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Energise your life!

When was the last time you felt your whole being hum with vitality? Try working one or two of these tips into your day as first aid for feeling worn out. 1. Kickstart with cayenne: Start the day with a glass of warm water, the juice of ½ a lime, a teaspoon of honey and […]
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New looks for an old-fashioned darling

Want a gorgeous big flower that blooms in sun or light shade, doesn’t need watering, pruning, weeding or feeding, and will refuse to die even if a semi-trailer backs over it? Then you need some agapanthus. Agapanthus are among the most generous bloomers about but… (there are always ‘buts’ in the gardening world!): ‘But’ number […]
Addition by Toni Jordan
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Exclusive extract from Addition by Toni Jordan. It’s Friday, 13 degrees. It’s exactly 10.30 a.m. I leave the house on foot, like I do every day. 150 steps to the corner, then 400 to the next corner. 20 to cross the street. 325 to the next corner, then 25 paces to the front of the […]
Nicole Kidman – pregnant at last!
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Nicole Kidman – pregnant at last!

The stunning Aussie beauty and award-winning actress has announced to the world that she’s expecting a baby with her husband, rocker keith Urban. It’s certainly no secret that Nicole Kidman has desperately wanted a biological child of her own for many years and especially since her wedding in June 2006. After much media speculation and […]
Bindi, the Jungle Girl: Kookaburras
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Bindi, the Jungle Girl: Kookaburras

What creature laughs so loudly in the morning that it’s also called the Bushman’s Clock? A kookaburra, writes Bindi Irwin. Pick up a copy of the January issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly to read more about this Aussie favouriet — the kookaburra Kookaburras are one of my favourite true blue Aussies. Their happy, laughing […]
60 seconds with Deborah Hutton
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60 seconds with Deborah Hutton

One of the most recognisable and best known personalities in Australia — and our beautiful cover girl for our January issue, Deborah Hutton gives us a 60 second insight into her busy life! What are your new year’s resolutions? Spend more time on the golf course…bring on those Callaways!! If you could change one thing […]
Bitter Chocolate by Lesley Lokko
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*Bitter Chocolate*

Download your exclusive first chapter from Bitter Chocoalte by Lesley Lokko here. Marrying The Bookie’s Daughter Port-au-Prince, Haiti 1985 On a hot, sultry afternoon in May when the breeze has stopped and the air was oppressively still, Ameline, the reste-avec in the St Lazare household, pushed open the door to the parlour, dragging her bucket […]
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The *Skinny Bitch Diet* review

This diet book written by Rory Freedman, a former agent for Ford Models and a self taught know-it-all together with Kim Barnouin a former model who holds a Masters of science degree in Holistic Nutrition is referred to by the authors as a ‘no nonsense, tough–love guide for savvy girls who want to stop eating […]
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Top Nutrition Trends for 2008

Does it seem that every time you enter the supermarket there’s a new healthy product on offer? With a growing public interest in nutrition and wellbeing, food manufacturers are tapping into nutrition trends with a fast stream of new products in development. So what is likely to be hitting our stores in 2008? We can […]
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A surprising cure for anxiety

Sure, listening to music is enjoyable — but it seems it has hidden healing potential as well. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques indicate that music activates the brain’s ‘pleasure centres’, which in turn lower blood pressure, improve sleep quality, and reduce depression and anxiety. In a study from Temple University, Pennsylvania, patients who listened […]