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The no-diet weight loss strategy that actually works

Can you really lose weight without ‘dieting’? long term and keep it off? In a healthy way? Yes if you know what it takes to lose weight: creating an energy deficit. Energy or kj’s work like this; you intake energy from food and you use it to sustain your body (all functions such as breathing, […]
All about nutritional supplements

All about nutritional supplements

Question: Are there greater benefits in eating whole foods as compared to taking nutritional supplements? Answer: Supplements can’t supply all the nutrients in food. Food is very complex. Whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes and wholegrain breads and cereals contain thousands of phytonutrients that can interact with each other in positive ways. When […]
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Blood pressure news

The bioflavonoid nutrient quercetin is best-known for its anti-cancer prowess and its ability to optimise the body’s utilisation of vitamin C. Now, according to a study from the University of Utah, published in The Journal of Nutrition, it appears that taking a daily supplement of 730mg of quercetin can also significantly lower both systolic and […]
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Another good reason to pick red

The evidence in favour of drinking moderate amounts of red wine just keeps stacking up: it’s an antioxidant, an anti-inflammatory, and it helps keep heart disease at bay. Now, according to a new study published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention, it seems red wine can also reduce your risk of lung cancer. Researchers from […]
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Mealtime madness: keeping your kids nourished

If you feel as though you need to be a professional negotiator and full time chef just to get through dinner time with your kids, you’re not alone. Getting your kids to eat what you’ve made is a common struggle amongst parents. And, doing it with little fuss or complaint seems to be equally as […]
The truth about 'low fat' and 'diet' foods

The truth about ‘low fat’ and ‘diet’ foods

Sifting through the marketing jargon of descriptive labels on foods these days can leave even a nutritionist questioning which way to go. Low-fat, lite, light, fat-free, sugar-free, % free, no added, low, diet are just a few of the terms plastered on many packaged goods competing for our grocery dollars and confusing consumers everywhere. There […]
An anti-inflammatory diet

An anti-inflammatory diet

An anti-inflammatory diet If we could take a sneaky peak into the ‘inbox’ of scientists throughout the world, chances are the most common word would be inflammation. And whilst we may think of this as your knee swelling when you cop a knock in sport, this kid is a little different. The correct terminology for […]
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All about cholesterol

Question: I often hear about cholesterol and the different types. Can you tell me which one we need to increase and which one we should try to reduce? Answer: Cholesterol is essential to life. It is a soft waxy substance that helps form cell walls and makes hormones. The body produces most of the cholesterol […]