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Do something scary

Do something scary

Short, intense bursts of excitement can actually make you more resilient and able to cope better with prolonged stress and tension. Have a day off work and organise to spend it doing something you’ve always wanted to do – but make it a challenge which makes you just a little bit nervous, something that expands […]
Ladies knitted mesh singlet
Celebrity News

Ladies knitted mesh singlet

MATERIALS: Milford Knitting and Crochet Cotton 4ply (50g balls): 2 (3, 3, 3, 4) balls. One pair each 3.25mm and 3.00mm knitting needles or sizes required to give correct tension. One stitch holder. Note: Yarn quantities are approximate only as they can vary between knitters. Use only the yarn specified for this garment. Other yarns […]
Belinda Alexandra q&a

Belinda Alexandra q&a

Belinda Alexandra’s White Gardenia (HarperCollins), has been selected as the Great Read in the November issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly.(see page 303). Her debut novel is based on the true life story of her Russian mother, who was forced to flee China at the outbreak of WWII and eventually made her way to Australia. […]
Katherine Knight q&a
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Katherine Knight q&a

This month sees the release of a book that tells the shocking, true story of Katherine Knight, the first Australian woman to be sentenced to prison for life. Her crime- the ritual slaying and skinning of her defacto husband, made worse by the fact that she then cooked some of his body parts and served […]
The AWW Great Read
Celebrity News

The AWW Great Read

A few years ago, The Australian Women’s Weekly Book Club was formed to tell book lovers about riveting new books and to introduce more people to the joys of reading. Now that the Book Club is well established, The Australian Women’s Weekly is thrilled to bring you a fantastic new guide that will save readers […]
Ann Packer q&a

Ann Packer q&a

Q & A with Ann Packer, author of The Dive From Clausen’s Pier (Piatkus, $29.95), which has been selected as The AWW Great Read in the October issue. (Turn to the magazine for a discount coupon and save heaps on the Great Read and other books reviewed in The Weekly). The Dive From Clausen’s Pier […]
Cheese on toast
Celebrity News

Cheese on toast

For more than 20 years, publishing legend, Maggie Hamilton, was privy to the secrets of the rich and famous. As Publicity Director at Random House Australia, she met and toured with dozens of eminent authors, including Frederick Forsythe, Nicholas Evans, Joanna Trollope and singer Michael Crawford who was in Australia earlier this year to promote […]
Start as you mean to go on

Start as you mean to go on

Every day presents a new opportunity to feel good about yourself – and how you actually get up and out of bed can profoundly affect the rest of the day. When you wake up, don’t leap out of bed. Lie still, and spend a little time gradually becoming aware of how you feel Stretch, and […]
Sexual healing

Sexual healing

Got a headache? Forget the aspirin – think sexy thoughts instead! Such thoughts can lessen pain, say researchers at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, USA. In the study, students were divided into four groups: one was asked to think of a favourite sex fantasy while they held their hands in ice-cold water for as long […]
Fatty acid news

Fatty acid news

New research confirms that omega-3 fatty acids may help save your heart, and relieve depression. Harvard School of Public Health researchers recently examined records of nearly 85,000 participants in the Nurses’ Health Study and found a 33 per cent drop in heart disease risk among those who took in the most omega-3s by regularly eating […]