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Heartbreak could be deadlier than you think!
Sex & Relationships

Heartbreak could be deadlier than you think!

A turbulent love life might cause more serious issues for women than just reaching for that tub of ice cream, box of chocolates or soppy DVD. Alarmingly, hypertension, abdominal obesity, high blood sugar, high triglycerides and low levels of HDL, or “good” cholesterol in women have been linked to the anger, conflict and hostility experienced […]
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Celebrity News

Two great icons die

The world has virtually ground to a halt with the death of two of the greatest icons of our time. Music legend Michael Jackson has died from a reported heart attack at the age of 50 and screen icon and sex symbol Farrah Fawcett, famed for her role in Charlie’s Angels, has also passed away […]
Sonia Kruger: Life after divorce
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Sonia Kruger: Life after divorce

When Sonia Kruger’s marriage broke up, she turned to her life-long friend, Todd McKenney, for support. Amazingly, as she tells Wendy Squires, Todd stepped in with not only love and comfort, but a heartfelt offer to father her much-wanted child. It’s said the true test of a friendship is being there through the tough times, […]
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Celebrity News

The many faces of Toni Collette

Toni Collette has come a long way from her difficult 20s. Today, she is a successful actress with a loving husband and beautiful daughter, who has found her true path, as she tells Michael Sheather. To see more of beautiful Toni throughout her career, click here. Toni Collette’s smile is practically incandescent. In the grey […]
*Perfection* by Julie Metz
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*Perfection* by Julie Metz

Download your exclusive first chapter from Perfection by Julie Metz here. About the author: Julie Metz is a graphic designer and freelance writer. She lives with her daughter and partner in Brooklyn, NY. She is currently a recipient of a Macdowell Fellowship. About the book: A breathtakingly honest, gloriously written memoir about the complexities of […]
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Awaken your intuition

Intuition – that gut feeling, hunch or sixth sense you get when you instinctively know what to do in a certain situation, but have no idea why – is not some mystical power or a gift for a privileged few. It is a valuable, often under-utilised tool that everyone possesses. Research suggests that the pineal […]
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Food processing peril

Why do people who don’t smoke get lung cancer? According to research from Seoul National University, published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care, it’s because they eat a diet high in inorganic phosphates, chemicals which are used in many processed foods, including meats, cheese, and baked goods. “Our results clearly demonstrated that […]