from Jonti and his friends, who are all delighted to see the Dancing With The Stars contestant.

“When I take him to school, all his friends start cheering my name,” says Manu, 38. “He’s definitely not shy about asking people if they know who I am. He’s very proud.” Manu, 38, separated from his partner of 12 years at the end of 2009 and the two share custody of their beloved six-year-old son.

“You just have to split your time and your company,” Manu says of learning to juggle the different aspects of his life. “Jonti is very understanding. He knows what I do. And I share it with him. I come back and tell him what I’ve done.” Despite having been thrust into the limelight when he appeared as the host of My Kitchen Rules early last year, Manu makes a point of trying to keep Jonti’s life as normal as possible.

“When we spend time together we do what dads and sons do,” he shrugs. “We love going to the cinema. Every kids’ movie that comes out, we’re the first ones to go and see it. We go to the park and the beach and all the normal stuff.” Manu says the pair are very alike. “He’s like me in so many ways,” he says. “He’s a clown. Physically he’s like me, and he can be grumpy, which is like me as well. But he’s very loving. We’re best mates.”

See more beautiful pictures of Manu and Jonti, as well as Manu’s recipe for Witlof and ham gratin, in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale June 27, 2011.

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Esther Anderson back in front of the camera and couldn’t be happier

Esther Anderson is back in front of the camera and couldn’t be happier

Putting the debate over her thin frame behind her, Esther Anderson is returning to modelling and feeling happier — and healthier — than ever.

Shaking a mane of impossibly shiny hair away from her equally immaculate face on the set of her latest fashion shoot, actress Esther Anderson looks every inch a professional model.

But it’s no surprise considering the Home and Away beauty started out as a clothes horse, which meant her face and figure were very much public property.

Now the slender star is returning to modelling, fronting a clothing campaign for Howard Showers, but her early experience in front of the lens and dealing with gossip about her “ultra-skinny” frame on Dancing with the Stars last year has given her a refreshingly direct view of her body this time around.

“I am a bit nervous about returning to modelling even though I did it for a big chunk of my life. I’ve modelled longer than I’ve been acting!” laughs Esther as a makeup artist smooths blush on to her perfectly defined cheekbones.

While there’s no doubt Esther’s frame is uncommonly tiny, the 32-year-old says her figure is a product of her very healthy upbringing and genuine love of vegetables, as well as her view that as a model and an entertainer she has a responsibility to consistently look her best.

“I was brought up in a very healthy family, the kind that always has brown bread,” Esther explains. “When I had friends over as a kid the treat I would ask for was white bread! So we’re lucky, we’ve always had a great relationship with food, I love vegies, and that’s really important.”

But Esther admits even her nutritionally balanced childhood didn’t stop her developing a sugar addiction when she first started on the set of Home and Away, playing policewoman Charlie Buckton, in 2007.

“I used to have a sugar addiction but I stopped giving it to my body and it stopped craving it,” Esther says. “The more you have something the more your body needs it. I had to get off needing sugar every day. It helped that I couldn’t eat chocolate because it gives me really bad migraines.”

Now Esther’s only guilty habit is coffee — and a penchant for skipping the gym!

“I have done gym work periodically, but I am lazy!” she says with a laugh. “There were a few years there when I was doing lots of lingerie work [as a model] and I really wanted to be toned for that. When I was modelling the focus was so much on the physical, and it still is an actress because you are employed looking a certain way and you have to stay that way, but I’ve never been on a diet in my life. Now it’s just about walking and being active. Growing up I played lots of sport but now it’s just about how much I run around!

“I love working out at the beach, because it’s outside and I go for long walks. But I do walk really fast. If I tell someone to meet up with me for a walk, I have to warn them they will have to keep up!”

Happily single, Esther estimates she is 5kg heavier than this time last year, but insists her shape isn’t something she worries about.

During her days modelling in Japan she became used to considering her body objectively and viewing her looks as a commodity, bleaching her hair and whitening her skin to match the demands of the market.

