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Top 10 diet and food myths

Myths about food, health and nutrition dominate some people’s eating habits. And many of them make diets restrictive and take the enjoyment out of eating. So, let’s set the record straight on common dietary myths.

Top 10 diet and food myths

Myths about food, health and nutrition dominate some people’s eating habits. And many of them make diets restrictive and take the enjoyment out of eating.

So, let’s sets the record straight on common dietary myths.

This myth originated because red wine contains resveratrol, which studies show can reduce bad cholesterol and prevent blood clots. But the Australian Heart Foundation says red wine is not a good source of resveratrol antioxidants for preventing heart disease. In order to receive the percentage of resveratrol that you would need to benefit, you would have to drink a tremendous amount of red wine, and that would not be good for you.

Bottom line: Enjoy red wine in moderation, not as a health supplement.

Eggs the most concentrated amount of cholesterol in any food (upwards of 200mg). But dietary cholesterol isn’t nearly as dangerous as was once thought. When it comes to pushing up your cholesterol, it’s really saturated fat that is the main villain. Eggs are also a good source of protein.

Bottom line: People with a history of heart disease, shoul check with a doctor. But most healthy people can eat eggs in moderation.

Most carb haters claim foods like bread and pasta promote insulin production, which ends in weight gain. This is just another nutrition myth. The truth is a lot of the weight you lose via these diets is water weight. You will gain back the weight, and more, when you start eating carbs again.

Bottom line: Carbs are not the enemy. If you eat more than you need, whether it’s fat, carbohydrates, protein, you’ll store those extra calories as body fat.

There are many good reasons to have organic food, such as supporting local farmers, the fair treatment of animals and avoiding pesticides. But scientific research has not yet proven that organic foods are more nutritional than conventionally raised foods.

Bottom line: Nutritionally, what’s important is that you eat more fruits and veggies, regardless of how they were farmed.

It’s a long-held myth that all fats are bad. But not all fats are created equal. Some fats can actually help promote good health, while others increase the risk for heart disease. The key is to replace bad fats (saturated fats and trans fats) with good fats (monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats). Think olive oil, safflower oil, sesame oils, peanut oil, canola oil and avocado.

Bottom line: Don’t avoid all fats, look for ‘good’ fats.

Foods labelled ‘low fat ‘or ‘fat free’ does not mean calorie free. Such foods are often laden with sugar, carbs or salt, which are added to improve the flavour. Many processed ‘low-fat’ or ‘fat-free’ foods have just as many calories as the full-fat version of the same food, or even more!

Bottom line: When shopping, make sure you read nutrition labels of the regular versus the low-fat product and compare the calories-per-serving size. Remember that weight comes down to calories, not fat!

The brown sugar sold at the supermarket is actually white granulated sugar with added molasses. Yes, brown sugar contains minute amounts of minerals. But unless you eat a gigantic portion of brown sugar every day, the mineral content difference between brown sugar and white sugar is absolutely insignificant.

Bottom line: The simple truth is that sugar is sugar. There is no significant difference in terms of nutrition.

It’s true that nuts are quite calorically dense. But nuts and seeds are highly nutritious, containing proteins, minerals, vitamins and other plant chemicals that we tend to call “super nutrients”. Nuts also have high satiety properties, so a handful of almonds will keep you feeling fuller for longer.

Bottom line: Next time you feel like indulging, go for whole, raw, unsalted nuts. if you can restrain yourself from overeating them, nuts can be a part of a healthy diet.

It’s not when you eat but what you eat and how much that counts. If you eat more calories than you burn and you’ll get fatter. Late night snacking can push your calorie intake over the edge. If you want to have a snack before bedtime, think first about how many calories you have eaten that day. Also try to avoid snacking in front of the TV at night. It may be easier to overeat when you are distracted by the television.

Bottom line: No matter when you eat, your body will store extra calories as fat.

We’ve all heard the claim that foods like celery can burn fat because the process of chewing and digesting foods uses up more calories than the amount of calories they contain. The truth is, no foods can burn fat. But celery and grapefruit can be healthy replacements for high-fat snacks. Remember, celery’s low-kilojoule status is undermined by eating it slathered with peanut butter.

