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Therese Rein on entering the Grandma zone

Therese Rein on entering the Grandma zone

Proud grandmother Therese Rein with daughter Jessica and baby Josephine

It’s been a big year for the Rudd family. With Kevin Rudd and Thérèse Rein’s son Nicholas’ wedding in April, and the birth of their first granddaughter to daughter Jessica in May, beaming new grandmother Thérèse struggles to even recall the tough times that befell them earlier in the year.

“When did we take a hit this year?” she says, genuinely puzzled when asked about the family’s change of pace since Kevin unsuccessfully challenged Julia Gillard for the Labor party leadership. The former Prime Minister reminds her, “it was February, darling”.

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In February, as the leadership challenge saw her husband moved to the backbench after he gave up his post as foreign minister, Thérèse was busy preparing for two roles.

The businesswoman and former first lady was to become mother of the groom to Nicholas as wedding plans for him and wife Zara were well underway, and enter “the Grandma zone, the G-Zone”, as Thérèse calls it.

“There are lots of things in life that are enormous sources of joy that nothing takes away from,” she says.

That is just what welcoming granddaughter Josephine Thérèse Tse into the family has been for Thérèse.

She tells The Australian Women’s Weekly about the day she met Josephine just hours after the birth in Brisbane’s Mater Hospital.

“I didn’t know what her name was. I certainly didn’t know they were thinking about using my name, so it was really lovely. [Jessica and I] both burst into tears.”

The family fell in love with baby Josephine at once, but Thérèse says the bond between grandmother and granddaughter was not what she expected.

“There’s this familial connection which is just beautiful, but I don’t feel like I’m going to be responsible for making sure Josephine eats her vegies, you know?

“My role is going to be quite different. It’s both a coaching and support role towards Jess and Albert, and a story telling role … I think [my role] is going to be a kind of believer in this baby,” she says.

Kevin has also eased in to the role of grandfather, which doesn’t surprise to Thérèse at all.

“He loves babies,” she says.

“Blokes are hopeless at describing how they feel about anything,” Kevin says.

“I could say my feeling is one of fun, one of joy seeing how these two are with their new daughter, and one of delight.”

Related: Did Kevin Rudd’s daughter predict his downfall?

The doting grandparents are making the most of living in the baby bubble and spoiling little Josephine rotten before she, Jessica, and new dad Albert move back to Beijing.

“We’ve had a beautiful time with everyone together at home,” Thérèse says. “It’s really special.”

Read more of this story in the August issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly.

Your say: Have you experienced the joy of being a grandparent?

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I’m Craig Thomson’s wife: This is my story

I'm Craig Thomson's wife: This is my story

Craig Thomson's wife Zoe Arnold. Photography by Damian Bennett. Styling by Mattie Cronan.

When politician Craig Thomson was publicly accused of using his union credit card to pay for prostitutes, his wife Zoe Arnold was expecting their first baby.

Three years, a wedding and two children after the first allegations were made, Zoe has written a passionate defence of her beleaguered husband in the August issue of the Australian Women’s Weekly.

“A lot of people have made their minds up about my husband,” she writes. “They see him as a philanderer, a man who’s loose with his money and his morals. I don’t know that man.

“I know a man who brings me a cup of tea every morning in bed. A man who dotes on his daughters. A man who tells me every day how much he loves me, how much he loves our little family.

“One of my favourite quotes is from Michael Leunig: ‘Love one another and you will be happy. It’s as simple and difficult as that.’ I love my husband. This will all end one day and then we will still have each other.”

Zoe says she initially assumed the accusations made against Craig were true, and urged him to confess. She was surprised when he denied any wrongdoing, but has stuck by him ever since.

“I told Craig the day the first story had come out that life would be much easier for us if he confessed to visiting brothels and admitted he had used his work credit card,” Zoe says.

“Craig looked me straight in the eye and said, ‘But I didn’t do it’, a statement he has repeated publicly and privately again and again.

“Don’t get me wrong — I didn’t want the stories to be true. I just knew that if Craig were to protest his innocence, he would have to fight to be heard. Three years on, we are still fighting.”

Read more of this story in the August issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly.

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Have these men failed women readers?

Have newspapers failed women readers?

