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Brange marriage rumours denied

Brange marriage rumours denied

Despite a number of sources stating that Brad and Ange are about to tie the knot, an equal amount are suggesting that the couple are staying just as they are, unmarried and in love.

Contrary to a number of reports stating that the pair are planning their upcoming nuptials, People magazine reports that sources close to the pair are playing down the claims,calling the rumours “false”.

One source says “there is no evidence nor any single truth” to reports that the couple will wed this summer or in the next few months.

Brad, 47, and Angelina, 36, have spoken on a number of occasions about marriage, but nothing has been made official.

In 2010 Angelina said that it would be hard to say no to the couple’s six children, Maddox, 9, Pax, 7, Zahara, 6, Shiloh, 5, twins Knox and Vivienne, 3, if they asked them to get married.

“I think it would be hard to say no to the kids,” she said.

Brad also commented on what the couple’s children thought about marriage saying that “the kids ask about marriage. It’s meaning more and more to them. So it’s something we’ve got to look at.”

If an upcoming wedding is being planned the pair will have to work it in to their busy schedule with Brad working in Malta on his latest film World War Z and soon after promoting his movies Moneyball and Cogan’s Trade.

Meanwhile Angelina, who recently returned to Los Angeles with the pair’s children, will be working on her directorial debut, In the Land of Blood and Honey.

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Six steps to a stress-free work day

Six steps to a stress-free work day

Does your average day in the office have you pulling out your hair by 3pm? These tips will have you feeling zen in no time.

Few things are as capable of restoring perspective and turbo-charging your energy levels as taking a brisk walk.

Walking raises your heart rate, improves circulation and boosts your mood. And, if you’re having a stressful day, walking is the perfect antidote, leaving you calm, focused and ready to face the afternoon’s challenges.

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Stress concentrates energy in your head, making you feel overwhelmed. Meditation, on the other hand, involves focusing your mind on one thought and — whenever your mind wanders, or chatters, which yogis call “monkey mind” — bringing it back to that thought.

To turn an ordinary lunch-time walk into a moving meditation, all you have to do is focus your mind on something else. Try these ideas:

1. Count steps

Count the first five steps in your head: “one, two, three, four, five …” At the sixth, begin at one again and count to six. With the seventh, begin at one again, and count to seven. Continue until you reach 10. If you lose count (and don’t worry if you do, it’s not a race), just start again.

2. Climb something

Find a water tower, a hill, or the highest look-out point in your area. Take in the view from the top, look towards the horizon and forget your worries.

3. Find the four elements

Feel more in harmony with your natural surroundings by finding a place on your walk where you can experience all four elements: earth, air, water and fire. For example, you could walk on the grass (earth) in a park near a fountain (air and water) while enjoying the sensation of the sun (fire) on your face.

4. Repeat an affirmation

Such as “I am moving forward, one step at a time,” or “I am breathing in, I am breathing out.”

5. Find something new

Life is a journey, not a destination, as the saying goes. Rather than focus on where you’re going, be mindful of what you see along the way.

Try straying from your usual route. Set yourself the challenge of finding something interesting and unexpected: it could be a bright red front door, an unusual shrub or a beautiful church.

This exercise makes you focus on the moment and really notice your surroundings, rather than let your mind race ahead to future concerns.

6. Walk with gratitude

As you walk, think of all the things you’re grateful for in your life: healthy children, a warm bed, friends, a bird overhead.

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Repeat the thought in your head or out loud, e.g. “Thank you for the beautiful bird,” or “I’m so glad the kids have got a sunny afternoon for tennis practice”.

Sounds simple, but forcing your brain to focus on positive and meaningful things in your life is one of the quickest ways to calm down — it’s impossible to feel stressed at the same time as acknowledging all the things you’re grateful for.

Your say: How do you de-stress on a busy work day?

Video: How to have a stress-free morning

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Six steps to a stress-free work day

Does your average day in the office have you pulling out your hair by 3pm? These tips will have you feeling zen in no time.
Six steps to a stress-free work day

Does your average day in the office have you pulling out your hair by 3pm? These tips will have you feeling zen in no time.

Few things are as capable of restoring perspective and turbo-charging your energy levels as taking a brisk walk.

Walking raises your heart rate, improves circulation and boosts your mood. And, if you’re having a stressful day, walking is the perfect antidote, leaving you calm, focused and ready to face the afternoon’s challenges.

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Stress concentrates energy in your head, making you feel overwhelmed. Meditation, on the other hand, involves focusing your mind on one thought and — whenever your mind wanders, or chatters, which yogis call “monkey mind” — bringing it back to that thought.

