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Kim Kardashian denies making money off wedding

Kim Kardashian denies making money off wedding

Kim Kardashian and her mum Kris Jenner have both spoken out about Kim’s 72 day marriage, saying that she didn’t make any money from the nuptials.

After arriving in Sydney this morning Kim took to her blog writing under the heading “a message to my fans” to talk about her divorce from Kris Humphries, saying that she may have rushed in to things.

“First and foremost, I married for love. I can’t believe I even have to defend this. I would not have spent so much time on something just for a TV show! I share so much of my life on a reality show, that contemplating whether to even film my wedding was a tough decision to make, and maybe it turned out to not be the smartest decision. But it’s who I am,” she wrote.

She also said that she didn’t make any money from her wedding following reports that she made $18 million for the event.

“There are also reports that I made millions of dollars off of the wedding. These reports are simply not true and it makes me so sad to have to even clarify this. I’m so grateful to everyone who took the time to come to my wedding and I’ll be donating the money for all the gifts to the Dream Foundation,” she wrote.

Kim’s mum Kris Jenner has also commented on her daughter’s 72 day marriage saying people need to stop judging her.

Talking to a US radio station KISS FM Kris also said that her 31-year-old daughter did not make any money from the wedding.

“The one thing that is the most annoying is the rumor that she made millions off of this wedding and she didn’t make a dime and actually spent millions of dollars on the wedding so it’s not something that she thought would ever not be happily ever after,” Kris said.

Meanwhile, Kris Humphries, who is said to be shocked by the divorce proceedings, has cancelled a Las Vegas night club appearance.

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How to get killer confidence

How to get killer confidence

Job interviews, first dates and public speaking are enough to reduce even the most confident people to a quivering bundle of nerves.

Here, psychologist and fear specialist Anthony Gunn tells you how to overcome your anxiety and excel in whatever you’re doing.

“When it comes to stepping out of a social comfort zone, see your nerves as your body’s way of making you perform at your best,” he says.

“When nerves are accepted instead of fought against, they drop considerably. When we face our fears in this way, we can turn them into success.”

How to spot a nervous person:

You might think other people are more confident than you, but their actions will give them away says Gunn. Watch out for:

Avoiding eye contact


Speaking fast — to get it over and done with.

Speaking slowly — using “ums” due to a mind freeze, or stalling to rehearse in their mind.

Hiding behind a barrier, for example holding a drink or handbag in front of themselves.

Hands in pockets or held behind the back.

Avoiding the dreaded mind freeze:

We all know the feeling, it can happen when introducing people, when giving a wedding speech… whenever we’re feeling pressure.

“A common example is when someone puts us down or has a go at us in public and everyone laughs,” says Dunn, “Then half an hour or even a day later we come up with all these great comebacks.”

Mind freeze happens because when we’re anxious, the logical parts of the brain are starved of blood and the fear parts are getting too much.

“Our reactions become more primal — we get tunnel vision where our mind will fixate on one thing, for example thinking, ‘I made a fool of myself and everyone will laugh.’ “

When you feel on the spot and your mind is offering up nothing but a blank wall, do not hold your breath, says Dunn.

“Simply using deep breathing puts more blood back to the logical thinking parts of the brain — brain scans have shown this.”

To be on the safe side, if you’re nervous, take a deep breath before you say anything at all.

Can you fake confidence?:

No, says Dunn: “The ‘fake it till you make it’ mentality sets people up for failure because it encourages them to jump into the deep end of the pool if they can’t swim. Our brains are hard-wired to over-react for our own safety.”

Banish self-defeating thoughts:

The average person talks to themselves at over 500 words per minute, and a lot of it is negative, says Dunn.

“No-one likes to be wrong, however it’s important to challenge the validity of our negative thoughts about what we can and can’t do.

“You might believe you could never try a new hair style, travel somewhere different or start studying again. Choose a small, realistic comfort zone to step out of and do it — prove yourself wrong.”

Overcoming nerves:

If you’re nervous about facing a tricky social situation… just practise the whole thing first, Dunn suggests.

