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Kelly Preston’s Scientology confession

John Travolta and Kelly Preston

As her family reels from another scandal, the actress finally lifts the veil of secrecy over her controversial beliefs. Jackie Brygel reports

As far as bad weeks go, Kelly Preston can certainly count the past few as among the worst in her life. But as she struggles to keep her family intact after husband John Travolta was accused of sexually assaulting male masseurs – which he denies – there’s no doubt she’s relying on the one constant in her life – Scientology.

Speaking freely for the first time about the mysterious church, Kelly, 49, has admitted she’s “forever indebted” to Scientology for saving her life. In a no-holds-barred TV interview with Amanda de Cadenet, recorded before the shock allegations made against her husband of 21 years, Kelly reveals she was “drowning” in grief following the 2009 death of her son Jett, 16, and questioned whether she could keep going.

But Kelly, who – along with John – is an avid supporter of the Church of Scientology, has revealed she found the strength to move on through the religion’s mysterious “auditing” process, which is described as a form of “spiritual counselling” in which the subject is questioned by a church-trained auditor.

“It helps rid the mind of painful experience completely,” she says. “[My grief] felt like a sea of wet blankets, and then I just peeled them off, layer by layer. I can now say, ‘I want to live.’ I feel like the weight of the world was lifted.”

Read more about Kelly Preston in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday May 21, 2012.

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Prince Harry tells Chelsy: You’re the one!

Prince Harry and Chelsy Davy

How a tearful heart-to-heart with Kate convinced Harry to finally make Chelsy his princess…

Their on-off romance has become the stuff of legend. But just when friends had accepted that Prince Harry and Chelsy Davy’s seven-year roller-coaster love story was over for good, Woman’s Day can reveal 27-year-old Harry is trying to win her back for the fourth time – and this time, it’s for keeps.

“Harry has had other flings during their various break-ups, but the truth is Chelsy has always had his heart,” respected royal expert Bill Coles tells us. “Last week he told her for the first time that she is the girl he wants for his princess. Harry is absolutely certain – his mind is made up.”

Harry realised Chelsy, 26, was “the one” after a tearful heart-to-heart with his brother’s wife, Catherine, whom he refers to as his “sister”.

“Harry is very different from Wills – he is much more emotional and despite all his swagger, he’s a romantic at heart,” one of Kate’s closest friends tells Woman’s Day. “He had tears in his eyes when he was talking to Kate about Chelsy, telling her she was the only girl he’s ever loved and he was heartbroken to have lost her.”

Read more about Harry and Chelsy in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday May 21, 2012.

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*The Voice* coach Joel: The love that saved me

Joel Madden and Nicole Richie

Joel Madden traded his rock star lifestyle to become a full-on family man, and he adores it, writes Emma Vidgen

Don’t be fooled by Joel Madden’s tough guy appearance. Behind the coloured hair, studs and tattoos, the American muso is more a devoted dad than a hard-partying heart-throb.

“My wife and my children are the most important things in the world to me… I care way more about these things than I do about any job I could ever do, song I could ever write, or success I could ever find in what I think is the silliest business in the world,” he says.

So he was ecstatic when his wife, Nicole, 30, daughter Harlow, 4, and son Sparrow, 2, touched down in Sydney last week. “We are looking at schools and we are talking about maybe leasing a place for the next year,” Joel recently told The Sunday Telegraph.

Good schools may not be the sort of talk you’d expect from a tatted-up rocker, but a troubled childhood has left 33-year-old Joel valuing family above all else. Joel, his identical twin Benji, their brother and sister, were left heartbroken when their father walked out on the family when Joel was 16.

Read more about Joel, Nicole, and The Voice in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday May 21, 2012.

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Bec Hewitt’s bump: Baby number four?!

Bec Hewitt

The former soap star seems to be hiding a happy secret under her baggy sweaters

Her dream of returning home permanently to Australia may have been delayed once again by husband Lleyton Hewitt’s last-ditch effort to resurrect his tennis career, but it seems Bec may have been given the best present of all – another baby.

