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Does the “pop” from spinal manipulation mean anything?

Go for some spinal manipulation and you’re likely to get a therapist that works hard to get an audible “pop” or “crack” in the back, with the implicit suggestion that this means you’re better. Yet is this so? Does the “pop” actually relate to the outcome in a patient with back or neck pain? Not […]
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The essential fat

They are promoted on some food products, available as supplements and mentioned in magazine articles and television advertisements. Your doctor may have even suggested that you eat more of them. But do you really understand omega-3 fats and why they are important in our diets? And if you don’t eat fish, can you get enough? […]
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Style advice from *Project Runway*’s Sarah Gale

Sarah Gale, international trends forecaster and one of the judge on hit television show, Project Runway walks us through the new seasons fashion trends and helps us decide what to stow and what to throw. What fashion pieces should make up the basis of my wardrobe? What pieces does every woman need? Jeans: These days […]
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More fruit and veg can reduce your cancer risk

Your Gran’s favourite adage can actually help prevent cancer: in a recent report by the Cancer Council, eating more veggies and fewer lollies can help reduce your risk of bowel, liver, oesophagus (food pipe), lung and stomach cancer. According to the report, unhealthy diets, as well as lack of activity and obesity, can account for […]
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A drink a day keeps brain fog at bay?

According to a study from Chicago’s Loyola University, reported in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, moderate drinkers — defined as women who drank one alcoholic beverage a day and men who drank one or two — have less memory loss than teetotallers. Although long-term alcohol abuse can certainly harm the brain, moderate drinking […]
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What is wealth, anyway?

WITH more and more media focus being on unemployment, poverty, the global financial crisis and how long it all might last for, it seems like now is a good time instead to be thinking about wealth and what it means. According to the latest research by George Kinder of the Kinder Institute in the United […]
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Eco friendly eating

Most of us are aware of the relationship between what we eat and good health, but do our food choices also affect the health of our environment? Reducing our emphasis on animal foods in favour of more plant-based foods is one way we can help to reduce our impact on the environment. This is partly […]
The delights of daisies

The delights of daisies

**”Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do. I’m half-crazy, all for the love of you” — ‘Daisy Bell’ by Harry Dacre.** If I were to choose one bush that would give flowers for most of the year, or even all year round in frost-free climates, tolerate drought and grow from a cutting stuck into the […]
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Overcoming the weight loss plateau

Here’s something you won’t read about all that often: weight loss is not a linear process. In other words, you’re unlikely to lose a predictable 1 or 2 kilograms per week until you get down to where you want to be. Why don’t the TV shows talk about this? Because they don’t want you to […]