“If you have to be cool, calm and confident, but you feel extremely anxious, you will go to pieces. If you practice with a friend a small amount of anxiety will come up and you’ll get used to it.

“Put a video camera on and your anxiety will be increased. Get used to sitting with that anxious feeling and knowing it won’t harm you, and it will drop very quickly. You really will have killer confidence.”

Anthony Gunn is the author of Be confident. For more fear-busting tips, visit his website

Your say: Do you have any tips for beating anxiety? Tell us at [email protected]

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Who are the Kardashians?

Who are the Kardashians?

Khloe, Kourtney and Kim Kardashian.

Kardashian is currently one of the world’s most-searched words – but many people still have no idea what it means. Learn everything you need to know about the famous family here.

Who are they?

The Kardashians are a rich Los Angeles family who shot to fame on reality TV show Keeping up with the Kardashians in 2007. The family consists of:

The most famous member: Kim Kardashian, 31

Her sisters: Kourtney, 32, and Khloe, 27

Kim’s half-sisters: Kendall, 16, and Kylie, 14

Kim’s mother: Kris Jenner

Kim’s stepfather: Bruce Jenner

Why are they famous?

The Kardashian patriarch Robert was a high-profile criminal attorney who found fame as part of OJ Simpson’s defence team. Robert and his wife Kris had four children, Kourtney, Kim, Khloe and Rob.

Related: Has Kim Kardashian taken money-making stunts too far?

Robert and Kris divorced in 1990 (he died of oesophageal cancer in 2003) and Kris remarried former US Olympic track and field star Bruce Jenner in 1991, changing her name to Kris Jenner.

Kim was the first Kardashian girl to find fame, after she was photographed partying with Paris Hilton, who was one of the most famous people on the planet at the time. Kim and Paris had been friends since childhood and even travelled to Australia together in 2006, but they stop talking quickly afterwards and have been feuding ever since.

Kim’s star rose even higher in February 2007, when a sex tape she made with her then-boyfriend, R&B singer Ray J, was leaked on the internet. It went on to make more than $6 million.

Later that same year, the E! network offered Kim and her family their own reality show, Keeping up with the Kardashians.

The show was an instant hit, making the Kardashians overnight superstars. The show has run for six seasons and spawned a host of spin-off series including Kourtney and Khloe Take Miami, Kourtney and Kim take New York and Khloe and Lamar.

The family has also made millions of dollars in endorsements, with Kim modelling for numerous clothing, accessories and confectionary brands and various other products.

She has also launched her own fragrance, and several clothing, jewellery and handbag collections with her sisters Kourtney and Khloe.

Kim even made an estimated $17.9 million in magazine deals and endorsements from her own wedding, despite filing for divorce from husband Kris Humphries after just 72 days of marriage.

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Kim’s half-sisters Kendall, 16, and Kylie, 14, have also found fame from the TV series, with Kendall finding great success modelling and Kylie launching an acting career.

Your say: Why do you think the Kardashian family has become so famous?

Video: Kim Kardashian lands in Sydney

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Has Kim Kardashian taken money-making stunts too far?

Has Kim Kardashian taken money-making stunts too far?

Kim Kardashian and her now-estranged husband of 72 days Kris Humphries.

Kim Kardashian caused a media frenzy this week after she announced she was divorcing her new husband after just 72 days of marriage.

Reality star Kim wed basketball player Kris Humphries in a multi-million dollar extravaganza at a mansion in Montecito in August.

The wedding netted Kim and Kris a cool $17.9 million in media coverage and endorsements.

Related: Who are the Kardashians?

According to the New York Post, this included $15 million for the two-part TV special Kim’s Fairytale Wedding, $2.5 million for exclusive photos with People magazine, and $400,000 more in other magazine deals.

If you divide these astronomical figures by the length of the marriage, Kim and Kris earned more than $10,000 for every hour they were husband and wife.

With Kardashian earnings only likely to increase as Kim goes through the divorce courts, many are questioning whether the whole marriage was nothing more than a money-making publicity stunt.

Radar Online has quoted several sources who say the relationship was staged for TV, and designed to capitalise on Kim’s fame while it was at its peak.

