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Secrets to a Sunny Mind

Try these six easy ideas to age-proof your memory, stop brain drain and think happier - and smarter.
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Try these six easy ideas to age-proof your memory, stop brain drain and think happier – and smarter.

Express yourself: When you’re feeling blue, do-it-yourself art therapy can help you get to the core of whatever is causing your anger, grief, or other difficult emotion, and move forward. A Thomas Jefferson University study found that women who sketched experienced much less depression, anxiety and overall stress.

Reach for rhodiola: Most research into this brain-rejuvenating herb was done by the Russian military and kept secret until 1994, after the collapse of the Soviet Union. It is one of the best tonics for mind problems, especially for cognitive function and mood. Studies show it improves learning and memory, enhances alertness and concentration, and lessens menopause-related ‘brain fog’.

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Jog your memory – literally: A Columbia University study shows that exercising triggers the regrowth of neurotrophins (compounds that enable brain nerve cells to communicate with each other effectively) in parts of the brain affected by age-related memory loss. The findings were most noticeable in people undertaking aerobic activities, e.g. bicycling or walking, because they stimulate oxygen flow to the brain.

Feed your brain: Studies show that eating a Mediterranean-style diet — with lots of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, olive oil and seafood — reduces your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Add extra nutritional insurance with fish oil capsules, to provide omega-3 fatty acids, a brain-boosting B-group vitamin formula, and the trace mineral chromium picolinate — a study from Cincinnati University shows that taking 1,000 mcg daily sharpens memory, probably because it improves insulin sensitivity and allows glucose, the brain’s main fuel, to be used better.

Add a cocoa kick: According to a study from the British Psychological Society, chocolate improves mental focus and problem-solving ability. Adults were given either a chocolate drink containing cocoa flavanols or a placebo drink before working on challenging tasks. The participants who had the flavanol-enhanced drink performed dramatically better.

In pictures: How to lose kilos without noticing

Be a glass half-full person: Studies show that optimists have significantly better mental health than pessimists. To get happy, cultivate stronger relationships you’re your friends and family — studies also link social isolation with higher rates of dementia — and practise ‘thought-switching’, where you turn off negative thinking. A Wake Forest University study found that people who make a deliberate effort to be grateful really do become happier and calmer.

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Don’t swallow your emotions

Don't swallow your emotions

I drive quite a distance to work and because of this I have to fill up my car’s small petrol tank a couple of times a week.

I try to plan my days so that I’m filling up when petrol’s cheapest, but my reason for filling up is always the same: if I don’t my car will stop working.

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I don’t go get petrol when I’m bored or feeling a bit down and having friends and family in my car doesn’t make me more likely to want to fill up.

But when it comes to eating, fuelling our bodies, this isn’t the case.

We eat when we are hungry, but food also serves many other functions in our lives. It’s used for celebrations, it’s a focal point for socialising and it also holds a key place in many religious faiths.

We all know how certain tastes and smells can take us instantly back to childhood, so it shouldn’t be a big surprise to learn that our emotions and eating can be linked.

Eating can be associated with both positive and negative emotions. Sometimes we eat when we’re sad, angry or stressed. Sometimes we eat when we’re just plain bored.

While links between our mood and eating are something we all experience, emotional eating can become a problem if it is excessive and begins to affect our health.

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If you feel emotional eating may be having a negative effect on your health, the first step is to identify when it is happening.

Then have a chat with your doctor or dietician, who can help you with strategies and resources for helping to identify emotional eating and proactive ways of managing the problem.

This information is provided by the Sanitarium Nutrition Service.

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Simple steps to lasting weight loss

Simple steps to lasting weight loss

Most people know by now that there is no magic pill to losing the five, 10 or 20 kilograms of weight they need to.

To allow you to lose weight and keep it off changes need to be focused around ‘lifestyle’ factors — behaviours, motivations and environment.

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Let’s look at some simple steps to get you started:

  • Do some homework! Are you ready to make a lifestyle change? Write down your motivations, goals and rewards, barriers and solutions. Revisit them regularly

  • Track your progress. Studies show that people who do this have more success

  • Have a checkup with your GP, especially if you haven’t exercised in a while are over 40 years of age

  • Choose an activity you enjoy, and keep trying new things

  • Aim for 0.5-1kg loss per week, people who lose weight faster are more likely to put weight back on

  • High intensity training (eg interval training) is more effective at fat loss than continuous training, but may not be suitable for everybody

  • A mixture of aerobic (e.g. walking, cycling) and resistance (weight training) will usually be the most effective method

  • Start slow but build up to 3.5 hours of activity a week. This might sound like a lot, but we all should be able to manage 30 minutes of exercise a day

In pictures: How to lose kilos without noticing

This information is provided by the Sanitarium Nutrition Service.

