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Book gossip: Feb 2003

Stranger than fiction… get the scoop on the happenings of the book world! It isn’t easy being the son of someone famous. And it’s even harder if you choose a career in the same field. Thomas Steinbeck, son of John, who has made a living writing screenplays and teleplays, has waited until his mid-50s to […]
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February 2003 book reviews

A Presumption of Death by Jill Paton Walsh and Dorothy L. Sayers, Hodder Headline, $29.95. While Harriet Vane’s husband, Lord Peter Wimsey, is aboard on hugely hush-hush business at the beginning of World War II, she takes their children to the safety of Tallboys, their country home. But as villagers emerge from the inn cellars […]
Q&a: Cassandra King

Q&a: Cassandra King

Cassandra King is author of The Sunday Wife, selected as The Great Read in the February issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly. The plot centres on the beautiful and talented Dean, who tries hard to live up to the expectations of her odious preacher husband and his congregation. It’s an involving, emotional and intelligent read […]
Choosing your attitude

Choosing your attitude

Yes, choose! We have little control over many stressful events and the bigger the event, the smaller we may feel by comparison. For example, when we hear about famine in Africa, we may feel overwhelmed by the sheer scale of the problem. Very few of us, however, would refuse to give food to a hungry […]
Five great ways to simplify

Five great ways to simplify

Feeling overwhelmed? Here are five easy ways to streamline your life, find more time and feel less stressed. 1. Have a clean-out. According to feng shui, the Chinese art of placement, the clutter in your home correlates with parts of your life that need attention. Key spots include your entrance, which represents how you approach […]
Prostate cancer

Prostate cancer

A promising remedy for prostate cancer? Science has good news for men. A recent study, published in The Journal of Urology, shows that a supplement containing the herbs saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) and reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) slows the growth of prostate cancer. The study tested the effects of the herbs on 69 men with prostate […]


From The Australian Women’s Weekly Health Series Stress: How to Cope with Pressure. Click Here to buy to the book! Gender thinking For whatever reason – whether by nature or conditioning – men and women tend to think in very different ways. These differences can generate enormous tension and stress. This may be reduced if […]
Teddy bed
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Teddy bed

A cute teddy-bed sleeping bag is perfect for sleepovers! DIAGRAMS: Teddy Grid Mattress Pocket, Cover Lining and Pillow Pocket Back and Cover MATERIALS: 3.1m x 150cm cotton or woollen fabric 30cm x 40cm fur fabric 30cm x 40cm press-on interfacing 108cm x 75cm polyester padding sewing thread 4 press studs 104cm x 65cm rubber or […]
Q&a: Lee Smith

Q&a: Lee Smith

Lee Smith is the author of The Last Girls, selected as the Great Read in the January issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly. The story centres on a group of old college friends who, in 1965, inspired by Huckleberry Finn, sailed a homemade raft down the Mississippi River. Thirty-four years later, they reunite to sail […]
Get rid of glue
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Extract: the last girls

We hope you enjoy this extract from our Great Read for January: The Last Girls, by Lee Smith (Hodder). Look out for this, and other books bearing the ‘Great Read’ sticker in your local bookshop. *Mile 736 Memphis, Tennessee Friday 5/7/99 1645 hours* Harriet thinks it was William Faulkner who said that Mississippi begins in […]