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Music can help the healing process

Beat anxiety naturally

Tapping into the power of guided imagery can reduce blood pressure, ease anxiety and more. The theory is, in terms of brain activity, that there isn’t much difference between imagining something and actually experiencing it. Brain scans prove that visualising something — sucking on a lemon, for example — triggers activity in the visual cortex, […]
Paprika, one of the ingredients in ras el hanout

Which spice is which?

Question There are so many different spices available in supermarkets today — I’ve got no idea what some of them are! I would love to try a couple out — could you please tell me a bit about sumac and ras el hanout? Answer With a name that loosely translates as “top of the shop”, […]
Feeling younger
Diet & Nutrition

Seven ways to feel younger — today!

You can probably recite the obvious habits for good health by heart — don’t smoke, cut down on alcohol and so on. But did you know that singing and cold showers also put time on your side? Try these fun and easy tips today. Be a clown Children are fearless, but as adults we can […]
Deborah Thomas celebrates 20 years at ACP
Celebrity News

Deborah Thomas celebrates 20 years at ACP

In celebration of Deborah Thomas’ 20 years at Australian Consolidated Press, she talks to www.aww.com.au about the highlights of her stellar career. Q. Most memorable interview? A. Russell Crowe for Cleo magazine. He gave me such a hard time. **Q. Favourite celebrity of all time? A.** Nicole Kidman because she’s always so gracious and professional. […]
The Stefanovic's model their knits
Celebrity News

The Stefanovic family’s fabulous knits

Follow our patterns to create the five gorgeous garments worn by TV host Karl Stefanovic and his family [pictured, left to right: Karl, Ava, Jackson, Cassandra, River]. Abbreviations alt = alternate; beg = begin, beginning; cm = centimetres; cont = continue; dec = decrease, decreasing; foll = follows, following; inc = increase, increasing; K = […]
Jeanne from Revlon works her makeover magic
Celebrity News

May on the Road Train

Look out for the Road Train this month as we visit towns in Tasmania, Victoria and South Australia. Capital day On Sunday, March 11, we joined the Celebrate Canberra Festival to say “Happy Birthday!” to our nation’s capital. Highlights included Test Kitchen Director Pamela Clark’s impressive recipes and a fashion parade featuring the latest looks […]
Candy cravings

Coping with treat cravings in winter

Do you find yourself craving comfort foods, especially sweet treats such as puddings, desserts and hot chocolate, in the colder winter months? While there’s no need to deprive yourself completely of enjoyable foods, you need a smart strategy to get through winter without any unwanted baggage. Here are some tips: Control those portions Sorry to […]
Milk, a great calcium builder

Lifestyle tips to beat osteoporosis

Bone up on calcium The key to healthy bone habits is to ensure you’re getting your daily requirements of bone-building nutrients such as calcium. Most adults need 1000mg of calcium each day (roughly three to four dairy serves), with an additional 300mg for men over 70, women post-menopause and adolescents having growth spurts. Dairy products […]
Walking, a great way to keep fit

Walk those sneezes away

We all know that regular physical activity has a long list of benefits — enhanced flexibility, strength and energy levels, healthy weight management, improved blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels, better sleep patterns and decreased risk of lifestyle diseases. While researchers have always believed that fit people are also well people, there was little […]