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Oprah’s secret garden

Surrounded by a sea of rose bushes, hydrangeas and dahlias, US chat show queen Oprah Winfrey’s California teahouse is the one place she can go to get away from it all, writes Janet Sternburg in the June issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly. See seven of Oprah’s stunning favourite roses here. Oprah sits on a […]
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Australia loves Rebecca Gibney

Australia loves Rebecca Gibney – her Gold Logie proves that. Yet her success has masked enormous pain, as she tells Wendy Squires. It’s hard to comprehend that the story Rebecca Gibney is telling could actually have happened. It seems impossible that the bubbly actress with the twinkling periwinkle blue eyes, easy smile and contagious laugh […]
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Madonna gets the best bang for her bucks!

Turning 50, divorcing Guy Ritchie and controversy over her recent attempt to adopt Mercy, a four-year-old orphan from Malawi, doesn’t seem to have dented Madonna’s fortune – or her bankability. Robert Sandall investigates the business of being a Material Girl. She flagged herself in her 1985 hit as a Material Girl and what a prophetic […]
The year that broke my heart
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The year that broke my heart

In her most revealing interview yet, Deborah Hutton tells Michael Sheather about her devastating family tragedy, a new romance and how, at 47, she has come to terms with never having babies. You could be forgiven for believing that Deborah Hutton, one of Australia’s most recognised faces, leads a perfect life, unblemished by the troubles […]
Photography by Lisa Tomasetti, courtesy of Bill's Holiday.
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Life on the edge

Celebrity chef Bill Granger is well-known for his upbeat personality, yet, as he reveals in an intimate interview with Sue Williams, he has suffered from depression. Lauded around the world for his happy-go-lucky, laidback Aussie style, award-winning restaurateur and TV chef Bill Granger seems to have it all. His books sell in their millions internationally, […]
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*Is Anybody There?*

Is Anybody There? Michael Caine, veteren actor and now knight of the realm, has begun to specialize in curmudgeonly old characters with hearts of gold beneath their grim exteriors. He wheels out just such a chap again in Is Anybody There?, a Channel4-style movie, choc-full of trademark British humour with a bleak undercurrent. Though in […]
*The White Woman on the Green Bicycle* by Monique Roffey
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*The White Woman on the Green Bicycle* by Monique Roffey

Download your exclusive first chapter from The White Woman on the Green Bicycle by Monique Roffey here. About this book: An epic and strikingly original love story set in hot, steamy Trinidad. British couple George and Sabine arrive there as passionate newly weds. He is seduced by the beauty of the place, she senses the […]
How to knit
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How to knit

If you have never knitted before, here’s how to get started… Click here for a full step by step guide to knitting A sneak preview Casting on 1 Wind the yarn around your left index finger to make a circle as shown above. With a knitting needle, pull a loop of the yarn attached to […]
Warwick Thornton's 'Samson and Delilah'
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*Samson and Delilah*

Samson and Delilah If it’s possible to pack a wallop at the same time as being quiet and unassuming, Warwick Thornton’s first full-length feature does it. “Samson and Delilah” has been selected for this year’s Cannes International Film Festival and I expect it will wow audiences there, as it should and hopefully will here in […]
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Sex & Relationships

Are you relationship ready?

Drop the baggage If you want to start something new with somebody, it’s unlikely to happen or be successful if you’ve got a ton of emotional baggage hanging around. Signs that you still need to let go are… You still think about your ex a lot – more than three or four times a week/day/minute. […]