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Fit in fitness this Christmas

This month we asked sports medicine expert Dr George Janko, McKinnon Sports Medicine for his team’s top lifestyle and fitness tips for surviving this silly season. Increase that training – whatever it may be. Let’s up the ante! Push harder, faster, stronger, and longer! Do something each day even if only a brisk walk. Remember […]
We remember Steve Irwin
Celebrity News

We remember Steve Irwin

One year on from his tragic death on September 4, 2006, we remember Steve Irwin — a great Australian. Larrikin, conservationist, snake wrangler, croc hunter, TV star, husband and dad. Steve Irwin was all of these. He may have been born in the suburbs of Melbourne, but his heart was firmly in the wild. And, […]
Deb Thomas practises her cricket swing in Darwin
Celebrity News

September on the road with The Weekly

Catch up with the fun of the road train as it heads down the coast from Far North Queensland to visit regional centres along the way. Royal Darwin welcome We celebrated our arrival in the Top End with a stop at the Royal Darwin Show on Friday, July 27. Fun abounded with Today show weatherman, […]
Broken by Ilsa Evans
Celebrity News


Exclusive extract from Broken (Macmillan Australia) by Ilsa Evans , the Great Read in the September 2007 issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly. She’d worn white to her wedding. Huge clouds of frosted white that billowed around her in the wind like fairytale snow. Against her waist she held a bouquet of milky roses that […]
The skinny on summer sweets

The skinny on summer sweets

Everyone loves an ice-cream in the hotter months. The key to keeping in shape is to tweak your daily eating and exercise habits to allow for these yummy extras — not miss out altogether! The good news is that with the warmer weather over spring and summer you’re more likely to be active outdoors at […]
Drink tea, it might help your cholesterol levels

Seven ways to lower your cholesterol

High cholesterol levels pose a grave danger to your heart. The good news is that these seven easy — and inexpensive — natural methods are very effective at cutting cholesterol. Swap spreads Studies show that plant sterols lower total cholesterol levels by six percent and LDL (‘bad’) cholesterol by up to 14 percent. They’re found […]
Ginseng, cancer fighter

Ginseng, cancer fighter

Ginseng has long been revered as a whole-body tonic, and it has a well-deserved reputation as a restorative for use during convalescence as well as helping boost immune function and beat stress. However, new research from Nashville’s Vanderbilt University, reported in the American Journal of Epidemiology, indicates it may have another very important benefit — […]
Be happy without being perfect

Seeing the real you!

A recent report from the Australian Bureau of Statistics is highlighting a new trend in overweight and obesity — many people who are overweight do not perceive themselves that way. It may be that we are so used to seeing larger people, especially on reality TV shows, that carrying a few extra kilos doesn’t seem […]
Can you pinch an inch?

Can you pinch an inch?

While your waist measurement, also known as waist circumference, is a simple measure of your changing shape, it is not the be all and end all of body composition. A better approach if you’re looking to trim down and reduce body fat stores is skinfolds.
Tips for wearing scarves

Tips for wearing scarves

Scarves are a perfect way to brighten up any outfit you have and will allow you to be adventurous with colour while still being workplace appropriate. Wearing a scarf around you neck is such a classicly stylish look, that you really shouldn’t worry about it being dated. A scarf tied around the handle of your […]