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Energy-saving lighting

A cleaner, greener home

Want to make your home more environmentally friendly? Here are our top 10 tips for energy-efficiency. Check your insulation Proper insulation will keep you warmer in winter and cooler in summer. Choose biodegradable cellulose or wool instead of fibreglass or polyester. In winter, place draught strips around doors and hang close-fitting curtains over windows. Install […]
Can marriage make you healthier?

Married or single: who’s healthier?

According to the latest research, getting hitched improves your physical and mental health — if you’re a man, that is. In a study from the University of California which was published in the journal Cancer, researchers found that, compared with single guys, married men described themselves as enjoying better psychological and physical health and being […]
Professor Kerryn Phelps

Ask Dr Kerryn Phelps

This month, we’re launching a new service, in partnership with our medical expert Professor Kerryn Phelps, called Ueathealthy. Developed by Kerryn and her partner, Jackie Stricker, Ueathealthy is an online health food store catering to those suffering from food allergies, such as Coeliac disease, wheat intolerance and diabetes. It offers a range of healthy products, […]
Bindi with a baby croc
Celebrity News

Bindi, Jungle Girl: Crocodiles

If you’ve always wanted to know more about animals, Bindi Irwin is the little girl to ask. Each month, Bindi will write about a different animal and answer readers’ questions in the magazine. In May, Bindi tells you all about the crocodilian family and how keen she is to help them survive. Pick up a […]
Terri, Bindi and Robert Irwin
Celebrity News

Terri Irwin’s Mother’s Day makeover

Facing her first Mother’s Day without her husband, Steve, by her side, a still grieving Terri Irwin opens her heart to Michael Sheather and enjoys being made a fuss of when The Weekly gives her a glamorous makeover. Photography by Graham Shearer. Styling by Jane de Teliga. For Terri Irwin, every day is a struggle. […]
<i>The Scandal of the Season</i>
Celebrity News

*The Scandal of the Season*

EExclusive extract from The Scandal of the Season (Random House Australia) by Sophie Gee. Arabella Fermor was looking at herself in the glass, considering on which side of her cheek the morning’s beauty patch should be placed. She stepped back so that Betty, her maid, could tighten the robings on her stays. Arabella’s lapdog, Shock, […]
What do I do with a tagine?

What do I do with a tagine?

Question I was given a tagine as a present from my daughter and am a bit nervous about cooking on my stove top. Can I put it in the oven? Answer Tagine is the Moroccan word that refers to both the conical earthenware vessel and the food prepared in it. The tagine is used for […]
Calcium-sapping soda

Curb those colas for stronger bones

With one in four women and one in six men estimated to suffer an osteoporotic fracture later in life, it’s no surprise that there’s quite a bit of research focusing on this major disease. When it comes to osteoporosis prevention, we all know that calcium counts. And these days research is targeting not only how […]
Healthy yogurt

Eat your whey to a buff body

There seems to be no end to the power of daily dairy in your diet. Milk, cheese and yogurt have been shown to offer a range of health benefits — from osteoporosis prevention to helping you lose more fat on a weight-loss plan — but the latest news has got the fitness industry grinning. Whey […]
Chicken soup

7 ways not to get a cold this winter

Whether you succumb to a virus or fight it off depends on how strong your immune system is. Here’s how you can improve your odds. Exercise Exercise increases the circulation of lymph (fluid providing oxygen and nutrients to cells), macrophages (cells which eat invading germs), and T-cell lymphocytes (which produce antibodies that kill viruses). Relax […]