With a sloppy joe disguising her normally svelte figure, Bec stepped out in Melbourne last week displaying what appeared to be a distinct baby bump, prompting speculation she is expecting her fourth child.

Despite sporting oversized sunglasses, The former Home And Away actress couldn’t hide her joy as she picked up daughter Mia, 6, from a piano lesson.

“I couldn’t believe it was Bec when I saw her in a bakery in Malvern – she was dressed in this really large jumper and we joked she must have raided Lleyton’s wardrobe,” says a fellow shopper. “She seemed really happy and was laughing with the sales assistant.”

Read more about Bec and Lleyton in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday May 21, 2012.

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Michael Clarke weds Kyly: ‘I’m the happiest guy in the world’

Michael Clarke weds Kyly Boldy

Aussie cricket captain Michael Clarke shows he’s also a great romantic, wedding his childhood love in a secret ceremony

Aussie cricket hero Michael Clarke held back tears as he exchanged vows with model and TV presenter Kyly Boldy in front of just 70 of their closest friends and family in one of NSW’s most picturesque bushland settings.

“Happiest guy in the world,” a beaming Clarkey declared after tying the knot in a very private twilight ceremony last Wednesday.

The newlyweds literally rode off into the sunset after the ceremony, with Michael leading a pony carrying his bride to the reception at Wolgan Valley Resort, which he hired for the four-day celebration at an estimated cost of $150,000.

“Luckiest woman in the world,” gushed Kyly, who, together with Michael, 31, shared their joy with the world via Twitter, posting a series of stunning shots.

Read more about Michael and Kyly’s wedding in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday May 21, 2012.

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Liz Hurley: Shane can’t compete with Hugh

Liz Hurley: Shane can’t compete with Hugh

The road to marital bliss is never easy – but Liz Hurley might just be making things a little more difficult for herself.

The Gossip Girl star told the media she is better friends with her floppy-haired ex, Hugh Grant, than she is to her fiancé, Shane Warne.

Liz, 46, engaged to Aussie cricket legend Shane, 42, since October, told the UK’s The Sun that she still holidayed with Grant – her former flame of 13 years.

“It’s hard for six months to compete with 20 years on a friendship level,” Hurley said of her new romance.

“I don’t think either of us can imagine not having the other in our lives.” Meanwhile, in the Warne camp, things aren’t so rosy, with the cricketer’s ex Simone Callaghan publicly saying Hurley’s relationship with her kids was ‘disrespectful’, revealing they called their stepmother M2 for Mummy 2.

Read more: ”Hands off my kids” Woman’s Days exclusive with Simone

Hurley took to Facebook to vent over the weekend, seemingly one-upping Callaghan by asking that the kids be left out of their quarrel.

“Neither my fiancé Shane nor I have ever asked his children to call me anything in particular and have never suggested any nicknames for me.”

“Shane’s three children started to call me ‘M2’, in an affectionate and light-hearted way, over a year ago. I find it very upsetting that they have been accused publicly of being ‘disrespectful’ to their mother by doing this. I believe they were…“And please know that we HATE photographers following us on the school run and to the kid’s netball and football matches.”

Warne also responded to his ex-wife’s interview on Australian radio, but only to confirm he really couldn’t care less.

“I thought everyone was getting along pretty well,” he told Triple M’s Hot Breakfast.

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I breast-fed my son until he was three

Newsflash Kochie: We'd rather not bare our breasts in public – but babies come first

Like the mother on the cover of last week’s controversial Time magazine cover, our beauty and health director Kelly Baker breastfed her son until he was three. Here, she defends her decision and urges other new mothers to ignore “expert advice” and go with their gut.

I breastfed my first-born son until he was 15 months old and even then I only stopped because I was forced to.

There wasn’t one breath in me, one cell, one single piece of DNA that wanted to stop.

