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Sun spots and pigmentation

Question I’m in my 40s and my skin is quite sun-damaged, with bad sun spots and pigmentation. What’s the most effective treatment? Erin, via email Answer Pigmentation and sun damage are closely related, but the good news is that both conditions can be reversed. Kaye Scott, director of The Clinic, in Sydney, says, “Intense pulsed […]
neck skin

Saggy skin

Question The skin on my neck is getting crepey and is not as firm as it used to be. Is there anything I can do to tone it up? Anne via email Answer Oil glands are scarce around the neck area, so the skin is very fragile and, according to Judith Korner of Madame Korner […]
sports drink

Drink to your sport

Sports drinks have swamped the market in recent years and some people see them as just another class of soft drink. However, they are more than a beverage to quench your thirst. They evolved straight from the sport science laboratory, the athlete’s kit bag and team locker rooms. In fact, Gatorade was named after the […]
graceful upper body

Graceful upper body

Much of the activity required to support functional posture occurs at the deepest level of skeletal muscle in a process that we rarely notice. But it is the carriage of the upper back, head and arms that conveys a distinctively attractive posture. This is the area of the body that clearly demonstrates grace and poise. […]

Spinal roll down sitting on chair

This exercise is designed to articulate and create and awareness of the spine through flexion. Align your bones sitting on a chair with your hands beside your knees as shown in the photograph. Take your chin down towards your throat and begin to roll down through the spine allowing the arms to slide down the […]
What to plant in September

What to plant in September

Frost-free climates Plants for beauty: Seeds or seedlings of ageratum, alyssum, amaranthus, carnations, celosia, coleus, cosmos, dichondra, echinops, erigeron, gaillardia, gazania, gloxinia, gourds, hymenosporum, impatiens, nasturtiums, phlox, salvia. Very hot and dry gardens: move a shade cloth to cover veggie and flower gardens now to shelter them from the worst of the heat, pull out […]

Alcohol counts

For general health, in Australia, it is recommended that adults, if they enjoy alcohol, take care to limit their average daily intake. The guidelines are for no more than four standard drinks a day on average for men and no more than two standard drinks a day on average for women. Plus you should aim […]

Five ways to protect your eyes

Foods, vitamins and supplements all help keep your eyes healthy. Try these ideas: 1 Eat colourfully Bright red tomatoes and capsicum provide vitamin C, which is linked with lowered cataract risk. Carrots and other orange vegetables are rich in beta-carotene, which protects against age-related macular degeneration(AMD). 2 Go fish Cold-water fish like salmon and tuna […]

When there’s a niggle

What do you do when your excuses not to exercise are coming fast and furiously this winter, and suddenly there's a legitimate niggle that may stop you in your tracks?
pelvic floor exercises

Efficient abdominals

Most people associate rippling abs with an athletic physique but it's possible to have an impressive outer definition with no dynamic stability.