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Has Jennifer Aniston abandoned her stroke-stricken mother?

Nancy Dow and Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston was nowhere to be seen when her once-estranged mother was discharged from hospital last week after a life threatening health scare.

Jen’s mum, Nancy Dow, 75, was admitted to Los Angeles hospital a month ago after suffering a brain seizure. At the time a source told the Daily Mirror that “…Nancy is desperately ill, and it is no exaggeration to say people fear the very worst.”

Jennifer was quick to arrive at her mother’s side for a hospital visit with new boyfriend Justin Theroux back in September, which she reportedly found very distressing, not helped by her mother’s inability to speak at the time, brought on by the stroke.

The emotional bedside reunion was thought to be a step forward in the mother and daughter’s fractured relationship, but since then Jen has been living it up — photographed on numerous occasions looking loved-up and carefree with Justin in New York. Meanwhile her mother has started on her slow, arduous recovery.

Furthermore, when Nancy left hospital last week it was with the aid of carers, not her family, who escorted the visibly weak and struggling 75-year-old to a pharmacy and then back home to her apartment in North Hollywood.

She could only manage a strained, “I’m okay” when asked how she was feeling, reported the Daily Mail.

Jennifer and Nancy were previously estranged for 12 years following an appearance by Nancy on a TV show where she talked about her daughter and then later wrote a book entitled, From Mother and Daughter to Friends: A Memoir (1999) about their problems, which led to her not receiving an invite to Jen’s wedding to Brad Pitt in 2000.

Nancy, who had Jennifer with actor John Aniston in 1969, divorced John in 1980. Jennifer has revealed that it was her own divorce from Brad in 2005 that prompted her to reach out to her mother for reconciliation.

Jennifer has described the progress of her new relationship with her mother as “baby steps”, saying “It’s good. It’s okay. Things are now fine between us. All of that is over, and we’re in touch with one another. We speak and it’s all over.”

It remains to be seen whether their relationship has progressed to a point where Jennifer will take an active role in assisting in her mum’s continued recovery.

Your say: Have you experienced a similar situation? What are your thoughts on this story?

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The odd couple: Queen and Duke swap glares onstage

The odd couple: Queen and Duke swap glares onstage

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip in Brisbane today.

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip might be two of the world’s most famous people, but today they showed they are just like any other old married couple.

The royals were in Brisbane’s South Bank region to open a new storm water storage facility.

The queen rose to make a short speech, praising Queenslanders for their courage and fortitude during the recent natural disasters, and was returning to her seat when Philip began gesturing wildly at her.

In pictures: Queen Elizabeth’s visit to Australia

Her Majesty paused and shot Philip an irritated look as he continued to point behind her, to the plaque she had forgotten to unveil.

With another withering stare at the Duke, the queen tottered back across the stage to do her duty, while Philip barely concealed a roll of the eyes.

Plaque unveiled, the queen resumed her place next to her husband, shooting him one more frosty glance as he smirked and looked away.

Fortunately, the queen’s reception in Brisbane was far from frosty. The crowds in the Queensland capital were by far the biggest of the royal tour so far.

More than 45,000 people packed into the South Bank to welcome the queen, many bringing British flags and one woman even taking along her three corgis.

In pictures: Previous royal visits to Australia

After the opening, the royal couple attended a private meeting with 200 people affected by the state’s recent natural disasters, including survivors and members of the emergency services.

They then returned to Canberra, where they will tomorrow visit the National War Memorial before flying to Melbourne on Wednesday.

Video: Queen praises Queenslanders

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Deni Hine’s new bestie…Pauline Hanson!

Deni Hine's new bestie...Pauline Hanson!

It could have been ugly, but the fiery politician and the singer are now like sisters.

A red-haired controversy magnet who didn’t like black people – that’s how Deni Hines viewed Pauline Hanson and her politics before the pair met on Nine’s reality series The Celebrity Apprentice.The famous singer was sure she’d butt heads with the outspoken politician.

“I definitely had some preconceived ideas about the lady I now call Mamma P,” says Deni, 41. “Seriously, I was ready to hate her.” But after the women were teamed against the men on the show, and they spent quality time together, Deni is prepared to eat some humble pie, along with a generous slice of Pauline’s homemade lemon meringue.

