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Do less, achieve more

If you think you’re working at full capacity and still not getting everything done, take time to reassess your work habits. A few simple steps will soon have you leaving on time with a clear head and sense of achievement. The secret? Work smarter, not harder. 1. Make a list “The humble to-do list often […]
The people have spoken
Celebrity News

The people have spoken

The 2010 People’s Choice Awards were held in Los Angeles last night with a bevy of glamourous stars littering the red carpet. In the winners circle the Aussie’s were well represented, with Hugh Jackman taking out the award for Favourite Action Star, (beating out Christian Bale, Gerard Butler, Shia Lebouf and Vin Diesel) and Keith […]
Review: *Broken Embraces*
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Review: *Broken Embraces*

Spanish director Pedro Almodóvar has always had an affinity with women in his movies. They are often portrayed as iron-willed and given leading roles. Men always seem weak and enslaved by their weaknesses, usually towards women. Almodóvar tends to stick with his favoured leading ladies, and in his new film, Broken Embraces, we are fortunate […]
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The golden age

Seeing as better nutrition and improvements in medicine mean that we’re probably eventually going to live for longer, it’s good to know that we’re going to feel happier as we grow older. According to reports presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in August 2009, adults in their eighties are generally more […]
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Web surfing makes you smarter

Using the Internet stimulates your brain and may even help to counteract any age-related physiological changes that cause brain fog and poor memory, says a study from the University of California, Los Angeles. The study, which was reported in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, found that online searching significantly enhanced brain circuitry and helped […]
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Give fungicides the flick this summer

One of the worst benevolences ever perpetrated on a generation of children was free milk at school — especially in Queensland where I grew up. Every child had to drink their small bottle of milk every morning. All morning we looked out of our classroom and watched the milk getting hotter and hotter under what […]
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Celebrity News

Fallen Angel

Farrah Fawcett and Ryan O’Neal were the Angelina and Brad of their day until their stars were tarnished by drugs, infidelity and family pathology. In her last days, as Farrah lay dying of cancer, we shared Ryan’s vigil, learning the true struggles and breakthroughs of their 30-year romance. In the final days of Farrah Fawcett’s […]
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Oh, George

He’s smart, he’s funny … and he’s still single! George Clooney reveals all about life, past loves and his latest pranks, as he chats to us. George Clooney is everywhere this month: he provides the voice of the title character in the animated screen adaptation of Roald Dahl’s Fantastic Mr. Fox, he’s getting early Oscar […]
Star power: Rebecca Gibney
Celebrity News

Star power: Rebecca Gibney

I was a happy, bouncy, energetic tomboy when I was young. My concerned mum enrolled me in modelling lessons to teach me deportment and grooming, and that’s when I became aware of my body. Photographers told me I was too fat to be a model and I should lose 5kg. I was 15 and had […]
Photography by James Cant. Styling by Jane De Teliga
Celebrity News

Magda: my battle to stay thin

All of Australia watched and cheered as funny lady Magda Szubanski lost a massive 36 kilos. While ecstatic with the results, Magda tells Wendy Squires that she is also acutely aware that now is the time she’s most likely to slip up – and it terrifies her. It’s sundown at one of Sydney’s trendiest eating […]