To turn an ordinary lunch-time walk into a moving meditation, all you have to do is focus your mind on something else. Try these ideas:

1. Count steps

Count the first five steps in your head: “one, two, three, four, five …” At the sixth, begin at one again and count to six. With the seventh, begin at one again, and count to seven. Continue until you reach 10. If you lose count (and don’t worry if you do, it’s not a race), just start again.

2. Climb something

Find a water tower, a hill, or the highest look-out point in your area. Take in the view from the top, look towards the horizon and forget your worries.

3. Find the four elements

Feel more in harmony with your natural surroundings by finding a place on your walk where you can experience all four elements: earth, air, water and fire. For example, you could walk on the grass (earth) in a park near a fountain (air and water) while enjoying the sensation of the sun (fire) on your face.

4. Repeat an affirmation

Such as “I am moving forward, one step at a time,” or “I am breathing in, I am breathing out.”

5. Find something new

Life is a journey, not a destination, as the saying goes. Rather than focus on where you’re going, be mindful of what you see along the way.

Try straying from your usual route. Set yourself the challenge of finding something interesting and unexpected: it could be a bright red front door, an unusual shrub or a beautiful church.

This exercise makes you focus on the moment and really notice your surroundings, rather than let your mind race ahead to future concerns.

6. Walk with gratitude

As you walk, think of all the things you’re grateful for in your life: healthy children, a warm bed, friends, a bird overhead.

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Repeat the thought in your head or out loud, e.g. “Thank you for the beautiful bird,” or “I’m so glad the kids have got a sunny afternoon for tennis practice”.

Sounds simple, but forcing your brain to focus on positive and meaningful things in your life is one of the quickest ways to calm down — it’s impossible to feel stressed at the same time as acknowledging all the things you’re grateful for.

Your say: How do you de-stress on a busy work day?

Video: How to have a stress-free morning

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10 easy ways to exercise when busy

10 easy ways to exercise when busy

Are you one of those people who have no time to exercise? People with busy lifestyles, especially working moms, can have trouble finding time to fit regular exercise into their lives.

The good news is you don’t have to commit to hour-long workouts at the gym to achieve your weight loss goals. Just integrating a small amount of exercise into your everyday routine is one of the easiest ways to get the weight off, and keep it off. All you need is to keep active for two-and-a-half hours every week and you’ll be on your way to a healthier lifestyle.

Here are 10 simple ways to keep active at work or at home.

1. Cycle to work

Cycling is one of the easiest ways to fit exercise into your daily routine. Ride your bike to work, school or the shops and you will be surprised how much exercise you will fit in without even trying.

2. Walk more

Take the stairs instead of the lift, get off the bus one step earlier, or go for a walk in your lunch break. All these small changes can benefit your health.

3. Get your friends and family involved

Instead of meeting your mate for a coffee, meet for a walk or a cycle around the park. Veto the Friday night pub visit for a friendly game of squash or tennis instead.

4. Play with the kids

If your child is a toddler, use your pushchair as added resistance during a walk in the park. If they are a bit older, take them for a cycle, or a run, or take the ball to the park for a kick around. It’s a great way to get a work out and spend quality time with the family at the same time.

5. Take the dog for a run

If you don’t have kids, you can still get a workout with the pets. Taking the dog for a walk, or a run, after dinner is a fun and relaxing source of exercise.

6. Exercise with your TV on

Next time you are watching your favourite program, try jogging on the spot, or working through a floor routine of crunches and push-ups. You could even try two minute high-intensity exercises during the ad breaks. If you own Nintendo Wii or an X Box Kinect, you could try a few games to get off the couch. Not only will you relax but you will be getting fit in the process.

7. Take up a sport

If you find going to the gym a chore, why not take up a sport that is both fun and challenging. Swimming, running, golf, football, even playing with the Frisbee – these are all fun activities you can commit to and get the exercise you need at the same time. If these are too fast-paced for you, try a yoga or pilates class.

8. Outdoor chores

Mow your lawn, do some weeding, or take up gardening – it’s a simple way to stay fit! Pulling out the weeds and washing the car by hand are great workouts that have nothing to do with treadmills, elliptical trainers or lifting weights.

9. Exercise before work

Working out in the morning can help give you more energy throughout the day. Set the alarm just 30 minutes early and go for a walk or follow an exercise DVD.

10. Do the housework

Doing household chores the old-fashioned way, such as mopping the floor, scrubbing the bathroom and cleaning the windows, will help you to melt kilos.

So, no more excuses and get your body moving now!

Your say: What are your tips about exercise for a busy lifestyle?

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Blood Line

Blood Line by Lynda La Plante

For your chance to win lunch with the Queen of Crime, Lynda La Plante go to http://www.lunchwithlynda.com.au

Q and A with Lynda La Plante

She fainted at her first post-mortem, visited a Russian morgue where bodies were strung up naked, and almost tried her hand at prostitution for a night, all in the name of research. Now the undisputed Queen of Crime talks about her incredible career.

