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Q&a: Jeana Vithoulas

Q&a: Jeana Vithoulas

Here is the full transcript of our interview with Jeana Vithoulas, author of the September Great Read, Love Begins with an A. **Q You’ve done a lot of jobs, worked as a union official, an interpreter, university tutor – were you always going to be a writer? A** Yes, I was always going to write […]
Pongy garbage bins

Pongy garbage bins

Prevent horrible smells in your bins by sprinkling 1/4 cup each of borax (a natural mineral found in the laundry aisle) and bicarbonate of soda into the bottom of the empty...
Celebrity News

A habit of obedience

The funeral is not a problem. Maureen simply reacts to other peoples’ distress, which is just another form of obedience after all. Tea and biscuits later is a little harder to manage. A smile insists on creeping into her mind, so she keeps her eyes lowered and speaks only in monosyllables. No one notices. They […]
Too sad to sleep?

Too sad to sleep?

From The Australian Women’s Weekly Insomnia, How to sleep easy health book. One of the most common causes of insomnia is anxiety. The relationship between anxiety and insomnia is a relatively simple one. Anxiety produces increased alertness. However, your alertness level must be low for sleep to occur for any number of reasons. Depression is […]

Is snacking dangerous?

Snacking may seem like a sensible way to keep your energy levels up, but all-day grazing can put you at increased risk for type II diabetes, stroke and heart disease, say researchers from the Hannah...
Caring for the aged

Caring for the aged

Many Australians, at some time in their life, will need to access aged care services – if not for themselves, for their spouse, parents, children, relatives or friends. Through Commonwealth, State and Local government departments and a large number of community organisations, there is a wide range of services and support available – you just […]
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Make new friends

The more diverse your circle of friends, the healthier you’ll be. Here are some ‘natural’ ideas on how to connect with others. Put your hand up: Besides introducing you to new people, putting yourself forward for charity or volunteer work makes you feel better about yourself. Open your mind: Fancy making a vegetarian lasagna? Learning […]