News Queensland's David Fagan; Australian Financial Review's Michael Stutchbury; News Limited's Campbell Reid; Fairfax's Garry Linnell

News organisations agree they need to do more to attract women readers. The question is — what? Jordan Baker talks to Australia’s leading newspaper publishers and editors.

Garry Linnell, editorial director at Fairfax, admits that newspapers have failed women readers in the past. Until about five years ago, he says, “there was a fairly large hangover from the chauvinistic days”.

John Hartigan, former chief executive of News Limited, agrees. “Publishers have been very concerned [about attracting more women readers] for a long time,” he says.

Declining readership has put Australia’s print media companies under intense pressure. Women don’t read newspapers or news sites as often as men, so for the August issue, The Weekly spoke to senior figures in the industry about how it can attract more female readers.

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They said newspapers and websites needed to be less aggressive, to mix dry reporting with narratives with a greater focus on the human drama behind the story, and, most importantly, promote more women to editorships.

Garry Linnell at Fairfax says attracting more female readers requires stories that reflect women’s lives and interests.

“They don’t want news headlines to be dominated by political spats that are clearly just he-said, she-said spats in the chamber,” he says. “They want more meaningful stories that affect them.”

Women appreciate the art of storytelling, he says. “It requires more of a narrative and story arc. Women identify more with stories about people, which is the essence of our business.” He predicted the return of the serial story, which breaks a long story into chapters published over several days.

Campbell Reid, the group director of editorial at Australia’s biggest newspaper company, News Limited, says women are “incredibly important” to the company: 46 percent of its consumers were women.

“We would like that figure to be higher, of course, and we are working hard to achieve that,” he says in a statement. “The reality is that newspapers do an extraordinary job of reaching women and we believe that women make more valuable life choices and decisions after consuming newspaper content than that from any other media.”

The editorial director of News Queensland, David Fagan, says women are busier than men, and want to spend the little time they have on a quality product. “I think that to be attractive to women is being attractive to men,” he says.

“You have to respect that people have a limited amount of time, you have to tell them things they don’t know, you have to give them insights into things they do know. You have to thrill them, entertain them sometimes.

“I think that women want quality information, they don’t want to be lectured to. We have to make sure we are delivering that up to them.”

At the Australian Financial Review, women make up 28 percent of readers during the week and 36 percent on the weekend. The editor, Michael Stutchbury, says the paper targets senior executives, business leaders and investors. “Most of this audience is male,” he says. “So it is not surprising that our readership is skewed towards men.”

The newspaper is committed to women, he says; it has a weekly Corporate Woman column, has begun a new Enterprising Women column, and recently hosted a 100 Women of Influence award lunch.

“Other than this, we tread carefully when considering women-based events or clubs because some of the feedback in the past has been that women don’t want to be treated differently, they are business people just like men.”

The editor of Sydney’s Daily Telegraph, Paul Whittaker, says more than 50 percent of senior staff at his news conference are women. “We are representative of modern Australia,” he says.

“Perhaps in the past, when women had children, that was the end of their career. We do everything we can to keep women in the workplace.

“I don’t think it will probably be that long before we have female editors of all the major newspapers.”

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Paul says he is careful to ensure that the treatment of stories does not alienate women readers.

“I think the tone [of the newspaper] is very important,” he says. “In terms of all readers, you think about how you display and portray something. A lot of thought goes into the paper every day.”

Read more of this story in the August issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly.

Your say: Are you a newspaper reader? What do you like about newspapers and news sites, and what would you like to change?

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Karise Eden: The troubled past of Australia’s new singing sensation

Karise Eden: the troubled past of Australia's new singing sensation

Karise Eden: Newly crowned winner of The Voice.

From the moment Karise Eden stepped onto the stage and into our living rooms as a contestant on The Voice, she captivated the country — not only with her remarkable talent, but with her compelling back story.

We came to learn that even though she was only 19, her life had already been marred by extended stints in women’s refuges and prolonged estrangement from her family.

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As she stood on stage in the blind auditions and belted out the Janis Joplin classic, ‘It’s A Man’s World”, her ‘foster parents’ — a kindly old couple from the NSW Central Coast — stood in the wings and wept tears of pride.

But weeks later, when she was crowned winner of the TV show juggernaut and proclaimed by her mentor, Seal to be the “new queen of Australian soul” — the foster parents, Auntie Marilyn and Uncle Frank were gone and in their place was the mother and sister we had all believed had no role in her life.