Indeed, when that tiny baby latched onto my breast it was as though every fibre of my being sat up and sang ‘this is right’.

Related: Is it ever okay to tell your child they’re fat?

I loved being able to snuggle with this inherently slippery, jittery child who refused to be held at any other time.

Still, when I fell pregnant again I was concerned. My second baby’s arrival was looming.

If I didn’t wean my first child soon would I end up breastfeeding two? Was that even possible? Increasingly worried I asked the nurse at my local baby care centre what I should do.

“Stop breastfeeding now,” she said firmly.

“You don’t want to be breastfeeding two. Give yourself a break. You’ve done very well to breastfeed for this long.”

I went home distressed. I didn’t want to stop breastfeeding my lovely baby but a baby care nurse had told me I should.

And I wasn’t confident enough in my own mothering to do anything but what I was told. I started weaning my son that evening.

There were tears when it came to what would normally have been breastfeeding time — mine.

My baby boy didn’t seem concerned in the slightest. He went straight to sleep in his cot, happily cooing and waving his dimpled hands.

I was relieved that the transition hadn’t been difficult for him but gutted for myself.

Our special snuggling hour before bed was no more. I missed it in a deeply physical way, the way one might miss an amputated limb. I literally ached.

Soon afterwards, however, my second child arrived and within days I was breastfeeding again. There was little time to consider whether I had done the right thing by weaning my first.

I determined to be less emotional this time round, telling myself that I would breastfeed this child for 12 months, no more, no less.

But when my second child’s first birthday rolled around I felt no need to wean him and he expressed no interest in doing so.

Then I had a change of plan. I would breastfeed until he was 18 months old but again the date came and went and neither of us made any move to quit.

I loved holding this child in close while he breastfed, just as I had done with his older brother.

I loved the feeling of his chubby little arm wrapped around my back, the way he looked up at me, eyes twinkling.

By the time he was two I knew he was getting little to no nutritional benefit from breast feeding, but he enjoyed it and so did I.

Holding one another close each day helped us to bond. The process soothed him if he was hurt or upset and the fact that I could comfort him, so easily, so naturally, made me feel good about my ability to mother.

As he was approaching three however, I knew the time for weaning was coming. And I told him so.

By this age he could understand what I was saying and he seemed comfortable enough to move on.

I breastfed him for the final time on his third birthday and it felt perfectly right. I was sad. There was a real sense of letting go but there was none of the painful wrench that came with weaning his older brother.

This time we were doing it at the right period for us. Not the time that suited the baby-care nurse… or anyone else.

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This time round I listened to my instincts and did what suited. Surely this is what mothering is about? Listening to your heart and doing what works for you.

Maybe that’s breastfeeding for three years… maybe it’s breastfeeding for three minutes.

As long as it’s right for you and even more importantly your children then surely nothing else matters?

Your say: Did you breastfeed your child? What made you stop?

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Naomi Watts ‘terrified’ of playing Princess Diana

Princess Diana is one of the world's most beloved women, so it's not surprising that Naomi Watts is "absolutely terrified" of playing her.
Naomi Watts to play Princess Diana

Princess Diana is one of the world’s most beloved women, so it’s not surprising that Naomi Watts is “absolutely terrified” of playing her.

Naomi, 43, has signed on to play the late royal in new film Caught in Flight, which focuses on the last two years of Diana’s life.

The Australian actress was thrilled when she was offered the role, but says she was tempted to turn it down because she was so worried about doing the part justice.

“She is a part of our history, an incredible woman and fascinating but a tragic ending,” Naomi told the UK’s Daily Mail.

“The film-makers came to me and it’s a good script and it’s very scary and I kind of wanted to say no but I couldn’t.”

Naomi is glad she decided to accept the role, but says she is still worried about what the finished movie will be like.

She is spending all her spare time researching Diana — who died in a Paris car crash in 1997 — and hopes the film will uncover something new and interesting in the well-known story.