Kim and her family have strenuously denied these claims, insisting the romance was real, and the marriage was “meant to last forever”.

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While it wouldn’t be the first time someone had married for money, the way Kim made her millions — if that was indeed the point of the wedding — certainly marks a strange new era in celebrity culture.

Your say: Do you think celebrity publicity stunts have gone too far?

Video: Kim Kardashian lands in Sydney

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Is Pippa Middleton cashing in on her sister’s royal status?

Is Pippa Middleton cashing in on her sister's royal status?

Pippa Middleton may soon lose the title her royal hotness for Pippa the perfect party hostess if a lucrative new book deal goes ahead.

The 28-year old, who shot to fame following her sister Catherine the Duchess of Cambridge’s royal wedding, is said to be in talks about a potential book deal and has been meeting with editors from HarperCollins about her penning a party hosting book, the UK’s Daily Mail reported.

The book is believed to include tips on etiquette, what food to serve at a party and how to decorate a room.

The new deal is an effort to support the family party planning business, Party Pieces, which Pippa is already involved in and edits its The Party Times blog.

Despite her party planning background, some media outlets in the UK have slammed her for cashing in on her sister’s royal status with many writing satire pieces about her new venture.

Pippa’s book, which is rumoured to be worth $1.6 million, is expected to be somewhat similar to her blog.

In one post she wrote: “The key to creating a wonderful party lies not in spending vast amounts but in planning — from choice of venue, entertainer and party theme to the selection of food, decorations and the birthday cake.”

It’s thought that the book will be published before December 2012.

Your say: Is Pippa cashing in on her sister’s royal status?

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Foods to improve your brainpower

Foods to improve your brainpower

What to remember where you left your keys? Including more brain-boosting foods to your diet could be the answer, says accredited nutritionist Caitlin Reid.

The foods you eat can help you to perform at your best — not just physically but mentally too! With stress levels in Australians at the highest levels, anything that can keep us level headed or provide us with the energy to get more down is less time definitely has room on our daily agenda. The good news is these brain-boosting benefits may come simply by adding a couple of foods to our diet. Here are five foods that will improve your brainpower.

1. Blueberries: Add blueberries to your breakfast and your brain will thank you. According to research in animals, blueberries may help protect the brain from the damage caused by free radicals, thereby slowing the brain’s natural aging process, reducing memory loss. According to US research, cells called microglia, which remove and recycle toxic proteins from the nervous system, begin to malfunction as the body ages and that compounds in blueberries may reverse this process. A serve of blueberries each may just help you remember where you left your keys.

2. Salmon: There’s a reason why salmon and other oily fish such as tuna and mackerel are called brain food — they’re rich in brain-friendly omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fats are highly concentrated in the brain and play an important role in brain function. They appear to play an important role in brain memory, learning, performance and behavioural function, while also helping to fight against some mental disorders as depression, mood disorders and depression. Include 2-3 serves of salmon or another oily fish each week, or tablet fish oil supplements.

3. Tea: Tea keeps the mind sharp, with research showing older people who regularly consumed green tea were more discerning than those who didn’t. According to research published in the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, drinking 50mg of L-theanine (found in three cups of tea) daily increased alpha-brainwave activity resulting in a relaxed mind without inducing drowsiness. The L-theanine enables us to switch between tasks more effectively. So be sure to enjoy your morning and afternoon cuppa.

4. Eggs: Not only are eggs packed with protein, vitamin B12, iron, vitamin E and selenium they also contains choline. Choline is thought to improve cognitive function and memory at all stages of life while choline deficiency has been linked to poor cognitive function in some people such as the elderly.

5. Milk: Milk will definitely provide you with brainpower, as it contains two brain-boosting amino acids. The first, tryptophan, converts to the feel-good substance serotonin, which regulates memory and leaning, as well as induces a calming effect, helping to induce sleep. The second is tyrosine, which is converted into hormones such as adrenaline, improving our ability to cope under stress. So be sure include milk daily.

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Dealing with difficult friends

Dealing with difficult friends

Do you have a friend or relative who constantly offers ‘helpful’ criticism and invades your emotional or physical space? Pamela Allardice shows you how to set boundaries.