Anna Travis is a young female detective working in a fast-paced, male-dominated world. What initially attracted you to her character?

Anna Travis is actually a new breed of female in the police force. There is some discrimination left over, but nowhere near the amount when I wrote Prime Suspect. I was very attracted to writing a young female officer after having talks with a young detective during my research. She was so informative and confident, and I felt it would be a good opportunity to show the new style of women joining the metropolitan police force.

What inspires you? Where do the ideas for your characters and storylines come from?

My inspiration for virtually all my work comes out of the daily newspapers. I find some small article that interests me and then begin to follow it up. When I find something that interests me, and after researching and building up interviews, I have to begin to cloak the original.

How does writing books compare with writing for the screen?

Writing for television and film is very different from writing a novel. The difference comes from the budget. If, for example, I know I have one million for a sixty-minute episode that has to be broken down into casting/crew/locations/directors/producers, then I have to make sure I write within the budget, so often when I would like to have a fleet of helicopters, I can maybe only manage just one. Writing a novel therefore gives me a wonderful freedom. I can have a fleet of private jets! Sometimes the constrictions of script writing make for a very tight, well-honed piece of work as I don’t allow myself to ramble. I cut and cut and edit, often working on five or six drafts before I am satisfied.

Do you ever read mysteries written by other authors? If so, what authors do you enjoy?

I read so many crime novels and watch virtually every crime show on TV until I have square eyes. One of the main reasons is that I would hate to ever cross over someone else’s plotlines. One of my favorite crime writers is Karin Slaughter, and I constantly return to reading Raymond Chandler’s short stories. They are brilliant.

To read the first chapter of Blood Line click here.

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Beckham boys’ night out after birth of baby girl

Beckham boys' night out after birth of baby Harper

Left: David Beckham with his sons Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz; right: The restaurant that hosted their boys' night out.

After years of male domination, the Beckham household finally has another female, with baby Harper Seven joining the brood on Sunday.

Although David is thrilled to have a daughter, he was quick to grab the chance for a boys’ night out with his three sons on Monday, just one day after the baby was born.

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While his wife Victoria stayed home to look after Harper, David took Brooklyn, 12, Romeo, eight, and six-year-old Cruz to dinner at the exclusive Fig & Olive restaurant in West Hollywood.

“Everybody was in a very good mood, and they left happy,” an onlooker told People magazine.

“The kids seemed happy, but they are such boys. It will be interesting to see how they take care of their little sister.”

The Beckham boys were joined by some of Victoria’s family and spent two hours dining on filet mignon and olive oil-mashed potatoes.

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Victoria and David’s choice of baby name raised eyebrows, even in Hollywood.

They have not explained the moniker, but Harper is believed to be in reference to a character on the Beckham boys’ favourite TV show The Wizards of Waverly Place, while Seven is thought to be an homage to David’s England and Manchester United soccer number.

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Jennifer Aniston talks Brad Pitt and break ups

Jennifer Aniston talks Brad Pitt and break ups

She’s had her fair share of heartbreak and in one of her most open interviews, Jennifer Aniston has shared the details of her parent’s split and how she channelled the emotion from her divorce with Brad Pitt into her acting.

The 42-year-old, who opened up to James Lipton during an interview on Inside the Actor’s Studio, said that she was devastated as a nine-year-old when her father actor John Aniston, walked out on her mother Nancy Dow.

“It was pretty crappy, I came home from a birthday party and he was moved out,” she said.

It was during this interview, that Aniston also revealed that she used the emotional experience from her divorce to drive her performance in her movie The Break Up.

“It was just a beautiful story about a couple breaking up, and I was slightly familiar on the topic and the issue. I sort of honestly felt like, what a great way to sort of exercise some of that,” she said.

Despite the storyline being all too familiar to her, the currently smitten star who is now dating Justin Theroux, has always maintained an attitude that sees her move on with life.

“‘I enjoyed it. It really enjoyed it,” she said of filming The Break Up.

“You would think otherwise, because even the producers were like, ‘I don’t know if we should ask you to do this,’ but I was like, ‘why not? Turn the page, let’s move on’.”

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How standing up can improve heart health

How standing up can improve heart health

It’s time to get up and get moving, according to a new study on heart health.

Research has shown that adults who spend less time sitting throughout the day have a lower risk of early death from cardiovascular disease.

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Current government guidelines recommend 30 minutes or more of moderate intensity exercise at least five days every week. This activity can be in one long block or broken up into multiple shorter amounts, such as three 10 minute bursts of activity.