“I don’t take body criticism personally because it’s part of my job to look a certain way,” she says firmly. “As a model, for 10 years I got used to the focus on staying in shape and looking good. That’s just what you do. I might not have been able to do that, or have that focus, without work. For people who are working 12 hours in an office, it’s not their priority — they have to do other things, and they find it a lot harder to find that time. Whereas as an entertainer, it’s part of your job.”

Today there’s no doubt that Esther’s professional outlook has helped her perfect her figure, which today is resplendent in a blue and black striped dress from Howard Showers — who she says is a perfect match for her own style.

“Every woman wants to look good, and when you can put something on and feel good, it’s priceless,” she says. “I like fun stuff that suits me and accentuates my body. That’s why this range is so good. It’s beautiful and wearable. And it’s really flattering.”

It’s obvious that part of Esther’s success in front of the cameras both at the beginning of her career and now is because she is comfortable in her skin, no matter what she weighs.

“When I started on Home and Away the schedule was packed and I didn’t have the time focus on fitness,” she says. “People do make the time, on the show, but for me that wasn’t a priority. I was adjusting to everything else and I wasn’t in my lingerie every single week — although these days I am doing a bit more of that!

“I’m fortunate that I have always been healthy and I have learned healthy habits, ways to eat healthily for the rest of my life.”

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Jodi Gordon’s joy: I’m engaged!

Jodi Gordon's joy: I'm engaged!

Newly engaged Jodi Gordon and Braith Anasta.

The actress couldn’t wait to share the news after her footy hunk popped the question.

Like most girls who have just excitedly accepted a marriage proposal, former Home And Away star Jodi Gordon was bubbling over with joy when she tried on her engagement ring. She flashed the stunning diamond for the world to see in a beaming profile picture on her Facebook page – and, at 8.06pm on June 16, she updated her profile status to “engaged to Braith Anasta”.

Within minutes, several of Jodi’s 380 friends had shot back their best wishes. “Congrats guys. All the best,” posted Ash May Brewer. “Congrats Jodi n Braith,” wrote Nikki Eslick “’bout time!!!!,” noted cheeky Sophie Rathmell. Days later, as Woman’s Day can exclusively reveal, Jodi was spotted trying on wedding rings at jeweller-to-the stars Nick Cerrone’s store in Leichhardt, in Sydney’s inner west.

And now she and Braith have splashed out $1.8 million for a stunning house in Clovelly, described by Raine & Horne Coogee agent Graeme Anderson as “perfect for a young family”. This topped off what has been an incredible two weeks for Jodi, who has tried to keep a lid on her engagement, but couldn’t wipe the smile off her face when she saw the property which will become their marital home.

With two major Australian films due for release later this year, and Hollywood calling, Jodi, 26, has never been hotter property. She recently signed with Australian agent Sean Anderson, who represents Jennifer Hawkins and Jamie Durie among others.

See inside Jodi and Braith’s love nest in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale June 27, 2011.

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Before and after hairstyling

We all know celebrities don’t wake up looking immaculate- and thank goodness for that! Here we take a look at the contrast between their dressed-down days and super-styled good hair days.

Katie Holmes

We all know celebrities don’t wake up looking immaculate- and thank goodness for that! Here we take a look at the contrast between their dressed-down days and super-styled good hair days.

Katie Holmes knows how to turn on the ‘wow’ factor after a day at the beach with her straightened, shiny, silky-looking tresses.


Kate Hudson goes from doting mum to glamorous movie star with a swoosh of a hair straightener.

Kate Middleton

Kate Middleton was sporty and a keen rower in her university days, now the Duchess of Cambridge is almost as well known for her polished look as she is for marrying Prince William.


Bec Hewitt is renowned for her hair experiments, including different colours and styles, but when she’s cheering Lleyton on courtside she tends to opt for a sporty-casual look.


Jennifer Lopez’ long locks go from slightly bedraggled to glowing glamazon with the help of a clever blow-dry.