“Now I’m doing all the research and there is so much to read, I just hope we make a good film and people can learn something new about her that’s interesting,” Naomi said.

“There are a lot of people that knew her and a lot of books to read and so much information and one story is different to the next so it’s hard to gauge what was the truth.

“It’s going to be a tough one, it’s a big beast to take on, I just try to do my best.”

Caught In Flight will be directed by Oscar nominee Oliver Hirschbiegel and filming is scheduled to begin in the UK next year.

It won’t be the only Diana movie in cinemas in 2013 — two other biopic projects are reportedly in the works.

Closely Guarded Secret will be based on the book of the same name written by Diana’s bodyguard Ken Wharfe.

It will chart Diana’s life in the lead-up to her much-publicised divorce from Prince Charles.

Another film, simply titled Diana is also planned, but it is not known what parts of the princess’ life it will cover.

Naomi was born in Britain and moved to Australia when she was 14 years old. She now lives in New York with her husband Liev Schreiber and their sons Alexander, four, and Samuel, three.

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Kate Middleton’s Princess Diana makeover

Kate Middleton's Princess Diana makeover

Catherine (left) is transforming from dowdy to daring, just as Diana did 30 years ago.

The Duchess of Cambridge never met her mother-in-law, but that hasn’t stopped her from following in Princess Diana’s fashion footsteps.

Like Diana 30 years before her, Catherine is transforming her personal style, ditching her trademark conservative dresses in favour of sexy new numbers.

Catherine’s glamorous makeover was particularly evident when she attended a gala at London’s Royal Albert Hall this week.

In pictures: Kate bares her back in sheer dress

The crowd let out an audible gasp as the duchess stepped out onto the red carpet, with her hair pulled back into a sophisticated chignon and her slender back on show in a daring sheer dress.

“She is becoming more and more confident, which I think is exciting to see,” Queen Elizabeth’s couturier Stewart Parvin, who also designed Zara Phillips’ wedding gown, told People magazine.

“The way she does her hair, the way she does her makeup is getting better and better and she has this new inner glow.”

Catherine famously does her own makeup — even for her own wedding last year — and shuns stylists, choosing her own clothes.

She also refuses to accept gifts from designers to ensure her look is entirely her own.

In pictures: Princess Diana’s royal makeover

Diana underwent a similar transformation when she joined the royal family in 1981, going from dowdy girl-next-door to international style icon.

Your say: Do you admire Kate for shunning stylists and make-up artists in favour of doing it herself?

Video: Kate brings her puppy to watch William and Harry play polo

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The Wiggles announce first female member

The Wiggles have announced their first female member, after confirming Jeff Fatt, Murray Cook and Greg Page will retire at the end of 2012.
The Wiggles

Three of the original Wiggles are handing over their skivvies after announcing a major shake-up to the iconic children’s music group including the introduction of the first female Wiggle.

After a final farewell tour around Australia, Jeff Fatt, Murray Cook, and Greg Page (the purple, red, and yellow wiggles respectively) will hand over their keys to the big red car.

The shake-up sees three new children’s entertainers join blue wiggle Anthony Page in the multi-platinum group named Australia’s top-earning entertainers by BRW magazine.

The new line-up makes way for the first ever female wiggle, 20-year-old backup dancer Emma Watkins, who will become the new yellow wiggle.

The blue and red skivvies will be passed on to newcomers Lachlan Gillespie and Simon Pryce, who were handpicked by the current Wiggles to continue their legacy.

The break-up comes only months after Sam Moran was ousted from the group when the original group member Greg reprised his role as the yellow wiggle.

In their 21 years the group has gained the children’s entertainment equivalent of global domination, selling 23 million DVDs, seven million CDs, and earned numerous awards.

Jeff, Murray, Anthony, and Greg left a goodbye message to their fans on YouTube, thanking them for 21 year of singing and dancing.

“We’ve had so much fun over the past 21 years, it’s been a great ride in our big red car,” said Jeff.

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