1. Focus on you

By interfering and interrupting, a boundary-pusher is keeping all the attention trained on them. When it seems your needs are less important than the other person’s, you will end up feeling ignored and resentful. For your emotional sanity and spiritual health, you must put the focus back on you.

2. Identify your needs

It’s clear what the other person wants from the relationship with you: a confidante, an audience, a helper. But what do you need and want? If you are in the habit of allowing other people to railroad you because you dislike confrontation, hear this: if you stifle your needs, other people will, too. To stay true to yourself and get what you need, finish these three sentences. Where in my life am I feeling pressure from this person? How do they make me feel? What do I no longer want them to do or say to me? Write your answers down.

3. Speak up

You cannot control how a boundary-pusher behaves, but you can control how you react to them. Using your answers to these three questions, get clear about what you value about the other person, what’s bothering you and what’s at stake — your self-respect, for one thing, but also the future of the relationship. You may end up with something like this: “I value your friendship because of your energy and loyalty. However, it makes me feel uncomfortable when you call me at work and expect me to talk. My job is important to me and taking personal calls isn’t appropriate. Can you respect this, and not call me at work, please?” If you’re not used to being assertive, rehearse what you want to say in front of a mirror first.

4. Hold your ground

Having said your piece, do not engage in a debate or argument. Boundary-pushers are used to ignoring and overriding other people’s needs in favour of their own, and often have no idea of the effects their actions have on others, so their first reaction will probably be one where they try to put you back in your box: they may act offended, or attempt to argue, negate or trivialise your request, or just plain make you feel guilty. Your best defence? Calmly and firmly restate your position, then remove yourself from the discussion.

5. Be prepared to move on

You have decided to change the dynamics of this relationship, and that will have an effect on its future. Usually, a boundary-pusher — like most bullies — will back down and you can then move the relationship to a new, mutually respectful level. However, if the other person isn’t willing to take your needs seriously, you need to let them go. Setting boundaries might not mean a happy ending, but it’s the best way to look after yourself.

Your say: Do you have pushy people in your life? How do you deal with them? Tell us at [email protected]

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6 Makeup Tips To Look Younger: Beauty Tips

woman looks in mirror

Make-up should enhance and soften your looks, not age you. Here, six common make-up mistakes that could add years to your face (plus some tips on how to avoid them).

With age, skin naturally takes on redness. Using pink-based foundations adds to the ruddiness. A yellow-based formula will knock redness out. Avoid pink or red blushers, too, opting for a universally flattering soft coral instead. Be sure to blend foundation really well into the hairline, around the nose and down along the neck, which is one of the first areas to age.

Anyone over the age of 25 should, as a rule, avoid all and any formulas that use these, as they are instantly ageing. Ditto for bright eye shadows (think blue, green or purple). Keep all shadows and make-up (except for lipsticks) matte and stick to neutral palettes of soft nude-rose, taupe, beige, cream and brown.

A bold, harsh, matte lip and mismatched lip liner that is not drawn on perfectly will emphasise dry, crepey skin and make any smoker’s lines appear deeper. It can also make your mouth appear smaller and your face look hard. Stick to a cream formula in soft coral, peachy-rose or a soft, rosy pink. If you are going to use lip liner, make it’s a neutral shade close to your natural lip colour, or the exact shade as your lipstick. Smoker’s lines? Prevent lipstick bleeding by drawing lip liner over entire lips, sticking strictly to the lip line never outside it. It helps lip colour cling to lips and prevents it bleeding into vertical lines around the mouth.

Your brows should be full and well groomed to perfectly frame to your eyes, visually lift your features and keep your look polished, soft and youthful. Too-fine brows appear harsh and add years to your face. If you’ve had a tweezing accident and brows just won’t grow back, embrace a neutral hued, soft brow pencil and fill them in to a natural finish. You may also wish to consider the latest methods in cosmetic tattooing, such as the feather touch technique, which uses single brush strokes to naturally recreate the brow.

As we age, we do need more coverage, but don’t overdo it. Choose a soft formula that applies to a velvety-matte finish. Look for light reflecting properties that deliver a lit-from-within glow. Use a formula with moisturising ingredients, too.