Bottom line: The best way to lose weight is to cut back on the number of calories you eat and be more physically active.

NEXT: Celebrity fitness secrets

Ever wonder how celebrities like Natalie Portman, Madonna and Elle stay rocking fit? From five-hour workouts to Kung Fu, we reveal how the hottest celebs get their lean sculpted bodies.

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McDonald’s aim to make Happy Meal healthier


McDonald’s in the US is setting out to make their Happy Meal range for children healthier by cutting portion sizes and adding fruit.

The fast-food chain has made an executive announcement to ditch the extra calories starting in September by cutting the size of the French fries portion and making the optional apple “dippers” part of the meal. The changes in the US will be considered for Australia once they are rolled out by March 2012.

“The wider United States announcement is aligned with a commitment by McDonald’s Australia – indeed McDonald’s globally, to provide great tasting food with a focus on quality, choice and nutrition,” a McDonald’s Australia spokeswoman said.

“We will look to see how the US initiative can integrate into our Australian plans, taking consideration of the steps we have already taken since we began making positive changes in 2003.

“These changes include reductions in sugar and sodium content across our menu, moving to a vegetable oil blend that is virtually free of trans fatty acids and introducing a range of choices for adults and children.”

Portions of French fries will now go from 68 grams to 31 grams which is a calorie reduction of about 20 per cent for a total of less than 600 calories, US Time reported.

Some US parents, consumer groups and even councils have turned their backs on the McDonald’s children’s menu recently.

In San Francisco the city council voted to ban toys from kids’ meals that didn’t meet strict nutritional standards for fat, salt and sugar content.

They argued that the toys made it difficult for parents to encourage their children to select healthier menu choices. A similar ban was also considered in New York.

Although the toys will remain part of the meal, McDonald’s has decided to change the portion sizes in a bid to make the meals healthier choices for children.

But some US health and nutrition experts say that a 600 calorie meal is still too much for young children, who should be consuming anywhere from 1,200 to just over 2,000 calories a day until they’re 13.

There are also concerns about the brand strategy of the fast food outlet, which markets junk food to children, even though slightly healthier alternatives are available.

Executive director of Corporate Accountability International Kelle Louaillier said credit was due to the food chain for the health conscience menu changes, but the branding needed to be addressed.

“McDonald’s deserves credit for not only taking these steps but for acknowledging its role in today’s epidemic of diet-related disease in so doing,” she said in a statement.

“It’s a good first step. However, the corporation has yet to address the central issue: its aggressive brand marketing to kids. And so long as burgers, fries and soda offerings to kids, alongside toys, remain central to that brand, health professionals will continue to call for the marketing to stop.”

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Size 12 women ‘likely’ to be obese

Size 12 women 'likely' to be obese

If you’re putting off going to the gym because you still fit into size 12 clothes, dust off your running shoes — the average size 12 garment fits women who are medically obese.

Australian fashion houses have expanded the measurements of the average size 12 item of clothing so it fits women with a waistline of 88cm, which is considered obese.

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“A size 12 used to be quite svelte and not overweight but, nowadays, someone who is a size 12 is highly likely to be overweight,” the Public Health Association of Australia told the Herald Sun.

“That is a travesty because it implies that measurement is okay when clearly that sizing will have lifetime ramifications for health.”

Women with a waistline of more than 80cm are at increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and cancer.

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Moore has called for an Australian standard for adult’s clothing sizing to end the practice of ‘vanity sizing’ to make women feel better about their bodies.

Your say: Do you think clothes sizes should be standardised, or do you like being a smaller size in certain brands?

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William gives Kate his mother’s earrings

William gives Kate his mother's earrings

Princess Diana in 1988 and Kate Middleton earlier this month.

Prince William has given Kate Middleton his mother Princess Diana’s favourite earrings.

William presented Kate with Diana’s beloved engagement ring last November, and has now given her the matching diamond and sapphire earrings.

“Now they’re married, William wanted her to have some of his mother’s favourite pieces,” a courtier told the Sunday Mirror newspaper.