And so people began to ask: what exactly is the Karise Eden story?

In a series of exclusive interviews in the August issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly, Karise’s friends and family explain the troubled childhood that gave rise to the country’s newest singing sensation.

Karise’s relationship with her mother, fears among friends on the NSW Central Coast about her capacity to handle the sudden onset of fame, plus the exact nature of her relationship with ‘foster parents’ Frank and Marilyn and their reaction to being left out of the post-victory proceedings are all revealed.

“The girl has demons that she has to deal with,” says one friend interviewed for the article.

As the singer’s debut album enjoys its fourth week at the top of the music charts, those closest to her provide a revealing account of a young woman with a remarkable talent and a chequered past.

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As one friend puts it: “She’s an amazing young lady who has had to deal with so much in her life and to have come through with such confidence really is a credit to her.”

Read more of this story in the August issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly.

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Down syndrome baby becomes swimwear model

Down syndrome baby becomes swimwear model

Valentina Guerrero modelling for Spanish designer Dolores Cortes.

A 10-month-old girl with Down syndrome is the new face of a designer swimwear campaign.

Valentina Guerrero, from Miami, Florida, made her fashion debut modelling one-piece swimsuits for Spanish designer Dolores Cortes.

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She is the first person with Down syndrome to be chosen to front a major fashion campaign.

“People with Down syndrome are just as beautiful and deserve the same opportunities,” the designer said in a statement. “I’m thrilled to have Valentina modelling for us.”

Valentina appears on the cover of Cortes’ new US catalogue and was the star of the designer’s runway show at Miami Swim Fashion Week on Saturday.

The adorable toddler will also front the label’s 2013 Kids USA campaign, with 10 percent of the collection’s profits being pledged to the Down Syndrome Association of Miami.

Valentina is not the only model with Down syndrome working in the US. Ryan Langston, a six-year-old from New Jersey, appeared in campaigns for US retailers Nordstrom and Target earlier this year.

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The UK also has a budding fashion star with Down syndrome. Natalia Goleniowski, five, has appeared in two ads for children’s labels Frugi and JoJo Maman Bebe.

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Kirstie Alley sued over diet claims

Kirstie Alley is being sued by a woman who claims that the star’s Organic Liaison weight loss program is bogus.

Plaintiff Marina Abramyan has accused the 61-year-old actress of lying about how she dramatically lost 45kg.

Abramyan says that Kirstie’s diet product is not the reason behind her weight loss, but the result of her stint on US Dancing with the Stars and eating an extremely low-kilojoule diet.

Abramyan, who has tried the product and is suing for unspecified damages, says that Kirstie’s weight loss products are simply a lot of calcium and fibre and not a proven weight-loss product.

Kirstie’s camp is yet to comment on the claims.

Kirstie’s before and after shot on her Organic Liaison website.

Before and after! Kirstie Alley has gone from a US size 14 to a size 4!

Kirstie Alley stepped out at New York fashion week.

Kirstie Alley walks the catwalk for designer Zang Toi.

Kirstie Alley during her stint on US Dancing with the Stars.

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Holmes quiet on Cruise in pre-divorce interview

Holmes quiet on Cruise in pre-divorce interview

Katie Holmes after her divorce from Tom Cruise and on the September issue of C magazine.

Just days before she filed for divorce against Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes hinted that their relationship was under strain in a pre-divorce interview.

The 33-year-old star was interviewed for the September issue of C magazine just one day before the big announcement that she was divorcing Cruise after five years of marriage.

Senior editor at the magazine Kelsey McKinnon, who met with Holmes for the interview, says the signs of strain were there.

“Going back over the tapes, there were signs: Holmes was certainly very aware of herself, laying a couple cards on the table but never showing her whole hand,” McKinnon wrote via the Women’s Wear Daily website.

“Most noticeably, the one name decisively absent from her lexicon: Tom Cruise. She never actually refers to him by name over pages and pages of transcription.”

Holmes also seemed to get frustrated when asked about her daughter Suri and whether the six-year-old had brought the pair closer together.

“I don’t know. I mean…I don’t know,” Holmes said. “People have been having babies a long time.”

Since her divorce Katie has been noticeably happier and is now focusing on her own career. She has been cast in a Broadway play and is highly involved in her Holmes & Yang fashion brand.