“I thought, ‘Oh this is going to be interesting. She supposedly doesn’t like black people’,” says Deni. Now all the women on the show – including comedienne Julia Morris and model Jesinta Campbell, who also admitted to Woman’s Day they thought they wouldn’t get along with Pauline – call the Queenslander “Mamma P”. “To see how she is as a person… she’s got a lovely, gentle heart,” says Deni, explaining her about-face.

“Hearing her story of being a young mum, having kids at a young age, and being divorced and bringing them up a single mum, I instantly pictured my mum, Marcia. That was my mum’s story, only Mum didn’t have the husband. “People don’t realise Pauline’s got a son who is a carer. What kind of ‘mean woman’ can produce a carer as a son? She is a nurturer.”

The Celebrity Apprentice airs weeknights at 7pm on Channel Nine.

Read more about Deni and Pauline’s friendship in this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale October 24, 2011.

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Kate Middleton’s baby deal

Kate Middleton's baby deal

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge won’t be bullied into producing an heir, but Wills has made an unspoken promise to the Queen.

Even before Kate Middleton walked down the aisle at Westminster Abbey, it was almost a foregone conclusion that the brunette beauty would be pregnant within three months of her marriage to Prince William. Royal watchers and palace insiders pointed out that it was a tradition – after all, the Queen and Diana, Princess of Wales, both gave birth around the time of their first wedding anniversaries.

And all royal brides know that it’s their duty to provide “an heir and a spare”. The pressure from the palace, let alone the public, is immense. Yet six months into the royal marriage, much to the surprise and horror of many commentators, there is still no sign that the Duchess of Cambridge is expecting. Instead, Kate has made it clear she won’t be bullied into having a baby, and she and her handsome prince will start a family only when they’re good and ready. “She knows that a child would be a delight to her and William, let alone the Queen and the rest of us,” says veteran royal reporter James Whitaker. “But this lady is not one for hurrying.”

Several palace insiders confirm to Woman’s Day that Kate and William are “working on” having a baby, although there’s no news yet. “I hear they’re trying,” one well-placed source confides. “They’re practising hard.” And last week’s news that the British prime minister, David Cameron, wants to change the laws of succession – so William and Kate’s first-born child, if a daughter, would ascend the throne ahead of any subsequent sons – could only act as encouragement to these thoroughly modern royals.

“Pregnancy and producing an heir are uppermost in the minds of both Kate and William,” confirms journalist James. “They know it is the single most important thing they can achieve right now. A new addition to the House of Windsor would be the perfect present for the Queen, particularly next year, during her Diamond Jubilee.” “The Queen knows William and Kate want a baby,” another royal insider informs us, “and they know the Queen wants it too. They haven’t talked about it – it’s just not the done thing – but it’s an unspoken promise between Prince William and the Queen.

Read more about the couple’s baby plans and see excousive pictures of Catrherine in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale October 24, 2011.

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Why the Newton’s are smiling again

The Newtons

Bert and Patti’s daughter Lauren, 32, and her former swim champ husband Matt Welsh, 34, are expecting their third child next March. And nothing, it’s abundantly clear, could make them happier. “I’m really thrilled,” Bert says. Read more here.

See the full interview with the Newton family in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale October 24,2011.

The Newtons

Bert and Patti’s daughter Lauren, 32, and her former swim champ husband Matt Welsh, 34, are expecting their third child next March. And nothing, it’s abundantly clear, could make them happier. “I’m really thrilled,” Bert says. Read more here.

See the full interview with the Newton family in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale October 24,2011.

The Newtons

Bert and Patti’s daughter Lauren, 32, and her former swim champ husband Matt Welsh, 34, are expecting their third child next March. And nothing, it’s abundantly clear, could make them happier. “I’m really thrilled,” Bert says. Read more here.

See the full interview with the Newton family in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale October 24,2011.

The Newtons

Bert and Patti’s daughter Lauren, 32, and her former swim champ husband Matt Welsh, 34, are expecting their third child next March. And nothing, it’s abundantly clear, could make them happier. “I’m really thrilled,” Bert says. Read more here.

See the full interview with the Newton family in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale October 24,2011.

The Newtons

Bert and Patti’s daughter Lauren, 32, and her former swim champ husband Matt Welsh, 34, are expecting their third child next March. And nothing, it’s abundantly clear, could make them happier. “I’m really thrilled,” Bert says. Read more here.

See the full interview with the Newton family in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale October 24,2011.

The Newtons

Bert and Patti’s daughter Lauren, 32, and her former swim champ husband Matt Welsh, 34, are expecting their third child next March. And nothing, it’s abundantly clear, could make them happier. “I’m really thrilled,” Bert says. Read more here.

