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Royal wedding: Zara Phillips marries Mike Tindall

Zara Phillips married Mike Tindall in an elegant ceremony in Edinburgh’s Canongate Kirk yesterday.

Zara, 30, wore a full-length ivory silk gown designed by Queen Elizabeth’s favourite couturier Stewart Parvin. She accessorised the outfit with a silk tulle veil, Jimmy Choo shoes and a diamond tiara borrowed from her mother. Mike, the English rugby captain, donned a simple morning suit.

After the ceremony, guests including Prince William and Kate Middleton and Prince Harry attended a reception at the nearby Palace of Holyroodhouse, which is the queen’s official Scottish residence.

Zara arrives at Canongate Kirk fashionably late at 3.07pm.

Zara waves to wellwishers as she enters the church.

Zara and her father Captain Mark Phillips make their way towards the church.

Prince Harry, Kate Middleton and Prince William wait for the bride to arrive.

William, Harry and Kate joked and laughed amongst themselves are they waited for Zara.

William and Harry.

Queen Elizabeth wore an outfit by Stewart Parvin, who made the bride’s gown.

Newlyweds Mike and Zara emerge from the church.


Zara and Mike were radiant after the 45-minute service.

The couple kissed for the screaming crowds.

Zara waves to wellwishers.

Mike and Zara couldn’t stop staring at each other.

Zara and Mike make their way to their reception.

Princess Eugenie

Princess Beatrice

Harry heads to the reception at the Palace of Holyroodhouse.

Mother of the bride Princess Anne.

William and Kate

Prince Harry

Kate Middleton

Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge.

Prince Charles and Camilla.

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Pippa Middleton documentary to detail Prince Harry relationship

Pippa Middleton documentary details Prince Harry relationship

Ever since she was dubbed “Her Royal Hotness” following her sister’s royal wedding, Pippa Middleton has attracted incredible attention.

And it seems she is about to get a whole lot more with a documentary, Crazy About Pippa, set to offer details on her relationship with Prince Harry, the UK’s Daily Mail reported.

The documentary, which is set to air on cable network TLC on August 9, promises to provide an insight into the life of the future Queen’s younger sister.

Despite the 27-year-old, who is becoming known as P-Middy in the UK, not taking part in the putting together of the documentary, it promises to explore her rise to fame following the royal wedding and her now infamous bottom, which has won her Facebook acclaim.

The Facebook fan page dedicated to Pippa’s derrière, following her appearance in an Alexander McQueen bridesmaid dress, has more than 230,000 members.

While both Pippa and Prince Harry are currently in relationships, with Prince Harry dating model Florence Brudenell-Bruce and Pippa being with long-time partner Alex Loudon, the documentary will claim that Harry refers to her as a “Foxy Filly” and she is one of Britain’s most eligible bachelorettes.

This isn’t the first time Pippa has been approached about a TV show. According to reports she was offered $5 million by Vivid Entertainment to star in a porn movie following the royal wedding, an offer no doubt she politely declined.

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Denise Richards: ‘I’ll never cut off contact with Charlie’

Denise Richards: 'I'll never cut off contact with Charlie'

Actor Denise Richards has broken her silence about ex-husband Charlie Sheen’s wild behaviour and says she will not restrict the pair’s two daughters from seeing him.

The 40-year-old, who has two daughters with Sheen, seven-year-old Sam and six-year-old Lola, says her daughters will continue to see their father despite his unstable behaviour, Us magazine reported.

“I’ll never cut off contact with Charlie,” she said.

“He’s my girls’ dad. As they’re older they’ll deal with him how they can.

“A lot of women can’t relate to being married to Charlie Sheen or divorcing Charlie Sheen, but they can relate to feeling sad, angry, scared and upset.”

Richards has spoken for the first time about the night of Sheen’s October 2010 meltdown at a New York hotel where he trashed his hotel room and held a knife to porn star Capri Anderson’s throat.

“Charlie invited me to this dinner with ‘friends,’ and once I realised what these women did for a living, I thought, ‘It’s one meal; you can suck it up and get through it’,” she said.

“It’s not my place to judge how they make a paycheque.”

Richards details the event in her new book, Real Girl Next Door. “After I quieted [our daughters] down, I climbed into bed,” she wrote. “I had to get up early for my press. About an hour later, I was awakened by sounds outside my door, including walkie-talkies, which is never a good sign. A few minutes later, the cops showed up. Several officers went into Charlie’s room, and a sergeant came into mine.”