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Why are British people such bad winners?

Why are British people such bad winners?

England's Matt Prior with the Ashes urn in January 2011.

Here at The Weekly, we love the British. Our love is on show every month, in our coverage of the Royal family, our nod to their stews and pies in our food pages, and in our frequent tributes to the likes of Dame Judi Dench, Helen Mirren and Colin Firth. We even have a British deputy editor.

There’s just one thing that annoys us about our former imperial masters. Australians might be poor losers, but the British are bad winners.

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Whenever the British beat Australia at sport, the crowing is extraordinary. “Isn’t it wonderful to see the Australians on their knees?” asked The Sun, after England’s Ashes victory.

From Giles Coren at the Daily Mail: “It is not so much that we can beat them resoundingly at cricket on their own soil and are set to retain the Ashes without breaking even the semblance of a sweat, as the sad fact that until we took it away from them, cricket was all they had,” he wrote.

The UK will taste unprecedented sporting success over the next month. Bradley Wiggins’ victory in the Tour de France is just a taster for what is likely to be a record medal haul at the Olympics, and one that is certain to top Australia’s.

Host countries always experience a medal spike, firstly because they’re allowed to enter more athletes in more events, and secondly because they pour a bucket-load of extra money into coaching and development.

As a result of this, the London Games are likely to prompt louder, more gleeful gloating than we have ever seen before.

The English don’t have much experience of success at sport, so they don’t wear it well.

They seem blind to the fact that bragging about beating Australia at cricket, for example, is like Kostya Tzu bragging about beating up an eight-year-old kid.

Great Britain invented the game, and has a population three times that of Australia; they should beat us most of the time.

The trumpeting of every victory just highlights their decades of humiliating failure.

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The United Kingdom will beat us at this Olympic Games, and so they bloody well should.

Please Britons, draw on the dignity for which you were once famous and be gracious about it.

Your say: Do you think Britons are bad winner or are Australians just bad losers?

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Will Rebekah Brooks go to jail?

Will Murdoch's protege Rebekah Brooks go to jail?

Rebekah Brooks appearing to give evidence at the Leveson inquiry.

She rose to incredible power from the typing pool, but now Rupert Murdoch’s former right-hand woman, Rebekah Brooks, is facing jail over Britain’s tabloid phone-hacking scandal. Journalist William Langley once worked for Rebekah — now he investigates her spectacular fall from grace.

The hottest ticket in London these days is not for a blockbuster West End show or one of the glittering events being held to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. The place to be is inside Court 73 of the Royal Courts of Justice, where each day a parade of movie stars, moguls, politicians and celebrities arrives to be interrogated under the stern gaze of Lord Justice Leveson.

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We have seen Hugh Grant, Sienna Miller, J.K. Rowling, Tony Blair, Rupert Murdoch and his son, James. These, though, were mere warm-up acts for the appearance of the woman at the heart of a scandal that is threatening to tear apart the world’s greatest media empire.

In tight suits and expensive slingbacks, Rebekah Brooks, an exotically coiffured, socially dexterous, 44-year-old redhead has clattered a path from the office typing pool to become one of the most powerful women in Britain. How she did it has long been a subject of curiosity and is now a matter of criminal investigation.

Around Ms Brooks swirl allegations of “dark arts” and “alchemy”, and her supposed activities and lifestyle are chronicled in the excited, tabloidish fashion in which she herself excelled as editor of two of Britain’s biggest-selling newspapers, The Sun and News of the World.

We have been treated to accounts of her schmoozing with prime ministers and royalty, of the glamorous parties she throws for the rich and powerful, and her own taste for high living.

Here’s Tatler, a glossy society magazine, reporting shortly before Rebekah’s lavish wedding to Old Etonian racehorse trainer Charlie Brooks, “When Charlie wakes up in the mornings at his barn in Oxfordshire, he likes nothing better than to fly to Venice from Oxford airport with his soon-to-be wife, Rebekah, the dazzling redhead editor of The Sun, for lunch at Harry’s Bar. Later in the day, after shopping and sightseeing, the couple fly back to London for dinner …”

Today, Rebekah and Charlie are awaiting trial on charges of perverting the course of justice, an offence for which the maximum penalty is life imprisonment.

Yet these allegations are merely a sidebar to a far wider investigation into possible criminal activity at News International, the British arm of Rupert Murdoch’s global publishing business.