However, even for people who are physically active and exercise regularly, a large part of the day can still be spent seated, such as when travelling, watching TV or working at a desk.

The research suggests that no matter how much time is spent seated, regular breaks from sitting — even doing simple things like regularly standing up — may help reduce risk factors for heart disease.

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Look for ways to break up the time you spend seated during the day, such as standing up during ad breaks while watching TV, getting up to talk to a work colleague rather than sending an email or standing up for all or part of your train journey — your heart will thank you for it.

This information is provided by the Sanitarium Nutrition Service.

Your say: Do you have any tips for increasing your daily exercise?

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Are you an emotional eater?

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Getty Images

Do you turn to food when you’re feeling angry, depressed or bored? Here’s how to separate food and mood for good.

Why do we do it?

Most women are guilty of eating for reasons other than hunger, which is known as emotional eating. Psychologist and author Dr Elizabeth Celi says: “Food is so accessible and easily re-directs our attention from emotional distress onto the food to give us a form of comfort.”

We are most likely to turn to food when we are feeling stressed, hormonal, angry, bored, lonely, anxious, nervous, depressed, tired or frustrated.

What triggers it?

“Emotional hunger signals are all too easily mistaken for actual hunger signals,” Dr Celi says. A stressful situation at work could make us reach for the family pack of chocolate, we might turn to chips when nervous at the beginning of a party, or a lonely evening at home could result in us spooning ice-cream straight from the tub.

What do we eat?

During moments of emotional eating, most people want unhealthy comfort foods. These are usually high in kilojoules or in sugar, fat or salt content. In an emotionally difficult situation, women are most likely to grab chocolate, biscuits and lollies, while men will probably dive into chips and pizza.

Are you emotionally eating?

If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, you are guilty of being an emotional eater:

  • Do you sometimes snack without realising it?

  • Do you reward yourself with junk food after a stressful day?

  • Do you think about food when you’re sad?

  • Do you feel guilty after overeating?

  • Do you snack when you’re not actually hungry?

  • Do you find yourself eating just for something to do?

How do you break the habit?

If you think you’re an emotional eater, there are plenty of ways to get back in control of your diet. Here are a few ideas:

1. Identi-vibe: Try and understand if you eat because you’re stressed or angry, or if you turn to food when you’re sad or bored. If it’s the former, do intense activities such as listening to loud music or going for a run. If it’s the latter, ask your loved one for a cuddle or take a walk along the beach.

2. Resist and desist: “Ask yourself, am I really hungry or am I ‘craving’ satisfaction in another situation? Then act accordingly,” Dr Celi says.

3. Find eating buddies: Talk to your friends and ask if they are emotional eaters too. If they are, use each other as a support network and reach for the phone instead of the chocolate.

4. Write it down: Keeping a food diary will help you realise when you are most likely to turn to snacking. When you feel those times coming on, distract yourself.

5. Work it out: Regular exercise helps keep your attitude positive and will cut down emotional eating moments.

6. Have a snooze: “Fatigue brings out the worst in us, our discipline wall goes down and we’re more vulnerable to emotional reactions and junk food,” Dr Celi says. So try to get enough sleep.

7. Get a hobby: If you have alternative activities to eating, you won’t go for the junk food so fast. Start an exercise class, paint your nails or clean out your linen cupboard.

8. Alterna-nibble: If you must snack, go for something healthy. Replace chips with carrot batons and ice cream with yoghurt.

Your say: Are you an emotional eater?

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Prince Harry hangs out with new girlfriend’s ex

Prince Harry hangs out with new girlfriend's ex

Prince Harry chats to Formula One driver Jenson Button at the British Grand Prix on Sunday.

Bumping into your ex-girlfriend’s new lover is never easy, particularly when that new man is richer, younger and third in line to the throne of England.

But Formula One driver Jenson Button seemed to enjoy chatting to Prince Harry at the British Grand Prix on Sunday, despite the fact that Harry is rumoured to be dating his ex-girlfriend.

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Harry, 26, and lingerie model Florence Brudenell-Bruce have reportedly been “an item” since last month, after a series of reported “secret trysts”.

Jenson, 31, dated Florence from 2006 to 2008, and didn’t appear to mind that she was now dating Harry.

The prince and the driver were photographed chatting and laughing at the British race event in Silverstone, England, on Sunday. They appeared to get on extremely well, with Harry telling friends he would be rooting for Jenson in the race.

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Harry has been in an on/off relationship with Zimbabwean-born trainee lawyer Chelsy Davy for several years, but they are believed to have gone their separate ways in June.

The prince has reportedly been dating Florence ever since, though royal officials refuse to confirm the romance.

“We don’t comment on the Prince’s personal life,” a Clarence House spokesman said at the time.

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