After being questioned by police and telling them everything she knew, Richards accompanied Sheen to hospital.

“Charlie was put into an ambulance, and I rode with the sergeant to the hospital, though I insisted I had to be back at 4.30am,” she wrote.

“After making sure Charlie was stable and settled, the nice policeman gave me a ride back.”

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Anh Do wins Book of the Year

Anh Do wins Book of the Year

He is best known as a comedian, but now Anh Do has cemented his place in Australia’s literary scene, taking out the top prize at the Australian Book Industry Awards.

Do’s novel The Happiest Refugee was named book of the year at Monday night’s award ceremony in Melbourne. The book explores his family’s journey to Australia and the difficulties they faced in their new life after fleeing war-torn Vietnam in 1980.

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Though Do’s family did face some hardship as they adjusted to life in Australia, he says there is less empathy for asylum seekers today, and that he has sympathy for them.

Do was very grateful and seemed genuinely shocked that his book had been so well received. The now acclaimed author never dreamed of such success when he was struggling with reading and writing as a child.

“It’s a real shock… I thanked my mum in the acceptance speech because when I was a kid I had trouble reading and writing,” he told the ABC Radio’s AM program.

“Mum helped me turn that weakness around and I got to love books and to win the Australian Book of the Year is indescribable.”

Memoirs dominated the shortlist for Book of the Year. Nominated alongside Do’s tome was John Howard’s Lazarus Rising, Paul Kelly’s How to Make Gravy, and Benjamin Law’s The Family Law. Fiction novels I Came to Say Goodbye by Caroline Overington, and Chris Womersley’s debut Bereft were also shortlisted.

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The book awards are chosen by an academy of booksellers and publishers, who also gave Do the prize for newcomer of the year and announced The Happiest Refugee joint winner for Biography of the Year, shared with musician Paul Kelly and his memoir How to Make Gravy.

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Looking for a Masterchef? Look no further than your mum

Looking for a Masterchef? Look no further than your mum

Ambrosia salad

It started, as all good dinner conversations do, with a throwaway comment by my companion about a curious dish her mother used to prepare.

“She used to take tinned mandarins.” She paused for dramatic effect. And then, with rising excitement, I finished her sentence.

“And mix them with sour cream?! I know it! I lived it! I ate it! My mother used to do it too!”

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Much hilarity ensued as we dissected the dish. Was it a dessert or was it savoury? Was it served with main course or coffee? Who came up with it? And why would you ever tin a mandarin in the first place?

One of the many interesting things about having been a child of the 70s and 80s in Australia is that the culinary scene was, (how to put this diplomatically?), a little less evolved than it is today.

Kids these days think nothing of popping down the road for a takeaway Thai, sitting down to a tagine or tucking into some sushi. They know their jus from their coulis and, raised on a steady TV diet of Masterchef and My Kitchen Rules, most of them can whip up a dish to make Heston Blumenthal blush.

Back in my day, however, at my childhood dining table, spaghetti Bolognese was considered exotic. In a gastronomic landscape where meat-and-three-veg ruled supreme and Keen’s Curry Powder (a substance that had no business calling itself a curry) was occasionally added to mince and cabbage to really push out the culinary boat, our palates were far less well-travelled than those of the kids today.

Which is not to take away from the job my mother — or any of her peers — did of raising us. We were all fed three meals a day. We were clothed, schooled and each night we enjoyed the privilege of going to sleep with a roof over our heads.

My parents were providers, pure and simple — and they showered us with love and attention. No-one appreciates more the sacrifices my folks made in rearing us than me.

I am truly, humbly indebted to my mother for the lifetime of support she has shown me and that she now lavishes on my children.

But even she has to admit some of the standards that emerged from her kitchen were odd in the extreme.

I told her the other day that her mandarin-and-sour-cream confection was the subject of dinner conversation and she seemed perplexed. She saw nothing even remotely odd about the combination.

“It was a great hit, actually,” she informed me. “And even more so when you added pineapple, grapes and desiccated coconut. Ambrosia Salad it was called. And it was very popular.”

And why wouldn’t it have been?

Of course, it will be Mum who will eventually have the last laugh when she is in her dotage and my kids are older and sneering at how embarrassingly retro and un-cosmopolitan the slow-cooked lamb shoulder and Mediterranean couscous that my wife and I offer up for dinner is. It will only be karma settling an old score.