Last July, Rebekah was arrested by police looking into accusations of widescale phone hacking at the now closed News of the World (NoW).

The scandal exploded when it was revealed that someone from NoW had illegally accessed the mobile phone messages of a missing 13-year-old girl, Milly Dowler, who was later found murdered.

Soon the air was thick with claims that hundreds of other people — celebrities, politicians, sportsmen — had also had their phones hacked during Rebekah’s time in charge.

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She denied all knowledge of the hacking, but the denial raised an awkward question: how could the editor of a paper not know where its stories were coming from?

Jet-set jaunts to Venice are not a lifestyle familiar to anyone who grew up in the old Fleet Street of dingy pubs, dodgy deals and backstabbing. Or the kind that 81-year-old Rupert Murdoch, a sentimental admirer of that fading, ink-stained world, would normally approve of.

Rupert likes his journalists to be rough-hewn and schooled in the traditional ways of the trade. Such men and women had served him well all his life.

From one small newspaper in Adelaide, he had built a gigantic global empire and with it an immense personal powerbase. World leaders fawned over him. He was a man with no weaknesses. Except, it seems, one.

Quite how the young Rebekah captured Rupert’s attention is one of the central mysteries of her tale. She first came to work for him in the late 1980s, as a 21-year-old office assistant from Warrington, a down-on-its-luck industrial town near Liverpool.

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Adding a sprinkle of sophistication to her CV was her claim to have studied at the Sorbonne, the celebrated Paris university that had produced such intellectual luminaries as philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre and feminist writer Simone de Beauvoir.

The university’s matriculation office tells me, however, that it has no record of Rebekah having been enrolled there and that no degree was issued in her name. Rebekah’s spokesman, David Wilson, head of a leading London PR agency, declines to elaborate.

It has been suggested she may have taken a short course “under the Sorbonne’s auspices”.

Does it matter? Louise Weir, a childhood friend from Warrington, says Rebekah’s real cleverness lay not in passing exams, but in understanding other people’s emotions. “She’s always been very charming and she’s always been able to get what she wants out of people.”

Her parents — Bob Wade, a one-time tugboat hand, and his wife Debbie — divorced when their only daughter was a teenager.

After leaving school, she landed a job as a secretary on a Warrington-based newspaper, The Post. One early colleague remembers her as being “phosphorescent with ambition”.

London journalist Tim Minogue, who worked with her during a brief stint in Warrington, agrees, “She was very keen, very quickly on to things. She was only a newsroom assistant, but she was always bombarding the desk with ideas. I’ve never met anyone so ambitious.”

The young Rebekah showed her mettle by volunteering to drive 1500km in 48 hours to bring back a crate of “aphrodisiac beer” from France, which the paper wanted to offer to readers as a prize. Not long afterwards, The Post folded and she headed for London.

Her first job, on NoW’s magazine supplement, was writing snippets about soap operas. It wasn’t the kind of thing that would detain her for long.

Soon, she was peppering executives with suggestions for stories, features and interviews. The paper’s senior hands — mostly grizzled veterans of doorsteppings and stake-outs — tended to ignore her, but one who listened was NoW’s youthful editor, Piers Morgan, now a prime-time celebrity interviewer on America’s CNN television network.

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“Piers didn’t really care that she’d never worked a news beat,” says one colleague. “He didn’t have that kind of background himself and he thought it was overrated, anyway. What he liked about Rebekah was that she was full of ideas and she’d do pretty much anything to get on.”

There was another talent that Rebekah possessed. To borrow a description once used about Pamela Harriman, the great American political insider, “You could lead her blindfolded into a crowded room and she would smell out the most powerful man.”

Rebekah’s genius for connecting with men who could assist her career led her inevitably into the presence of Rupert.

No one is quite sure how they first met, but it is likely that Piers did the introductions and from then on the relationship grew to the point that she came to be seen not just as his favourite executive, but as a kind of honorary daughter.

Photographs taken of them leaving London restaurants would show Rupert with his arm protectively thrown around her, a glow of fond indulgence replacing his usual mask of inscrutability. Eventually, he would give her two editorships and make her the chief executive of News International.

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To those less favoured, the rise of the “Red Menace” was difficult to understand. Certainly, she worked relentlessly and had an extraordinary ability to make important contacts, but it was hard, sometimes, to detect the real smarts beneath that unruly cascade of curls.

