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Want to eat less? Invest in red crockery

Want to eat less? Invest in red crockery

Want to stop snacking? Try eating off a red plate. According to a research team from the Institute of Psychology at Basel University, people drink less from red cups and eat less when snacks are served to them on red plates.

In their first experiment, the team asked study participants to drink sweet drinks from plastic cups, half of which had blue stickers and the other half red.

The people given red-stickered cups drank about 40 percent less than the others, irrespective of what they thought of the taste.

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Then, in their second experiment, study participants were given pretzels on red, blue or white plates and told they could eat as many as they liked. The people with red plates ate more than 50 percent less than the others did.

The researchers say the study results — which were published in the scientific journal Appetite — are the first step to understanding how colours may influence food consumption, in this case, whether the colour red acted as a sort of subconscious ‘stop sign’.

The study also raises intriguing questions about whether colours can be used to help people to lose weight or avoid unhealthy foods.

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Protect yourself from heart disease

Protect yourself from heart disease

Heart disease kills more women than any other disease and it is estimated that around one-third of us have already developed some form of it, most often high blood pressure or elevated cholesterol. The good news? There are so many things you can do to reduce your risk.

Start with the basics: You can probably recite them, but they bear repeating: stop smoking, eat a diet low in saturated and trans fats, don’t overdo alcohol, and exercise.

Watch the salt: One review showed that reducing salt to around five grams a day had a significant effect on high blood pressure Avoid processed or packaged foods, as these tend to have a high salt content.

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Mind your minerals: While sodium raises blood pressure, potassium lowers it. Potassium-rich foods are apples, bananas, asparagus, cabbage, kelp, and alfalfa. Magnesium — found in seaweed, leafy greens, almonds, and lentils — may help to reduce heart palpitations.

Say NO: Nitric oxide (NO) relaxes blood vessels and improves blood flow to all tissues, including the heart. Your body makes NO, but production drops with age. Good food sources are celery, beetroot, spinach, leeks, parsley, fennel and cabbage.

Tame triglycerides: Natural anti-inflammatories help counter these harmful blood fats, as well as regulate heart rhythm, and reduce clotting and inflammation. Cold-water fish like salmon or sardines are a good source, or take a supplement — aim for 2,000mg of omega-3 fatty acids daily, taken as fish oil or flaxseed oil.

Keep it clean: Environmental toxins have a profound effect on heart health, with studies suggesting that long-term exposure to lead, cadmium, and polychlorinated bisphenols (BPA) all cause high blood pressure. Blood tests can confirm your status.

Say hi to hawthorn: Long regarded by Western herbalists as a ‘food for the heart’, this herb is an antioxidant that also tones the heart (cardiotonic) and dilates the blood vessels (vasodilator). Use under supervision by a qualified herbalist.

Go to herbs: Other heart-healthy herbs include gotu kola and garlic, which have both been investigated for their ability to lower raised cholesterol and triglycerides. One study also showed garlic can lower blood pressure by five to eight points. (Note: high doses can interfere with anti-thrombotic drugs; check with your doctor).

Look to the east: Chinese red-yeast rice is a supplement that contains lovastatin, a naturally occurring statin, but without the problematic side effects which may occur with conventional statin drugs. It also contains cholestin, which lowers raised cholesterol and triglycerides. A naturopath or traditional Chinese medicine practitioner can prescribe it.

Skip the caffeine: Caffeinated drinks — including carbonated soft drinks, as well as tea and coffee — have been shown to increase blood pressure.

Stress less: When you get stressed, a cascade of hormones are released which undermine heart health — adrenaline, which elevates blood pressure, cortisol, which leads to belly fat, and aldosterone, which causes fluid retention. Make a point of taking time every day to relax. This doesn’t mean slumping in front of TV, but using tried and tested formal relaxation techniques, like yoga, meditation, or visualisation.

Just breathe: Research shows that yogic breathing — slowing the rate of breathing and extending the outbreath — is as effective in lowering blood pressure in people with mild hypertension as taking conventional medication.

