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Gaudy bulbs for winter cheer

Gaudy bulbs for winter cheer

Sometimes you come across a plant that you’ve ignored for years, and realise it’s so absolutely perfect that you don’t know why you haven’t planted hundreds of them years ago. I had one of those moments two years ago, when I looked at a friend’s nerines. I’d never even thought of growing any before – […]
<i>The Help</i> by Kathryn Stockett

*The Help*

An exclusive extract from the Great Read in the April issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly: The Help by Kathryn Stockett (Fig Tree) Constantine came to work in our house at six in the morning and at harvest time, she came at five. That way she could fix Daddy his biscuits and gravy before he […]
Comedienne Magda Szubanski just keeps on shrinking
Celebrity News

Comedienne Magda Szubanski just keeps on shrinking

Now she’s lost a total of 75cm from her body. Since she began her weight-loss crusade, Magda has lost 26kg — including a massive 16.5kg since she joined weight loss program Jenny Craig. Magda has lost so much weight, she now has to don a full body fat suit when she takes to the stage […]
Jennifer Hawkins talks fashion and beauty
Celebrity News

Jennifer Hawkins talks fashion and beauty

As MYER lanched their Autumn/Winter 2009 collections at Melbourne’s Whitehouse Institute of Design in glam style last night — The Weekly’s Online Editor Yvette Le Grew, talks to the stunning face of MYER, Jennifer Hawkins. See Jen on the catwalk at the MYER Autumn/Winter collections launch Who are your favourite Australian designers? I love Camilla […]
April Rose in excess style
Celebrity News

April Rose in excess style

She’s the daughter of INXS musician, Kirk Pengilly but she has shunned the coat-tails of her famous father by gracing catwalks the world over under the pseudonym — April Rose. This week, the 20 year old model-turned-actor will be the face of the L’Oréal Melbourne Fashion Festival, an honor formerly bestowed upon the likes of […]
Growing through grief
Sex & Relationships

Growing through grief

Grief is like a cyclone – violent and uncontrollable, it rips through us, upending our lives. Even when the shock has passed, we are left dazed, sifting through memories and trying to make sense of an unfamiliar, devastated landscape. Grieving is a natural response to loss and the more you loved that person, the more […]
Allergy fears cause party-poopers in schools

Allergy fears cause party-poopers in schools

Growing fears about allergies are fuelling schools and kindergartens to ban parents from bringing in birthday cakes and other party treats to celebrate their children’s birthdays. Gone are the days when you could send your child off with a tray of cupcakes to share with their classmates as parents are being told that it is […]
Two hours of TV per day increases risk of asthma in kids

Two hours of TV per day increases risk of asthma in kids

Sitting your kids down in front of the television could be more harmful than you think, new research shows. Children who watch more than two hours of television a day have twice as much chance of developing asthma as those who watch less than this. This new research conducted by the Medical Research Council in […]
Prevent one third of cancer with a healthier lifestyle

Prevent one third of cancer with a healthier lifestyle

Eating more fruit and vegetables and consuming less red meat and alcohol could prevent thousands of incidences of cancers each year, according to a major new study. The World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) discovered that 12 major types of cancer, including breast, bowel, stomach and pancreatic cancers, could be reduced by 39 per cent simply […]