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Noisy office

Noisy office

How noisy is your office? Now there’s even more reason to dream about a corner office- provided it’s quiet, that is. A recent study from Cornell University shows that people who work in noisy, open-plan office environments had anything up to 90 per cent higher levels of stress hormone in their systems – and they […]
Fizzy bath bombs
Celebrity News

Fizzy bath bombs

Materials (to make 5-6 bombs) 1 cup bicarbonate of soda 1/2 cup cornflour 1/4 cup citric acid (see note below) Essential oil of your choice Food colouring Soap moulds (from craft stores) Note Both citric acid and bicarbonate of soda are available from baking sections of supermarkets. Method 1 SIFTING Sift bicarbonate of soda, cornflour […]
King of knit parade
Celebrity News

King of knit parade

Measurements: Approx width at bust/chest: 130cm. Approx length (not including waist band): 61.5cm. Approx sleeve length (not including wrist band): 42cm. This is a loose-fitting garment. Materials: 8-ply yarn (50g): Main Colour (MC): 8 balls (black); 1st Contrast (C1): 6 balls (blue); 2nd Contrast (C2): 5 balls (white); 3rd Contrast (C3): 2 balls (red). One […]
Kids’ dress-ups
Celebrity News

Kids’ dress-ups

Whether it’s a rainy day, a pending party or you and your child are looking to use some creative expression, you can’t go past a dress up. This month we help you get a brilliant “troll look” from head to toe. BODY Trolls These spectacular little garbage bag trolls are from the minimum-effort-maximum-effect school of […]

Outsmart your fat genes

If you’ve inherited a sweet tooth or a tendency to put on weight, you can beat your genes by changing your eating habits and lifestyle. By Helen Hawkes. Your mother was pear shaped and so are you. She loved fatty foods and sweets and hated exercise – and so do you. Not surprisingly, she was […]
Eat the five super-foods

Eat the five super-foods

There’s plenty of evidence to show our immune systems may be compromised by lack of nutrients and stress. However, the good news is that many tasty and inexpensive foods are highly protective. Add them to your diet today! Onions and garlic These help boost natural immunity and aid circulation. Red onions are a particularly good […]
Tea builds bones

Tea builds bones

A surprise finding from a recent English study is that drinking between one to six cups of black tea daily improves bone density. Although tea contains caffeine, thought to steal bone, it also has compounds that may mimic the bone-building effect of oestrogen in post-menopausal women.
Stay sane while you drive

Stay sane while you drive

There’s a well-known list of stressors, ranked in order of impact on your health and happiness, which includes illness, moving house, filling out tax forms, going through a divorce, and losing a loved one. Oddly, it doesn’t include driving which, I think, should be right up there with the super-stressors as an unpleasant and uncomfortable […]
Celebrity News

Author interview: Lisa Michaels

In the first of our feature interviews, we profile The Australian Women’s Weekly author of the month, Lisa Michaels, about her book Grand Ambition (Hodder headline $34.95). Q. You are the mother of twin boys, how old are they and do twins run in the family? A. They are the result of fertility drugs and […]