See the full interview with the Newton family in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale October 24,2011.

The Newtons

Bert and Patti’s daughter Lauren, 32, and her former swim champ husband Matt Welsh, 34, are expecting their third child next March. And nothing, it’s abundantly clear, could make them happier. “I’m really thrilled,” Bert says. Read more here.

See the full interview with the Newton family in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale October 24,2011.

The Newtons

Bert and Patti’s daughter Lauren, 32, and her former swim champ husband Matt Welsh, 34, are expecting their third child next March. And nothing, it’s abundantly clear, could make them happier. “I’m really thrilled,” Bert says. Read more here.

See the full interview with the Newton family in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale October 24,2011.

The Newtons

Bert and Patti’s daughter Lauren, 32, and her former swim champ husband Matt Welsh, 34, are expecting their third child next March. And nothing, it’s abundantly clear, could make them happier. “I’m really thrilled,” Bert says. Read more here.

See the full interview with the Newton family in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale October 24,2011.

The Newtons

Bert and Patti’s daughter Lauren, 32, and her former swim champ husband Matt Welsh, 34, are expecting their third child next March. And nothing, it’s abundantly clear, could make them happier. “I’m really thrilled,” Bert says. Read more here.

See the full interview with the Newton family in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale October 24,2011.

The Newtons

Bert and Patti’s daughter Lauren, 32, and her former swim champ husband Matt Welsh, 34, are expecting their third child next March. And nothing, it’s abundantly clear, could make them happier. “I’m really thrilled,” Bert says. Read more here.

See the full interview with the Newton family in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale October 24,2011.

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After a horror year, it’s baby joy for the Newtons

The Newtons: 'The little miracle we needed!'

Following a difficult year, the famous showbiz clan has reason to celebrate. They share their exciting news.

A smile is making its way across Bert Newton’s famous moon-face – an infectious grin that instantly lights up his features and the faces of those around him. The entertainment legend’s blue eyes twinkle as he reflects on the most joyous of news while watching his grandchildren, Eva, 2, and Sam, 3, excitedly blow bubbles in the air – he’s going to be a grandfather again. After what has undoubtedly been a harrowing year for one of Australia’s best-known families, Bert and the rest of the tight-knit Newton clan are preparing to welcome a new life into the world.

Bert and Patti’s daughter Lauren, 32, and her former swim champ husband Matt Welsh, 34, are expecting their third child next March. And nothing, it’s abundantly clear, could make them happier. “I’m really thrilled,” Bert says. “It’s almost like going into a show that you know is a success – because we’ve already got two of the most beautiful grandchildren. To think that another one is on the way is wonderful. “These two grandkids have brought something into Patti’s and my life that is just so special. If you’ve had a hard day or if you’re working hard… just to get back and hear them say, ‘We’ve missed you, Poppy’, is the highlight of my life.”

“These simple pleasures are what we enjoy,” agrees Patti. “Because of that, we couldn’t be more pleased with this third pregnancy. “With your grandchildren, really all you need to do is just be there when they hurt their knee and give them love. And how could you not love this face?” asks Patti, beaming down at her adorable granddaughter, now playing happily at her feet. Having been in the public eye for most of their lives, Patti and Bert know all too well there will be times when the spotlight can be anything but welcome. Certainly, that was the case on occasion in the past year, with the pair’s actor son Matthew, 34.

“It’s a day at a time, but he [Matthew] is very excited about my news,” Lauren reveals. “He loves being an uncle. He adores Sam and Eva.” Life became tougher still for the Newtons in June this year when Bert, still treading the boards at 73 in the hit stage musical Wicked, was admitted to the intensive care unit of a Melbourne hospital suffering from a severe bout of pneumonia. “He was pretty sick,” recalls Lauren. “It definitely was a tough time, but you just get through it. Mum’s very strong. And even being as sick as Dad was, I brought the kids in to see him in intensive care and he still did his performance and showed them how the bed went up and down and played games for them with his oxygen mask.” Bert now chuckles at his illness. “I didn’t realise until I came through it how serious it was – when I got the green light from one of the 19 doctors looking after me.”

Read more about the Newton family’s baby joy in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale October 24, 2011.

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Hugh VS Shane: Liz’s men at war!

Liz Hurley: Shane can’t compete with Hugh

Hugh Grant warns Shane Warne not to cheat… and gets told to rack off!