In the late 1990s, not long after I returned from a lengthy stint in Washington DC, Rebekah approached me in The Sun newsroom, where I was knocking out a column, to ask about the “Zippergate” scandal involving President Bill Clinton and a young intern, Monica Lewinsky, which was convulsing the US.

“I don’t see what all the fuss is about,” said Rebekah. “This kind of stuff happens all the time. Why’s everyone so bothered about it?”

I tried to explain. For years, Clinton had been dogged by allegations of infidelity, including a claim by Gennifer Flowers that they had had a 12-year affair, which almost derailed his presidential campaign in 1992.

When his affair with Lewinsky was exposed in 1998, humiliating his high-profile wife, he had tried to lie his way out of trouble and Washington wasn’t having it.

Rebekah was beginning to look bored. “They didn’t even have proper sex,” she complained. “I don’t get it. Who cares?”

A few weeks later, she phoned, asking for a column about the sleazy excesses of English soccer to be “toned down”. She was charming and faintly apologetic, but argued that the piece might be too strong for the paper’s football-besotted readers.

“We absolutely must have lunch,” she said. “Then we’ll understand each other better.” The lunch never happened. The column didn’t appear again.

Onwards and upwards, Rebekah soared. Not that everything went smoothly for her. In 2002, she married Ross Kemp, a 38-year-old, bullet-headed TV actor who played a hardman role in EastEnders, the hit BBC soap opera.

From this moment, Rebekah entered the celebrity orbit, appearing on Ross’ arm at movie premieres, showbusiness galas and in the royal box at Wimbledon. Her picture began appearing regularly in the glossies.

This kind of exposure would normally rile Rupert, who prefers his executives to be hunched over paper-strewn desks with mugs of lukewarm coffee. Yet he seemed to make an exception for Rebekah.

The showbusiness crowd was less forgiving. Hugh Grant, an arch-critic of Rebekah’s brand of journalism, recalls, “I bumped into her a few times at parties and I always walked straight out again. It used to make me absolutely livid that she was invited to showbusiness dos and would stand there as if she were a respectable human being.”

We can assume Hugh will not be appearing in the planned Hollywood movie about Rebekah’s life.

The marriage to Ross was not a success. In November 2005, following what the police described as “a disturbance” outside the couple’s London home, Rebekah was arrested on suspicion of assault and held for eight hours in a police cell.

Rupert sent her a change of clothes and personally welcomed her back to the office. Sporting a fat lip, Ross gallantly declined to press charges and the matter was dropped.

Yet, within a couple of years, it was all over. Not that Rebekah stayed single for long. Nor was her giddy ascent through the celebrity stratosphere impeded.

In 2008, she met Charlie Brooks, a popular, horse-loving socialite, at a lunch party thrown by Jeremy Clarkson, the Top Gear TV show presenter. Handsome and affable, Charlie, 45, hailed from a different world.

His distinguished family could trace its history back several centuries and, while at Eton, he had become close friends with David Cameron, Britain’s prime minister.

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Thus Rebekah joined what is known as the “Chipping Norton Set” — named after a posh village in Oxfordshire where many wealthy and powerful Londoners keep second homes.

Close to Charlie’s “barn” — a sprawling 17th-century farmhouse — was the country retreat of David and Samantha Cameron.

Near them was Clarkson’s Georgian spread and, just down the road, the magnificent $10 million converted priory occupied by Rupert’s daughter, Elisabeth, and her PR-whizz husband, Matthew Freud.

Rebekah and Charlie would do their weekend shopping at nearby Daylesford, where they were often seen huddled over steaming lattes. They looked happy and friends say they adore each other.

“Rebekah became a lot nicer after Charlie came into her life,” a former colleague at The Sun told me. “I’d see her at parties and she’d do this mock weeping on my shoulder and say, ‘I just want to be a wife and have babies, and get away from all this work’. Okay, she’d probably had a few, but you felt there was some truth in it.”

The whole “Set” turned out on June 13, 2009, for Rebekah and Charlie’s wedding at Sarsden Manor, a stately home on the edge of Chipping Norton.

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Rupert flew in by helicopter. James, who ran the Murdoch family’s European and Asian business interests, arrived by chauffeured limo. Gordon Brown, soon to be ousted by Cameron as Britain’s prime minister, came with his wife, Sarah.