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Whittle your waist: Weight gain around your middle is strongly linked to metabolic syndrome, a condition characterised by elevated blood pressure, reduced insulin sensitivity, lower HDL (‘good’) cholesterol, and higher triglycerides.

Be happy and know it: The links between anger, hostility, depression and anxiety and cardiovascular health are well documented; a positive attitude, on the other hand, has tangible heart benefits. Consciously choose to turn that frown upside down.

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Scientology ‘brainwashed Nicole Kidman’s kids against her’

The Church of Scientology brainwashed Nicole Kidman's adopted children against her, a former leader has claimed.
Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman with their adopted children in 1996.

The Church of Scientology brainwashed Nicole Kidman’s adopted children against her, a former leader has claimed.

Marty Rathbun — a senior member of the bizarre religion from 1982 to 2004 — has given an explosive interview on US TV, accusing church officials of using the religion to “indoctrinate” Isabella and Connor against the Australian actress.

Nicole adopted the children with then-husband Tom Cruise in the 1990s but quickly became estranged from them when she divorced Tom in 2001.

Marty claims this is because Isabella and Connor were poisoned against their mother.

“They were being indoctrinated, and they were reporting to Cruise on how that was going in my presence,” Marty told NBC’s Rock Center with Brian Williams.

“It was more than implied … [Nicole] was somebody that they shouldn’t open up with, they shouldn’t communicate with, and they shouldn’t spend much time with.”

Marty also spoke about Isabella and Connor in an interview with the Hollywood Reporter in which he accused senior church member Tommy Davis of feeding Isabella and Connor “false information” about Nicole.

“Tommy told them over and over again their mother was a sociopath, and after a while they believed him,” Marty claimed. “They had daily sessions with Tommy. I was there. I saw it.”

Nicole’s relationship with her adopted children has come under increased scrutiny in light of Tom’s divorce from third wife Katie Holmes.

The split has also brought Tom’s religion into the spotlight, with people accusing the church of everything from stalking Katie to trying to kidnap the couple’s daughter Suri.

A spokesman for the Church of Scientology has denied all the sinister claims, saying people speaking against the church were disgruntled and looking for 15 minutes of fame.

“All of these people are excommunicated self-promoters who are sadly exploiting a private family matter for their own personal financial gain,” the church said in a statement.

“They cannot be believed given they have acquired no firsthand knowledge of the church for many years and have a record of making false and/or misleading statements about the church.”

Scientology is a contentious religion based on the writings of sci-fi author L Ron Hubbard. It preaches, among other things, the existence of aliens as superior guiding beings.

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Vivienne and Knox Jolie-Pitt turn 4!

It’s certainly a busy time for the Jolie-Pitts!

Apart from Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie preparing for their secret wedding, the pair’s youngest children, twins Vivienne and Knox are celebrating their fourth birthday!

Proud mum Ange told Marie Claire magazine all about the pair, who were born on July 12, and their personalities.

Ange explained that Vivienne is a “girlie girl” and likes getting “her nails done and stuffed animals”. Knox on the other hand “is very much a dude…he loves dinosaurs and swords”.

Take a look at our gallery of Vivienne and Know throughout the years.

Vivienne and Knox turned four on July 12.

Angelina and Brad donated the money from their magazine covers of the tiwn to charity.

Angelina gave the world a quick glimpse of ther twins standing out on her balcony.

Brad and Knox wear matching hats as Brad walks his family through the airport.

Brad and Ange step out with their twins.

The Jolie-Pitts spend time in Venice.

Angelina Jolie and her twins leave Gwen Stefani’s house after a play date.

Brad and Angelina with their six children.

Brad and Ange hold tight to their twins.

The whole family is always on the move.

Angelina spends the day with her twins, Shiloh and Zahara.

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Quitting smoking causes more weight gain than thought

Getting stuck on ride forces mum to lose 111kg

Weight gain has long been associated with quitting smoking, but new European research has found that giving up cigarettes can lead to more weight gain than originally thought.

A study conducted in the UK and France has found that giving up smoking will usually lead to a weight gain of between 4kg and 5kg, more than the average 2.9kg expected by quitters.

