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Nutrition iq answers

1c: Kale has 80 mg a cup, while a medium orange has 70 mg and a medium sweet potato has 28 mg. 2c: They both do, but monounsaturated oils - found in olive oil, almonds and avocado - have the...
Herbs and surgery

Herbs and surgery

Herbs and Surgery Don’t Mix. Many common healing herbs – like ginseng and St John’s wort – can increase your chance of problems during or after surgery, says the American Society of Anesthesiologists. Herbal remedies affect how your body reacts when you undergo surgery. For instance, both ginkgo and feverfew can interfere with the blood-clotting […]
Bath bliss

Bath bliss

If you use essential oils in your bath, add them just before entering so their delicate healing properties won’t evaporate in the steam before you get in the tub. Oh, and swoosh the water to disperse the drops thoroughly so there are no ‘hot spots’ of oil.
What is an eating disorder?

What is an eating disorder?

From The Australian Women’s Weekly Health Series Eating Disorders book. Click here to buy the book. As the names indicate, eating or dieting disorders involve a struggle with eating and unreasonable dieting – strictly limiting the amount and types of food eaten, “losing control” and eating too much, or having to get rid of the […]


From The Australian Women’s Weekly Home Library Series, Headaches: Relief at Last, A$12.95. Buy the book here. A headache is a fact of life for countless people every day, but that doesn’t mean that it need be endured in silence. This up-to-date guide explains the causes of most common problems, from tension headaches to migraines, […]
Quick stress busters

Quick stress busters

Stress can harm your heart and compromise your immune system, resulting in a lowered resistance to infection. Try these three quick tips to beat stress and bring instant calm. 1. Shrug Your Shoulders This releases tension held in your neck and back. Slowly and deliberately raise your shoulders as close to your ears as you […]
Soy for diabetics

Soy for diabetics

As if helping to lower cholesterol and relieving some menopausal symptoms isn’t enough good news, soy may soon have a new health claim to make. In a small study conducted at Hull University in England, researchers tested the effect of soy supplements on diabetic women. For 12 weeks, one group of the women ate meals […]