The champagne flowed and the dancing continued late into the night. A month later, Rebekah Brooks (she made a point of taking Charlie’s name) was promoted to the post of CEO at News International (NI). She had reached a position of power no one who had known her in those early days as the office dogsbody could have imagined.

Yet it has been downhill ever since.

In July, The Guardian, a left-leaning British newspaper with a long history of hostility to the

Murdochs, published a story claiming that NI had secretly paid large sums of money to people who claimed their phones had been hacked.

The timebomb was ticking, although it wasn’t until the Milly Dowler revelation that it exploded as a full-blown scandal.

In July last year, NoW was closed down and, a week later, Rebekah resigned. By then, she had been arrested but not charged by a dedicated police squad investigating phone hacking.

In May, she and Charlie were jointly charged with perverting the course of justice, a charge that stemmed from the discovery of a laptop and phone in a rubbish bin near their London flat.

Lord Leveson is not conducting a trial. The hearings at the Law Courts are part of a public inquiry into media ethics and conduct, triggered by the hacking affair.

On May 11, it was Rebekah’s turn to give evidence and her appearance caused a sensation. She wore little make-up, minimal jewellery and a simple, dark blue dress with white pie-crust collar — a look which was deemed to echo that of the accused women in the notorious Salem witch-hunts of 17th century America.

It was described as “Salem show trial chic” and the phrase was later reinforced when Charlie, in an indignant outburst on the steps of his lawyer’s office, claimed that there was, indeed, a “witch-hunt” against his wife.

In her evidence — which, for legal reasons, had to steer clear of the phone hacking allegations — Rebekah went further, suggesting that she was being targeted for being a woman.

“You have put to me gossipy items,” she told inquiry barrister Robert Jay QC. “Did Rupert Murdoch and I swim together? Did Mr Murdoch buy me a suit? The list is endless. I do feel that this is merely a systematic issue and I think a lot of it is gender-based. If I was a grumpy old man of Fleet Street, no one would write the first thing about it.”

In pictures: Stars who have used surrogates

There was some sympathy for this point of view. Brendan O’Neill, editor of Spiked, an online magazine, wrote, “The interrogation of Brooks and the media coverage it received were based on the age-old sexist idea that attractive, conniving women have the power to corrupt an entire political class.”

Earlier this year, Charlie and Rebekah had their first child, a daughter, born by a surrogate mother. It is known that they had been trying to start a family for some time and had unsuccessfully tried IVF.

In a statement, they referred to baby Scarlett Anne as “our beautiful little miracle.” It was impossible not to be pleased for them. Or to feel that more miracles may be needed to get Rebekah’s once-miraculous life back on track.

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Hero dog saves owner’s life twice

Hero dog saves owner’s life twice

A six-year-old pit bull is being hailed as a hero for not just saving his owner’s life once — but twice.

John and Gloria Benton of Lawrenceville in the US have owned the pooch, named Titan, since he was a puppy.

This week Titan was honored by The Humane Society of the United States for his heroism and saving Gloria’s life. He is now second runner up for the society’s 5th Annual Dogs of Valor Awards.

Last year when John was leaving for work, he sent Titan back upstairs to keep Gloria company while she was recovering from back surgery.

But Titan became agitated running back and forth between the couple’s bedroom and front door, which John says, was unusual behavior.

Titan then stood between John and the door. John went back upstairs to find that his wife had suffered an aneurysm and had fractured her skull and immediately took her back to hospital.

“What the doctor said, had it not been for this dog, if he had let me leave that house, she would have either bled to death or the aneurysm would have killed her,” John said.

“And it’s a, like I said, we owe a whole lot to this little rascal. It’s not about the breed but the way they are raised.”

Eight weeks ago, Titan came to Gloria’s rescue again. He woke John up one morning after Gloria took a tumble in the bathroom and fractured her hip.

Gloria has the same admiration and love for the pooch, despite not being too keen on having a pet dog in the house at first.

“He is so special. And you just can’t give him enough love. He loves to be loved on,” she said.

“And to think I was mad at him when my son brought it home five years ago.”

Titan is lapping up his new found stardom and was even asked to be a guest on the Ellen DeGeneres Show, but unfortunately he couldn’t make it.

Video: See Titan in the video player above.

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