But researchers at France’s National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) and the UK’s University of Birmingham stressed they didn’t want their findings, in any way, to discourage people from quitting smoking.

They said that although more weight is gained by those who quit, the health benefits of quitting smoking far outweigh the harm of putting on some extra kilos.

“Although obesity is positively associated with an increased risk of all causes mortality, cohort studies indicate that modest weight gain does not increase the risk of death; smoking does,” the researchers wrote in the British Medical Journal.

The aim of the research was to find out the impact that quitting smoking would have on body weight in those who quit successfully.

Those who quit smoking without the help of nicotine replacement therapy gained an average of 1.1kg in the first month, 2.3kg by the second month, 2.9kg by the third month, 4.2kg by the sixth month and 4.7kg after a year.

The study found that 34 percent gained 5kg to 10kg, while up to 13 percent gained more than 10kg. But it’s not all bad news, with 16 percent losing weight. The researchers noted a large variation in weight change depending on the individual.

“That’s more than people have previously said and also it varies a lot between people,” said Professor Paul Aveyard, who helped conduct the study. “Some people don’t put on any weight at all, while others put on maybe 10kg in the first year.”

Some anti-smoking activists are concerned that the research will deter people from quitting, especially women.

Blythe O’Hara, manager of cancer prevention at the Cancer Institute NSW, told Woman’s Day it is important to remember that you can lose these extra few kilos, but the damage that smoking can do to your body may be irreversible.

“It is important for all women to know that the health benefits of stopping smoking are far greater than putting on the weight suggested by this study,” she said.

“The reality is, this weight gain is not instant or guaranteed to happen to you. Many people replace cigarettes with unhealthy snacking or responding to their newly revived taste buds and appetite with a new interest in food. The latter is a good thing, but it is important to make healthy choices with meals and snacks to prevent weight gain.”

While the latest figures from the Cancer Institute NSW reveals that approximately 40,900 people across NSW have quit smoking in the past year, there are many reasons why people are indecisive about kicking the habit and O’Hara said weight gain may be one of them.

For those who do decided to quit, O’Hara said it is important to keep the following things in mind, have an action plan in place, be mindful that it may take multiple attempts to quit and that different methods work for different people.

“It is important, most of all that you don’t put too much pressure on yourself over the first few months of quitting,” she said.

“Go easy on yourself and if you find yourself reaching for the occasional chocolate rather than a cigarette — that’s okay. Once your nicotine cravings have subsided you will be in a stronger position to take up other healthy habits if you do find you have gained a little weight.”

Researchers involved in the European study have suggested, that while more research needs to be done on which people have a greatest risk of losing weight, the current results can be used by doctors to provide those who have decided to quit with a realistic range of weight gains and goals.

And O’Hara agreed that the study results can assist smokers in their decision to quit.

“If smokers understand that it is normal to gain some weight after quitting, particularly in the first few months, it does provide them with an opportunity to think of strategies to improve their lifestyle,” she said.

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‘Proud’ Princess Eugenie graduates with honours

Princess Eugenie donned a cap and gown to graduate from Newcastle University yesterday in front of her proud father and sister.
Princess Beatrice graduating from Newcastle University yesterday.

Princess Eugenie donned a cap and gown to graduate from Newcastle University yesterday in front of her proud father and sister.

The 22-year-old royal took her place on stage to receive her combined degree in English and history of art.

Her older sister Princess Beatrice and father Prince Andrew watched from the crowd, and beamed when Eugenie collected her certification.

After the ceremony, Eugenie gushed about her pride at finishing with top marks and her time spent living in a student share house.

“I am so proud,” Eugenie said. “Being up in Newcastle is just amazing. I had so much fun.

“Being in a house with seven girls was my highlight because you’d come back and there was always someone cooking, someone to welcome you.

“That was amazing just being in a house with all these wonderful people.”

Like thousands of other recent graduates, Eugenie is still trying to decide what to do with her degree.

She plans to carry out royal engagements and charity work for the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital while she hunts for her first real job.

“I’m a freshly finished student so my future plans are coming together as we speak,” she said yesterday.

