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Make a difference: recycle!

It doesn’t take much to make a difference to your family’s recycling habits. Chances are, you already put your old papers in the allocated bin and rinse out your used tins and put them in the recycling, but there are more ways to help the environment. What can you recycle? The usual recycling items include […]
The perfect chicken breast

The perfect chicken breast

Question: My cooked chicken breasts are always dry. How do I cook them so they stay moist? Toughness and dryness is usually caused by overcooking, which happens if the temperature of the pan or oven is too hot – the outside cooks quickly to a thick, crust-like edge, while the inside takes longer to cook. […]
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Celebrity News

Jackman to get Oscar call back?

The Internet is rife today with rumours that The Academy Of Motion Picture Arts And Sciences is “desperate” to entice Hugh Jackman to host the Oscars again in 2010. The opening number of the 2009 ceremony showed Hollywood his versatility. He can sing, dance and act — all the while oozing charm. It’s that kind […]
Adam Harvey’s *Both Sides Now*
Celebrity News

Adam Harvey’s *Both Sides Now*

For seven-time Golden Guitar winner Adam Harvey, a duet with Idol winner Guy Sebastian might not seem like an obvious choice. But Adam Harvey has teamed up with the Idol alum and other famous Aussies (and one adopted Aussie in Leo Sayer) to put together a feel-good duet CD that is sure to be a […]
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Go fish, fight cancer

Good news for guys, just in! Fish high in omega-3 fatty acids — such as salmon, tuna, mackerel and sardines — has been strongly linked to a decreased risk of developing prostate cancer. The Harvard School of Public Health study, published in Clinical Cancer Research in the United States, examined the dietary habits of nearly […]
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Stop work, drop dead!

New research from the US has found that people who retire and stop working altogether are less healthy than their part-time working counterparts. University of Maryland researchers found that serious diseases such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease were less prevalent in those who were still carrying out some kind of employment. Those workers also […]
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Cancer: the food connection

Although the rates of cancers such as lung, colorectal, breast and prostate are on the increase around the world, the exciting findings of a scientific report titled Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity and the Prevention of Cancer: a global perspective bring hope that 30 to 40 percent of all cancers can be prevented simply by adopting […]
Apple pie

Keeping chocolate delicious

Question How is chocolate best stored? Answer Chocolate should be stored in cool, dry conditions. If it becomes too warm, the cocoa butter rises to the surface and a whiteish-grey film or “bloom” develops. The chocolate will still taste the same and, once melted, will usually return to its original colour. If chocolate has been […]
Film review: *Mao’s Last Dancer*
Celebrity News

Film review: *Mao’s Last Dancer*

Houston Texas comes to Sydney for Bruce Beresford’s latest movie, Mao’s Last Dancer, the dramatisation of the autobiographical bestseller of the same title. Mao’s Last Dancer is a stirring story of a young Chinese boy, Li Cunxin, who is plucked from poverty to attend ballet school in Beijing, and suddenly expected to perform an art […]