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Liz Hurley: Why I love Shane

Liz Hurley: Why I love Shane

In her first interview since announcing her engagement to Shane Warne, Liz Hurley has revealed exactly what she loves about the Aussie cricket legend. And, quite simply put, he makes her happy.

“We have a lot of fun together, we laugh a lot and that’s very important to me,” she said in an interview with the UK’s Daily Mail.

“I couldn’t put up with ‘serious’ for too long. I don’t care what anyone says about me smartening him up — we’ve both been around too long to care, and that stuff really isn’t important.

“My family and my new family with Shane and his kids are what’s important. His children are really beautiful, sweet and affectionate. They get on brilliantly with Damian, and as an only child, it’s great for him to have them around when they come to stay. I love having a lot of people in the house — the more the merrier.”

But her happiness isn’t the only thing that attracts her to Shane. The 46-year-old UK actress says she finds his Australian qualities very appealing and says she has always had a fondness of Australia.

“There is enough Englishness [in Australia] that we feel at home, but there are enough differences to make it exciting,” she said.

“They make tea and they eat sausage rolls, play cricket and rugby. I love Aussie accents, too. And I do think they have more of an openness of spirit. Shane has all those qualities.”

The newly engaged couple, who announced their engagement over Twitter, are not in a rush to tie the knot.

“We aren’t making any immediate plans to get married – we’re going to enjoy being engaged for a while,” she said.

“We both want to spend more time with each other’s families, and Damian and I are looking forward to visiting Australia together in the near future.”

Liz also says Shane is a “very good dad” and says the pair is committed to raising both his three children and her son Damian as one big family.

With both Shane and Liz recently divorced the Gossip Girl actress says she tries to keep thisng calm between both her exes and Shane’s ex-wife Simone.

“I find it much harder to be at war. It’s just easier when we all get on, and I don’t see why we shouldn’t,” she said.

“Hugh, Arun, my sister and I went on holiday together many times, and Shane plays golf with Hugh regularly.”

In the interview Liz also addressed Shane’s notably new look.

“I think he looks best in sports gear, and in my opinion he looks exactly the same as he always has – he’s just lost a hell of a lot of weight, about two stone,” she said.

She also said he has borrowed her moistruiser in the past, but now he has his own.

“I don’t want him putting his great big fat fingers in mine. He has a really big right hand from chucking a cricket ball thousands of times,” she said.

“I’ve never met a man who didn’t like face cream or who wasn’t secretive about his diet. They are obsessed with their bodies. They spend hours in front of the mirror, pinching bits, going on mad runs, all of them.”

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Sara Leal breaks her silence: My night with Ashton

Sara Leal breaks her silence: My night with Ashton

The woman at the centre of the sex scandal threatening Ashton Kutcher’s marriage to Demi Moore tells her story to Woman’s Day.

From the moment she walked into his party in the Diamond Suite at San Diego’s Hard Rock Hotel in the early hours of September 23, Sara Leal could tell Ashton Kutcher was out to seduce her. “He’d graze my leg or, like, grab my hand a little bit,” Sara, 22, claims, speaking to Woman’s Day in her first interview since hooking up with the married star of Two And A Half Men. After doing shots together, the actor made her a vodka cocktail. Then, as the sun rose, he suggested the administrative assistant and her friend Marta Borzuchowski join him in the spa pool on the balcony.

“I started looking for towels,” Sara recalls. Ashton, 33, followed her into the bathroom. “He just came up and kissed me.”Moments later, all three of them were in the spa, naked, when another friend asked Ashton, “Aren’t you married?” The star fell quiet for a few seconds, then replied, “I’m separated.” Sara took him at his word – although the Texas native later learned that it was, in fact, his sixth anniversary with his wife Demi Moore, 48, from whom he was not legally separated. As partygoers dwindled, the seduction moved to the bedroom, where Sara claims they had sex twice. “He was a good lover,” she says. “But if I had known from the beginning he was married, none of this would have happened.”