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Shatter nails: The latest in nail art

Looking for the latest in nail art? The new shatter nail lacquer from OPI offers an easy solution for getting patterned nails in an instant. Just follow these easy steps.

Step one – Apply a base coat. This will help the nail lacquer to last on the nail.

Step two – Add two coats of coloured lacquer to the nail using long strokes of the brush from the base of the nail to the tip.

Step three – Add the shatter nail polish directly over painted nails from the base to the tip of the nail. Step back and watch it shatter.

Step four – Once all nails have dried apply a top coat.

Shatter nail polish from OPI is now available in a range of colours including black, white, silver, red, blue and turquoise from David Jones nationally.

Step one

Step two

Step two

Step three

Step three

Step four

OPI Shatter Nial polish

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True Confessions Agony Aunt: Should I leave my alcoholic husband?

Woman worried about her alcoholic husband

Image: Thinkstock, posed by model

I have been married for 17 months and I am now wondering if I have made a mistake and if I should stay or go.

This is mine and my husband’s second marriage. We get along very well, but recently have had several incidences that have left me wondering if I have done the right thing.

Overall he is a good man, he’s kind, generous, loving and very supportive. Both of us have children from our previous marriages and he’s fantastic with my kids, he loves them like his own.

The only thing is, he has an alcohol problem. Without the alcohol, you couldn’t get a better man. He becomes verbally aggressive whilst drinking and then very defensive for several days after. He gets so drunk his speech is slow; he stumbles all over the place, then usually sleeps on the lounge. But that’s not before he has come into the room turning on all the lights and bumping into the furniture.

I have told him on many occasions that I do not mind him having a drink, but I don’t understand why he doesn’t stop when he knows he’s had enough. He drinks extremely fast and is always onto his second drink to everybody else’s first.

A few weeks ago after he had been to the pub, he was not only verbally aggressive, he then became physically aggressive. He threw keys at me and was lunging at me like he wanted to grab me. Thankfully I was able to move out of the way and the keys hit the ground.

There were other people there and they were able to restrain him and take him away from the house to calm down. I still wonder, if he had been able to grab me, what he would have done.

I have suggested he seek help for his alcohol abuse but his response was “I don’t need a counsellor”. My other concern is, I feel he is slowly pulling me away from the people I am closest to. I have noticed he is quite negative towards them or will make excuses so we don’t see them.

You have a lot invested in this marriage, especially since his good points include being very loving with your children and lovely to you when he’s sober. However, this should not blind you to the simple fact that he refuses to accept that he has a problem with alcohol and without that awareness he will not look for help.

It also sounds as if other problems are escalating, with him isolating you from other people and the very real and frightening possibility of physical abuse. You should ask yourself if you would be willing to help him if he recognised his problem and went for help and if not, then you should look at ending the marriage as soon as you reasonably can as the longer you stay the more you will be isolated from others, especially if his drinking increases.

However, if you would be willing to stay if he went for help then for the sake of the person he is and the relationship you have when he’s sober, have one attempt to talk to him when he hasn’t been drinking. Taking the approach of ‘ I’m very worried about you….’ helps stop him feeling attacked and defensive and you can list the incidents when his behaviour has been completely unacceptable due to drink.

Don’t let him brush it away nor counter it with talk such as ‘Oh yes I’m a monster and everyone’s scared of me’ because he’s looking for you to deny that and almost give him justification for what he’s done.

If he agrees he has a problem then I suggest you go for counselling together, and make an appointment straight away, but if he refuses to acknowledge that he drinks too much there’s nothing further you can do until he does, so for your own sake you need to get out of the marriage.

Remember that if he does go for help it could still be a long hard road ahead with the chance of regression always there, so make your decision with all the facts clear in your mind. He might be a lovely person when sober but you’re married to him all the time.

You could also get in touch with Al-Anon which provides support to anyone whose life is, or has been, affected by someone else’s drinking and their website is www.al-anon.alateen.org/australia. They can direct you to local group support or offer advice through their helpline and they will support you as you decide what your next move should be.

Do you have advice on this problem? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below…

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