Too much powder will settle into fine lines and can make you look overdone and unnatural. Choose a soft, translucent powder and apply once in the morning, very lightly. Don’t reapply to cover shine through the day — it will cake the make-up and look chalky and old. Instead, carry blotting papers with you to mop up any oil and shine.

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Shane and Liz celebrate Halloween

This could be one of the worst Halloween costumes ever, but you can’t blame Shane Warne and fiancée Elizabeth Hurley for trying!

The pair dressed up as ninjas and hit the streets of the Melbourne suburb of Brighton to take Hurley’s son Damian and Warne’s children Brooke, Summer and Jackson trick or treating.

Warne took to Twitter to post a picture of the pair in their outfits and tweeted: “What song should accompany EH & I in our ninja costumes? Everybody was Kung Fu fighting!!!!!! Hahaha!!!!”

The pair have settled in Melbourne since Liz and her nine-year-old son arrived last week.

Shane Warne tweeted this image of the pair in their costumes.

The pair enjoyed an evening of trick or treating.

Almost all of the group dressed as ninjas for the fmaily outing.

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Queensland couple’s incredible flood relief effort

Queensland couple's incredible flood relief effort

Image: News Limited

When Queensland was devastated by deadly floods, the Lockyer Valley community banded together. Woman’s Day talks to the pair behind the relief effort Derek and Chris Pingel who are being honoured for their efforts and are still helping their community find its feet.

Derek Pingel still remembers the day his home town of 50 years was destroyed by an eight metre wall of water.

“My wife was at home and we were isolated but did not experience any damages. I was in Townsville I was stranded up there and she was stranded at home,” he said.

Although the pair was physically okay, they knew many others in their community, who they “knew very well”, were not.

“I was concerned for the community especially,” Derek said. “We knew the people who were killed and affected by the floods.

“It was devastating to see the properties that I had grown up around all my life destroyed by an eight metre wall of water in a short amount of time.”

Being an active member in the community Derek decided to call the council mayor to see if he could help in any way.

“When I got back to my house I said I would call the mayor and I would offer some assistance, but Chris said for once don’t try to be in charge,” he laughs.

“So I said okay, but the mayor called both of us in and when they said they desperately needed someone to coordinate the relief we both said yes straight away.”

The pair, who have been married for 33 years, took on the mammoth task of running the volunteer and relief effort of getting the town of Lockyear Valley with its 20,000 residents back on its feet. They suddenly found themselves in charge of 600 volunteers, five large storage facilities filled with donated equipment that needed to be sorted through, and two distribution centres.

Their incredible effort has earned them a nomination as finalists for the community spirit national medal, as part of the Pride of Australia People’s Choice National Medal 2011.

The pair’s first task was to established a needs assessment program which allowed them to determine the needs of each individual.

“It was very intense when we started as we had to sort it all out, know what we had and know what people needed,” Derek said.

“We had to put our business and our lives on hold, but you do it, you do it to help your mates in need.”

The huge task not only took a toll on the pair physically, with Derek and Chris working from 6am to 1am every day, the emotional toll was also extraordinary.

“We saw the enormity of the task before us and saw there was no point being emotional. We had to detach ourselves from the emotional situation,” Derek said.

“Our task was to make life better for the people affected in the community and help them start their lives again immediately.”

To date, Derek and Chris along with 600 volunteers, who also worked tirelessly throughout the relief effort, have helped 1100 families and are still helping.

From five storage facilities and two distribution centres they have worked their way down to one distribution centre which continues to hold items for about 80 families from the area who are still trying to find a permanent home.

Derek believes the district has done fairly well to recover from such a disaster.

“The incredible generosity of individuals, clubs, organisations and business has been outstanding,” he said.

And he has great praise for his wife Chris.

“She is one of a kind; I would be lost without her. We have been in business together for 33 years. She works equally as hard as I do and she is a tremendous organiser,” he said.

“People often ask us why are you still doing this and I say ‘if we don’t, who will?'”

“It’s a great feeling to help others.”

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