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Diana adored the earrings, and was photographed wearing them hundreds of times throughout the 1980s and 1990s.

Kate had the famous studs remodelled to make them drop earrings, and wore them for the first time when she watched Andy Murray play in Wimbledon’s centre court in June. She also wore the precious jewels during her recent tour of Canada and America.

William and Kate recently moved into a “modest” two-bedroom cottage at Kensington Palace. They will live in the cosy house until they decide on a more permanent London base.

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They are believed to be considering the palace’s lavish Apartment 1a, the 19-room suite that was last occupied by Princess Margaret.

William was believed to be keen to move into Apartments 8 and 9, the former marital home of Charles and Diana where he and Harry grew up, but Kate was reportedly uncomfortable with the idea.

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The Beckhams give excess baby gifts to charity shop

The Beckhams give excess baby gifts to charity shop

From the moment Victoria Beckham announced the gender of her baby, it was clear that her first daughter was going to be one very fortunate little girl. But not even the Beckhams could have predicted the amount of “good fortune” they have received.

Since the birth of the pair’s fourth child Harper Seven, they have been sent so many gifts they have had to give some away to charity, the UK’s Daily Mail reported.

Victoria was swamped with free baby gifts from companies during her pregnancy, including 14 prams, but the Beckhams have a rule that they never accept gifts.

“David and Victoria have a policy that they don’t accept gifts and endeavour to return anything that is sent to them,” an unnamed friend of the couple said.

“If anyone contacts the office in Los Angeles, they’re told that — but often they send things anyway or they send presents without a return address. Since Victoria’s pregnancy was announced in January, they have been inundated. They were sent something like a dozen pushchairs.

“Working out who had sent it and sending it back would have been a full-time job, so it’s easier to give it away. Some items have been returned and some have been boxed up and given to charity.”

Among the $9189 worth of gifts sent to a charity was a swing set, carrycot and changing table.

A spokeswoman for the couple said that the pair try to discourage such gifts.

“We try to discourage companies. However, we do receive a lot of unsolicited goods, which are sent to deserving charities,” she said.

The Beckhams also received a $1233 special-edition travel system from Bugaboo and a custom-made iCandy stroller designed in a purple shade, after Victoria said she couldn’t find a pram in a colour she liked.

Although it seems that the pair should be used to receiving free gifts, Victoria said last year she really appreciates the sentiment.

“Oh my goodness, yeah. We get sent lots of products and clothes,” she said.

“I’m never going to become blasé about that. I really appreciate that someone has gone to the effort to send me things.”

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Exclusive: Meet the real Eden Wood

Exclusive: Meet the real Eden Wood

The six-year-old US pageant princess is translating her tiara success into a push for world domination. We meet the girl behind the make-up.

Most six-year-old girls spend their time playing with their dolls or watching The Wiggles. Eden Wood is not one of them. Her spare time is filled with hair appointments, fittings and spray tans. Eden – the tiny darling of the controversial US child beauty pageant circuit – has no interest in being “normal”. She wants to “be a superstar and rule the world”.

This week she kicks off her quest for world domination by heading Down Under to conquer Australia, a newcomer to child pageants. And far from retiring as some reports suggest, her agent says there’s a new CD to promote and a film in the pipeline when she returns home. Eden hails from Arkansas – a small town called Taylor, population 566. Arkansas is called “The Natural State”, which is pretty funny given Eden’s glammed-up appearance.

On the eve of her flight to Australia, Woman’s Day meets the blonde mini-star at a pageant in Texas. She is caked in make-up with fluttering false eyelashes and an extravagant sequinned costume. Dubbed the “new JonBenet Ramsey”, Eden is strikingly similar to the child beauty pageant star who was found dead at her Colorado home in 1996. But Eden’s made-up face and over-the-top outfits are a vision the fans who follow her career on the US reality TV show Toddlers & Tiaras have come to expect.

“She looks just like a porcelain doll,” says Eden’s mum Mickie, 46, a drama teacher who has been entering her daughter in competitions since she was a year old. Eden’s looks provoke love-hate responses. A storm of protests met the announcement that she would be travelling to Australia with the pageant company Universal Royalty.

