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*The Weekly* takes Feature Writer of the Year!

Michael Sheather, Associate Editor (news) at The Australian Women’s Weekly, has been named this year’s Feature Writer of the Year by the Magazine Publishers of Australia (MPA). Michael was named MPA Journalist of the Year in 1998 after a news-breaking AWW cover story about Thredbo landslide survivor, Stuart Diver. He was born in Narrandera, in […]
Wedding woes: New charges for trying on wedding dresses
Sex & Relationships

Wedding woes: New charges for trying on wedding dresses

As if tying the knot wasn’t expensive enough — the latest cost to be added to the ever-growing list of wedding expenses is for trying on bridal dresses, a new measure being introduced by a number of high-end designers and boutique stores across Australia. The charges, which have applied for some time in the UK […]
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Smart snacks for winter comfort

We’ve already touched on how common it is to experience kilogram creep in winter. The main problem is that many people do not turn around and lose this extra padding in the summer. Rather the extra 1 kilogram or more gained will become a permanent fixture, year after year. So here are our smart snacks […]
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Lean and Mean…Pork?

A recent study into the nutrition composition of pork conducted in conjunction with CSIRO has dispelled a common misconception that the meat is high in fat and best limited from the diet. In fact the survey found that lean, trimmed pork is just a lean as skinless chicken. Let’s explore the nutrition benefits of pork […]
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How to huff and puff with asthma

This month we talk to Dr George Janko, Medical Director, McKinnon Sports Medicine centre on his advice on how best to approach physical activity if you or a family member has asthma. What is asthma? Asthma is a breathing disorder caused by an over sensitivity of the linings of the airways, leading to constriction of […]
Is your fridge a health hazard?

Is your fridge a health hazard?

Badly stored food can harbour a formidable range of disease-causing bacteria. Make sure you stay safe and that your fridge is well-stocked and clean with these 10 tips: 1 Invest in a good quality frost-free fridge so you don’t have to worry about defrosting it. 2 Put a small bowl of vanilla essence on a […]
Less stress with aromatherapy

Less stress with aromatherapy

Good scents make good sense when it comes to nixing stress. According to a study from the School of Dentistry at Japan’s Meikai University, test subjects who inhaled lavender or rosemary essential oils for five minutes were found to have reduced levels of the stress hormone cortisol in their saliva samples as well as significantly […]
Be a summer fashionista

Be a summer fashionista

It’s never too late to start taking an interest, and more importantly have some fun with fashion. Deciphering trends from the very creative, and often impractical, designs of fashions high-end labels can be trying even to those who are fashion minded. International magazines are a great way to look at the trends that will soon […]
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How to have a jungle on your balcony

Ever looked up at a block of flats, all bare and boring…and seen one that looked like a small piece of paradise among the concrete? Anyone can have a glorious balcony or patio. It just needs a bit of planning- and five minutes work a week. Choose the right plants. Balconies get hotter, colder, and […]