And so, let me use this space to pitch an idea to the makers of Masterchef. Dispense with all this lah-di-dah fancy food.

Put your snow eggs and your crab and fennel salads with roast garlic créme fraiche back in the blast freezer, and open up a few dusty cook books from the 70s.

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I’m thinking ‘Masterchef Mums’ — sixty something women from all over Australia delving into the recipe books in their glory boxes in a cook-off we can all relate. And remember you heard it here first…

Mrs Corbett’s ambrosia salad


Tinned mandarins

Tinned pineapple

Fresh grapes

Desiccated coconut


Sour cream

Parsley for garnishing


  1. Drain tinned mandarin and pineapple. Put into a large bowl.

  2. Add grapes, coconut and sour cream. Stir.

  3. Top with marshmallows and parsley for a garnish.

Bryce Corbett is The Weekly’s Associate Editor. Click here to follow him on Twitter and here to follow The Weekly.

Your say: Is there a recipe from your childhood you remember with particular fondness or revulsion?

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AFL stars on life outside of footy

AFL stars on life outside of footy

Cameron Ling, Ryan O'Keefe and Will Minson. Photography by Julian Kingma. Styling by Marijke Kingma.

These AFL players are stars on the field, but what do they do when the final siren sounds? Michael Sheather discovers their other passions.

Cameron Ling, 30, Geelong Cats

It’s the sunrise that gets Cameron. Sitting atop his surfboard in the early morning darkness waiting for the first wave of the day, he never fails to find inspiration as sunlight spreads across the sky.

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“I can’t think of a more beautiful setting, being out on the water on a board, watching a glorious sunrise,” says Cameron, captain of the Cats. “It’s so tranquil, like being in another world. Just thinking about it gives me goose bumps.”

Cameron has been a surfer most of his life. He began surfing more than a decade ago and his dream was to become either a professional footy player or a pro surfer.

Footy won out, but now Cameron, spends his down-time searching for the perfect wave along Victoria’s surf coast.

“It’s such a great escape from footy,” he says. “When you’re out there on the water it’s all about the waves and the water, and cruising around with your mates and having fun.”

Ryan O’Keefe, 30, Sydney Swans

Hard-running forward Ryan loves carving up his AFL opponents, but away from the game, his filleting skills are a little more delicate.

On his day off, Ryan wields a knife, a spatula and a sizzling pan in the kitchens at the Cloudy Bay Fish Co., a swish new fish cafe in Sydney’s CBD.

It’s about as far from liniment and locker rooms as you can get, but cooking is Ryan’s passion and a career he’s keen to follow when he finally leaves football behind.

“I met the head chef Jeff Schroeter two years ago and he agreed to give me a go in his kitchen,” he says. “It’s fantastic. I’ve learned so many different new skills. I work the servers and the grills, and see the way a restaurant operates from the inside.”

Ryan, who appeared in Celebrity MasterChef in 2009, started cooking 12 years ago when he moved out on his own. Inspired by Jamie Oliver, his repertoire now includes most cooking styles. He even has his own section on the Swans website, Ryan’s Recipes.

“I’d love to run a cafe or restaurant of my own one day,” says Ryan, who cooks at home for his wife of four years, Tara. “But for now, it’s my hobby and I find it a great stress relief away from football. I just love cooking fresh food.”

Will Minson, 26, Western Bulldogs

Hulking ruckman Will may have a fearsome reputation as AFL’s “human wrecking ball”, but away from the field, he carries the distinct note of a multi-faceted Renaissance man.

Not only is he a savvy saxophonist, but he also speaks fluent German, cooks and is studying civil engineering.

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Oh, in his spare time, he supports a charity, Red Dust Role Models, which aims to improve the health and wellbeing of disadvantaged youth in remote outback Aboriginal communities. And he’s modest to boot.

“The truth is that I don’t let anyone hear me play, so very few people know whether I’m atrocious or just bad,” says Will, who also studied classical music for 12 years.

“I just don’t have the time to practice as I should and so, these days, I don’t play for anyone except a few friends who I jam with, but I enjoy it.”

Read more of this story in the August issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly.

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VIDEO: Miranda Kerr arrives in Sydney with baby Flynn

Miranda Kerr arrives in Sydney with baby Flynn

Aussie supermodel Miranda Kerr arrived home this morning for the first time since her son was born.