Read more about Eden Wood and her life in US child beauty pageant circuit in this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale July 25, 2011.

Your say: What’s your view of junior beauty pageants? Share your thoughts below.

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Meet the real Eden Wood

Eden Wood

Eden with her parents at their home in Arkansas.

**Read our exclusive interview with Eden Wood:


Exclusive: Meet the real Eden Wood

Eden Wood

Eden plays in the mud at her home.

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Exclusive: Meet the real Eden Wood

Eden Wood

Eden Wood has been performing in pagent shows since she was one year old.

**Read our exclusive interview with Eden Wood:


Exclusive: Meet the real Eden Wood

Eden Wood

Six-year-old Eden says she no interest in being “normal”.

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Exclusive: Meet the real Eden Wood

Eden Wood

Eden’s collection of competition trophies and crowns.

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Exclusive: Meet the real Eden Wood

Eden Wood

Eden shows off one of her crowns.

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Exclusive: Meet the real Eden Wood

Eden Wood

Eden is featured on the US TV show Toddlers and Tiaras.

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Exclusive: Meet the real Eden Wood

Eden Wood

On one episode of Toddlers and Tiaras, her mother was quoted as having spent between $70,000 and $80,000 on Eden’s pageant career.

**Read our exclusive interview with Eden Wood:


Exclusive: Meet the real Eden Wood

Eden Wood

Eden has launched her own biographical picture book named Eden Wood: From Cradle to Crown and has launched her own lookalike doll.

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Exclusive: Meet the real Eden Wood

Eden Wood

Eden prepares for a beauty show in Texas.

**Read our exclusive interview with Eden Wood:


Exclusive: Meet the real Eden Wood

Eden Wood

Eden models her first outfit at the show.

**Read our exclusive interview with Eden Wood:


Exclusive: Meet the real Eden Wood

Eden Wood

Eden’s mum Mickie helps her prepare for her next number.

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Exclusive: Meet the real Eden Wood

Eden Wood

Outfit changes, make-up and spray tans are all part of a hard days work.

**Read our exclusive interview with Eden Wood:


Exclusive: Meet the real Eden Wood

Eden Wood

Eden shows off her cowgirl outfit.

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Exclusive: Meet the real Eden Wood

Eden Wood

Eden with her winning trophies from the competition.

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Exclusive: Meet the real Eden Wood

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Celebrities pay tribute to Amy Winehouse

Celebrities pay tribute to Amy Winehouse

As the circumstances surrounding her death continue to be investigated, celebrities are continuing to post tributes to Amy Winehouse.

Celebrities, including those who knew her well, those who appreciated her music and those who worked with the talented singer, have shared their thoughts and posted tributes since news spread of her death on July 24 at age 27.

“Amy changed pop music forever,” Lady Gaga posted on Twitter. “I remember knowing there was hope, and feeling not alone because of her. She lived jazz, she lived the blues.”

Russell Brand, who has admitted to having drug and alcohol problems in the past, wrote a touching 1000-word tribute on his website, which he titled “For Amy”.

In it, he wrote about his relationship with Winehouse and his own addictions.

“Now Amy Winehouse is dead, like many others whose unnecessary deaths have been retrospectively romanticised, at 27 years old,” he wrote.

“Whether this tragedy was preventable or not is now irrelevant. It is not preventable today. We have lost a beautiful and talented woman to this disease. Not all addicts have Amy’s incredible talent.”

Another of Amy’s close friends, Kelly Osbourne, took to Twitter to explain her hurt at the singer’s death.

“I can’t breathe,” she posted. “I’m crying so hard I lost one of my best friends. I love you forever Amy and will never forget the real you.”

Singer Tony Bennett, who worked with Amy in March this year described her as “extraordinary”.

“She was an extraordinary musician with a rare intuition as a vocalist and I am truly devastated,” said in a media release.

“She was a lovely and intelligent person and when we recorded together she gave a soulful and extraordinary performance.”

Mark Ronson, who also worked with Amy and helped co-write some of her most successful songs, said he had lost his “musical soul mate”.

