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Benefits of buttermilk

Benefits of buttermilk

Question What is buttermilk and how do you use it? Carolyn Axelsen, via email Answer The name buttermilk was originally the term given to the slightly sour liquid left after butter was churned from cream. Today, buttermilk is intentionally made from no-fat or low-fat milk to which specific bacterial cultures have been added during the […]
All about galangal

All about galangal

Question I have been hearing about a root called galangal, similar to ginger root I think. Would you mind telling me how it is pronounced, if it tastes like ginger, if it’s used like ginger and if I can grow it in a pot. J Madden, Mudgeeraba, QLD Answer Also known as Ka, Thai or […]
woman eating
Diet & Nutrition

Celebrity diets under the microscope — part 2

If one of your resolutions is to get into shape, here’s part two of our review of the latest diet and food fads. Low-carbs foods There are many new products on the supermarket shelves labeled ‘low-carb’ but, unlike terms like ‘low-fat’, it’s interesting to note that there is no formal standard on what a low-carb […]
fish dish

Dine with an athlete

Now that the Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games are upon us we’re bound to see a sudden surge in athletic pursuits. There’s nothing like watching 4,500 elite athletes to drive your motivation to get moving. Kids especially get in on the act and suddenly want to throw a cricket ball, shot put or hop, skip and […]

Chocolate facial

Lavish your skin with this indulgent do-it-yourself chocolate facial. It’s a luscious treat for your skin and is suitable for all skin types. The cocoa in chocolate is a source of antioxidants that have a toning effect on your skin; the honey has humectant properties (meaning it helps your skin retain moisture) while the yogurt […]

Weak, flaky nails

Question My nails have become weak and flaky. I have recently started swimming and was wondering if it’s related to chlorine or other chemicals in the pool? Is there any way I can protect my nails so they will once again grow long and strong? Jacci, via email. Answer Nails are normally highly flexible and […]

Eliminating blackheads

Question How can I get rid of blackheads and stop my pores filling up with what causes them to form? Jane Markby, Glen Waverley, VIC. Answer “Blackheads are composed mainly of a mixture of sebum [the skin’s natural oil] and dead skin cells, which have oxidised at the surface of a follicle,” Emma Hobson, from […]
violet shampoo

Caring for grey hair

Question: I suddenly have a whole head of grey hair! What’s the best way to look after it? Sangetta, via email. Answer: Grey hair happens when the hair follicles stop producing melanin, the substance that gives colour to our hair. As we age, melanin production decreases, hence the increase in the appearance of grey hairs. […]
Celebrity News

Age brilliantly

Seven successful Australian women aged from their 30s to their 60s share their style and beauty secrets, and reveal what makes a woman fabulous. What makes a woman fabulous? If you knew the answer and could bottle it, you’d make a mint. Some women seem to have an intrinsic supply of it and yet, if […]
Anybody out there
Celebrity News

Anybody out there?

Exclusive extract from Anybody out there? By Marian Keyes. I used to dream of a white wedding. The kind of dream where you jerk awake in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat, your head pounding. A dream in the worst nightmare kind of way. I could see it all. The months of bickering […]