Eugenie will live with her father at the family home Royal Lodge, near Windsor Castle, until she finds full-time work and can afford to move out on her own.

It is not known why her mother, Sarah Ferguson, did not attend the graduation ceremony. Andrew and Sarah released a joint statement congratulating their youngest daughter last week.

“Eugenie has worked incredibly hard to achieve this excellent result and we are immensely proud of what she has done, particularly gaining a first in her dissertation,” the statement read.

“She has had a wonderful time at Newcastle University and has greatly enjoyed her time in the North East.”

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‘Nervous’ Olympian Zara Phillips lets off steam with teammates

'Nervous' Olympian Zara Phillips lets off steam with teammates

Zara Phillips posing in her new Team GB Olympic kit.

Zara Phillips has admitted she is “nervous” about the upcoming Olympic Games, but she wasn’t showing it yesterday as she goofed around with her teammates.

The champion equestrienne travelled to Loughborough University in the East Midlands to collect her official Team Great Britain uniform, and couldn’t resist posing for some funny photos in her new clothes.

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Zara, 31, took some solo portraits before she was joined by her eventing teammates Nichola Wilson and Mary King.

Later, the royal addressed the crowd, admitting she was feeling pressure ahead of the Olympics, but was excited about competing in front of a home crowd.

“I’m very excited, honoured, but also nervous,” she said.

“A horse is a pretty unpredictable animal and it is difficult when you are trying to get it and yourself into prime fitness. You are going that extra mile; you do the extra training and, unfortunately, things can happen.”

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Zara missed out on the 2004 and 2008 Olympics after her previous horse Toytown was injured.

Her mother Princess Anne and her father Captain Mark Phillips have both competed for Britain in eventing at the Olympics.

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Princess Eugenie graduates

Princess Eugenie graduates

Congratulations Princess Eugenie! The 22-year-old has graduated from Newcastle University in the UK and has been awarded a bachelor of arts degree in English and history of art.

Eugenie’s father, the Duke of York, and her older sister Princess Beatrice attended her graduation ceremony yesterday, but her mother Sarah Ferguson was not present.

“I am so proud,” the princess said following the ceremony.

“Being up in Newcastle is just amazing. I had so much fun. Being in a house with seven girls was my highlight because you’d come back and there was always someone cooking, someone to welcome you.”

Eugenie, who will now live at the Royal Lodge near Windsor Castle, said she was concentrating on her charity work as well as her official royal duties and seeking employment.

“I’m a freshly finished student so my future plans are coming together as we speak,” she said of her employment opportunities.

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Katie Holmes takes Suri to the zoo

It’s easy to see that Katie Holmes and Suri Cruise are looking a lot happier these days.

The pair have been enjoying their time in New York visiting numerous popular places including the Central Park Zoo, where they spent the day on Wednesday.

A witness told US Weekly that Katie “was smiling and laughing with her little daughter. They were so cute.”

Katie’s mum Kathleen, one of her family members who helped her to escape Scientology and plan her divorce from Tom Cruise, also joined them.

Katie and Suri watch the penguins.

Suri smiles as mum Katie feeds the animals.

Three generations: Katie’s mum Kathleen, Katie and Suri.

Suri feeds the animals.

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Charles checks up on William at work

Most military men would be terrified at the prospect of a royal inspection, but Flight Lieutenant Wales – aka Prince William – was thrilled to welcome his father to his workplace.

Prince Charles flew to the remote Welsh island of Anglesey yesterday to visit his eldest son at work at RAF Valley.

William was delighted to see his father, and took obvious joy in showing him around the base, even taking Charles to inspect his personal locker.

It’s not the first time a royal relative has visited William at work – the Queen and Prince Philip called in to see him in 2011.

Charles and William at RAF Valley.

Prince Charles and his son William.

William was thrilled to spend some time with his father.

Charles inspected a Sea King helicopter, which William flies.

William seemed proud to show his father the aircraft.

William showed Charles his personal locker.

The Queen battled high winds when she visited last year.

William grinned as his grandmother approached.

William and the Queen.

William showed the Queen around a helicopter.

Prince Philip enjoyed seeing William at work.

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