Shane Warne and Elizabeth Hurley’s all-too-perfect engagement has hit its first serious bump in the road – and it’s because her ex and best friend, Hugh Grant, doesn’t trust the cricket legend to treat her right. Although Liz and Hugh split up 11 years ago after 13 years together, you wouldn’t know it. They speak to each other almost every day, attend cooking, Italian and guitar-playing classes together, and the English actor continues to play a large part in Liz’s personal life as her best mate and confidante.

At first, Hugh, 51, and Shane, 42, seemed to get along fine, with Liz, 46, even raving that they “often play golf together”. In fact, Hugh was the first person to hear of the couple’s engagement. Although he initially reacted with a beaming smile and hugs for the couple, Woman’s Day earnt his tone changed as soon as he was alone with Shane. A close friend of Hugh’s, who has known the star since his early twenties, tells us, “Hugh had an old-fashioned man-to-man talk with Shane and told him to play things straight with Liz.”

Referring to Hugh’s notorious encounter with Los Angeles prostitute Divine Brown in 1995, the source continues, “Hugh had a moment of madness and he lost Liz forever – and he just wanted to tell Shane not to make the same mistake. “He thought he was well within his rights given that he is godfather to Liz’s son Damian, and because Shane has a reputation as a love-rat.” owever, Hugh’s staunch speech didn’t go down too well with the Aussie sporting icon, who apparently answered with a series of grunts and monosyllabic answers. One of his best mates tells us that Shane is fuming over Hugh’s lecture.

“Shane thought Hugh was a good bloke and they got on fine,” says the friend, speaking exclusively to Woman’s Day.“He’s never understood why Hugh is still so possessive of Liz, even though they don’t have kids together and broke up years ago. But he wasn’t really bothered until Hugh started laying down the law to him. “Like Shane says, this is coming from a guy who cheated on Liz with a Hollywood hooker off the street when he was her boyfriend!” the friend continues. “Shane thinks he’s bang out of order coming on all high and mighty, and he should keep his nose out of other people’s business.”

Read more about the altercation between Shane and Hugh in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale October 24, 2011.

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Michelle Lozanovski: I love my new body!

Michelle Lozanovski: I love my new body!

A year after body-lift surgery, the series three favourite has her weight under control and her life back on track.

Becoming a contestant on The Biggest Loser Australia was a dream-come-true for Michelle Lozanovski, who hoped the hit reality series would help save her from a vicious cycle of binge eating. When the Newcastle girl stepped out of the reality TV house in 2008, she had been transformed, dropping a huge 31kgs – but hadn’t managed to kick all her bad habits. Instead of reaching her goal weight of 75kgs after her eviction, Michelle struggled with yo-yo dieting which, eight months on, saw her weight soar to 130kgs – 10kgs more than it was before she entered the Biggest Loser house, and her heaviest weight ever.

“I could see I was putting it back on, but I was just trying to ignore it, telling myself I would get it under control,” recalls Michelle, 24. “The thing is, I knew how to exercise – they taught me that in the house – but no-one taught me how to control my eating.” Feeling embarrassed and ashamed of herself, Michelle went into hiding, rarely leaving home and refusing to socialise. “I just didn’t go out anymore,” she says. “I couldn’t believe I had let myself get back to that size, and didn’t want anyone to see me.” After another nine months of binge eating, Michelle realised she had to take control of her life, and finally made the decision to get back on track and learn the skills she needed to live a healthier life.

Michelle sought advice from a dietitian while starting workouts with a personal trainer three times a week, dropping back to 81kgs through strict diet and rigorous exercise. But the massive weight gains and losses had damaged her body permanently, leaving her skin saggy and her confidence at an all-time low. “I hated how my body looked,” recalls Michelle. “I was left with this loose skin that I had to tuck into my clothes, and it flapped on my legs when I tried to exercise.” So a desperate Michelle turned to Sydney surgeon Dr Mark Kohout from Total Body for advice, and was told a $21,000 body lift was the only viable option to rid her of the excess skin – and give her back her confidence.