“She was my musical soul mate and like a sister to me,” he said. “This is one of the saddest days of my life.”

Winehouse’s fans are also clearly mourning her death. Seven hours after news of her death was made public, Amy’s second studio album, Back to Black, made a return to the charts, five years after its original release.

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Murdoch family feud

Murdoch family feud

Jealousy, in-fighting, public humiliation…the scandal that sparked a family feud and rocked the world’s most successful dynasty.

A dynasty in turmoil, a nation in uproar, a multi-billion dollar empire in peril. This is the kind of hot-off-the-presses drama the readers of Rupert Murdoch’s racier papers would devour with relish. It’s the story of a mighty media mogul, feared by rivals and feted by world leaders. A man who made no mistakes. Except one. She came in the shape of a smart, sassy redhead from the office typing pool.

Ferociously ambitious and equipped with a talent for schmoozing with anyone who could help her career, Rebekah Brooks made herself the apple of Rupert’s eye. She is at the heart of a firestorm engulfing his global business and the desperate power struggle that has broken out between his heirs. Last week, when 80-year-old Rupert gave evidence before a committee of British MPs, we saw a great figure – in his own words – “humbled and ashamed”. He was forced to admit that one of his London newspapers, the now closed News Of The World, had illegally hacked into phones, including those of Prince William and 13-year-old murder victim Milly Dowler.

Yet the real damage to Rupert’s legacy lies in the feud now raging in the clan that’s Australia’s home-grown royal family. Two of the billionaire’s sons – Lachlan, 39, and James, 38 – are battling to control the business, while waiting to pounce from the sidelines is their glamorous older sister Elisabeth, 42, who, according to London newspaper The Guardian, “is now emerging as the strongest family contender to take over at the helm of her father’s empire”.

All brilliant in their own ways, the three highest-profile Murdoch children have been torn apart by the scandal. They are reportedly fighting over money, power and tactics. But mostly they are arguing about who is to blame for the mess – and their main focus is the woman known as “Rupert’s Red Menace”. Murdoch biographer Michael Wolff, author of The Man Who Owns The News, says that Elisabeth accused her brother James and 43-year-old Rebekah of having “f***** the company”, a claim denied by Elisabeth.

Read more about the Murdoch family in this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale July 25, 2011.

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Chrissie Swan’s excitement: I can’t wait to meet my baby!

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With days to go until the birth, The Circle star tells about an unexpected side effect.

Like most pregnant women, Chrissie Swan is positively glowing right now. But there’s another reason The Circle co-host can’t stop smiling. While she’s been excitedly counting down the days until she welcomes her much longed-for second child into the world, something rather unexpected has taken place… and it’s a development the popular TV star couldn’t be happier about.

Having waged a very public battle with her weight over the past 18 months, Chrissie has discovered that after piling on around 50kg during her first pregnancy with son Leo, now two-and-a-half, this time she has actually “lost” up to 3kg. “I’ve put on four kilos all up, but the obstetrician tells me that the baby, the placenta and amniotic fluid would be around six or seven kilos, so I have lost a few kilos,” an elated Chrissie, 37, explains.

“It’s just been a bonus of eating well, exercising moderately and doing everything I can to make sure the baby is healthy. “It is incredible and it’s such a relief, I can’t tell you. I’m pregnant and keeping the weight off. And it’s been a breeze. And because I’ve lost the weight, I’ve had no blood pressure issues, no health problems – nothing. “I have photos of me just before delivery with Leo and I just looked fatter, but this time around, I have a baby bump and feel pregnant, and that’s really nice. I do feel womanly.”

Chrissie concedes she was eating “like something out of a Hollywood movie” during her first pregnancy. Butter chicken curry and pasta carbonara were frequently on the menu, along with just about anything else the bubbly star could lay her hands on. She quickly found herself ballooning to a size 30. “I was really putting it away,” Chrissie says. “At the time, I was working in breakfast radio, so I was tired and starving. That added up to a dire situation, but the thing is, I didn’t realise how dire until I got to the hospital to have Leo and they weighed me there.

Read more about Chrissie Swan’s pregnancy and weight lss success in this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale July 25, 2011.

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