How did you end up at the party?

My friend texted me. One of our mutual friends had a room right next to Ashton… We went to see what was going on and they let us in. He was in the bathroom with some girls just talking, so we went up and introduced ourselves.

Were you shocked when he asked you to go in the spa?

When you’re this age, drinking after hours, you’d get in a hot tub. I didn’t think it was out of the ordinary. I wasn’t self-conscious about getting naked.

But people could see you?

I was sitting on his lap and then these strange people came out from next door and kept trying to talk to us. Ashton was like, “Let’s go inside… Go in my room and shut the door.”

Read more the full interview with Sara Leal, including the intimate moments with Ashton and what she would say to Demi Moore in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale October 17, 2011.

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Tomkat’s surprise second wedding!

Strolling through the streets of the US city of Pittsburgh last week, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes grin from ear to ear, stopping at every intersection for a kiss or a cuddle.

They look equally loved-up the next day on a carousel ride with daughter Suri, 5. Their glances and whispers suggest a secret… but what? We know! One of Tom’s closest friends reveals exclusively to Woman’s Day that Tom, 49, has again “proposed” to Katie, 32, promising her a romantic second wedding to celebrate their fifth anniversary on November 18. “He wants to really push the boat out and do something to show Katie he loves her more than ever,” our source says, adding that this treat was inspired by the marriage of Prince William and Kate Middleton.

Read more in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale October 17, 2011.

Tom and Katie share a sneaky smile.

Katie enjoys a carousel ride with daughter Suri.

And now it’s Tom’s turn!

The family enjoyed the Schenley Plaza’s carousel in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

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Our shoot with Simone Callahan and Toby Roberts

You may think Warnie’s ex-wife would be at war with Shane and Liz Hurley, but madly-in-love Simone is way too happy to be bitter.

Simone Callahan and Toby Roberts

Simone Callahan and Toby Roberts

Simone Callahan and Toby Roberts

Simone Callahan and Toby Roberts

Simone Callahan and Toby Roberts

Simone Callahan and Toby Roberts

Simone Callahan and Toby Roberts

Simone Callahan and Toby Roberts

Simone Callahan and Toby Roberts

Simone Callahan and Toby Roberts

Simone Callahan and Toby Roberts

Simone Callahan and Toby Roberts

Simone Callahan and Toby Roberts

Simone Callahan and Toby Roberts

Simone Callahan and Toby Roberts

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Sue Pieters-Hawke on her mum and “the day Blanche slapped me”

Sue Pieters-Hawke on her mum and "the day Blanche slapped me"

Bob and Hazel Hawke’s daughter Sue tells why her mum was never a “doormat”, and reveals what really happened between her and her stepmother during that ugly public incident last year.

When a disagreement aired between Sue Pieters-Hawke and her stepmother, former Prime Minister Bob Hawke’s second wife Blanche d’Alpuget, last year, no-one imagined it would end in violence at Brisbane Airport. With the incident reported to the Federal Police, it hit national headlines. However, neither woman has ever spoken about the spat, which took place in the exclusive Chairman’s Lounge in June – until now.

“I approached her to say a friendly hello, but she slapped me hard three or four times, and yes, I was shaken,” admits Sue. “I never touched her. There was no catfight. There were no lasting injuries.”The two women have not spoken since the ugly incident, although Sue – who next week releases her own biography of her mother, Hazel – has spoken to her famous father Bob. She hopes the rift will be healed, despite some “difficult” revelations about Bob in Hazel: My Mother’s Story. “If Dad chooses to read it, I hope he might think it tough but fair,” Sue says.

“If you read the book, you will see the positives about Dad, and I don’t apologise for also portraying things that were difficult, because they were part of Mum’s journey. You can’t explain Mum if you don’t have them there as well as the great things.” Blanche’s fury was sparked by an article Sue wrote in Melbourne’s The Age newspaper in July, 2010, to correct a perception that her much-loved mum was a “dowdy doormat” who only stayed with unfaithful Bob in order to become First Lady. With Hazel, 82, now suffering advanced dementia, Sue felt compelled to publicly defend her mother and put right some misconceptions arising from publicity for Blanche’s revised biography, Hawke: The Prime Minister, and for a telemovie about him, which premiered at the same time on Channel Ten.

