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Jeans for petites

Question I’m quite short and thin and everytime I try on a pair of jeans (even skinny leg) they’re always very loose and baggy around my bum and legs. Generally I’m a size 7-8, depending on brands. Where do I start? Madeline, via e-mail Answer Look for jeans made from a stretch denim to ensure […]

Motivational music: Does the right groove really help you move?

Visit any local running route or gym and you’ll see people exercising with the help of little white gadgets. The rise in the popularity of super-slim iPods has seen more and more people turn to their favourite tunes as a way to boost their moves. What fantastic technology to be able to have all your […]

Get organised: seven ideas to save you time and energy

Set your alarm 10 minutes earlier Even if you don’t have a last-minute emergency, you’ll be more relaxed if you know the extra time is there. Settle for 75 percent Perfectionism is a recipe for exhaustion. Tell yourself you’ll be happy if you achieve near perfect ‘scores’ in your mind for activities — 75 percent […]
The Shifting Fog
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The Shifting Fog

Exclusive extract from The Shifting Fog (Allen & Unwin) by Kate Morton. The week passed quickly. With so many extra people in the house I was kept busy making up rooms, carrying tea trays, laying out luncheons. This pleased me well as I was not shy of hard work — Mother had made sure of […]
Celebrity News

The Jungle Queen

**Dr Jane Goodall is touring Australia from July 12 to 24 to promote the projects of the Jane Goodall Institute, in particular her environment youth venture, Roots and Shoots. ** For additional national tour info, see www.janegoodall.org and www.rootsandshoots.org, or contact Dr Alicia Kennedy at [email protected] or 0439 094 379. Public events schedule Wednesday, July […]
Tracy’s anguish
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Tracy’s anguish

Sometimes, the difference between joy and sorrow is only a slender thread. For Tracy Grimshaw, seeing Tasmanian miners Todd Russell and Brant Webb emerge from the Beaconsfield gold mine after 14 days entombed a kilometre beneath the surface was almost too much. Standing beside Australian Worker’s Union (AWU) boss Bill Shorten, she watched, mesmerised, as […]
Once upon a day
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Once Upon a Day

Exclusive extract from Once upon a day (Allen & Unwin) by Lisa Tucker, the Great Read in the June issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly. Stephen Spaulding was very happy, and you can’t say that about most people. He hadn’t sought happiness, but he recognized it. This was his gift: to know what he had. […]

Oats to the rescue: a favourite winter breakfast

A steaming bowl of porridge with a drizzle of honey or golden syrup is the perfect way to warm up on a winter’s morning. Not only will it get your body in gear to face the cold, wholegrain oats also contain a whole host of nutrition benefits. Let’s take a closer look: Take heart Beta-glucan, […]
Chocolate truffles

Is chocolate really the perfect lift-me-up?

Most of us love chocolate for the smooth, creamy texture and treat it as an indulgent pleasure, and although chocolate is well renowned for its feel-good factor, there’s some debate as to whether chocolate really is the best food to improve your mood. Welcome to the pleasure dome Chocolate has been popularly claimed to act […]

5 surprising ways to drop a dress size

Even the biggest losers reach a weight loss plateau. These tricks will help you shift those last few kilos. Pump protein A Baylor University study found that women on a short-term high protein diet lost 1.3 kg more body fat than those on a more conventional carbohydrate plan. Protein preserves muscle mass, which elevates metabolism […]