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Six natural new year’s resolutions

Six natural new year’s resolutions

Follow these simple steps for a healthier new you. 1. Highlight the positive Instead of focusing on what you want to change, make a list of your good qualities and all the things you are thankful for. 2. Pamper yourself Once a week do something just for you: take a herbal bath, give yourself a […]
Time to get lazy

Time to get lazy

Skip the early morning jog and sleep in, say research scientists at the German University of Fulda. Much like hibernating bears, people live longer if they sleep eight to nine hours a night, take naps and avoid long work hours and extreme exercise, say the researchers. Not that sloth should be your motto, they hasten […]

Virtually pain-free

Made famous amongst Aussie parents by kids who adore going to TimeZone, American psychologist David Patterson, PhD., is now using virtual reality (VR) to distract burn victims from the pain of daily wound care. While having their wounds cleaned, patients wearing VR visors can play in a computerised world where they have a snowball fight […]
Trim your holiday trash

Trim your holiday trash

We throw away 25 per cent more rubbish during the period between Christmas and New Year’s Day than any other time of the year. This extra waste amounts to masses of unnecessary garbage – here are a few waste-reducing ideas: Instead of wrapping gifts for kids, hide the presents unwrapped, and plant clues to where […]
Gilded christmas gourds
Celebrity News

Gilded christmas gourds

Gilding is the magic that can turn plain objects – such as these dried gourds – into gorgeous decorations. Materials: Dried gourds Metal scourer Sandpaper Cloth 2.5cm paint brush Jo Sonja’s artists’ gouache in Indian Red Oxide Jo Sonja Tannin Blocking Sealer (used as an adhesive) Imitation gold leaf Silky scarf Water-based sealer Varnish (water […]
Posie Graeme-Evans q&a

Posie Graeme-Evans q&a

Q & A with Posie Graeme-Evans, author of The Innocent, selected as the Great Read in the December issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly. The Innocent, set in mediaeval Britain, tells the story of a young woman who is caught up in dangerous intrigues within the royal household and falls in love with someone she […]
Christmas woes

Christmas woes

“Blood is thicker than water and it boils quicker” goes the old saying! The truth is, Christmas has never been much fun for those working behind the scenes. All in all, it can be a nerve-wracking experience, even for those who claim to enjoy it. Here’s how to avoid the pitfalls. Lower your expectations Decide […]
Yule survive

Yule survive

Sailing through the season happily is not only about getting your look right and conquering your nerves in public. It’s also about having the confidence to stand your ground when it comes to managing the finer details. For example, are you tired of being the one upon whose shoulders all the organisational responsibility seems to […]
Family home designs

Family home designs

In a real family home with real kids, no room is sacred. It’s a myth that you can contain them and their gear and continue life as carefree grown-ups. It simply will not happen. The trade-off, however, is that a home without them would be less vibrant. It would lack the spontaneity and excitement that […]
The real reason we’re fat

The real reason we’re fat

Mealtimes should be a perfect time for contemplation and relaxation. Unfortunately, we often gobble down our food in cars, in front of the TV and on the go- rarely stopping to truly taste and appreciate it. When we eat like this, the experience doesn’t register in our brains, says dietician Evelyn Tribole, and the result […]