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The Jackson reality TV show

The brothers of the late King of Pop are going to appear in a reality TV show together, US cable network A&E has announced. In pictures: Michael’s memorial The show will be expanded from documentary footage Michael Jackson’s brothers Jermaine, Jackie, Marlon and Tito filmed before Jackson’s death in June. The documentary revolved around the […]
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Kylie is our most powerful brand

Kylie Minogue has come a long way from her overall-sporting days of Neighbours, beating media moguls, sports stars and even our Prime Minister in a poll of Australia’s most powerful brands. In pictures: See the world’s most powerful celebrity brands The survey, conducted by Talent Inc!, asked around 400 people which Australian they thought best […]
Julie joins The Weekly
Celebrity News

Julie joins The Weekly

MasterChef catapulted Julie Goodwin from a working mum to national celebrity. She tells Larry Writer about her new-found fame – and the family legacy that inspires her passion for good food. MasterChef winner Julie Goodwin knew her life had changed forever when she visited the local supermarket to buy mementoes for the funeral book of […]
Photography: Peter Brew-Bevan

Prime time: Thérèse Rein

Thérèse Rein is a different kind of PM’s spouse, with her own successful business and identity, but her roles as mother and supportive wife are what she treasures most, writes Michael Sheather. First ladies of the world Thérèse Rein is clearly a very different prime ministerial wife. Never before has the country’s leader been partnered […]
The shape we’re in
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The shape we’re in

Thirty years ago, Susie Orbach identified fat as a feminist issue and went on to become the world’s most famous psychotherapist when she treated Diana, Princess of Wales. Today, as she tells Janice Turner, “body distress” is no longer an illness suffered by the few, but a Western epidemic. Such was the revolutionary vigour of […]
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Congratulations to our winners

Congratulations to the 1500 people who entered the contest and poured so much effort and passion into their stories. We appreciate the time and skill of the judging panel, which comprised the former Editor-In-Chief of The Weekly, Robyn Foyster, Ali Watts, Associate Publisher, Adult Books, of Penguin and literary agent, Selwa Anthony. Big thanks must […]
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Small food steps: big world difference

More than 1 million copies of the book Change the World for Ten Bucks have been sold internationally. It’s a book that urges people to do small things that make a big difference. Since its launch, more than 2 million actions have been completed by readers in Australia and New Zealand alone. Sanitarium nutritionist Cathy […]
<i>Bad Behaviour</i> by Liz Byrski

*Bad Behaviour* by Liz Byrski

Download your exclusive first chapter from Bad Behaviour by Liz Byrski here. About the author: Even today, Liz Byrski can hardly believe it. There she was in London in 1968, a very exciting place to be in a year of monumental change and upheaval, and what was she doing? “I was pregnant with my first […]
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Poor sleep also increases diabetes risk

A recent finding relating to lifestyle risk is the association between lack of sleep and Type 2 diabetes. Humans, it seems, were designed to get around seven to eight hours sleep a night and they did, until Thomas Edison came along and invented the light bulb. Since then and with the advent of night-time entertainment […]
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Crazy busy?

You already know the basics for coping with stress — eating sensibly, getting enough rest and exercise, drinking less coffee and more water. But what about those subtle ‘energy vampires’, the thoughts and habits that make you feel joyless? Here are five lesser-known causes of exhaustion and what you can do about them. Connect with […]