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Rainproof yourself

Question I’m desperately looking for a fitted, single-breasted rain or trench coat that’s showerproof. Where can I find one? Heather, via e-mail Answer Many fashion labels are including the trenchcoat in their latest collection as it continues to be a fashion classic and a winter wardrobe must have. But just because it looks good on […]
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The perfect winter wardrobe

What are the fashion must-haves this winter? Answer Here’s a list of everything you must add to your wardrobe this season: Trench coat Long cardigan Round-toe boots A long-sleeved print dress Jeans Tailored blazer Full skirt (to wear with your boots) Happy shopping! The AWW Fashion Team

Strengthen your nails

Question My nails always grow to a certain length and then break. What can I do to help them grow? Yessar, via e-mail Answer Manicurist Christina Fitzgerald says that it is possible to grow your nails past their regular breaking point with a little tender love and care. Here are her tips for healthy nails: […]
Metallic make-up

Make-up for sensitive skin

Question: I’m starting a job that requires I wear make-up, but my skin is really sensitive — I get puffy eyes from eyeshadow and itchy lips from lipstick. Can you suggest make-up I can use? Suzanne, Ryde, NSW Answer: Mineral make-up would be ideal for your skin. It’s made from pure minerals such as mica, […]

Banish dandruff

Question: My hair is very oily and I have a flaky scalp. How can I stop this? Liliana, Auburn, NSW Answer: This sounds like a classic case of dandruff and, although you can’t completely cure it, you can keep it under control. Researchers now think dandruff may be caused by a yeast-like fungus called malassezia. […]
Celebrity News

Liz Hayes at 50

For some, turning 50 is a sobering milestone, but respected 60 Minutes journalist Liz Hayes tells The Australian Women’s Weekly she’s unfazed by it—and comfortable with who she is. Liz Hayes is so much at ease in front of the television camera you might say she was born to it. And, in many ways, you […]
Three Bags Full
Celebrity News

Three Bags Full

An exclusive extract from Three Bags Full(Doubleday) by Leonie Swann. ‘He was healthy yesterday,’ said Maude. Her ears twitched nervously. ‘That doesn’t mean anything,’ pointed out Sir Ritchfield, the oldest ram in the flock. ‘He didn’t die of an illness. Spades are not an illness.’ The shepherd was lying in the green Irish grass beside […]
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Formal accessories

Question I’ve bought a strappy black dress with white spots and a big black bow at the front for a formal I’m attending in two weeks. What accessories should I match with it? Madeleine, via email Answer Your choice sounds fabulous—very classic chic. Try to keep the accessories simple and black. Match a pair of […]

Motivational music: Does the right groove really help you move?

Visit any local running route or gym and you'll see people exercising with the help of little white gadgets. The rise in the popularity of super-slim iPods has seen more and more people turn to their favourite tunes as a way to boost their moves. What fantastic technology to be able to have all your best workout tracks ready at the click of a wheel? But what is research showing about music as an exercise aid? And what should you consider to help get in the groove?