The 28-year-old landed at Sydney International Airport at 7am with her six-month-old son Flynn.

She was welcomed by a crowd of Paparazzi as she cradled her small son, who looked content and happy on his first trip to Australia.

Miranda is back home to promote her book Treasure Yourself and to appear at David Jones fashion events.

Her husband Orlando Bloom did not join the pair on the trip, but will reportedly join his family in Sydney over the weekend.

See the video of Miranda and baby Flynn arriving in Sydney above.

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Jesse James and Kat Von D split

Jesse James and Kat Von D split

Realty TV stars Jesse James and Kat Von D have called off their planned northern summer wedding.

James, 42, began dating Von D, 29, after he split up with his wife of five years, Sandra Bullock, following a cheating scandal. The couple, who became engaged in January 2011, were planning to marry around the time of their one-year anniversary.

“I’m so sad because I really love her,” James told People magazine. “The distance between us was just too much.”

The pair had a long-distance relationship, with Von D living in LA where she shoots her reality TV show LA Ink and James living in Austin, Texas, with his three children: Chandler, 16, Jesse Jr, 14, and seven-year-old Sunny.

Von D confirmed the split on Twitter. “I am no longer w Jesse and out of respect for him, his family and myself, that’s all the info I’d like to share,” she posted. “Thanks for respecting that.”

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Amy Winehouse joins the infamous ’27 club’

Amy Winehouse joins the infamous '27 club'

Amy Winehouse in London earlier this year.

Amy Winehouse’s death, after a long struggle with alcohol and drugs, means she joins a group of troubled musicians who died at the age of 27.

Known as the ’27 Club’, this group of influential musicians includes Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix and Kurt Cobain, as well as many lesser known musicians, who all died in controversial circumstances.

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In 1969 Brian Jones, the guitarist for the Rolling Stones was found dead at the bottom of a swimming pool with drugs and alcohol in his system. The coroner reported “death by misadventure”.

Jimi Hendrix, the legendary American electric guitarist, collapsed at a party in London in 1970 and later died of suffocation brought on by an overdose.

The same year Janis Joplin, the American folk singer and songwriter, died of a heroin overdose and was found in her Hollywood apartment.

Jim Morrison, The Door’s lead singer died of heart failure while taking a bath in his Paris apartment in 1971. His death certificate states he died of “natural causes”.

Kurt Cobain, the troubled lead singer of American grunge rock band Nirvana shot himself in his Seattle garage in 1994. He had recently survived a drug and alcohol induced coma.

After Kurt’s death, his mother Wendy O’Connor famously referenced the ’27 club’ saying “Now he’s gone and joined that stupid club. I told him not to join that stupid club”.

While many people seem to view the ’27 club’ as pure rock ‘n’ roll, British comedian and recovering drug addict Russell Brand thinks people should stop romanticising it.

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“Now Amy Winehouse is dead, like many others whose unnecessary deaths have been retrospectively romanticised, at 27 years old,” he wrote in an open letter to the UK’s Guardian newspaper.

“All we can do is adapt the way we view this condition, not as a crime or a romantic affectation but as a disease that will kill.”

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Schwarzenegger and Shriver come together for their son

Schwarzenegger and Shriver come together for their son

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver have come together to issue a statement following their 13-year-old son’s boogie boarding accident, which left him with broken ribs, broken bones and a collapsed lung.

Christopher Schwarzenegger is in a serious condition after he suffered a mishap while boogie boarding in Miami.

Shriver is currently fighting Schwarzenegger for financial support, but the pair has come together for the sake of their son.

Following the incident Shriver has remained by her son’s side in intensive care and Schwarzenegger has visited him.

“While it has been a very scary week, Christopher is surrounded by his family and friends,” the pair said in a joint media release. “He is a brave boy and is expected to make a full recovery.”

“She was shaken horribly,” the unnamed friend told People magazine.

“This is her baby,” the source says. “She has been at the hospital nonstop, 24-7. She is sleeping there. How much can she take right now?”

“It’s very hard on Maria but her friends and family are there with their love and support,” another unnamed source told the magazine.

“All the kids are visiting – they all adore and love each other and they are all there for each other.”

Court proceedings have begun between Shriver and Schwarzenegger after it was revealed in May 2011 that in 1997 Schwarzenegger fathered a love child with an employee.

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