“I hadn’t read Blanche’s book and I was in no way criticising the book, then or now, but clearly myself and many other people thought that there was a very incorrect portrayal of Mum in the media at that time,” says Sue. “Dad let me know that Blanche was very upset and saw it as an attack on her integrity as a writer. I reiterated that had not been, and is not, my intention. She’s a very good writer. We simply had a difference of opinion about some things. I was sorry if she took it that way and felt personally hurt. She didn’t want to speak to me, but I talked to Dad.” Sue thought she would let the dust settle before attempting to make peace with Blanche, never imagining that their disagreement over “alternative views” of Hazel would result in violence.

Read more about Sue’s story and more on her mum’s life in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale October 17, 2011.

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Simone Callahan: “Good luck Shane!”

Simone Callahan: "Good luck Shane!"

You may think Warnie’s ex-wife would be at war with Shane and Liz Hurley, but madly-in-love Simone is way too happy to be bitter.

With sparkling eyes and a healthy glow, Simone Callahan looks like she has discovered a fountain of youth without resorting to plastic surgery, extreme dieting or fake tan. Just back from a relaxing private yoga retreat in Bali and sporting a golden tan and a big smile, Simone looks more like a model than a mum of three, but then she freely admis she is the happiest she has ever been. “I wish Shane nothing but luck,” she says.

The man putting the smile back on Simone’s face is hot model and sales executive Toby Roberts, who swept her off her feet when she least expected just after Shane was caught out with Liz. “My confidence took a beating,” Simone admits. “Toby definitely rescued me at the right time in my life. There was a lot going on in my head at that time and my confidence was totally shot… and still is to a certain extent. “But he is such a genuine person, so positive with a very good nature. He’s very strong – which I like – and he makes me laugh. There’s lots of magic there.”

While Shane and Liz have been parading their love for the whole world to see on Twitter, at events and in interviews, Simone has tried to keep her own love life out of the spotlight. The romance would never even have begun if it weren’t for Toby’s step-sister Shara, who is also a close friend of Simone’s, “playing cupid” to get Toby and Simone together. But even after the first sparks started to fly, she and Toby were determined to take things slowly and let their relationship blossom, rather than rushing into a longer term commitment.

Toby even admits he initially felt Simone may have been on the rebound. “I didn’t want to plunge headlong into things because I knew you and Shane were very much together late last year,” he said. “I thought it could have been a rebound situation!” But he could not have been further from the truth.

Read more about Simone and Toby’s relationship, how she feels about Shane and Liz’s wedding and how they plan to work as a family with Shane and Liz in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale October 17, 2011.

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Feeling uncomfortable in your bra? It’s time to get fitted!

Feeling uncomfortable in your bra? It's time to get fitted!

When was the last time you were fitted for a bra? If you can’t remember or have never been fitted, there is no better time than the present, particularly during the month of October.

Not only will you be giving yourself a more comfortable fit, you will also be helping to raise much-needed funds for breast cancer research, with Bras N Things donating $1 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation every time someone gets fitted at a store.

Bras N Things fitting specialist Carla Lucato says some woman don’t completely understand the importance of being fitted properly for a bra.

“Eight out of 10 women are wearing the wrong size bra,” she said.

Carla recommends that every time you purchase a new bra you get fitted by a professional. Bras N Things offer free bra fitting consultations throughout their stores.

So, how do you know you’re wearing the wrong bra size? Carla says that if you can feel your bra throughout the day, it’s not the right size for you.

“A well fitted bra should be supportive, comfortable and flattering under the clothes that you are wearing,” Carla said.

“You shouldn’t even know that you’re wearing a bra.

“Your bra should be supportive and comfortable at all times. If you’re not getting fitted correctly you’ll be feeling your bra all day.”

Other than the uncomfortable factor of a bra that doesn’t fit correctly, Carla says it can “make or break an outfit”.

If you are wearing the incorrect bra size you will:

  • Feel uncomfortable

  • Your bra will sit poorly under your clothes

  • It will ride up your back

  • It will dig into your shoulders (where the strap sits)

  • It can cause bruising under arms

  • It may give you back pain

  • It may give you “double busts”, side cleavage and back cleavage

From October 10 to October 23, Bras N Things plan to fit 10,000 woman, raising $10,000 for the National Breast Cancer Foundation.

These funds will enable the foundation to fund research programs to cover every aspect of breast cancer, from increasing the understanding of genetics to improving ways to support women and their families.

To find your local Bras N Things store visit

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