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Walking the dog

If you're looking for a great way to kick start your New Year fitness resolution – get a dog! Seriously, there is very positive research linking having a pet and fitness levels.
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Walking the dog

If you’re looking for a great way to kick start your New Year fitness resolution – get a dog! Seriously, there is very positive research linking having a pet and fitness levels. Let’s take a look: Science support A 12 month study has demonstrated that exercising with pets not only benefits the pet but also […]
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Tough Love with Palms

Palms are tough. I once saw a photo of part of Hawaii after a tsunami had passed over it. Only the palms were still standing! Most palms grow fast, too. Some accept any amount of tropical heat; others adore the cold. Some need water, and some accept years of drought. In other words, there’s a […]
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Start the year off right! Lose 5 kilos by February 1st

It’s awfully easy to put on that extra five kilos over Christmas, but you can lose them just as easily with these 10 foolproof tips. Try some — or all of these small changes to reach a healthy weight, without feeling deprived. 1. Have fibre first up Breakfasting on fibre-dense multigrain toast or wholegrain cereal […]
Photography by Petrina Tislay
Celebrity News

60 seconds with Bill Granger

Leading food writer, chef and restaurant owner extraordinaire, Bill Granger, talks to The Weekly about his new book Holiday in our 60 second celebrity grill! Your new cookbook, Holiday, is filled with lots of fuss-free recipes. Do you think most Australians are too busy to spend hours over a hot stove? Absolutely, although hours over […]
Bindi, the Jungle Girl: Tigers
Celebrity News

Bindi, the Jungle Girl: Echindas

Pick up a copy of the December issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly to read more about this endangered species of tiger and see below for information on how to ask Bindi your most pressing wildlife questions. Australia Zoo is doing all it can to save endangered species of tigers, writes Bindi Irwin, and she […]
Sonia Kruger models for The Weekly in December
Celebrity News

60 seconds with Sonia Kruger

Dancing with the Stars presenter, ballroom dancer Tina Sparkle in the Aussie smash hit movie Strictly Ballroom, entertainment reporter and all-round Australian icon, Sonia Kruger talks to The Weekly in our 60 second celebrity grill! If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? My inability to take anything seriously. All-time favourite […]
A Question of Death by Keyy Greenwood
Celebrity News

*A Question of Death*

Exclusive extract from A Question of Death (Allen and Unwin) by Kerry Greenwood. Marrying The Bookie’s Daughter ‘Phryne,’ said Lindsay Herbert. ‘Will you marry me?’ Phryne Fisher had been drowsing, lying naked on her moss-green sheets with the young man’s head on her shoulder. Now she was shocked awake. She released Lindsay and slid down […]
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Christmas counts!

There’s no denying that when it comes to weight loss, Christmas really counts. Or does it? Many people feel that they put on huge amounts of weight over the Christmas period, but is this really true? Let’s explore a little further and look at ways to curb the Christmas kilojoules. Holiday weight gain Although it […]