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Kate Winslet — golden girl

Kate Winslet — golden girl

The Oscar-winning British beauty is a woman who men love to love and women want to be — and she does it all with a refreshing lack of pretension and an intimidating talent. In 2007, at the tender age of 31, Kate became the youngest actress ever to earn five Oscar nominations. This year’s Academy […]
Be happy without being perfect

Be happy without being perfect

Give yourself a gold star Prioritise tasks Settle for 85 per cent Bless the mess YOUR SAY: Are you a perfectionist needing to cut yourself some slack? Tell us below!
Good for your gut

Good for your gut

Give the Mylanta a miss. When tummy troubles strike, try these natural stomach soothers to relieve unwelcome gurgles, hiccups and burps. Get herbal help Ginger has antispasmodic properties and is excellent for settling stomach upsets and easing nausea. Take it in capsule form; or, nibble candied ginger. A cup of chamomile tea will relieve indigestion […]
Wife beater given a bravery award

Make gratitude an attitude

In a study from Miami University, psychologists divided people into three groups, each of which was instructed to keep a different kind of journal. One group recorded daily events, another recorded problems, while the third group listed everything they were grateful for. The researchers found that this third group scored much higher on tests for […]
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Sleep slashes diabetes risk

The two best-known risk factors for type 2 diabetes are a lack of physical activity and overindulgence in refined and processed foods. Now, according to a study published in the journal Sleep, it appears getting a good night’s rest also protects against diabetes. The study, authored by James Gangswich, PhD, of Columbia University in New […]
Six races, six faces: Black beauty

Six races, six faces: Black beauty

Australia is known for its ethnic diversity. From Indigenous to blonde, Mediterranean, Asian, Celtic and dark-skinned, Australian multi-cultural beauty embraces all races, skin tones, hair and eye colouring and exudes a fresh and natural appeal, which reflects the vibrant, laid-back spirit of the country. Black beauty When world-renowned make-up artist Bobbi Brown first started working […]
Six races, six faces: Asian attributes

Six races, six faces: Asian attributes

Australia is known for its ethnic diversity. From Indigenous to blonde, Mediterranean, Asian, Celtic and dark-skinned, Australian multi-cultural beauty embraces all races, skin tones, hair and eye colouring and exudes a fresh and natural appeal, which reflects the vibrant, laid-back spirit of the country. Known for porcelain skin, almond eyes and beautifully shaped lips, Asian […]
Six races, six faces: Mediterranean/hispanic

Six races, six faces: Mediterranean/hispanic

Australia is known for its ethnic diversity. From Indigenous to blonde, Mediterranean, Asian, Celtic and dark-skinned, Australian multi-cultural beauty embraces all races, skin tones, hair and eye colouring and exudes a fresh and natural appeal, which reflects the vibrant, laid-back spirit of the country. Women with a Mediterranean or Hispanic background normally feature darker olive […]