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Top techniques for do-anywhere exercises

No matter if you’re at home, work or travelling, it’s pretty easy to find a desk and a chair and a few minutes to squeeze in these body firming exercises. Let us show you how with the right technique. Smart chair squats Pretend to sit down on a chair and just before sitting down stand […]
lengthen and release

Lengthen and release

Keep your pelvis, lower back and hips healthy with daily hamstring stretches, especially if you spend much of your working day sitting. Try this intermediate hamstring stretch in the kneeling position. Kneel upright behind the back of a chair, about an arm’s length away. Place your hands on the back of the chair. Find a […]

Planting and feeding roses

When to plant your roses Now — spring to early summer. Because most roses bloom most magnificently in spring, so you can see them in bloom to choose which one you want to buy. Winter is the time to buy bare root roses, ones that have been dug out of the ground when they are […]

Why roses may fail to bloom abundantly

Shade Roses won’t bloom in dense shade. Check they haven’t been overgrown by a tree or shrub. Roses grown against the house wall may be shaded by the eaves as they grow taller. Prune them lower or cut away vegetation around them. Starvation If the flowers are small or lose their petals after a day […]
Diet & Nutrition

Super foods — part 1

One way to help assess the nutritional merits of a diet or eating plan, is to check out the number of super foods it contains. Super foods are better than others for your health. They can extend your “health span”, prevent disease and may even reverse the effects of aging. So, if you’re dieting, make […]
Be happy without being perfect

Five easy facial exercises

If exercise can firm up your body, it stands to reason that it can also firm up your face. Try this workout to delay signs of ageing. Facial exercises need not take long, just 10 minutes daily will show results, improving circulation and skin tone. Use a small amount of a good moisturiser or a […]
for the feet

For the feet

This exercise helps release tension from the bottom of your feet and is excellent if you spend a great deal of time in high-heeled shoes.

Spring fresh skin

Question After the winter months, my skin always looks so dull and dry. How can I freshen it up for spring? L. Davis, Croydon, NSW. Answer We spoke to dermatologist Karen Grossman, who suggests starting with a comprehensive skincare regimen. “Make sure you use a mild cleanser, followed with topical anti-oxidants and sunscreen every morning. […]

Choosing the right eyeshadow

Question: Do I have wear eyeshadow that matches my eye colour? S. Lucas, Newmarket, Qld. Answer: Thank goodness the days when accessorising meant matching your bag to your shoes are long gone and the same applies to make-up. Forget co-ordinating lip and nail shades! Kent Vaughan, international make-up artist for Estée Lauder, says, “I like […]