“You see yourself in the mirror and you realise you have lost weight, but I still didn’t feel good about myself, because I had all that loose skin there,” she explains. “Seeing myself like that wasn’t rewarding, even though I had worked so hard.” So last year Michelle underwent a full body lift, involving an incision around her torso, removal of the skin and liposuction. “I was really excited until the day of the operation, then Mum was so nervous, which made me nervous!” Michelle laughs. “As I was wheeled down to theatre, I burst into tears. That’s all I remember. They put the drip in and I was gone. When I woke up, they gave the girl next to me an icy pole, so I started yelling that I wanted my icy pole, too. I was off my head!” The surgery is a major and serious procedure, and while Michelle doesn’t regret her decision for a second, she warns it is not something to undertake lightly.

Read more about Michelle’s weightloss journey in this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale October 24, 2011.

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Australia goes mad for the monarch

Australia goes mad for the monarch

A fan tries to get a picture of Queen Elizabeth on a mobile phone at Parliament House.

When Queen Elizabeth arrived at St John’s Anglican Church in Canberra this morning the crowd erupted into cheers of ‘God save the queen’.

In a country populated by people who usually only scream chants if they contain the words ‘Aussie’ and ‘Oi’ this behaviour was remarkable.

But from the moment the Elizabeth and Prince Philip arrived in Australia last Wednesday, the country has been monarch mad.

In pictures: Queen Elizabeth’s visit to Australia

The airport was packed with screaming well-wishers, the shores of Lake Burley Griffin were crammed with flag-toting followers and giddy fans flocked to Floriade from as far away Adelaide and Cairns.

The excitement reached fever pitch on Friday evening when her majesty’s presence at an official reception at Parliament House created scenes more readily associated with rock concerts than royal visits.

As the queen tottered across the ballroom she was practically mobbed by the crowd of distinguished guests, with those out of curtseying distance thrusting their mobile phones into the air desperately trying to capture Her Royal Highness in a photo.

These scenes suggest the queen’s visit has been an overwhelming success — despite years of rumblings about Australia becoming a republic, the monarch is more popular than ever.

But while Australians have been overjoyed with the visit, the British media has been less than thrilled, particularly with the conduct of Prime Minister Julia Gillard.

The papers were disgusted with Gillard’s “refusal” to curtsey upon meeting the queen, not to mention the fact that she wasn’t wearing a hat when she did it.

The Daily Mail published a scathing article on the topic under the headline “A hatless Julia Gillard failed to curtsey for the queen”.

The newspaper was even more outraged two days later when Julia bowed again instead of curtseying, writing, “The pm STILL refuses to curtsey for the queen!”

Gillard also came under fire from the Daily Mirror, which was horrified by her “refusal” to sing the British national anthem at the official Parliament House reception, despite loudly singing the Australian one.

“Australian PM’s new snub against British national anthem during queen’s visit,” the headline read.

In pictures: Previous royal visits to Australia

Gillard aside, the British press seem pleased with how the tour is progressing and gleefully note how well their head-of-state is received by her antipodean subjects.

The queen and Prince Philip will visit Brisbane tomorrow, and will tour Melbourne and Perth before returning to England on Saturday.

Your say: Why do you think Australia has given such a warm welcome to the queen?

Video: Hundreds flock to see the queen

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Prince Philip’s infamous wit surfaces again

Prince Philip hospitalised: Duke will spend 92nd birthday in care

Prince Philip at last night's function at Government House in Canberra.

Prince Philip might be 90 years old but his famous sense of humour is as sharp as ever, as he proved at a function in Canberra last night.

The Duke of Edinburgh addressed a group of Commonwealth Study Conferences alumni at Government House.

Philip founded the conferences more than 50 years ago and they quickly became huge success.

In pictures: Queen Elizabeth’s visit to Australia

The royal last night expressed his surprise at the popularity of the program, joking that he only started it to get out of going to another function.

“This was meant to be a one-off conference in 1956,” he said. “Even then it was unintentional because what I was trying to do was get out of another conference.”

The 1956 conference led to nine more, bringing together people from all over the Commonwealth to discuss industrial relations.

Although Philip admitted he was bemused by the program’s success, he said he was still more than happy to take credit for all the achievements of its alumni.

“They obviously made a fortune or great success with their lives,” he said. “Even if they don’t admit it, I take credit for it.”

In pictures: Previous royal visits to Australia

Governor-General Quentin Bryce and former chair of the Commonwealth Study Conferences (Australia) Sir Eric Neal also spoke at the event, praising Philip for his vision and commitment to the program.

Philip is famous for his sense of humour, which has often got him into to trouble. He has behaved himself so far on this tour of Australia.

Your say: Do you think Prince Philip’s sense of humour is inappropriate or a breath of fresh air?

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